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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/02/20 |Location=Apartment 312, Hyperion Hotel, Los Altos |Synopsis=Faith makes a bet with Angel and loses |Cast of Characters=39, 219 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''\<br\>It's been quite a while since Faith has seen any of the other Scoobies, or you know, done any real heroics aside from Splattercon!!! But then again, she's been rather...Distracted..Lately too.\<br\>\<br\>How...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:08, 31 March 2023

Odd Jobs and Stuff.
Date of Scene: 20 February 2023
Location: Apartment 312, Hyperion Hotel, Los Altos
Synopsis: Faith makes a bet with Angel and loses
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Angel

Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>It's been quite a while since Faith has seen any of the other Scoobies, or you know, done any real heroics aside from Splattercon!!! But then again, she's been rather...Distracted..Lately too.\<br\>\<br\>However, she did hire herself out to Angel Investigations for odd jobs, although even then, things have been fairly slow last time she checked. Really, things have been slow all around, ever since Splattercon!!! Which..Kinda sucks.\<br\>\<br\>So here she is, showing up at the Hyperion, practically kicking down his door because she's never heard of knocking.\<br\>\<br\>"Yo, Angel, got any jobs for me?" she peers around, not even sure if he's around, or if he's sleeping or if he's in the middle of...Something.\<br\>\<br\>Cuz you never know.
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel comes out of the office his usual all black attire, dark pensive look upon his face. The dark and brooding man leans into the shadows looking Faith up and down. "Faith you've come by, good to see you." He says crossing his arms over his chest. "No real business here yet." Angel looks to her. "Come in have a seat I'll get you coffee, you know if you start working for us full time I could actually get you steady pay, and a flowing income." He says offering her a seat as he goes to grab a coffee.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane smirks and peers at him, giving him a nod at the invitation..And invites herself to take a seat - on the edge of his desk no less, crossing her legs and grinning, leaning back to peer at him casually. "Well gee, that ain't promising at all. I mean, after all the excitement of Splattercon!!! Heey, where were you anyway, thought you were gonna join us..Or does Thomas intimidate you, hmm?"\<br\>\<br\>She snorts at the idea of a fulltime job. "Nah, not really into dedication stuff, I mean, sometimes I pick up shifts at the Blue Lady or whatever, I think I'd get too bored if I had to commit to like, a 9-5 job or whatever. But hey, if you need me for any odd jobs, I'm your girl."
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel shakes his head back and forth approaching her placing the cup down and his hands on either side of her. "Thomas couldn't scare me in his wildest dreams." He says with a laugh. "As for your employment status, what do you think this is? We aren't a nine to five. We take cases when we can, and if I put you on the payroll it's still a steady income and you only need to show, when you can if we call." He leans closer to her. "And I was out of town at the time, and truthfully I'm sure I scare Thomas."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane laughs and shrugs, "He's a vampire too, although a sex vampire I guess. He's pretty scary when he's angry, trust me. Good thing he's on our side though." she grins and winks at him, "Oh, but I guess he used to date Buffy so that probably grated on your nerves huh? I suppose everything always goes back to B, doesn't it."\<br\>\<br\>Somehow that annoys her and she sighs, shaking her head. "Heh, I guess we'll see then, I mean, I'm on call or whatever. Just dont expect me to show up here every day and make you coffee or something dumb."\<br\>\<br\>His last statement does cause her dark eyes to twinkle in amusement however, "Ooh, I'm sure he scares you too, huh?"
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks at Faith. "Hes lucky I didn't pummel him to a pulp for dating Buffy. And that pup he's no match for me Faith you give him to much credit. I may be ok with him but he's young and no where near my strength and power." He smirks leaning closer. "Would you care to try it out?" He asks teasingly perhaps a bit flirtatiously.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane shrugs, "Dunno, don't care. I guess Buff's moved on, after the whole memory loss thing..Where's she been all this time, anyway? Heard something about a vacation? Figured she'd come straight back to you after breaking up with him." but who really knows where Buffy is concerned.\<br\>\<br\>As for herself, she chuckles, climbing to her feet, peering intently into his eyes. "Ooh, is that a challenge? You lookin' for a friendly sparring match, Angelface?" she shrugs, "Gotta say, things have been waay too dull around here, lately."
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks and taps his chin. "Perhaps but what do I get out of it if I beat you?" He asks with a chuckle. "Which we know I will. What's got you all hung up on Thomas anyway?" He Asks removing his shirt and revealing his muscular chest and abs.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane rolls her eyes. "What do *I* get if *I* beat you?" she smirks, eyeing his muscular form, licking her lips. "Mmm, you trying to tempt me, Angelface? You know we done this dance before..Too bad you shunned me then, all you could think of was your precious Buffy.." she does the wavy quotes thingy as she gets in his face, a challenging smirk on her expression.\<br\>\<br\>Faith doesn't bother removing her shirt because, well, she's a girl and all that. And since her strength is mostly magically based, she doesn't have super big muscles. She does have pretty toned arms all the same though, from all the patrolling she does, as she shrugs out of her denim jacket, revealing a red sleeveless tanktop underneath.\<br\>\<br\>"So what kinda stakes we talking? This is your challenge, name your price." she grins, "I could always do with more money, or..." she wriggles her brows playfully at him. "something else more fun than money."
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks and takes his stance looking over Faith. "Hey I'd love to have you as my girl." He says honestly. "Hmmm stakes are I win I get you for a week, dates wooing the whole nine yards see if we click on a more than physical level." He says as he stretches. "You win you name your price."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane laughs, "Well gee you must be desperate if you're going after me after all this time. Or did it take you this long to realize that you made a mistake all these years?" she shrugs and grins, rolling her shoulders, "But then again, I like what I see, wouldn't mind having some fun with you..I wonder if Thomas would be jealous though? I mean, not like we're...Exclusive or anything." Hmm, looks like she forgot to mention that tiny detail earlier. "As for if I win...? I dunno, give me one of your most prized weapons?"
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel growls and snarls almost vamping out but he gets himself under control. "You're sleeping with the kid?" He laughs. "Man and I thought you had good taste, I mean for Buffy I can say he was most likely a rebound, but for you just bad taste." He winks. "You know better my weapons are off limits cash or me."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane shrugs, "We been dating, not like i'm in *love* or anything. We've both been through a rough patch, we help each other. Besides I thought you liked the guy, or at least didn't half mind him.." she smirks, arching a brow. "What's the matter, jealous?"\<br\>\<br\>Faith shakes her head, sinking down into a defensive stance herself. "What the hell, you value your weapons that much? I'm sure you could spare just one. I don't got the same access to badass weapons and books and shit that B does. I dont think it's asking much to gimme just one little dagger?"
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks and grins. "Not minding someone isn't the same as liking them, and there isn't a thing that he can help you with that I can't do better." He smirks. "Jealous no, I just pity you, with a little boy instead of a grown man." Angel chuckles. "My weapons are mine for a reason, I bought or earned them all. Perhaps if we were dating I might give you one." With a smirk and no warning he's gone in the blink of an eye before throwing a punch at Faith.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane blinks in surprise, "Dating a 'boy'? Are you saying I could do better with you?" she smirks, "Not like you can ever really get close to someone with your little curse getting in the way, isn't that how it goes? Or are you just lonely, knowing you'll never love again after B?" she's taking cruel jabs at him and she knows it. But she's Faith afterall, and not really good at keeping her mouth shut.\<br\>\<br\>"Well, y'know, I ain't nobody's girl, but if a week 'entertaining' you will earn me a free weapon, what the hell, I'll go with it, might be worth my time...!"\<br\>\<br\>And then he's gone like the wind. It always surprised and impressed Faith how very quickly he could move despite his size. But she's ready, dark eyes narrowed, spinning around to bring up her arm, barely blocking the punch in time. "Nice one, now it's my turn!"\<br\>\<br\>She darts forward and to the side, countering with two quick jabs, followed by a knee aimed at his mid-section, hoping to mix things up a little.
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel laughs and nods his head. "My curse won't stop me getting close." And then the insults about him and Buffy. "Says the girl who can't commit to anyone always too afraid to give her all to someone. Just the scared little girl yea? Oh and by the way, you could do better with me, age and experience and knowlege!" He laughs blocking the two jabs, before catching her leg as she goes for the knee. He tosses her across the room before he's on top of her again with a flurry of fists and elbows. "For a weapon, no being my girl means being my girl, not time limit!"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane blinks in surprise. "Really? thought you went all 'Evil Angelus' if you fall in love." she smirks, "But then I guess B is you're one and only love, just like she's Thomas' and who knows who else. Not like I care really, love makes you weak. And it makes you stupid. Who needs that shit?"\<br\>\<br\>She shrugs, backing away as he grabs her knee, about to counter with a jump kick with her other leg..But then he's tossing her across the room. "Oh, sh---!!" she goes flying and rolling, snarling and bringing up her arms to block at least some of the attacks. And then she twists to the side, using her legs for leverage as she attempts to push him off herself and roll on top of him, reversing the pin.\<br\>\<br\>"I already told you.." she snarls, this time attempting to pummel him herself with a flurry of angry fists, her voice rising a bit more. "I ain't nobody's girl! I belong to no one!"
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel laughs at her. "No its not a matter of falling in love its a moment of true happiness! Hard to come by when even the happiest things are often shadowed by less than happy. And maybe I want to move on....and maybe....I want it....to be with...you..." And than they've rolled and he's now blocking and laughing before catching her wrists and repositioning his body going for a triangle choke. "And I told you, I want you, I will have you. Love don't make you weak it makes you stronger...gives you something to fight for....give it a try will ya?!"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane arches a brow at that. "True happiness huh..Are you saying there are other things that could give you that?" she laughs, a bit angrily, bitterly shaking her head. "This ain't no fairytale, Angel. There's no happily ever after. Life's rough, get used to it..I guess you lucked out with B though. Maybe that's why everyone loves her so much, she's the golden girl, the better Slayer, what the hell ever.."\<br\>\<br\>She coughs a bit, shaking her head, perhaps hesitant, distracted in her moment of anger, blinded by her bitterness and jealousy of Buffy, as always - which makes it easier to grab her in that choke hold. "Love don't make you stronger, but then I guess I wouldn't know, never been loved, so like, whatever I suppose.."\<br\>\<br\>She sighs, too tired to struggle, it's been another rough night for her perhaps, or maybe he just hit a nerve. "Fine fine, you win..But! You dont get to treat me like some freaking property. You don't own me, I aint 'your girl'. And you only get to do what I let you do. Got it?"