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(Three mutants meet up in a club...and enjoy small talk over drinks.)
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Revision as of 03:33, 10 April 2023

All the World's a Stage
Date of Scene: 14 July 2022
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Three mutants meet up in a club...and enjoy small talk over drinks.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Cannonball, Beast

Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue is here on business. Maybe. At the very least regardless of if she's 'on the clock' or not - she's keeping a keen eye on all things in the club. Though that doesn't mean she's not also having something akin to a good time, chatting up someone here and there, taking drink orders when others are busy. Otherwise, for a moment, she pauses at the bar to get herself a drink of water using the moment to continue people watching. It's not terribly busy but it's not slow either.
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie had some things he had to attend to, so he is coming in a bit later than normal, but he did let people know at least. So stepping out of the backroom is Sam, walking towards the bar, looking about, dressed in a purple button up shirt and black slack. Seeing Rogue he nods to her in greeting.
Beast has posed:\<br\>Henry McCoy does not usually dance. But the track that's playing right now has nostalgia writ all over it and it has ignited the soft shoe shuffle within. It being the summertime and now out of school semesters, the big blue is in his standard attire of a colourful bermuda shirt and shorts and that man, /that/ man right there, will never be ashamed of wearing dad sandals. They're comfortable! They're just not the greatest for dancing in, unless you don't care how ridiculous you look, twisting the ... afternoon away. It's the facial expressions though, that's the real kicker.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue is about halfway through her drink when Sam comes in from the back. She gives him an up-nod in greeting and smirks before letting her gaze travel the club again. When she spots Hank, she actually gives a bit of a laugh - not AT the man, but more at the sheer enjoyment she spots on the Blue Meanie's face while he twists away to a song playing on the jukebox. There's another look in her eyes. Admiration perhaps? That would be quite hard to miss, unless your name is Hank McCoy and you're a little unawares of social queues. Though there's a glance back to Sam after a moment, "How goes?"
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks over and seeing who Rogue is looking at he will smile a slight smile, and then as he gets near "Am doing ok, had a few errands had to run before work tonight, how are you?"
Beast has posed:\<br\>And there go the gratitous jazz-hands, along with an electric slide as the song ends. It got some smiles just by contagion, so in that respect Hank has no infection control, nor does he care. "I'll be here until Tuesday, try the veal..." he calls to a couple of younger dancers, before ambling his beach-ready self toward the bar. Does he catch the end of that glance? It's hard to say, he CAN sometimes be entirely oblivious. "My peoples!" - the greeting is chipper though, "... Hey Sam." Grin, pause. There's a couple of options that seem to roll over his mind before he actually ends up with "Sweetie." That with a chin-lift nod at Rogue and a reach for a drink with far too much colour and not nearly enough alcohol.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue smiles at Sam and nods. "Running errands can be a good thing, if not tiring. It's good to see you though." This offered before they're joined by the beach-ready Beast and that proffered greeting has her smiling. "Darlin'." She offers to the Blue Meanie in return with a smile that could melt butter. "You looked real nice on the dance floor a moment ago. You should show me some of those moves again sometime."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie nods over to Beast "Sir." Yea it is an old habit, he maybe able to get used to Beast or Hank, but first instinct is still Sir or Dr. "Well they needed to be done, and better to get them done than put them off." Back to Hank he says "Hope you find the place to your liking. we have become a pretty popular place."
Beast has posed:\<br\>Beast chews briefly on his cheek at the 'sir' but this time just lets Sam have it. Mostly. "You could try Doc for size, if you like. I know there's a problem with the crow-bar separation of past experiences, but... " He winks at Rogue behind his spectacles, so fast you might miss it and grins, full of underbite. Then with a glance around the clube, he nods. "So I see. And have heard. And observed. More popular when school's in, but I think it's all to the good. We need more places like this where people can be themselves," leaning his elbows on the bar, he considers the ceiling. "I do remember treating an ER patient for an accidental head injury from bouncing into one of the spotlights. Some people shouldn't have red bull with their mutations."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue smirks. "So formal. I can't really imagine someone actually calling a person wearing a hawaiian shirt and flip flops sir." Her eyes sparkle with a bit of mirth at that. Glancing back to Beast then, she nods her head. "Probably where they got the slogan that it gives you wings..." On the account of red bull and mutations. A reach to put bare hand against a blue furred arm, she squeezes once and then finishes her drink. "I don't drink any type of energy drink on principal...and mostly because I don't really ever need the extra energy."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Just manners Ah was taught and old habits." He admits "I think I remember that incident, we have put a bit more safety procedures up since then .. Doc." He tries at least. "Getting Berto to buy this place was a good idea, it has worked out well."
Beast has posed:\<br\>Henry McCoy gives a bushy eyebrow lift to Rogue as if to say 'I know, rite??' glancing down at the very picture of informal that goes by the name of Hank. His drink is finished with a noisy slurp and is set aside, so he can lean his elbows on the bar, backwards. The trying on for size though, gets another flashed grin, even as he's glancing down at the hand on his arm, which just makes the grin wider. Just a casual lean, in the generalized direction of the club's strongest bouncer, but it's noticeable. "And I imagine that it made sense for the Dacosta asset portfolio, too."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue glances to the drink that Hank just noisly slurped to finished and then nods to the bartender. Even if Hank doesn't drink it, she likely will, just because she can. Knowing Hank it likely was more fruity mixed stuff than alcohol anyway. "Is it just me or have things been really slow and quiet lately? I mean over all. I don't think I've heard so much as a peep from any of our usual suspects, and even the streets of Mutant Town and such have been generally quiet lately. I ain't complainin'... it just feels... weird?"
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Well maybe but that can be a good thing, having a bit of time to enjoy life and all.'" He is brought a tea for himself, and looks to Hank and says "Ah made sure, Ah could predict it making a profit and being a good buy in before Ah sent him the info.
Beast has posed:\<br\>"Good gravy, you did have to say the Q word, didn't you?" Hank peers around in mock suspicion, just in case there's a lurker in the wings just itching to gate crash and disturb the peace. When none manifests, he rapps his knuckles on the bartop for good luck. "I just figure that the villains are enjoying a much needed plotting time, whereby they spend the summer on a beach and work out their next season of suspicious activity. And that, ny dear Sam, was wise."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue rolls her eyes. "I guess we'll just have to utilize the Danger Room for a bit hten, huh?" Saying this much with a shrug. "Cause I really could use an expulsion of energy and such..." Then the drink she ordered for Hank is served and she actually takes up the glass to have a sip. "Or maybe I just need a vacation from my...vacation? Who knows." A look to Sam then. "Think you'll need me much longer tonight?"
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks over to see who else is on the job tonight, and says "Ah think we got it covered, and if they need a bit of help Ah think Ah could step in to give them a bit of help