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Movie night at the Tower
Date of Scene: 09 November 2022
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Vacations and Buthole chins
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Hawkeye (Bishop), Red Robin

Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r hovers into the Titan's Tower living room from the elevator carrying several large square boxes. "It's-a me, Kory! I-a gotta tha pizza!" She giggles and gives a wave to Kate and Tim as she sets the boxes down on the center table and opens them up... a meat lovers, a pepperoni, a hawaiian, and of course, a mustard pizza. Pointing to it she claims "Dibs on this one!... So which movie are we watching?"
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop is coming up behind Kori, the two friends having crossed paths when they were out, "Hey, I'm Kate! Don't worry, I'm cool. I'm like...okay, I'm not an Avenger, but, like, my mentor totally is and I'm better than him anyway, I mean in a purely technical 'better shot' way, but he just doesn't like to admit it...uh, yeah. I'm Hawkeye. Too. Hawkeye II."\<br\>\<br\>She wears her costume, in fact, purple and black bodysuit, snugly fit to her curves but flexible enough to give her the mobility she needs in combat.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake did make sure he has his domino mask on when the tower alerted that there was a visitor, but other than that he is actually dressed to relax jeans, and a video game t-shirt. He looks starting to answer pausing brow raising behind the mask as he sees who the guest is. Kori will know he has switched to the Red Robin voice, which is close to the Tim voice, but a bit deeper. That Batman training kicking in automatic. "Well, I know Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming up so I picked a few. Has Nightwing ever shown you National Lampoon's Vacation Kori?" He Asks and then looks over to Kate "Hi, welcome to Titan's Tower."
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r shakes her head no, which makes her incredible long mane of hair sway side to side. Speaking of, the end tips of the hair appear on fire when she flies, though not burning up. Just hovering, it's the smallest of flames.\<br\>\<br\>    And as for what she's wearing... some beach babes wear more than Kory's costume hides. She appears to have zero shame about displaying her body. Her typical excuse is that she needs to soak up the sun's rays.\<br\>\<br\>    "No, Robin. I do not believe so. Is that a Thanksgiving or a Christmas movie? I am up for either." Spinning in midair as she picks up a slice of mustard pizza and floats backwards to the couch, she smiles at the other girl "Hi Kate! I am glad you could join our celebrations!" She's very bubbly, but that's just Kory.
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop usually catches all the eyes in her snug bodysuit with her surprising curves, but there's no way she can compete with Kori, no way, no how. She is immaculate, no doubt about it.\<br\>\<br\>"You don't even know you're doing it, do you?" she shakes her head at Kori, and then turns her attention to Robin.\<br\>\<br\>"Christmas Vacation would be excellent. That shit is bonkers weird. What is with that dad guy? His chin is like a whole butthole!"
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over and says "This one is technically a more summer one, but I do have Christmas vacation as well, thought we would want the original first, and then if your up for another one, we can watch Christmas one after." He offers in explanation. Red Robin is a bit more used to Kori's behavior and maybe a bit more immune than most, not cause she is not hot, but more, with the whole on and off again thing with his brother. He moves to grab some pizza and puts it on a plate and grabs a energy drink from the fridge "What would you like to drink Hawkeye?" He asks her "And yea trust me, I know what it is like to use a name others have used."
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r looks quizzically and apparently innocently at Kate "I do not even know I am doing what? Do you mean my flying? Sometimes I do it reflexively, it is true." \<br\>\<br\>    She floofs down on the couch and begins munching on her pizza "mmfff... s'good... good pizza, good movie, good friends! Let's get this party started! Put it in, Tim!" Apparently completely oblivious to the double entendre.
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop grins to Robin, "Pleasure's mine. Uh, anything with tequila will do me fine. I'm not picky and I went to Cancun wayyyyyyyy too many times as a teenager. "Oh, right, I even forget about the other ones, cause the Christmas one's so good. I don't like the kids much in European Vacation, I'm not sure why. The daughter's just so hateful."\<br\>\<br\>SHe hops over the back of the couch and lands athletically, with her legs already extended, her on one side, Kori on the other, Robin in the middle.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake nods, and will set his stuff down to go to the mini car that is there, while a lot of teen titans are teens not all are. He will mix a drink for the lady, seems someone has taught the young man to be a good host. Thumbs up to Alfred. He will finish the drink, and grab one of her mustard drinks, and first brings the ladies, their drinks and then returns with his own and his food. "Still think it is weird two of the four Rustys ended up pretty decent house hold names at different times in life."
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r brightens "oh! Thank you Tim!" as he brings her the drink. \<br\>\<br\>    She's already finished her first slice of mustard pizza and begins working on the second... and the movie hasn't even started yet. Her appetite is legendary, as is her love of mustard. That pizza will be gone all too soon. She settles in to watch the movie, listening as the two other occupants of the couch discuss it and trying not to feel like the alien she is.
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop cocks her head, "Rusty's? Look, I just met you guys, let me at least finish my drink..." she teases.\<br\>\<br\>She flops back and crosses her legs, "Kori, these movies are meant to be very silly. They're kind of parodies of what humans are like? So the characters are like, extra dumb. I mean ,I know most humans are dumb, probably compared to you, because I'm sure your brain is as big as your..."\<br\>\<br\>"Anyway, I will warn that some of the humor may be hard to carry over. These movies are a lot based in Baby Boomer nostalgia bullshit that has long since faded, but now is, ironically, kitschy nostalgia in its own right. But it is funny, still.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over and says "I figure the slapstick part should carry over well, and I think Nightwing tries to show you a few essential need to see movies ever year, and thought ya might have seen the christmas one, but figures this one might have been skipped. Plus figured goofy comedy you can't go wrong. I did bring Tucker and Dale vs Evil as well."
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r gets an image in her mind of what a Baby Boomer could possibly be... surely no one would make bombs out of babies!...\<br\>\<br\>    "I... think I understand? I am familiar with comedy and parody and slapstick, though I do not always catch all the references. Tucker and Dale must be great heroes to pit themselves against Evil!" There is an upward twitch of her lips that indicates she might be messing with the both of them with her final comment.
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop nods to Robin, "Yeah, that guy's a real old fashioned doofus. Like pure Dad shit," she says. "I mean, not my Dad, but my dad's an asshole. He'll tell you that himself. Proud of it even," she sighs. "It's a bummer. I've moved on."\<br\>\<br\>"Oh, I've seen that one," she says to Kori's reference. "Gory, but I don't mind that. Uh. Obviously. Experienced...pro that I am."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks over to Kori a brow raises a bit to her comment, but does think she might be pulling one on them. "Nightwing's not that bad, more big brother than dad really." He offers in explanation. "So how did you two meet if I may ask." He says as he munches his food. listening for now.
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r looks a bit sad for a little bit at the talk of fathers. "I do not know for sure but I believe my parents are dead. I doubt my accursed traitorous sister would have let them live and threaten her rule."\<br\>\<br\>    She quickly bounces back from her dark mood at the question of how she met Kate. She's very mercurial as well as difficult to depress. She grins over at Hawkeye "oh I totally saved her from a certain defeat, isn't that right Kate? She was outnumbered and cornered and sure to experience certain doom, when the dramatic, heroic, beautiful and fabulous Starfire rushed in and set all to right, saving the damsel in distress!" She giggles knowing Kate will probably have a thing or two to say about that.
Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:\<br\>Kate Bishop gives Kori a long, blank stare after that. "I'm...what...did you...I...you know what, if that's the way you want to tell it, that's fine by me! Because you know what, she is all of those things, even if I wasn't in nearly as much distress as she says, I was, in fact, totally fine, but her showing up just, like, put it all over the top in a really cool and...sparkly way."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake chuckles softly to this and looks between the two girls. He would have to look back through some records and see if he can figure the truth out some time. "Well, one way or the other, it seems like it ended up well, in the end."
Starfire has posed:\<br\>    Koriand'r blushes lightly at the praise from the girl even after the teasing she gave her. "You're very impressive too Kate. Both of you are actually. To do what you do without all the physical and power advantages someone like me has... well it is inspiring."\<br\>\<br\>    She stares at the movie as the Griswolds come on screen and points as she gasps "He *does* have a butthole chin!"