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Latest revision as of 23:24, 23 October 2017

New Friends
Date of Scene: 04 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Crusader

Mercy Thompson has posed:
It's afternoon, late afternoon, and while most businesses have closed and re-opened for lunch, one particular business is just re-opening.

Mercy, the sole proprietor of Mercy's Garage, is just stepping up to the front door to her business. The business is in a small building, mostly slab gray, except for the sign that lights up above the door proudly displaying this business as 'Mercy's Garage'. As she unlocks the door, Mercy will likewise flip the sign that states 'Gone to Lunch' to 'Open'.

Her jangle of keys will be pocketed just as she begins to step inside. She's dressed in mechanic coveralls, with a black shirt beneath the bib and jeans beneath the leg's of the overalls. Her feet are covered by heavy steel-toed boots and last, but not least, in her left hand is a small bag from a local fast food place. As she steps into the front office of her garage she'll automatically look over her shoulder towards the street, before her gaze turns towards the front office of the room.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn own store always kept.... odd hours to say the least. For one reason or another. And after a rather explosive day yesterday, he had decided not to even open!

Instead he wandered around more or less the entire day, seeing what there was to see... and what he saw was Mercys' Garage!


A garage might have car parts... parts he can use to do some tinkering! Perfect! ANd it looked like the owner had just arrived. Bjorn jogs across the street and towards the garage and Mercy, his voice thundering out a deep and rolling "Hello!"

The unsually muscular seven foot man was dressed a bit oddly. He look to be wearing a skin-tight dark blue t-shirt and black jeans were normal...but he also wore leather bracers that had gold plates etched with tribal suns. His over sized chrome metal boots were polished to a mirror finish and styalized into looking like segemented 'power armor' boots.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Even without sensitive hearing Mercy would still have likely been able to hear that hello directed to her; door shut or not. While she was just in the act of stepping away from her front door to move further into the front office, that greeting causes her steps to pause.

And maybe, just maybe, a faint wince touches her features too. Sometimes enhanced hearing isn't always a bonus.

Turning her gaze back to the front door, Mercy will look out towards the street to see who called out. When she spies the rather large man jobbing towards her shop, she can't quite help the vague surprise that flickers her eyebrows upward. She wasn't anticipating such a ... big man to be coming towards her shop. Still. He looks friendly enough, even as she notes the slight oddity to his dress, but she's seen odder stuff in her lifetime.

When he's close enough to her garage, Mercy will easily swing the door open, to allow the man to enter. "Hello to you too." She'll say with a friendly enough voice, as well as a grin, "I hope you weren't waiting long? I just stepped out for a bite to eat."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn steps in, ducking to actually get through the front door after Mercy opens it for him. He shakes himself off before grinning wide showing off the unsually large canines...really any larger and they could have been orc tusks "Oh, no not at all! Bjorn was walking about, saw shop. Bjorn be doing the thinking.... and hoping you be doing the selling of parts!" he looks to Mercy seeming hopeful

The man was excitable as he was already seeing what parts may have been laying around the office if any "Hope you ate good. Good food is good for soul. Soul food." he had noticed Mercy surprised look from when he was jogging over, but make no mention of it. He was used to such things

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's another faint cast of surprise to her features when the large man speaks in that third person way - not to mention the size of those canines. It almost makes her think of the pack. Her head will cant to the side in consideration as she steps further into the shop; in part to set her bag of food down, but also to give Bjorn more room.

That bag of fast food (mostly eaten) will be set down atop the countertop that can be seen in the front office. Upon the countertop is a small silver bell, to be rung when a person comes in. Behind the countertop is a small plastic desk, with an antiquated computer sitting atop it. Also within the front office are a few plastic chairs; too small for anyone of Bjorn's size to comfortably fit within them. A door can likewise be seen behind the desk and currently it sits propped open, a large silver wrench propping said door open. Through that door is the garage proper, where a car lift can be seen, as well as tools and a variety of cabinets and work benches.

Within the front office itself there are no parts, but beyond that door some can be seen gleaming dully.

"Nice to meet you, Bjorn. I'm Mercy." She'll flash a grin again, since that might not have been hard to figure out, what with the shop's name. "And yes, my lunch was good, thank you. Food is good for the soul." She'll add in agreement, even as she considers his request about parts. "I do keep some stock on hand." She begins, "What sort of things are you looking for?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn bristles in excitment as he spots the dully gleaming parts. "Aha!" he exclaims excitedly and heads into the garage proper, the man never seemed to be quite still always moving it seems. He certainly didn't lack energer

Though he does not ignore Mercy of course "Anything really. Engine parts, wheel parts, hull parts. Any part! Bjorn hope to perhaps do some tinker.... oh oh oh, mabey be doing the making of the MonoCycle! That or car. Bjorn not really have car....Bjorn does not do well in cars, or buses" he explains

Yea that seven feet of man, weighs as much as two cars. Typically speaking, common vehicles were not normally an option for him.

He looks at the lift and than at the parts, also commenting "ALso how old is that computer of yours? Mabey if parts too expansive, we be doing the barter. Bjorn very good with the electronics. He can upgrade that old computer of yers" he offers...just in case.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When he all but barges (in excitement) behind the desk and through that connecting door to her garage, Mercy can only shake her head for a second. This is the second time today someone trampled into her garage without permission.

And yes, she knows she's a bit protective of her garage. It's like her baby.

Following after the big man, Mercy will say, "Yeah, I can see where you'd have trouble with cars and buses." She agrees with quite a bit of amusement in her voice, "A little cramped, I'd imagine." She continues with, even as she moves over to a specific work bench that has an engine upon it. The engine is mostly torn apart, possibly being used for parts, but what's there is quite clean and rust free.

His mention of a monocycle earns a curious look from the Coyote in human clothing, "What exactly is a monocycle?" She asks, even as she points towards the engines, "I can spare some of this engine, I've doubles of most of the parts, as well as a few other things in here." She'll point to a few more work benches which hold a variety of parts. Some electrical parts can be seen, but mostly actual car parts.

It's only as the situation calms down (relatively speaking) that Mercy will actually take stock of Bjorn. It's now that her expression will turn slightly perplexed; she didn't notice it before, but there's no heartbeat coming from the man. Her head tilts again to the side as she focuses her senses upon him. Yup, no heartbeat. That's definitely odd. And it's daylight so he's definitely not a vampire.

Still it's a mystery to be solved later, as Bjorn offers that barter option. Her expression lightens as she says, "I have no problems with bartering." She says, even as she considers that computer on the front desk. "I'd hazard to say it's ten years old or so. I got it second hand, so I'm not sure just how old it is." Really, it's more like fifteen years old.

Crusader has posed:
When in the garage, Bjorn seems to take stock of the layout, mostly seeming to be determing what was mostly like for sale. "Well... no not really. Bjorn like small spaces, they be doing the comforting for him" he says as he looks over the engines "It is.... other reasons" but he dosn't elaborate.

He goes to each one seeming to be determing what he can or can not use "Double of most of the parts? Very good... are any of these engines them fancy electric engines or hydro engines. Heard some cars been trying to use such hyppagraff" he says.

And no, Hyppagraff was not a real word.

Bjorn turns and grins "Monocycle.... well it is motor cycle but with only one wheel!" he explains "There be two versions. One is the seat placed directly ontop of a whell. It is quite compact in it sizing. The other, which Bjorn prefer is a extreamly large wheel with the sea housed INSIDE the wheel" he states clearly excited at the prospect

He gives pause and turns to Mercy "Ten years old?!?!" he exclaims "Good lord, the fact that it is still running is amazing. Must have been well cared for!" he thumps his chest, which is more metalic sounding than anything "Bjorn can fix that up good! Nice and fast!" he exclaim sure of his abilities... before pausing "...may need to pick up some parts from mah shop though"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy keeps stride with Bjorn and while she was nodding here and there to what he said, her gaze turns slightly scrunched when he uses the word 'hyppagraff'. "Uh -" She starts, "- not quite sure what a hyppagraff is, but I'm going to say no, mostly not. I typically tinker only with regular combustion type engines. I /can/ help repair with electric engines, but I'm best with combustion."

Her nostrils flare and just like the heartbeat she'll notice the oddity of his scent. Not quite human, but not anything like a were, or other magical being. And he definitely does not trigger her magical senses. However, the vaguest hint of metal can be smelled and it's enough to cause another one of those considering looks to flicker over Mercy's expressions.

Her curiosity takes a back seat when Bjorn finally explains a monocycle. "Oh, yes, I've seen those." Well, she's seen prototypes of what he's talking about, at least. "Can't say I've ever tried my hand at building one though." His excitement is (once again) seen and Mercy can't help a smile from tipping her lips upward. It's good to see someone so enthused by projects; even if the person is a puzzle to Mercy.

At his shock about her computer, she can't quite forestall the laugh that leaves her, "Well, I hate to add insult to injury, but I think the only reason why it works is because I rarely turn it on. I usually just hand write everything." Which isn't efficient, but clearly, Mercy doesn't mind. It's only when he mentions his shop that she'll ask, "Shop? What sort of shop? Garage?" She'll hazard a guess, even as she goes to a work bench to pull some of the more electrical items out for him to peruse. Mostly the parts have come from the internal computers of the more current car systems.