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(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:07, 31 March 2023

Spring is Here
Date of Scene: 29 March 2023
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Enjoying the spring weather
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, X-23, Red, Copycat

Phoenix has posed:\<br\>It was a long winter, longer than usual, especially in the mountains around breakstone. But at least around Xavier's, the snow was finally starting to melt, revealing brilliant green grass and plants. Jean is sitting out on the back porch, busily knitting a long red scarf. \<br\>\<br\>Okay fine, so winter is over, but she still hasn't finished. Out in the back yard, kids are playing some lively basketball, and of course, as mutant kids will do, they're hardly playing a normal game, incorporating their powers into it.\<br\>\<br\>The three kids who were lost in the mountains a few weeks ago, seem better than before, maybe a bit too 'better' as their powers have grown quite rapidly, easily able to keep up with the older kids and actually giving them a run for their money as they speed around the basket ball court, apparently leading the game so far. Jean frowns softly as she watches them intently, shaking her head before going back to her knitting.
X-23 has posed:\<br\>Laura moves with the silence of a ghost. She doesn't even try to sneak up on people, really. It's something she can't turn off. The lithe girl emerged from a window on the next floor, crawling down to sit on the top of the porches roof. The brunette chews her lip a bit as she watches the younger kids playing out there, and she rolls a shoulder a bit, as if anxious. Her nostrils flare, then.\<br\>\<br\>She crawls to the edge of the porch roof and leans over it, clinging with ease as her long hair droops down like a curtain, and she pops into view upside down to peer at Jean.\<br\>\<br\>"Didn't you start that in October?"
Red has posed:\<br\>Sometimes, Alumni return to their school. With Xavier's, more often than others. For Alice, it's a monthly cosplay club she's running with the kids, making costumes and stuff with them. Giving them an artistic outlet... as long as they don't use needles. Clothwork she *outsources* to other clubs. Because needles are evil.\<br\>\<br\>As she slips out from the school to the back after the club, she sighs some, then stretches, her red hair standing out like... well, red hair. Which means in Xavier's, it's surprisingly normal, compared to other schools. Nodding a moment to Jean, she just uses few words. "Miss Grey."\<br\>\<br\>Her own student record never had been stellar for Xaviers. Oh, she had good scores in science class, but that might have been because that was applicable. But if there was one class she flubbed in totally, it was Danger Room. Mainly... because all she could rely on in a room of light and forcefields was her raw physicals.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Comes outside. She doesn't even notice the others right now. She's mostly in the coner.. hand down, holding her head, clearly sweating and not looking good.. she's huffing a bit r\<br\>     She's got her lunch lady outfit on complete with a name tag https://tinyurl.com/2ujd3bdp . but right now she's leaning in muttering " don't shift don't shift don't shift " .
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey arches a brow at Laura and smiles. "Hello Laura, how are you, today?" she glances at the scarf and shrugs, a faint smile on her lips. "Yes, it is a bit slow in the making..But he can always use it next year." she chuckles a bit before glancing around, keeping an eye out for the kids playing basketball before noting the other people in the backyard.\<br\>\<br\>Alice is given a nod and wave, as is Vanessa, "Hey, you two, what brings you out here today?" Vanessa's current state gives her pause, smile fading a bit. "Are you alright, Vanessa?"
X-23 has posed:\<br\>"I'm alright," the young woman responds to Jean from where she dangles over the side of the patio roof. She glances down at the scarf before she looks aside at the others arriving. Her nostrils flare as she takes in their scents, but the girl remains at her perch for the moment.
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice shrugs a little as she rakes throigh her red hair. "Oh, just the club. They are coming along well. I got like Two Clone troopers, a Paladin and for whatever reason, one of the kids is dedicated to trying to get the right set up the gear for the doc from the film Ebola... But I won't stop em... Uh... you want help with that scarf?" She mutters, stepping a little further away from those big dangerous knitting needles uneasily.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>When jean comes over, she lifts a hand " I.. shit," She shifts, changing into good jeans since she's the closest as she blinks. "Too many minds and teenagers couldn't keep my head on straight " She looks down and sighs " Sorry ". \<br\>\<br\>     To laura it would smell like a second jean just showed up! Like exactly the same! She looks to Jena " Okay I need to remember this trick for blocking out other minds " She taps her head.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey arches a brow, "Club?" and when she explains a bit more, Jean chuckles and nods. "Oh I see, there's a comic fest coming up I hear?" she's never been to one before but is curious. Mention of the scarf causes her to glance down at it, shrugging, "Oh no, I'm alright, it's a simple stitch, I have just been biding my time. I did have something I wanted to talk to you about.."\<br\>\<br\>Glancing over at Vanessa next cause her to frown in concern. "How much control do you have over your powers, Vanessa? Perhaps we need to get you into the Danger Room, do some tests, see how we can help."
X-23 has posed:\<br\>    he feral brunette hanging over the side of the patio roof peers about at everyone from her perch. She doesn't interrupt the several conversations going at the moment, as she doesn't seem to have anything to interject.\<br\>\<br\>However, she does slip over the edge and grip the side of the roof with incredible core strength, lowering herself a bit before dropping smoothly to the patio floor.
Red has posed:\<br\>"Cosplay club. The one day a month where I come up state with a trunk full of foam, contact cement and other materials and the kids make costumes?" Alice tries to remind Jean, but then shrugs, leaning against the railing in a *safe distance* from the needles. "What you wanted to talk about? I hope it's not sewing classes, because that's a no-can-do."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>There are not 2 jeans AFter all she looks exactly like her hell she sounds like her looking over " Normally I'm pretty good but I had alot of teenaagers who barley could contain thier own thoughts let alone powers.. all those shakey minds " she sighs and rubs her temples " It was overwhelming me " She says softly " that's why I stepped out but your too strong and well " She motions to the fact she's basicly jean now
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles at the sight of Laura dangling down, "It's okay Laura, you can come join us. I'm sure those kids over there wouldn't mind you joining their Basketball game..although they are getting pretty intense.." she peers at the kids, one who nearly just blew up the next with a fireball. "Children, keep it lowkey, please!" she reminds them gently.\<br\>\<br\>Looking to Alice again, Jean nods. "Right, sounds like fun. have you ever considered using your powers for self-defence? Maybe I can help with that if I know a bit more about them." as for Vanessa, well that's a whole other story, which causes her to frown softly.\<br\>\<br\> "Hmm, so your abilities are not simply skin-deep I see. That is, concerning. Usually it can take years for a mutant to control their own powers. And with me, I have the Phoenix to contend with on top of everything else. Best not to try and copy my abilities if you can help it. Telepathy can be especially overwhelming if you're just learning, and the Phoenix is..Well potentially dangerous.."
X-23 has posed:\<br\>"Mmmmn. No. I can get too competitive...," the feral girl replies. She climbs into a patio chair and folds her legs under herself, proving once again that gay people can't even sit straight. She watches the others with always vigilant eyes, seemingly unable to relax.
Red has posed:\<br\>"Depends... does Sword and Board count?" Alice answers to jean, searching her pocket for something, coming up with a chocolate bar sized chunk of plastic, which starts to thin into almost a foil thin imitation of a Captain America shield, at least in style, but not in any other manner. "You know, Shield and a club, like the SCA uses. They make decent training partners, though it's metal and Rattan we use there. The one time I used them... differently it sent the guy to the hospital crying for his mother... I... didn't like it..."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey 2 Stretches a bit " Acutally it's easier to be you .. I have your control " She looks at her and smirks " I am you right now " She says " As long as I'm near you as least " she grins "Acutally shifting into you helps if you don't mind " She cracks her neck .. " I pick up surface thoughs it's part of the issue "
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles at Laura's admission, "Nothing wrong with a little competition as long as you're a good sport about it. There is a lesson to learn, even in a simple game of basketball." she winks at her before peering at Alice's makeshift shield.\<br\>\<br\>"Hm, impressive, although I wonder how well that would hold in a real fight?" talk of hurting someone enough to send them to the hospital does cause her to frown in concern. "Really? I mean..You DID learn some proper power control and self-defence as part of your regular curriculum while studying here, didn't you? Or did you focus more on fashion design with your powers?"\<br\>\<br\>To Vanessa she frowns thoughtfuly, "Oh, you have control? But I thought you were having trouble filtering out all the thoughts.."
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice says, "Oh, if I put in the years, I could earn myself a white belt and a crown at Pennsic, but that'd be a bother. People might claim I cheat because their armors are not made properly or something... and fashion design?" Alice sighs, brushing through her hair. "Needles. Fashion is all about safety pins and needles and such. I guess I can hold in a bout, better if it's not just glorified saran wrap... but I never made the cut for a youth team or something. I mean... control wasn't the issue. I had that before.""
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Jean 2 Shakes her head " No you have control " she says and sighs " I'm you right now " she says softly as she motions to her body " I have your powers and control.. "She shrugs " honestly I don't know how my powers work myself to be honest.. all those unsteady powers and minds make me unstead but now that I've taken your shape I'ms tead I'm not even sure how that works " . She looks over " those are pretty neat clothes though " she says softly " I like to look up fashion to copy "
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey shrugs, "Well, whatever you need help with..If you need help with anything, just let me know." She blinks in surprise at Vanessa's admission, "Oh wow, you have a pretty advanced power. That's pretty impressive. And you can copy Phoenix's powers too..?" She seems a bit worried however, is Vanessa telling the complete truth..? \<br\>\<br\>Jean is about to say more when her phone rings and she frowns at the number, rising to her feet. "Well it's been lovely chatting with you all but I'm afraid I need to take care of something. Have a wonderful rest of your day you two."\<br\>\<br\>With a smile and wave, Jean gets to her feet and hurries off, gathering up the unfinished scarf with her.
Red has posed:\<br\>As Jean suddenly leaves, Alice sighs a little, briushing her hair back. "That's my curse it seems. Whenever something is about deciding or fighting, I am a tad too slow along. So, you're new around here?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Jean 2 nods as she walks over she looks and sounds just like jean right now as she moves to sit down " My names CopyCat cause well " She motions to herself , she's even wearing the same outfit jean was .
Red has posed:\<br\>"I guess that makes sense. I am Alice. Though... if you must... call me Red. I mean, that's my hair, or my artist handle. I know, not a huge and fancy name." Alice elaborates. "And... you like... just copy powers?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Jean 2 " kinda yeha.. I copy the person and the power at least thier look and some of thier thoughts on the surface as long as I'm around ya and fro a little bit after " She says ' That's why I didn't shift back when jean left " . She sighs "Kids gave me my mutant name.. I didn't have a better one so I took it I'm vanessa "
Red has posed:\<br\>"Oh, heh... well, that must be handy. I mean, to look like someone else. I mean, hide in the masses. Not that much of a trouble for me, but some of our brethren are... quite obvious. Like... my dad. He's literally green." Alice brushes her hair back once more, extending her hand then.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Grins as she shakes the hand and smiles " Nice to meet you " she grins " did you wanna look at yourself? " She cocks her head " I find alot of people are shocked to see their full bodies.. most people just look at themselves in a mirror so they arn't used ot the whole thing "
Red has posed:\<br\>"Oh, believe me, I have made full body 'casts' of myself before to work on a costume for myself, though... never in the flesh. But, if you want to entertain me, feel free to." Alice offers. There was something odd about the boots... the absolute lack of ties or zippers.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>She shifts slowly changing no longer jeaan but shifting down to become alice down to the boots and everything... Seems she can copy clothes too shifting into her clothes and all even sitting down the same way as sh esmiles and you hear your own voice " There we go "
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice hmmms... tapping her chin as she concentrates, trying to manipulate the clothes on Alice 2. "LEt me try how I'd look with a different cut of blouse, ok? just hold still a moment..."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks and looks down " Oh yeah I'm naked I just make the clothes as part of my powers.. I can get dressed if you like make it easier given your powers " She grins
Red has posed:\<br\>"I... figured... I would have swapped some things around, and... well, I can't quite manipulate bodies." Alice admits, shrugging a little. "Though I do wonder... how complete is your imitation?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Checks as she reaches Our and changes the blouse to what alice was thinking. She even changes her own blouse to what she was thinking.. as she smirks " I can copy your power cause I'm close to you "
Red has posed:\<br\>"Oh, you can, hm? Still, you are technically naked, showing off those legs of mine... Though I meant more like... do you copy me like... down to details you don't see?" Alice inquires, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, if you copy... let's say Laura over there... do you copy even what you don't see?"
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Alice 2 Laughs an smirks " Why do you wanna go check it out and before you ask yes " She says ' I copy the person all the way down " She says softly " I'm not sure why but seems I copy everything even your moles " She says " or freckles eveyrthing "
Red has posed:\<br\>"Oh, I get it. That must be interesting. I mean, you could be like... everybody? Like, you could look like anyone's clone? Even... I dunno... You could copy Rockslide or even someone of different gender?" Alice inquires, offering a raised eyebrow.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Alice 2 nods her head " Yeah i can copy men... it's easier with girls cause you know I was a girl .. I mean I looked like hold on " She grunts and slowly changes back to well her old self she looks like she did just her hair isn't white.. her eye's arn't red and skin not blue.. same shape but her colors are normal
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice huhs a little as Copycat chooses a totally unknown form. "Does that stop you copying the power?" she asks as she finally remembers to fold the flimsy foil back to a brick.
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Blinks a bit " A little I mean it runs out faster if I'm not also the person you know "
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice hmms and then nods slowly, leaning against the railing. "I see... Though, that still makes you super powerful. Especially in a team."
Copycat has posed:\<br\>Copycat Shrugs " Kinda if the whole team is weak I'm weak " She says " If they are strong I'm strong " She smirks " I'm not that good really " she rubs the back of her neck but slowly shifts back to noraml ' I think I'm okay .. like you saw when I'm around unsteady people I'm unsteady I'm not that good "