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Latest revision as of 00:22, 10 April 2023

Sweet Revenge
Date of Scene: 09 April 2023
Location: East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Spider-Man helps a different cat lady fend of goons while squeezing information out of them.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Spider-Man

Catwoman has posed:\<br\>A few days after the silent auction hall that had gone so very wrong, ending with the kidnapping of a prominent antiques dealer, a stolen gemstone and oh yes, Selina narrowly missing being blown to pieces as she was knocked out and had a bomb strapped to her body as a decoy, she is definitely not pleased and out for revenge...And answers.\<br\>\<br\>The night finds her lurking the rooftops, not far from Mr Parrington's mansion where she is hot on the trail of a bunch of people in Guy Fawkes masks and black jumpsuits. Is this some sort of Halloween ploy? Another masquerade ball? Well whatever it is, Catwoman seems quite outnumbered as she fights tooth and claw against the thugs, not terribly skilled but they do outnumber her 8 to 1...
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Ah Spidey loved Manhattan tons of big building, and swing room though everyone knew him here which was a big bonus. Swinging by he heard a 'Hey Spidey!' and stopped to investigate. Turns out there were some 'wierd dudes' in the city dressed up like trick or treaters, or well like trouble. So thanking the random citizen, as they were his eyes, and ears around town he swings away heading directly there, but of course it is Spider-man so he is already late. He saw some lady, was that Black Cat.. No, but the motif was the same as she seemed to be fighting a lot of people.\<br\>\<br\>Swinging up, and flipping through the air he landed quietly behind the eight men ganging up on her. "Hey.. Is this a reserve party? Or can just anyone join?" he grins as he with one hand grabs one of the men and tosses him up in the air. He shoots a web to catch him of course, yanking down slightly as he pulls the man safely back to the rooftop.\<br\>\<br\>"I swear everyone in this town must just hate cats." he adds turning to face the now seven to one.\<br\>\<br\>He waves at Catwoman his mask showing a smile, "Hey, local Spider-man here.. Need assistance? Though disclamier I might of already stopped one." and chuckles lightly like this is just normal for him.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Catwoman is quite happy to take em all on..She certainly is no ordinary cat, certainly no cheap knock off a certain other cat burglar..Either way she arches a brow at Spider-Man and smirks, casually snapping out that whip of hers, easily catching the thug rushing at her right about the same time he tangles one up in a web.\<br\>\<br\>"Im quite capable of handling myse-!" she yelps as a thug grabs her round the neck from behind, two more approaching her with guns, while two others rush at Spidey, brandishing clubs.
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>"Well I guess I should just go then?" he teases, but seems to ignore the two men with clubs coming at him as he shoots two small burst of webbing at the people with guns. The goop of web would hit the guns, and spread over capturing them with the web. Rendering the guns un-usable, and if they start to try to rip it off, unless they have above human strength it is going to be a waste of time. He looks at the cat lady, "So.. whats your thing? Let me guess Sour Cat?" and his brings his hands under his chin, and gives the 'cat eyes'. As he does, the two men swing at him, and seeming he doesn't even see it, but before they can hit Spider-Man bows deeply as the two swings go right over. "Alow me to assist you for now, after this is over." he has to stop again and turn standing straight again as he dodges more blows still not looking at the two. "This is really bad for their self esteem me not doing anything."\<br\>\<br\>Now that the guns are covered he was a bit less worried. Though he covered it with jokes as per usual he didn't like it when people pulled guns, as most people were not bullet proof, and those shots could go anywhere. He bends wierdly and with one hand he stops another swing from the first guy cold, just motion to stopped, and then does the same to the second with his foot, as he now stands on one foot with a grin. "I mean it is kind of my thing.. Local... neighborhood... Not ringing any bells?"
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Catwoman rolls her eyes as more thugs go flying, effortlessly ducking and slipping to the side, throwing her would be attacker to the ground before sending a jumping front kick at one of the men whose gun was just stifled.\<br\>\<br\>"Sourpuss? Please, I'm the original Cat Woman and I have better things to do in my spare time than crack terrible jokes." as she speaks she snags another thug by the foot, and with a tug sends him off balance. It seems between the two of them these thugs didn't stand a chance.\<br\>\<br\>Some of them have been knocked out, the rest of them flee. Only then does Catwoman kneel by one of the unconscious thugs, slapping his face. "Wake up! i have questions for you!" she demands. The murderous look in her eyes suggests she is not going to be gentle with this one.
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>As Spidey finishes playing with the two men tryiing, and trying to hit him with clubs he looks at the with a sigh. "You should prob go too.. Our time was short, but Bill... Bob... I will always miss you." and chuckles with a wave, as they realise they are the only two left and start taking off without saying a word. For now Spidey is just happy with the spider-tracker he snuck on the club. They cost him a month of paycheck, but it was so useful as he could track it down later and see where they go as it might lead him further into who is behind this.\<br\>\<br\>Turning to look at Cat Woman.. "So your a cat Lady.. Wow! If you knew how many of those there were in New york.." and grins a bit. looking at the guy being questioned. "You best talk, or we will get out the litter!" and he makes wavy fingers at him, and grins at Catwoman walking over to her. "Look miss if you want information you don't have to do this there are better ways." he smiles a bit, and thumb-points to the ledge. "If you choke him out again... your just going to have to find someone else for your questions." he explains quickly as he wasn't really a tourture kind of guy.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Catwoman mostly ignores the chatty spider guy as she tries in vain to get info out of the thug. He just laughs, shaking his head, "You'll never stop Mikhael, he always gets what he wants..Including you!" with a cackle he passes out and Catwoman sighs! climbing to her feet. "Useless.." she snarls, glancing around. Looks like the rest of them have already fled, "Hmm, maybe I should take him back with me, torture him.." she could be saying that just to scare the guy, hard to tell..
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Spidey watches quietly though he crouches to look at the man, "I don't know... Let me try something." he webs the mans foot, and starts dragging him towards the edge of the building. He can kick grab, it didn't matter as Spidey would physically drag him to the edge pretty roughly. "Sorry man, but you were picking on a lady, see.. I like the cat ladies around here, and I can't have your crew coming in ganging up on them." he chuckles, and shakes his head, finally at the edge.. "And off we go." he yanks the man through the air letting him drop just holding on to the web.\<br\>\<br\>"Unlike her, I don't care about you or your boss.. See I got a town to protect... oops." he lets go of about five feet of web. "Almost lost ya there.." as he pulls him back up that five feet. He turns, and winks at Catwoman as he didn't actually lose his grip. "So.. You were saying about Mikhael.. Who is this Mikhael?" he asks the man with a grin.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>The thug's eyes widen in fear, struggling as he dangles precariously over the edge. "Ahh! Don't drop me!" he struggles a bit til he realizes he's got nowhere to go but down. "Okay, okay! Mikhael is my boss, the vampire lord who can hypnotize people. Like he did to Catwoman, he wanted her back so she could help him carry out the heist of the century! He never intended to kill her..That's all I know, now let me go!"
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Spidey thinks about it, for a moment. "Vampire huh... Humm.." he looks over at Catwoman. "Anything else you need? He asks for a moment before he grins down over the edge of the man. "Really poor choice of words." and he release the Web for a moment. The man would fall, and fall, but Spidey knew the size of these buildings, and would stop him before he hit the bottom so that the police could find the man who hopefully wore his brown pants today. He turns with a chuckle to look over at Catwoman, as he reaches into his tights pulling out a small box of a device. "Look... you are lucky I like black cats so here." he tosses it to her. "It is a tracker to find those thugs, but don't go alone." he wags a finger at her.\<br\>\<br\>He looks around as there are many other cries for actual help out there, then faces her again. "Just find me before you go, and I will help! For now you have just been saved by Spider-Man.. Your welcome!" and chuckles as he just takes a step off the ledge dropping.\<br\>\<br\>It isn't very long before he is swinging again with a "Wha-who!" as he starts swinging away again to stop another crime in his city as his work was never done.