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Latest revision as of 01:35, 31 March 2023

Waking up after an Intense Night
Date of Scene: 27 January 2023
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: What happened again?
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Thomas Raith

Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>The last several days had been a whirlwind of craziness, with Faith sticking around a little longer than expected, enjoying a little extra money in her pocket as a bouncer for The Blue Lady.\<br\>\<br\>Afterall, Christmas may be over, but many staff were still on vacation, and crime was at an all-time high. It's a good thing Faith actually enjoys beating up people, because she's far less gentle or diplomatic than Buffy, and most people know to stay out of her way.\<br\>\<br\>Working so closely with Thomas also meant it was easier (and frankly more enjoyable) to spend the night at his place, rather than go home to her dump of a Motel room. Of course, he might just tease her of making excuse after excuse but she'd never admit the truth. The morning finds her waking up with a bad hangover, groaning as she clutches her head. "Ugh, must have partied too hard last night, got the worst headache ever.." she mutters.\<br\>\<br\>Wait, what exactly happened last night, anyway?
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith looks amused, refreshed and hideously perfect first thing in the morning as always. He is even apparently having a good hair day, despite so far only having run his fingers through it. Bastard. "Well going ten rounds with Jose Cuervo, chasing it with a Slow comfortable screw up agienst the wall /and/ a Cock-Sucking Cowboy, beating the shit out of a guy who grabbed your ass and then dragging me up here by my tie and...not going to sleep will take it out of any woman, even a slayer." He says offering her a highball glass of whiskey. "Bit of the tail of the dog that bit you." He long learned it's not choclate and home cooking that raises Faith's spirits... it tends to be...well spirits..
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane rolls her eyes, sitting up, leaning her head against the bed head as she grabs the whiskey and takes a long gulp. "Seriously, do you have to sound so damn smug all the time? I mean, there's not even a scratch on you. Bastard." she glowers at him and it's hard as always, to tell if she's kidding or really means it.\<br\>\<br\>"Don't expect me to stick around forever, you know. I'm just here to use you and squeeze as much out of you as I can.." she smirks, defiant and cocky as always. But who exactly is using who, anyway?
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "I don't know about without a scratch, I mean you did a pretty good number on my back." He says playfully smirking and giving her a rather invasive look over with his eyes that clearly states he wouldn't mind having what he had for dinner for breakfast. Still he shrugs and lets her pull herself together. "I know Faith, we go through this every time you spend more then forty eight hours here. You are using me, I'm using you, it's a mutually benificial arrangement that either of us can remove ourselves from at any time."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane rolls her eyes, doing nothing at all to hide her partial nudity from him, with just the bed covers covering her lower half. Shy, she is not. "Take a loong look." she smirks, "I know you can't help yourself around me. Guess I just have that effect on you, don't I?" she pushes her chin forward, enjoying this little game as always, taking another long swig of the bottle.\<br\>\<br\>"Awe, did I scratch you too hard? Dont tell me you dont like it rough, cuz I know you do." she grins and winks at him. "Was it like this with you and Buffy? Using each other? Or was she really so stupid to mistake this for 'love'?" oh yes, she's treading on thin ice..Again.
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith sighs a little, "You know just for the record, when you screwed a guy eight different ways, and he is contimpulating another six ways to bang your brains loose before breakfast, bringing up his past lovers isn't that big of a turn on." He slips off the bed headed for the kitchen. His bare back definately showing the cross hash marks of their previous night of passion.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane arches a brow at that, slipping out of the bed to follow after him. On her way she grabs a short red silk night shirt to slip over her head as she goes. "Hey, wait up. I was just...Curious. You know. I mean, you're pretty..Impressive. Better than anyone I've ever had. Just makes me wonder if there's more to this, to us than just using each other is all." she frowns, "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it." Faith shrugs, toying with the buttons of her shirt.
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith sighs a little and turns to face her. "Maybe Faith. Maybe there could be... But answer me this, why don't you ever ask about Trini? Or Jessica? Or Dinah? Or Korri?" He takes a deep breath, "Because, lets be honest, no other woman I've been with matters to you. Allot of times it feels like you don't have any interest in being with me, all you seem to care about is fucking the guy who used to fuck Buffy. Buffy is in my past. I'm okay with leaving her there. Why aren't you?
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane opens her mouth, ready to give another typical callous, careless retort..But then thinks the better of it, shutting her mouth just as quickly. She sighs, stepping around him to face his back, running her hands slowly, thoughtfully over the angry red scratch marks she left there.\<br\>\<br\>"To be honest..I guess Buffy and I have never really seen eye to eye. We've always been rivals, she's always been better, prettier, more popular, more..Loved than me. Always. I've always been in her shadow and I hate it. Even now. Knowing that she meant so much to you, but I'm just..A distraction, I guess.."\<br\>\<br\>She frowns, letting the words hang in the air. "It bugs me that she turned her back on something so good. Something I guess I'll never have.."
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith takes a long slow breath and lets it out. "Faith, the only reason we are not more then... whatever it is we are, is because you've made it abundently clear you don't want that." He lets her touch the scratches, he keeps his words low and soft. "You aren't in a competition with Buffy. Not with me. And if it /were/ a competition, then take a look around. Is it your panties hanging from my lamp or a pair of happy sushi Pjs? Is it bublegum flavored toothpaste in my bathroom, or is it your colgate with baking soda? Is there red wine on my counter or whiskey? Faith you win by virtue of /being/ here. You already won... Or you would win, if you just decided to get off the sidelines and play the damn game. But there isn't room for three people in a relationship. I've already let buffy Summers go. All I am asking is for you to do the same.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane frowns, folding her arms as she thinks that over. She peers around the place and realizes that yeah, he's right. She's already left her mark here, and on his life. Maybe, but..She takes a step nearer, reaching out to caress his cheek with surprising gentleness, for Faith.\<br\>\<br\>"Yeah, yeah I did say that once. But.." she draws a deep breath. "Maybe I want you more than just to use your body. Maybe things have changed. Maybe, just once, I wanna know what it feels like to be wanted for more than just my body. I mean.."\<br\>\<br\>Ugh, she's soo not good at these heart to hearts, but here goes nothing. "Back during that Splattercon!!! thingie, we..We really bonded. You got to take a peek into the deepest darkest corners of my mind, and I got to see in yours. And we both helped each other, heck, maybe we even bonded a little too, so.."\<br\>\<br\>She's subconsciously stroking his face now, a pained, broken expression on her face. "Maybe I can put her behind me finally..As long as I know I'm more than just a distraction.."
Thomas Raith has posed:\<br\>Thomas Raith doesn't answer. Not with words anyway. He reaches to her and tilts her chin up. There is no snide remarks. No gentle jabs. This is the most vulnerable he's seen the Dark Slayer, including that battle at Splattercoon!!! And so he lowers his lips to her's and kisses her... not the dueling tongue fest they usually have. Not laced with tendrils of Hunger driving the pleasure and lust center's of her brain crazy. Just a long, honest simple kiss. Because sometimes there aren't the right words.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane moans softly as she melts into his arms. Honestly, she's never really shown any sort of vulnerability to anyone else before now. But things between them have perhaps changed. Maybe she's not just here to use him, and vice versa. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as she returns an equally deep and heartfelt kiss, no lust there, just desire for him, maybe something else as well, a more tender feeling than before..?