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(The Darkness Saga is here.)
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Revision as of 20:59, 9 April 2023

Long Live the Legion!
Date of Scene: 09 April 2023
Location: Bridge - Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: The Darkness Saga is here.
Cast of Characters: Cosmic Boy, Brainiac 5

Cosmic Boy has posed:\<br\>Another night doing Mission Monitor Duty. Rokk Krinn, aka Cosmic Boy, was sitting on the bridge, watching the monitor, trying to figure out how to get his team back into the future. A loud sigh, and a sip of the "hot chocolate" brings his mind back to the present. it was not a good place for the strategist that was the Leader of the Legion.\<br\>\<br\>So far, the board showed all the Legionnaires that had been stuck in the past. It was a long list, and in the last several months, they had lost track of what they were, and got stuck in what they are. Now citizens of Earth in the 21st century.
Brainiac 5 has posed:\<br\>Brainiac 5 has never really given up on the prospect of returning home, but he has mental reserves to spare. Still, the distractions mount. Still, more and more, he's accepting that everyone working on building their lives here might have the right idea.\<br\>\<br\>"I keep telling myself it would be wrong to interfere in Earth's technological advancement. But the more and more of this world's entertainment I sample," He says as he steps onto the bridge, "The more I think it DESPERATELY needs a guiding hand."
Cosmic Boy has posed:\<br\>"Ah!" Rokk Krinn starts, and almost spills his hot chocolate all over the monitor. "Brainy!" Pushed out of his reverie, Rokk allows himself a sheepish smile as he stands up, and puts the mug down on the console...in a safe area.\<br\>\<br\>"Right." Looking back at the monitor, and then at Brainiac 5, Rokk scratches the back of his neck with his right hand.
Brainiac 5 has posed:\<br\>Querl tilts his head as he studies the monitor, and then looks back at Rokk. "Contrary to what some might claim," He says, "I have enough empathy to know that there's something on your mind. However, I'm often busy - or I don't care."\<br\>\<br\>"But at the moment, I find myself not busy enough - and there's nobody here to pass you off to. So-" He finds a console and sits on the edge of it, before he crosses his boots at the ankles. "What's on your mind."
Cosmic Boy has posed:\<br\>Rokk looks at Brainy with an uncomfortable look. "Yeah. There is something on my mind." Cos turns back to the screen, and then "side-eyes" Brainy. "You know you are too smart for your own good." There was humour in Rokk's voice, but he wasn't sure Brainy would pick up on that.\<br\>\<br\>Sitting back down, following B5's lead, Rokk frowns, and after a few seconds of a graceful pause, says, "All of this." His right hand waves around, encompassing the whole ship. "Something doesn't fit. I'm not a genius, but it all feels like our getting trapped here was to get us out of the way."\<br\>\<br\>Rokk looks back at Brainy. "You are the 12th level intellect. What do you think about our being trapped here?"
Brainiac 5 has posed:\<br\>"Of course it was." Brainiac 5 says, with a shrug. "This whole thing was the work of not merely a tactical genius, but a profound sadist, a bring who lives to prolong suffering and difficulty before he moves in for the kill."\<br\>\<br\>Querl shrugs his shoulders, and then says, "But I refuse to simply roll over and accept defeat. It's not in my nature. It will move against us again. And likely against the Earth in this era, as well. It's only a matter of time. In our future, it's won. But if it strikes here, in the past, it can win in *many* possible futures. Doubtless its ultimate goal is to go back to the moment the universe was created, and assume complete control there. That's the only way it will be satisfied."
Cosmic Boy has posed:\<br\>Rokk Krinn blinks, taken aback for a moment. Recovering, Cos nods. "A tactical genius..." Cos looks away. Thinking, but listening to Brainy's expert advice. "A matter of time...ironic." His eyes find Brainy's once more. "You know Brainy, I'm glad you are on our side."\<br\>\<br\>Everything Brainy says, Cos absorbs. "Okay. That means "he" will make "his" move soon. I agree with you. We have been complacent for too long. Everything that we have uncovered here starts to add up."\<br\>\<br\>Something Brainy says makes Cos shiver. "In our future it has won...that is why our time travel technology won't work...the future is gone. Isn't it?" Rokk looks at Brainy and for a moment...was that fear in his eyes? That has never happened before.\<br\>\<br\>"The Dawn of Time. Like the Great Crisis...the beginning of the end. We can't let that happen."
Brainiac 5 has posed:\<br\>Querl is silent for a long time. And then he says, simply, "It's not SO simple... but... yes. I believe that our future is a possibility that's currently invalidated. And when things reform, it may never BE valid again. Time is a fractal-" He gestures with his hands.\<br\>\<br\>"There may be a future almost completely indistinguishable from ours. But that future might already be peopled with versions of us - in which case we would be... temporal relicts." He shrugs his shoulders, once.\<br\>\<br\>"But there's a reason those of us who've started to make a life for themselves here - I haven't tried to dissuade them. I'm thinking of doing it myself."
Cosmic Boy has posed:\<br\>The Long Pause was actually good for Cos. Rokk allows the info to seep into his brain as he tries to figure out the best strategic way to deal with everything that has been happening. It has been months, but all the information and intelligence was starting to add up. It was shocking how bad it looks.\<br\>\<br\>Leave it to Brainy to make a complex problem more complex. It drags a smile to Rokk's face, kicking and screaming.\<br\>\<br\>"Ok." If there was someone from the team that could understand Brainy, Rokk was one of the few. Well, except for Dreamy, Lyle, a few others..."I see."\<br\>\<br\>Rokk looks at the mug on the console. Cold now. "I appreciate that. It is easy to give up, and become part of this time." Tap. Tap. Rokk's fingers tap on the console. "We don't give up. We're the Legion. If even you are considering making a life for yourself here, than I have let things go too far."\<br\>\<br\>Standing, Rokk taps the "all call" signal on the console, summoning all the Legionnaires. Then Cos looks at Brainy with a smile. "Thank you old friend. We need to win this time." A pause. "Long Live the Legion."
Brainiac 5 has posed:\<br\>Brainy raises an eyebrow, and then says, "I didn't say I've given up. I'm merely intelligent enough to entertain multiple possibilities at once. Much like I've seen how much you enjoy baseball games, even if they are depressingly three-dimensional for a man who can manipulate magnetic fields."\<br\>\<br\>He gestures, with one hand. "Long live the Legion, then."