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(Angelica stopped by the mansion again, just to see who was about. She met up with Rogue on the way to grab a snack the two had a good visit, maybe sparking a friendship along the way.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:02, 9 April 2023

Getting used to the place
Date of Scene: 04 April 2023
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Angelica stopped by the mansion again, just to see who was about. She met up with Rogue on the way to grab a snack the two had a good visit, maybe sparking a friendship along the way.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Rogue

Firestar has posed:\<br\> While not a student, Jean gave Angelica the nod to come to the school since she is in town. It is still a little awkward for her as she really doesn't know many people here and only knows of a handful. Who doesn't know who the X-Men are after all? She opens the door and looks inside first, before going in. Still a little unsure of herself, which all things considered could be humerous to someone at first glance.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue is just coming down the stairs and about to head towards the kitchen when the movement of the front door opening catches her attention. Seeing an unfamiliar face stepping in, she shifts her stride and approaches the front door. "Hi! M'Rogue. Can I help ya with somethin'?"
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Turning her attention towards the sound of the voice, Angelica smiles a little inspite of herself. It is a mixture of surprise and slightly awkward,"Hello. I'm Angelica Jones. Firestar if you ask the news. Dr. Grey said I could come to visit some. I just came in from Canada and am looking at going to NYU."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"The news eh? Not a very fun thing to be included in the news when ya don't want to be. A lot of us here have got our histories of that. But yeah, if Jean said it was okay, we'll probably get ya set up with a room in the guest wing." Rogue offers all this and then motions. "I was just about to raid the kitchen. You hungry? How'd you get here from Canada?"
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "The Canadians are a little nicer when you are associated with Alpha Flight, even being the third string. Still...not a fan." she admits and makes sure the door is closed behind her. She looks over the house,"I never even thought to ask that. I just wanted to let her know I was around if she needed. NYU isn't the greatest dorm set up in the world." \<br\>\<br\> What college student isn't hungry? Her stomach literaly growls when Rogue asks and she blushes a litle, looking down at the floor a second,"I could stand a meal not from a cafeteria or a fast food restaurant. As for getting here. I flew." she replies, pauses and adds,"On a plane. It's a pretty long flight otherwise."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Did Jean mention anything about becoming a student here?" Rogue asks while walking Angelica towards the kitchen. "Some of the X-Men make up the staff, others are part of various mutant friendly teams, or just wanting to better mutant lives any way they can. NYU can be great but..." She goes searching for food in the fridge. "It can be rough. Even if most people are becoming more open minded. We have the Avengers and other random types landing here to thank for that."\<br\>\<br\>There's a pause and then she steps back. "Still some fried chicken strips left over from the other night. Home made. With mashed potatoes and gravy. Looks like Remy might have made some gumbo...And there's also...beans and rice it looks like? Any of that sound good?"
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "She didn't really talk about it since I just graduated high school. I didn't think you taught college so I didn't ask." she admits. She nods as she listens to the description of the faculty and the people who come and go,"I used to want to be an Avenger. I guess I still would like that, but I am...complicated in the power set." \<br\>\<br\> She considers all the options as Rogue describes the possible food,"A legitimate cajun gumbo. I know I am asking for it, but how could I turn that down?" she asks with a smile,"I would like to try that. I am starting to get a better handle on cooking and want to try different things, usually for inspiration."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Well, I warn you now, this is as authentic cajun gumbo as we can get and Remy puts his heart and soul into it." Rogue offers as she pulls the pot out and then grabs a smaller pot that can hold two portions. "And gumbo, as a whole, is great the first day but it's always better on the second or third. Let's all the flavors marry together." Even if she and Remy seem like they're always at odds, she does give the man credit on his cooking.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh. I guess we do sort of more focus on high school stuff... but I'm sure you could stay here while ya go to NYU...and you could even take some classes here. Remy teaches French. We've got an Ethics class...and a Home Ec class if you wanna use that to brush up your cooking and stuff." The new pot is set on the stove to heat up while the main pot is put back in the fridge. "Want some tea? It's Southern Sweet, we have milk, and juice too."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She almost looks so happy just listening to the promise of food. The smile is radiant as she says,"Keep talking. I won't ever leave." she teases lightly. The thought of real food is really appealing,"I would of course be intersted in taking a legitimate cooking class as well as some of the others you are talking about. I just didn't know if that was a thing." \<br\>\<br\> "Sweet tea sounds wonderful. I can't tell you how long it's been since I drank anything deliberatly iced. Most of the cold drinks up there just came that way by default." She leans on the counter and curiously asks,"So you were saying things have been settling down on the mutant front lately? That sounds good. I still remember the early days when I figured it out."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue laughs. "Oh don't get me to lyin', sugah. You get me on a roll of the tongue and I can talk yer ears off. Quite literally. We southern types love all sorts of talkin'." Course, it's a little hard to get Rogue to come out of her shell or even hang around a while, but she's seemed to be getting better at it recently.\<br\>\<br\>Two glasses, filled with ice and then tea are poured and Rogue serves one to Firestart while keeping the other to herself. "So, you mind tellin' me what your power or powers are? You ain't gotta if ya don't want, but it's nice to know what we're keepin' under our roof. For safety's and knowledge sake, you know?"
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She smiles again, also slow to warm up to people. However, maybe there is a kindred spirit in Rogue or maybe they just met at the right point,"I will keep that in mind." Her smile as genuine as it has been since they ran into each other. \<br\>\<br\> She takes the glass that is offered and she quiets a little. She shakes her head,"I don't mind talking about it. Not with others like us." she amends,"I can manipulate microwave energy and I can fly. I am similar in some respects to the Human Torch as I can fire beams, but more dangerous than fire on an environmental scale. At full burn it has been suggested I might be a walking weapon of mass destruction." She pulls her shirt down just a little,"Mac Hudson designed a suit to protect those around me, but I am still careful how much contact I have with people. There was a young mutant, Kit, he caught me by surprise and hugged me. That is OK, but I don't like to stay that close for long. I haven't ever hurt anyone inadvertently that I know of, but why push my luck?" One thing about her, she is matter of fact about what she is capable of.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>The gumbo has come up to a slow boil for a bit and so Rogue sets to serving a bowl to Angelica. This is done while listening to the other mutant explain her powers. "So this is a whole, don't piss you off or stay too close warning? I get that." A little too well but for very different reasons. "Being careful is a good thing, and it seems like you have your powers mostly under control which is also good." A second bowl is made but then her pocket vibrates and she checks her phone. "Damn. Looks like I'm needed somewhere. Guest hall is upstairs, just pick a room what don't look used and let us know which one it is. I'm sure one of us will get everything set in stone...soon. Sorry to serve and ditch. The life of an X-Man is ever changing."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Taking the gumbo she is offered she shakes her head,"Oh heavens no. I mean, that is..." she stammers a little,"I work very hard to keep things in check and I live every day afraid I might make someone sick or accidentally burn an innocent person in a conflict." she explains,"I survived multiple bullies in elementary and middle school before I made my way to Alpha Flight. The joys of only having one parent and being pretty poor." She considers those words before adding,"I could have made them stop once my powers manifested, but..." \<br\>\<br\> She considers the food a moment and then takes a bite, trying to organize her thoughts for a second. Her eyes widen a little as she chews on the food and she covers her mouth with the back of her hand to talk with food still there,"That's...spicy. Fantastic." she comments and concentrates on the food for a moment. She nods her approval and gets another bite, maybe trying to avoid the awkward moment she put out there.