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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/10/09 |Location=Masonic Cemetery, Sunnydale (TBD) |Synopsis=Willow and Spike talk about Buffy. It must be a day that ends in 'y'. |Cast of Characters=103, 190 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:103|Spike (103)}} has posed:'''\<br\>Trudging through the rolling hills of the cemetery, Spike moved with an unusual amount of pep in his steps. He was whistling a shanty little tune, and seemed to have a Japanese katanna, blunt edge up...")
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Revision as of 02:30, 8 March 2023

Some bloody tech support
Date of Scene: 09 October 2022
Location: Masonic Cemetery, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: Willow and Spike talk about Buffy. It must be a day that ends in 'y'.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Willow Rosenberg

Spike has posed:\<br\>Trudging through the rolling hills of the cemetery, Spike moved with an unusual amount of pep in his steps. He was whistling a shanty little tune, and seemed to have a Japanese katanna, blunt edge up against his right shoulder. Thing is, he had looked much, much better. There were cuts to his face, his shirt, his jeans, but not the coat. Never let the coat get damaged.\<br\>    There was quite a bit of blood, which had already cauterized and stopped bleeding. As he passed by a grave, he stopped, cast it a sideways glance, and shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "Sorry mate, guess someone finally caught up with ya." Reaching with his free hand into his coat, he leaned against the headstone, so he could support the blade against his shoulder and knee. This way he could open up a flask, taking a swig, and then pouring some on the grave. "This one's for you Bobby."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>Willow wasn't looking for Spike.. necessarily. But she had a sneaky suspicion she could find him here. Or some similar place. She figured if she found him.. somewhere.. she could talk with him about..\<br\>\<br\>Geez. There were so many things to talk to him about!\<br\>\<br\>"Spike? Are you here?" It wasn't that she was frightened, that kept her voice down. Just it was almost a full moon, and who wants to mess with that? Not her, that's who! Looking around she was almost ready to go when she heard him. "Spike! There you are!"
Spike has posed:\<br\>Finding Spike was both easy and difficult. He could often be found at a cemetery. But there were probably close to 50 of them in the area. He liked to frequent the Bronze, but then, who didn't? And being a vampire, he was most active during the night, except Spike was known to drive his Firelite in the day with duct tape windows, or visit the Magic Shop by using a blanket. Sunlight was an inconvenience for him.\<br\>    The way his lips curled in the moonlight was very much that of a predator that has found some prey, "been lookin' for me, have you? Brave girl, full moon tonight."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>Spike was also hard to pin on whether he was joking or serious.\<br\>\<br\>"Maybe?" Now that she had him, she felt embarrassed. "I mean, yes I was looking for you. But, no I was not?" Which was in Willow-speech her way of saying she did, unless he didn't want to be found. In which, she didn't want to.\<br\>\<br\>In other words, getting through to the mind of Willow was not worth it. Just play along, and nod.\<br\>\<br\>"Have you seen Buffy since she and Thomas broke up?"
Spike has posed:\<br\>Joking and serious are different modes for others, but with Spike, they were one and the same, "maybe," he repeated, taking another swig of his flask. He held it out to her, offering to share. "You trying to do Jimmy Durante from the Man Who Came to Dinner?" Knowing that it was probably from before her time, he was about ready to try his best at it, but then he froze.\<br\>    "No." There was so much said with body language, the emotions he went through. And yet, one word, two letters. And did he even inhale deeply? He doesn't even breathe, except when smoking a cigarette, or does he? It was confusing.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>Willow took his flask, but did not take a swig.. yet.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh! It's not like she is in trouble! At least not from Thomas. It's just.. she has lost almost 3 years, and - well, I can't manage to find out what happened to her." Whether Buffy keep it all bottled up from everyone, or just Willow.\<br\>\<br\>Then again, Willow has been nervous about talking with her since the kerfuffle. After all, the former Buffy, known as the alternaBuffy had opened a chasm between her and Willow. Then the real Buffy came back with her memory gone, but Willow still had memories of that time.\<br\>\<br\>Needless, it left Willow in a bind.\<br\>\<br\>But Spike was not only a friend, but Buffy had always let him in - regardless of which Buffy she had been.\<br\>\<br\>"Do you think you could talk to her, and check her out a little bit?" Sniffing the flask, her mouth was crinkly to say the least. "Uh.." Then she caught herself. And took a swig. "*Cough!* It's smooth."\<br\>\<br\>No it wasn't. At all.\<br\>\<br\>Handing the flask back to him.
Spike has posed:\<br\>"Three years..." it was a lot to someone of Buffy's age, and pretty much meaningless to someone of Spike's age. He was out of the loop, but that's to be expected. None of the Scoobies seemed particularly fond of him. Xander kept threatening to stake him, as if he could. And Captain Hair Gel hated him for butting in on his act of not entirely evil vampire. Maybe somebody should introduce the Nancy boy to Blade or one of the other grey vampires. Might give him some perspective.\<br\>    "I can talk to her, if I can find the girl." Whether or not she'll listen, remains to be seen. Though the man loved the reaction. He laughed, "no, that's not smooth. It's the cheap stuff. I'm not exactly rolling in it these days. God I miss just being able to nick what I want." He could still steal, but he couldn't fight if someone caught him thanks to that bloody chip in his head.\<br\>    He took the flask back, "Good riddance though. I never liked those White Court blokes. The way I see it, you take what you want, but there's no need to make 'em suffer. Stealing someone's essence, their emotions, their energy, sucking on them like a leech, a parasite..." he shook his head, taking another swig, "you're either evil, or you're not. What they do, that's just cruel." And unable to resist a dig, "Angel would like 'em."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>For that, Willow didn't quite manage to agree with Spike 100.\<br\>\<br\>"I don't know. He seemed to treat her right? I mean I didn't agree with everything they used to do. But I thought it was because, well because he took her away from our friendship." And a little bit more. "I think that we're all confused about what happened, and are reluctant to ask her."\<br\>\<br\>Angel had kept on the outside of their group during the whole affair.\<br\>\<br\>"I think she's been avoiding it herself. But you know that you and she have always have a special friendship. And I had a really hard time with her and my relationship during the whole time. It's not easy to bring up the past yet."
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike blinked a few times. His mind was processing that. He treated her right. He took her away from her friends. Those two statements were in conflict. And then it dawned on him. "So, you need a loud mouth, who's not afraid of getting punched in the face, or risk a stake to the heart, in order to get the Slayer to open up? I'm expendable." Yeah, it really was hard to tell when he was joking, or serious.\<br\>    "With three years of her life missing, she may not be able to explain it. Not that she needs to. She's a big girl. Still, those White Courts rub me the wrong way. If you love someone, you don't feed on them."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>Willow *blinks* then protests, "I don't think Buffy would stake you through the heart!"\<br\>\<br\>But she follows. It's the exact same reason for why she didn't want to approach the question herself. "So you will talk to her?"
Spike has posed:\<br\>"Sure, I'll have a nice little chat with her, if I can find her. Am I even invited to the Summers House these days. That girl invites and wards me as often as she orders a pizza. Or is that your work? I'll bet you've got a Spike kit, by the door, ready to uninvite me the minute I come too close to an uncomfortable truth."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:\<br\>Willow has to blush at that. "Mine. But I ward against hundreds of things! It wasn't against you in particular." In fact he was allowed into the apartment despite wardings. "Thank you, Spike. I'll owe you one."