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(When LARPing it Real goes wrong.)
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Revision as of 23:00, 9 April 2023

Say Yes To The Dress
Date of Scene: 26 March 2023
Location: Little Costume Shop, Flatbush
Synopsis: When LARPing it Real goes wrong.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Red

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>Outside the windows of the Little Costume Shop are the sounds of a man running. There's stumbling as well. And then the sudden arrival of a man with blond hair and what looks to be beat-up and homemade armor worn over his jeans and t-shirt combination comes stumbling into the shop, back first.\<br\>\<br\>The theme from Pretty Woman kicks in for some odd reason and even the new potential customer has to take a beat and realize what's happened.\<br\>\<br\>It takes him a moment but he fully turns around to reveal himself in all of his Clintness. He's holding his side (where this is no blood) and limping slightly (for no actual reason) and in one of his hands is a bow. His quiver is empty.\<br\>\<br\>Clint checks behind him before dragging himself towards the counter. "Hark!" Clint's accent doesn't change but he's using whatever random old timey words he can think up. "I say, thee hark! Is thine tailor in our midst?"\<br\>\<br\>Clint glances behind him once again as if he's trying to make sure nobody is behind him.
Red has posed:\<br\>At the characteristic beats of the film, a redhaired head pops out from the back door, glancing over at the commotion, before she actually steps into the doorframe. On her chest, a sticker proclaims Hello My Name Is Alice as she slips behind the counter, offering a little smile. "No Tailor here, only a foamsmith, propmaker, costume fabricator. What can I do for you?"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Fairest..." Clint squints to read the sticker. "Alice! Yes, thine skills are exactly what uh... is it thy? I think it's thy. What thy need!" Clint is so bad at this but he's doing what he can. Making sure to keep an eye on the door.\<br\>\<br\>"I am a uh..." Clint checks his hand. "Rogue. I'm a Rogue. And I am in need of a disguise. I can pay. I have gold or the proper currency needed."\<br\>\<br\>Even though he's saying this, it's super obvious that Clint is trying to remember his role in whatever nonsense he's gotten himself caught up in. He actually pauses after saying al of this to make sure that he's said everything he's supposed to.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh! The king's guard will be here hastily and uh... can you help?"
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice blinks as Clint goes all talky and gougue and such. "Uh... I gess... what do you need? We only take card or cash though. I mean, what kind of costume?" She ponders as she eyes him up to try and guess the measurements.\<br\>\<br\>Alice rises her eyebrows at the addition, about the king's guards. "You are not in trouble with the police, are you?
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>Clint glances back over his shoulder once more and then turns back to Alice. This time he's no longer in 'pain' and no longer trying to talk funny. The bow gets set down on the counter. "Alright, let me level with you. Some friends of mine are some major LARPers and I got roped into filling in for someone. I owed them a favor so here I am." Clint rolls his eyes. "Basically, I'm supposed to come here and get a disguise and try to sneak back into the battle. It's like a quest or something."\<br\>\<br\>Clint offers another helpless shrug of confusion. "Basically, I can't look like this," Clint motions to his whole outfit. "When I leave here."
Red has posed:\<br\>"That makes more sense. Ok, what do you need? I mean, What kind of LARP you do there? I got catalogues of stuff. Heavy or light armor? Priest or magican robes? Or do you need a Mandalorian Armor or Bounty Hunter Gear?" Alice points to a few binders and items on the walls. "A different costume is easy if you know what you need."
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>Clint takes a little bit to stroke his chin and look around the costume shop. He's just trying to get some thoughts going. And by the time he brings his face back to Alice, he's wearing a bit of a grin. It looks like he's got some kind of plan. He takes a step back from the counter and opens his arms pretty wide to show himself off. It's also just for visual effect.\<br\>\<br\>"Make me a woman."\<br\>\<br\>Cue the Right Said Fred music because it's probably time for a Montage!
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice raises an eyebrow, then the other, but then shrugs. "You got a razor with you? Because you ought to shave. For the rest... Let's see what I can cobble together. Style and epoch you are going for? I mean, Early, high or late medieval, France, Spain, Germany, England... Or some specific tint of fantasy?"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"Okay, no, I've been working on this for a while." Clint touches his face to mess around with his stubble. "Like we'll just get me a veil or something, right? Or a mask?" Clint's at a bit of a loss here but he does know he's not going to be shaving! Not for LARPing!\<br\>\<br\>"Uhhhhhhhhh." The look on Clint's face is pure confusion when the options start shooting from Alice's mouth. He just blinks a couple of times. "Let's go with uh..." His eyes catch the bow he put on the counter. "Hah! Marian. Let's make me Maid Marian. They'll never see that coming!"\<br\>\<br\>Clint's fighting it but also starting to get into it. He's so torn.
Red has posed:\<br\>"Maid Mariam, hm? let me take a look at the catalogues..." Alice reaches for a folder, pulling it out and then opening a page. "Marian in the 1971 film had this dress. Light greenish blue, pretty closed... Or the 1991 version of Marian Daguerre, she also wears a headscarf. And... hmmm... it seems the XL miiight fit with a bit of squeezing."\<br\>\<br\>Leaving Clint with the pictures side by side, Alice leaves to the back to get the dresses from the rotating hanger storage, so he might take a peek on them side by side. Proper pseudo medieval gowns.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>Clint is all over the catalogue and just checking out the two pictures. "I like the hat thing on the Daggerre one!" is tossed towards Alice. "But I'll check 'em both out!"\<br\>\<br\>Clint drums his fingers on the catalogue while looking back out of the door and also checking the time to make sure he's not taking too long. He does have to get back to the event before things get too crazy. There is a bit of a time limit on this.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh! And bring some fake boobs too! Might as well go all the way!"
Red has posed:\<br\>"The 91 one? The 71 has a similar, but sure." comes from the back. Alice shows the two dreses in real as she returns with them over the arm, giving Clint a once over as he demands fake chest. "How *much* of a fake chest you went?"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:\<br\>"I don't know! I've never had a fake chest before!"\<br\>\<br\>Clint throws his hands up for a moment but is clearly just looking to get this thing going. He starts yanking off some of this other haphazard armor pieces so he can get the dress on. "Whichever you think is breast!" Clint reaches for the 91 dress and catches himself. "Best. Whichever you think is best."\<br\>\<br\>Clint holds the dress up for a moment and then starts trying to shove the thing over his head. He's never put this kind of dress on before. This going to be interesting.
Red has posed:\<br\>"Hey, careful..." Alice remindss, stoping clint and first helping him to get the actual armor pieces all off. "And if you want to be convincing, you better get properly changed in the back. Also... we'd need to see how much you need to fill the dress. That can be arranged though. So... mind following me a moment to the workshop?"