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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/03/31 |Location=Central Park, Manhattan |Synopsis=Jean meets up again with Bruce. A lovely stroll and superhero icecream is enjoyed. |Cast of Characters=338, 47 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:338|Bruce Banner (338)}} has posed:'''\<br\>Central Park. \<br\>\<br\> It was about midday, closer to the afternoon than the evening, the sun was still sitting high in the sky, it's throne magnificent and golden. It shines...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:32, 5 April 2023

A random walk in the park..
Date of Scene: 31 March 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Jean meets up again with Bruce. A lovely stroll and superhero icecream is enjoyed.
Cast of Characters: Hulk, Phoenix

Hulk has posed:\<br\>Central Park. \<br\>\<br\> It was about midday, closer to the afternoon than the evening, the sun was still sitting high in the sky, it's throne magnificent and golden. It shines upon the people enjoying their time in Central Park. One such person happened to be one Dr. Bruce Banner. \<br\>\<br\> His hair was allowed to be swept back today, long enough to touch the collar of his shirt. His beard had recently been trimmed and his glasses sit neatly on the bridge of his nose. His blazer coat today was patchwork, covering a dress shirt with a black tie. He wears a matching pair of slacks and dress shoes. \<br\>\<br\> It seems he's just getting out and about today. He wears the suit most likley because it's strange for him to ewar 'normal clothes' like jeans and a t-shirt. \<br\>\<br\> Yet, all the same, he's sipping on some coffee, watching a tai chi class in the distance and the occasional jogger that runs by. Thankfully, nobody's stared at him long enough to know who he is. Just the way he likes it. \<br\>\<br\> A peaceful day.
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>The days are getting g longer and brighter, it's just the perfect day to enjoy a nice stroll in the park..Or some Tai Chi, which is what brings Jean out here today. She's out there with the other students, trying to relax her mind and her body with the slow smooth stretches that are somehow graceful and soothing all at the same time. Dressed in bright red yoga pants and a matching crop top all in gold trim, hat seems reminiscent of her Phoenix costume, she seems to be enjoying herself for once and trying not to worry too much.\<br\>\<br\>As the Tai Chi class ends, she pauses to chat with some of her classmates before grabbing her backpack and water bottle. It's not warm enough yet to be too hot which is good. Perhaps a nice stroll in the park will do her good out here, away from it all..
Hulk has posed:\<br\>A sip of some Starbucks Coffee later and Bruce is on cloud nine. \<br\>\<br\> This was one of his favorite things to do: to just go to the park and people watch. Though, his people watching wasn't intended to be inadvertently looking at one Jean Grey as she strolls around the corner, looking like she had just finished out a class for exercise or some such. Though he seemed to understand the color code of her attire, he still smiles at her all the same when he sees her. \<br\>\<br\> "Jean Grey." His face warms at the sight of her. "It's good to see you. Enjoying a day in the sun? Feels like the warmest day in awhile."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey slips on what looks like a red track jacket, zipping it up. There is still a bit of early spring chill in the air, and not entirely summer wear yet. Glancing up from her water bottle, she smiles warmly at Bruce. "Hey there, how long have you been watching?" she chuckles as she comes over, taking another long sip of her water. "Beautiful day out, isn't it?" she seems to be in a fairly good mood although she seems just a little tired too, maybe from the workout or something else..?
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"I promise I wasn't staring for too long." Bruce happily teases her, standing up to offer her a hug, if she so desired the contact. \<br\>\<br\> "It's the best day we've had in a long, long time." Bruce confirms. "I see you've been getting the work in. Are you here by yourself, or with students?" Bruce asks. "How's the school? I know it's not quite time for me to come in yet, but-" His gaze softens. \<br\>\<br\> "How are those students? THe ones you rescued from the Yeti?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey grins and winks, "Oh, I'm only kidding!" she does take the offered hug, nodding. "It's a beautiful day, so nice to see the snow finally melting away. Soon we can plant some seeds in the garden.." she shrugs, letting go, "I'm here alone, needed to get away really..Some times being Deputy Headmistress to a bunch of super powered fiesty kids can be a lot. It's a lot of new territory while The Professor is away.."\<br\>\<br\>Her smile fades a bit at mention of the students, "To be honest, I'm a little worried. Jane has made a full recovery but like Billy and Kate, her powers seemed to have suddenly evolved and all three have incredible control over them. I'm also a bit worried..When I tried to scan Jane's mind I experienced a strange kind of psychic backlash. Which makes no sense given her wind manipulation abilities. Plus, I experienced another, similar psychic backlash when we inspected the alien pod in the mountains.."\<br\>\<br\>She sighs tiredly, "It's a little..Frightenning honestly. The mental signature in Jane and the alien pod were similar somehow.."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"Were you?" \<br\>\<br\> A pregnant pause now. \<br\>\<br\> Then Bruce winks back at her. Mild flirtation? Though he gives her a hug, brief and sincere, before stepping back to look at her. "I'ld love to see that." The gardne, though hearing she's here alone makes him nod. "I understand. Well, if I can be of any assistance, I hear I'm at least a decent listener." He chuckles softly to her, a kindness in his eyes, though as she speaks, he listens. \<br\>\<br\> "To the alien pod?" \<br\>\<br\> He lifts a hand to his beard, stroking it softly. "Are you alright? From the backlash? No othr ill effects?" he hums. "The children are completely healthy, minus the strange mastery of their abilities? No talking strnage or acting oddly?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles and shrugs, she has been known to be a bit playful from time to time, although she makes no further comment on his question. "Oh, you're also welcome at the school, although I must apologize for Nurse Agatha. I suppose she is very protective of the kids and wants only a specialized mutant geneticist examining them."\<br\>\<br\>She nods and chuckles, brushing a strand of flame red hair out of her eyes "Oh yes, it's all very strange..Missing kids, alien pods..Yetis..Just another day in the life of an Xman.." A weak smile is given..\<br\>\<br\>Then again her demeanour shifts to more serious. "I think so..Just a major headache but it went away. Funny thing is, it felt like a focused attack, especially on the mountain when we attacked the pod..I think they're aware of me, whoever they are.." she forces a smile trying to hide her worry, "More than healthy, it's like they have matured rapidly in a short amount of time. Their personalities do seem more..Confident?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce liked playfulness! Without it, life is too serious and dull, as if there was no joy in life. Yet, Jean always had a way about her that brightened the rooms she stepped into. \<br\>\<br\> "Please, no apologies are necessary. Thoigh I have done surgery on my fellow Avengers, each with various physiological differences. Mitants are extremely similar, with unique differences as well. I was hoping Professor Xavier could install his knowledge on mutant genetics in my mind so I may be of better help and let the nurses have a bit more comfort." \<br\>\<br\> "On the bright side, it could be worse." Bruce speaks The forbidden phrase. "Strange....." He brushes his beard r wet out his hand. "I would love to examine them again, if I may, but just to ensure this is more coincidence than something we ought to be actively concerned." He looks at Jean and smiles. \<br\>\<br\> "You look really nice by the way."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey nods thoughtfully, "Hmm, you're a very bright and talented scientist. I think you may be able to help us solve this mystery but I'm not sure if nurse Agatha would be okay if you were to examine them again. However, I will keep you up to date on their condition. At the least I'm sure we can exchange notes.." she sighs.\<br\>\<br\>"Its a pity Hank has not returned from his sabbatical yet either, but.." she smiles a bit more, "Well I did study biology in university too..Perhaps you can give me some pointers too?" she chuckles at his compliment, "You're very sweet.."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"Nurse Agatha didn't seem to like me very much." Bruce comments with a calm smile starting to come onto his face, his brown eyes glinting in the light. "Thank you Jean, I appreciate that. I don't think I'd be well if anything happened to those kids when I could have done something." \<br\>\<br\> "I'd be honored. You're a brilliant woman who learns quick. Helps that you can read my mind..." he chuckles. When she seems to bask in his compliment, he smiles. "It's the truth. You're an outstandingly beautiful young woman." He looks around. "Walking anywhere specific?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey smiles and nods, "Well, I Appreciate your concern..Don't worry about Agatha, she's like that with everyone. And I'll keep you informed on any updates. Hopefully it's nothing and I'm just overreacting but.." she pauses, peering around for a moment, seemingly distracted by..Something. But shakes her head, looking back at him.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh..Yea, I suppose I could if I wanted to, but I consider it generally impolite to do so. Thoughts are meant to be private Afterall." she chuckles some more, "Flatterer." with a nod, Jean readjusts her backpack and peers around. \<br\>\<br\>"I do have some free time before I have to return to the school. I thought I would just wander about aimlessly, maybe get some iced cream now that it's warm enough. Where are you headed?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"We can only hope." That they're all just overreacting, but Bruce was known to have a slightly pessimistic streak. Being attached to the Hulk for so long can only do terrible things to the psyche. "Maybe one day I'll get on her good side." \<br\>\<br\> A chuckle from Dr. Banner then. "Agreed on all counts, Ms. Grey." She calls him flatterer and he's happy to give her a wink. He hums softly. "Well, that makes two of us. Shall we wander aimlessly together?" He asks her, before she brings up ice cream. \<br\>\<br\> "I'd love that. I had no plans for today, so I suppose I'll follow you." He offers her his arm. "Shall we?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey nods, "Well, one can always hope, she only knows so much Afterall." she smiles and nods, taking his arm as they stroll down the river walk, "Soo, there's this great little icecream shack not far from here, they sell all sorts of strange and exotic flavours.." she peers around, "But they tend to move around a lot, so might be a bit til we find em.."\<br\>\<br\>Glancing back at him, Jean arches a curious brow, "So how's life at the Avengers lately?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Jean takes his arm and they start to walk off to wherever the path may take them. "Really? Should I expect A 'Hulka fudge' flavor?" Bruce asks her good-naturedly, humor dripping off of his lips like honey. "But it's a good idea. Kiosks have the best food in the city." \<br\>\<br\> Life with the Abengers? "Fine, all things considered. The world hasn't needed us in awhile, so I'm allowed to focus on my research. Everyone's doing their own thing right now."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey laughs, "Actually yes! They do tend to make flavours based off of favourite superheroes. It's green tea with chunks of fudge in it..It's my favorite." she winks playfully at him and it's hard to tell if she's teasing or being serious as they round a corner, "Well quiet is good. It means the villains are behaving for a change. So what sort of research are you doing these days?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce chuckles, blushing just a hint as she shoots a wink his way. Yet he walks with her all the same. "Green tea? Heh, sounds pretty good actually. Who knew I'd be a popular brand? I like being your favorite." \<br\>\<br\> After breaking numerous cities and causing billions of dollars worth of property damage. Yeesh. \<br\>\<br\> "Do you have a flavor?" He asks her, nudging Jean slightly with his shoulder. "For once." Bruce chuckles softly. His research? \<br\>\<br\> "Attempting to cure myself of my condition...and attempting to see if Gamma can increase the likelihood of surviving Cancer. Could be a cure, but we'll see. Tests are currently inconclusive."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey hmms, "Well, mutants aren't as popular as the rest of the meta community, so you won't find any X-themed flavours..There is however, a firebird flavor, it's sweet dark Cherry with a sprinkle of cinnamon dust and Chili. Sweet and spicy." she smiles sweetly as she says that, although there is just a hint of playfulness in those sparkling jade eyes of hers.\<br\>\<br\>"Hmm, I thought you had better control of your condition, but I understand..Having a powerful force within you that you barely understand and are a bit fearful of, and yet it is still a part of you.."\<br\>\<br\>Her smile fades just a hint at that thought , shaking her head, "If anyone can do it, you can..But even if you never find a cure, I could never think of you as a monster."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"That you are. I think it fits you well." \<br\>\<br\> The sweet and spicy bit, anyway. Bruce chuckles as he starts walking again, the hint of playfulness in her radiant green eyes noticeable as he smiles. It was contagious like that. Her smile. \<br\>\<br\> Yet she speaks on his condition and Bruce shake shis head. "Easier to stay calm, but controlling the Hulk? Impossible. All attempts to do so have /drastically/ failed. He always finds a way to just...*overpower* whatever I try to put in front of him." He sighs softly. "Too much of a part of me." \<br\>\<br\> Yet...she looks at him and tells him she'll never think of him as a monster. It brings a somber look into his eyes and Bruce takes a breath then. \<br\>\<br\> "Thank you, Jean."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey glances at him in concern, jade eyes focused intently upon him. Her grip tightens on his arm. "Bruce, I was being serious when I said I understand. I am merged with an immensely powerful cosmic entity which I am only beginning to comprehend..I have the power to destroy entire planets if I lose control..If anyone understands, I do. You may never be able to..Be free of The Hulk, but perhaps I can help you to control him better..I believe it is possible, with practice. Please, let me help you.."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce turns hs head to look at her. "The Hulk has ravaged worlds. Unlike yours, the Hulk can't be used for good. All he /does/ is destroy. He takes and takes only. You'rs can be reasoned with. Mine?" He closes his eyes. "I'm just a monster, Jean. I would welcome your help but...I don't think you can." Bruce looks ahead. \<br\>\<br\> "I don't think anyone can."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey frowns softly, peering up at him in concern, "Are you saying the Hulk has never assisted you as an Avenger? Perhaps you just need to find ways to channel that energy..I think he represents pure primal force, and if you will allow me to peer into his mind, perhaps we can find a way to at least come to an understanding with him..At least let me try?" she seems desperate to help him.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"Jean..." \<br\>\<br\> Bruce stops where he is, turning to look at her, his eyes lowering to meet hers. "When I've allowed the Hulk to be let out..or when I've managed to become the Hulk by choice, on those rare occasions, he'll hep for a minute. But the rage always wins. I'm more of a danger to the Avengers than a help." he tells her with a soft frown on his face. Even still, she asks if she can peer into his mind. \<br\>\<br\> "..There's barely a mind to peer into." Bruce tells her with a softness to his voice. "I don't know if it's a good idea, Jean. Many have tried in the past, using Telepathy as a control. He doesn't like it." Bruce remarks. \<br\>\<br\> He looks at her. "I can't stop you from trying. I physically can't stop you."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey shakes her head, "Not talking about control, I'm talking about understanding. See what the Hulk wants, see how we can help him. It's a thought. I'm not The Professor but I know a few tricks. At least think about it? I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with..But I do want to help.."\<br\>\<br\>And there's the ice cream shack but there's a bit of a line. Jean sighs as she guides him towards it. "Don't worry, the line usually goes pretty quickly." she offers him another reassuring smile.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce opens his mouth to speak, before he silences himself as they get into line. It's good that it normally goes pretty quickly, or else the Hulk would risk getting out! \<br\>\<br\> Kidding. \<br\>\<br\> Bruce has learned to beocme EXTREMELY patient with other people, to the point where it's almost a flaw. Though he finally turns to look at her to address what she had said. "The Hulk doesn't want to do anything but prove he's the strongest. To be left alone. To break everything that stands in the way of that." SHe makes that solemn plea and honestly, it was difficult to say no to her. \<br\>\<br\> Well, to /keep/ saying no to her. \<br\>\<br\> "...okay. I'll think about it."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey arches a brow at his response, perhaps feeling about disappointed that she might not be able to help, but at least he's willing to listen. "It's worry a try.." is all she says before focusing on the line.\<br\>\<br\>"I must say, you probably have a lot of self control all the same. Its pretty impressive really but perhaps we should focus on less serious subjects for now.."\<br\>\<br\>Glancing at the rapidly shrinking line, the dizzying list of superhero discoes is soon quite visible on the side of the ice cream truck.\<br\>\<br\>"Soo have you decided what flavour you want to try?" that playful smile returns, trying to make light of the situation.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>She's willing to help. \<br\>\<br\> He's trying to listen. \<br\>\<br\> It's a remarkable dichtomy, both sides of the same coin, both trying to help the other and keep the other safe. Jean is trying to get closer. Bruce is trying to keep her safe by keeping her as far away from the Hulk as physically possible. \<br\>\<br\>"Thank you." Both to the compliment of his self control AND to the topic shift. Talking about the Hulk /always/ gives Bruce some measure of anxiety. It's something htat's caused him to never quite feel safe around others. \<br\>\<br\> Though that playful smile returns and dammit, it captures Bruce wholeheartedly. He could never really resist her. \<br\>\<br\> "I kinda want to try my namesake. Though the Marvelous French Onion sounds good."
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles, "There are a lot of choices. Better choose wisely! she grins and winks playfully, but then stops dead in her tracks, peering up at the 'new!' part of the menu.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh my gosh...They gave new flavours.." well this might take some time, especially as one of them is labelled 'Laserbeam': A delicious vanilla-blueberry swirl with a ribbon of cherry throughout. "Mm think I'll go with that one..Isn't this fun?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"I don't know what to choose..." \<br\>\<br\> Bruce looks at the menu. "New flavors even..." He looks at each one. "I kinda want to try the Rogue Squadron." Vanilla with cherries and a streak of fudge. A play on words no doubt. Though all the same, he smiles softly at her. "This is a ton of fun." \<br\>\<br\> He hums softly, his hand coming up to his chin. "That one is a bit of a reminder of someone..." \<br\>\<br\> He hums. \<br\>\<br\> "Superman? Cyclops?"
Phoenix has posed:\<br\>Jean Grey chuckles, "Cyclops no doubt." she replies as she orders the laser beam ice cream, "They dont use our names but it's still nice to be recognized..Isn't this fun? We should do it more often." she smiles brightly at him, more at ease than when she started out today perhaps.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce nods affirmatively. \<br\>\<br\> "Definitely Cyclops." \<br\>\<br\> He takes a moment to hum. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him in awhile." Bruce admits. "I think I saw him on my way out after the nurse seemed to disapprove of my actions." Bruce chuckles. "Honestly, you all are heroes. Is it too shocking to be recognized?" He asks curiously. \<br\>\<br\> Though Bruce smiles at Jean, offering her a kind smile. "I would love to." \<br\>\<br\> He pays for the ice cream, and then smiles at Jean. "Come on, there's this /amazing/ fountain space I saw. Really inspires the mind to creativity..."