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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/03/10 |Location=Apartment 312, Hyperion Hotel, Los Altos |Synopsis=The games they play |Cast of Characters=39, 219 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''\<br\>Faith Lehane had been running around today, having bumped into one Harry Dresden after buying a cheap beer that tasted pretty crappy with what little money she could afford. Thankfully, she later realized that she had lifted the amnesiac...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:14, 31 March 2023

Memories and Stuff
Date of Scene: 10 March 2023
Location: Apartment 312, Hyperion Hotel, Los Altos
Synopsis: The games they play
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Angel

Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane had been running around today, having bumped into one Harry Dresden after buying a cheap beer that tasted pretty crappy with what little money she could afford. Thankfully, she later realized that she had lifted the amnesiac vamp's wallet before dusting her, and it actually had some money in it (So did the guy that she killed so, bonus!)\<br\>\<br\>Anyhoo, she had questions and maybe Angel could answer them..Heck, maybe he's got a job for her too, because stealing wallets from Vampires or y'know, just plain *stealing* is not always easy with all the goody-goods around these days.\<br\>\<br\>Besides, he's got free alcohol. Well, since she 'works' there, it's free to her. She strides in through the front doors like she owns the place, making a beeline for the bottles..
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel comes out of a shadowed corner as if materializing from the shadows themselves, bare chested and moving up behind Faith. "Stealing my liquor? Didn't we have an agreement Faith, you haven't been by since, you're not...going back on your word now are you?" He asks with a raised brow and a laugh. "Whaddya need Faith, come on out with it."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane finds a nice bottle of whiskey and, well at least she's decent enough to pour it into a glass instead of drinking it straight from the bottle. She then hops onto the bar, swinging her legs over the side, again like she owns the place, grins and winks at him while chugging down the drink. "Yo Angel, wassup? How's business shakin' these days?" she shrugs and grins, "A little extra cash never hurt."
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel laughs and moves closer placing his hands on either side of Faith. "Business is as it always is Faith. That said I promised you a job working for me with a steady check you agreed, here's your first." He hands Faith an envelop with cash in it. "Now you and me, you lost our bet, means we get to do things, like couples do." He chuckles and moves to pick her up.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane arches a brow at that, mostly at the cheque since she hasn't really done much around here besides drinking. And mouthing off. "What the hell's this for? I ain't done nothin' yet, an' this better not be some kinda pity money cuz I don't do none of that shit.." She narrows her eyes as he tries to pick her up, doing her best to wriggle free.\<br\>\<br\> "Really..We're not a couple..." actually the thought makes her kind of nervous, perhaps some post trauma thing or something, who knows? Not that she has forgotten their little 'bet' but she's clearly feigning memory loss or something, perhaps recalling the last time she got too 'close' to someone..
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smiles and carries her to the couch sitting down and placing her in his lap. "No but you agreed if you lost we'd go out, and do things, have a few dates, maybe some fun." He chuckles. "Nah it's not pity money, I promised you steady pay regardless, that means like the rest of the staff you're paid even if we don't have a client."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane rolls her eyes, still struggling. "Well, that just sounds a little too sappy sappy for me, but I'm all for fun. But we don't have to cuddle and hold hands and all that crap, do we?" she sure is resisting it although she smirks, pressing in against him, running a finger along his chest, "I can think of more 'fun' things we could be doing hmm.."\<br\>\<br\>As for pity money she just scoffs. "Oh yeah by the way there's a new message on your phone, could be a real job this time." because there are always lots of pranks.
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks and runs his fingers along her back pulling Faith tighter to his chest. "Oh are there, do tell me your ideas. No no need for holding hands or cuddling or any of that, just two adults spending time together and having fun."\<br\>\<br\>At the mention of a message he nods and pulls his phone out briefly checking it. He'll answer it later right now Faith is his focus, and a beautiful focus she is.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane sighs, shivering in spite of herself. "You must be really lonely. I'm not. Don't need nobody, been there, done that.." she smiles, "You know I'm just gonna use you and dump you like all the others right? Even if we draw this out. I can do that too. It's just a game. Fine, two can play this game." she tugs at his shirt buttons, "But which one of us will crumple first?"\<br\>\<br\>Oh but there is a message on his phone, looks like a new client, a school teacher wants to talk to him about some weird experience where all her students are missing a specific memory. Probably not an immediate concern but something that should be addressed at some point soon.
Angel has posed:\<br\>Angel smirks kissing and nipping her neck. "Now now it's not using if it's two friends seeking relief and fun Faith." He laughs though he smirks. "Perhaps we should ya know lock the door." He teases a bit as he gets up and does just that.