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Latest revision as of 17:41, 19 March 2023

Lurking in Darkness
Date of Scene: 17 February 2023
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: More girl bonding
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Harley Quinn

Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Wayne Manor is huge. The Bat cave underneath are perhaps even bigger. Really, it's gonna take a long time to explore through it all and learn all its secrets. Thankfully Selina has finally earned his trust after years of playing cat and mouse. So why exactly is she lurking about in the shadows with the bats and what's she looking for anyway?
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn On the other hand has learned really quick.. then again she's invaded the bat cave plenty of times and used to live with a guy who would build traps and secret passages all the damn time.. she's pretty good at finding and using them. Right now thouh she's got a BLT on a plate with some Korean beer and is walking with fuzzy bunny slippers towards somewhere.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle yawns and stretches as she flops down on one of the couches, staring at a tv news report about a gang of thugs who have been stirring up trouble in town lately. She often has to remind herself that they're on the same side now. No need to be lurking about anymore,right?\<br\>\<br\>Still, it is taking a bit to get used to seeing Harley looking so very comfortable here. And of course she has many questions. "Hey Harls." she smiles and nods to her, biting the fuzzy slipper with a thoughtful smile. "How's it going? You're looking comfortable." in contrast, Selina is herself clothed in black jeans and a tshirt, and shoes rather than fuzzy slippers. She hasn't quite accepted this place as 'home' no matter how temporary, yet.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>fuzzy slippers Pj's harley style ones of course but a big bright smile! She puts the plate on a small table and flops right ontop of the other woman and gives her a huge hug and kiss! right on the lips " Selina! " She beams brightly ' I misssed you soooooo much " She giggles " Super happy you decided to stay "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle arches a brow at the kiss on the lips - but it's Harley Afterall. She can't help but smile, wrapping her arms around her for a tight hug. "Hey there huh..How you been? I have so many questions for you." she shrugs, "Well, for now anyway. Gotta figure out what's happened to my memories Afterall. After I sort thoseout, who knows?" Selina's gaze does soften on her bff though. "I missed you too, Harls. It's been a long time. I guess a lot has changed Huh."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Sits up " Wait memories? You got the fuzzy brain ? " she says tapping her forhead " You know I can help ya with that " She says as she move backs to stuff her face into your chest and enjoy being flopped onto the other woman.. " I miss all da sirens.. more than I care to admit ... ah lost my head for a bit Mr. J had me screwed up "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns and nods, hugging Harley tight to her chest as she slowly guides them both back towards the sofa. "Well, I've been gone a while. A lot has happened, or not..I'm not really sure.." she sighs, seeming tired all of a sudden, "Let's just say, you're not the only one whose head was messed with. What the Joker did to you was unforgivable. But someone did something similar to me, I think. I got all these disjointed memories of a Vampire Lord whose voice and face I can't get out of my mind. Its like he got in my head, controlled my thoughts, my actions. And did something to my memories. I see snippets here and there but nothing makes sense..I'm not sure what he made me do..I need you to hypnotize me, maybe get some of those stolen memories back.."\<br\>\<br\>Selina looks back at Harley thoughtfully, "Is that something you can do, given your Psychologist background and all?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn pushes Selina into the couch and crawls right into her lap and take her hand and puts them onto her hips and nods " Yeah I can do that if it was a vamp they did some of that vodoo finger wiggle stuff so best if we use some drugs too , ta make it extra effective.. I rmember one of luthors girls telling me if ya use drugs it can help break magic stuff " . She smiles "I can try now if you want? "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks slowly, "Hey wait a minute..Drugs? Isn't that kinda dangerous? If he hypnotized me before I broke free.."Newell presumably, "Won't drugs just weaken my mind further? I mean what kind of drugs are we talking about?" she relaxes into the sofa, amused by Harley's relaxed position in her lap. But this is Harley Afterall.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Is very happy in a lap it seems as she's pushed against the other girl but she thinks " Yes and no.. you'd be under my control and I would supervise and make sure nothing bad happens when I put you under " She says simply and nuzzles your neck " up to you "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle hmms, stroking Harley's hair thoughtfully as she thinks, "Surrender control completely to you? Sounds potentially dangerous." she frowns, "I don't like the idea of being controlled..But this would be like hypnotism, right? you're what, gonna be sorting through my memories or something? only using drugs to do it?" it makes her nervous, but she is determined to get to the bottom of things, "Is this really the only way to do it?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Kisses Selina nose then puts her forhead to hers " Look I screw around alot.. and I know I do that alot " She says looking to the side " but this is important to you.. I don't screw around with important " She says softly " Were sirens I got you back kitty.. this is no ploy you asked me remember .. I won't screw you up "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks at that, but nods slowly, smiling nervously, "What the heck am I worried about, I trust you Harley..And you seem more sane than you were with the Joker. Just tell me one thing before we begin..Are there any side effects I should be worried about?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Blinks " Nope maybe a need to lick clown ?" She smirks and gives a cackle and a grin trying to make you smile " No might be drowsy a bi after that would be about it.. what makes you relax.. Did you wanna do this in a bath.. I remember you loved your hot baths " she says softly
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles, arching a brow, "Mmm, I haven't had a nice bath in a long time.." she yawns and stretches, arching a brow at her bff, "So let me get this straight, you're gonna treat me to a relaxing bath while you pick my brain for clues about my missing memories?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Smirks " Dosn't that sounds nice " She chuckles " It works better if your relaxing if your super neverous and on your guard it just makes it harder.. I wanna get to the middle of this as much as you do.. Nobody should have thier brains messed with "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nods and smiles, still a bit uncertain about all this..But she's gotta trust someone, right? "Alright then..I do enjoy my bubble baths, and Bruce has a pretty sweet one.." although she's mostly kept to the shower since her stay here, not wanting to over stay her welcome. "So then..Lead on. Tell me what I need to do. Are these pills gonna affect me right away or what?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Smiles as she back flips off her and stands up holding out her hand " COme on kitty kat " She says brightly taking your hand into her own soft one.. And leads you to one of the less used places in the house you can tell becuase thiers less shine.. and it's clear the stuff here is older . She looks back " Bruce dosn't come this way often.. so more private " She says brightly walking into a huge room with marble floor and a tub in the room starting the water.. and walking over to turn up the heat to warm up the room .
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle chuckles, climbing to her feet to follow after her, peering around thoughtfully. "Mm, is that so? I do like secret private rooms.." she smirks, peering around, sighing, "But in such a huge mansion there are bound to be abandoned places..Sounds exciting.." she grins, slipping out of her shoes and socks before peering around for a towel. "Warm is good, not like every day I get such luxuries."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn beams a huge smile as she thinks " Hold up " She runs out .. man she's quick she wants to be running top speed to go grab towels and soaps.. and bubbles and of course a medical bag of goodies.. it even has No fun drugs on the front of it !
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle chuckles in amusement, watching Harley zipping around. she's already turned on the bath tap, preferring the hotter the better as she waits for the bubble bath and this mysterious drug which makes her a bit nervous. "Hmm, some tea would be good too.." she offers as she slips out of her shirt, kneeling by the bath to test the water. "to be honest, it's been a long while since I even felt safe enough to take a bath.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Pops back in and moves over to hug super tightly against the other woman " It' sokay hun.. I'm here nobody gonna hurt you okay " She rubs her cheek on her " You always got a safe space with harley.. ivy taught me about it least I can do is be that for you "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nods and smiles, giving her a squeeze. "I know, Hun, you, me and Ivy..Best friends forever. I miss her too. So let's get this show on the road.." she tests the water, shrugging out of the rest of her clothes as she lowers herself into the bath tub. "Bring it on.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Puts her hand into the watter and swishes lots ot make lots of bubbles before she grins clearly having a harley moment .. before She kisses selina but mostly to distract her while she stabs her with a needle and injects her with something " Thier you go.. dont worry sugar it will just make you relax.. it's okay " She rubs selina's face and ahir softly.. " Listen to my voice.. your in a safe space and your with me.. Follow my finger "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle sighs and closes her eyes leaning back in the tub. "Mmm.l.Feels so good..Until Harley kisses her again and she blinks in surprise. "Uh..Heey.." but it works, she's distracted long enough for the jab to go in quickly, which relaxes her even more as she closes her eyes sleepily, leaning back into the tub, sinking deeper into bubbles. "Mmmhmmm..." she nods, opening her eyes again, following her finger..
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn While harley is crazy she still is a genius and she was a top level doctor who made it to arkham at a young age so she uses that skill now to put a very willful and powerful Selina under hypnosis bringing her first under and putting in saftey measurse so she can pull her out should something bad happen or a very bad memmory happens.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle seems to grow even more relaxed as her mind becomes more relaxed and open to the somewhat mad doctor. Hopefully not too mad. "Mmm, so sleepy.." she murmurs, sinking lower in the water, her mind now an open book, suggestive to whatever Harley might ask of her.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Puts her friend under and puts in place some saftey and nods her head softly " Now Selina, I want you to go back and remember go back to those fuzzy memories of the vampire I need you to remember and tell me what you remember "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle sighs, shrugging her shoulders, gripping the sides of the bath tub. "The vampire...Alejandro..Mm.." she closes her eyes, smiling fondly, and oh, are her cheeks a bit flushed now? "Oh...Alejandro, I miss you, it was love at first sight..Those dark eyes, that goatee..Your long thick hair..Mmm.." she licks her lips at the memory.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Smiles as she leans on the tub " That's a good memory that's cute but what did he want you to forget selina.. what did he ask you to forget "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle sighs and frowns a bit, stuck in the past. "Hypnotize? My Alejandro? Why would he do that? He loved me.." she seems quite upset at the mere thought. "It was ~loooove~ at first sight.." hey, even the way she speaks of him seems odd. Selina never falls so fast or hard for anyone at first sight..Does she?
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Frowns and cocks her head " Oh Why is he so awsome selina what makes him so great? " She asks " I didn't ask you if he Hypnotized you .. just what did he ask you to forget .. it's okay your safe he can't control you "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks slowly, trying to figure that one out. "Why is he so awesome? I...Don't really know. I just know that I'm uncontrollably, irrevocably in love for him. Kinda like magic." she laughs. But her smile quickly fades. "What was I asked to forget..." her frown deepens, swallowing. "He asked me to steal some blueprints for him, from an ancient museum in Bludhaven, but.." her frown deepens, "I don't recall what exactly what they were for.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Nods " it's okay selina your in a safe place try and remember think back to the day you got them .. I know you peeked you always peek " She smirks " Try to remember the blue prints nothing else just the blue prints what do you remember "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smirks! "Oh Harley, you know me. too well..Of course I peeked." she grins wickedly, trying to recall details. "It..Seemed to be a fancy schematic for an electromagnetic device that can affect a large area.." she frowns, seemingly fighting against whatever Alejandro was trying to force her to forget. "He...He was going to use it to...Oh. Right! To amplify his hypnotic powers, so he can affect a large group..Enslave the masses..Create a small army.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Smiles " Sounds a really neat plan, selina anything else he was gonna do to make himself more awsome? " She asks still playing he part letting your mind go with it not stressing it too hard after all . But she already has enough to tell bruce and get him to hunt this bastard down
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns, shaking g her head. "I don't...Oh, I think he hasn't completed his device yet..lHe still needs some key materials that he might find in Gotham to complete his device, but.." she sighs, rubbing her temples, suddenly looking uncomfortable, "Ugh, I've got a headache..So tired, can't think.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn nods " It's okay selina your back in that warm safe space.. your okay nobody will hurt you "' she smiles " So what do you think of bruce and me? " She can't help it she has to ask .
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks, sitting up straight, seeming to suddenly snap out of her trance, "Huh, what? Oh.." she yawns and stretches, straightening up in the bath a little, working on cleaning herself. "How strange..Like a dream, I guess I had nothing to worry about Afterall, Mm?" she smirks, but her smile hesitates at Harley's next question.\<br\>\<br\>"You and Bruce? Come on Harls, you know you're my best friend and I love you, and..Well, I guess Bruce and I never quite figured out if we were a long term thing or what. I mean, we've just been in and out of love for the longest time.." she frowns and shrugs, closing her eyes, scrubbing her skin so,e more, "Guess I was a bit surprised when I learned there was more than Rehabilitation going on between you two..Not that I'm mad or anything. I mean, Bruce and I weren't exactly going steady..."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn cocks her head when you snap out of it " Drat " She says to herself but she smiles " Okay but what about us three together " She suggests as she smirks " You know I dated ivy a while.. I don't mind sharing " She says brightly "But can you share? "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns a bit as that, running her fingers through her short wet hair. "When you say share..Do you mean..All of us at the same time? I mean..." she sighs a bit at that thought, sinking deeper into the water. "Like I said before, I'd be willing to share something only if I wanted it badly enough." and well, it's pretty obvious how she feels about Bruce at least.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Grins evily " That sounds like a yes " she says brightly as she kisses selina's cheek " I'm just happy your willing to give it a shot I know bruce wants ya still so I'm not stupid , Imma not get in the way of that.. I'd rather be in the middle it's more fun " She smirks wiggling her eyebrows
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle arches a brow at her, smirking, emerald eyes twinkling with amusement as attempts to playfully slash water at her. "In the middle of things, hmm? You're not..Threatened by my return..?" she shrugs, "And yet, he clearly wants you too so I guess we're both in the same boat." Selina sighs, arching her neck, "But I'm willing to look the other way, Afterall, I suppose I was the one who was in and out of his life over the past few years."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn acks " heeeeey " She pouts "Now I'm wet " she thinks " Ahh well and pulls her outfit off to jump into the tub with you with a giggle! "well kinda I know you two are like reall into each other but same time your both covered in spikes so you wanna be close but ya hurt each other.. and if I try and stop that I'mma just get hurt .. better to just help you two and maybe just maybe we can all be happy " .
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle chuckles, playfully splashing more water on Harley. "Covered in spikes huh...Not so much. We've openned up to each other, it's just that we're always on the opposite sides of the law. It's only recently that our goals happen to line up. Or maybe it's just that there are bigger threats than common thieves to worry about.."she shrugs, pulling out the loofah springs, making a twirling motion with her finger, "Turn around.." she smirks, sipping the loofah in soapy water. At least the tub is pretty big.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn turns around and shows off her fit little back and all those tatoos and ohh so pale skin.. she used to wear white makeup but after her dip in the chems her whole skin is bone white .. she she holds up her hair for you to wash her back enjoing some girl time! As she smirks " it's a mehaphore it's more than the law ' She says softly " Your own fears .. but the issue now is he is getting over his and your not willing to let go of yours " . She's still a doc!
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns as she peers at Harley's unusually pale skin, being gentle as she's rubs her back with the loofah. She just looks so delicate even though they both know Harls is tougher than she looks.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh? You're psycho analyzing now now hmm?" she smirks, giving her a playful tickle, "Come on, I have no issues, and I'm willing to forget my rocky past with him. Heck he's even willing to look the other way as long as I only target criminals."