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(Superman and Wonder Woman talk about the weight of Side Kicks.)
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Guidance for the Secret Identity
Date of Scene: 31 March 2023
Location: Arboretum, Watchtower
Synopsis: Superman and Wonder Woman talk about the weight of Side Kicks.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Wonder Woman

Superman has posed:\<br\> Superman will sit at the Watch Tower Monitors. It's his turn for Watch Duty. Nearby him is a pizza, meat lovers, soda, coffee, and a variety of other goodies. It's neatly kept, unlike when Flash monitors it. Sometimes Superman forgets to eat, he tries to make it a habit to remember when working monitor duty. \<br\>\<br\> A few hours in he will radio for one person, "Wonder Woman. I'm doing Monitor duty. I have some questions when you can spare some time. Non-emergency," he makes sure this is clear so she can tell that this is nothing monitor related. Perhaps something to pass the time? Maybe something else. It's hard to tell. Either way, Superman did ask for her.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince responds when contacted. "Of course Kal. I will be up shortly."\<br\>\<br\>Less than fifteen minutes later she has portaled to the Watch Tower. Making her way to the Monitor room, she looks in and smiles. "Hello Kal." Moving into the room she finds a chair beside him and sits. "You wanted to talk?"
Superman has posed:\<br\> ""Superboy doesn't have an identity. He didn't start on the planet like I did. He needs to create an identity for himself. I. . .I don't know how to help him," he admits, knowing that any advice he could give to the namesake is based on educated guesses. \<br\>\<br\> "Do you know how he would even start one?" he asks honestly on that front. It's something he doesn't know where to begin exactly.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince listens thoughtfully. "I have not had a separate identity for a long time. I was Diana Prince at first. But I did not have a government recognized ID. It was challenging. I made a few friends who I knew I could trust and they helped me slowly establish a place of residence. And in time, even ID. But it never felt right. Pretending I was legitimate. It is why when the Amazons revealed themselves entirely that I revealed myself. And through the establishment of governmental relations between Themyscira and the rest of the world was I able to establish Diana Prince as a legal name with proper records."\<br\>\<br\>She smiles. "I am certain that through the Justice League, we can establish a proper identity for him with legal documents and ID. The authority is there given that we work with galactic and universal entities that often come to Earth."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "We both know a personal identity is more than a piece of paper," Superman says as he listens to everything. He sighs, "I think one day he may get to that same point as you, where you feel like you're pretending. I think right now he needs the identity. Something to help him grow until he's ready to have an identity like I do or does something like you did," Superman pushes aside a strange thought he has for a moment. \<br\>\<br\> Then he looks toward her, "I would like him to have an identity for Earth. Everything for him to just have a life, even if it's just for a couple of years," he says with a smile liking a lot of her ideas.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince nods. "It is. But that cannot be chosen for him. He will need to have a say at the least, or preferably he will need to decide what identity he wishes to have. Then we can more easily assist in helping him establish it."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "True. I know he needs to have something established, all choices have to be Superboy's," Superman sighs and shakes his head. "I just feel bad for him. He didn't ask for anything, even existence. So much was just forced upon his shoulders," he admits. It's not guilt, but a lot of empathy. Between being an orphan, knowing how the powers weighed on him, and very similar. Wonder Woman could probably tell Superman is trying to spare the other hero a lot of pain and frustration.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince listens. "None of us asked for our lives, Kal. But they are what we choose to make of them."\<br\>\<br\>She reaches over to lightly touch his shoulder. "I would be pleased to meet him. ANd if you would both like, I will speak with him. Perhaps we can find a path for him that he can value and thrive in pursuing, being a hero aside."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "Well, he was created. A clone of me," Superman says and now she can see why he is empathetic. Superman doesn't feel violated, but he does feel bad that Supeboy exists simply because Superman exists. There is a weigh that comes with such a creation.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince nods slowly. "Was he created by Luthor? As Karen was?" she wonders softly. "It does not take away from who they are. No one can take their freedom. Their identities away. No one has power over them that they do not surrender themselves. It is our responsibility, our obligation, to assist them as we may."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "I think they both deal with similar issues. Trying to figure out who they are when they have a lot of the same issues," he admits and shakes his head a bit. Superman doesn't like what either of them go through. "We will assist as we can. I just remember how scary the powers were. How hard they were to control. Everything. I don't want him to go through that," he admits looking back to her.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince says, "You and Kara would be best suited to assist them with their powers. You understand them" she counsels. "As for identities. I will aid as much as I am able. Perhaps Batman will be able to assist as well. Or Oracle. We have many avenues that can be used to obtain identities as needed. For them or any others."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "Oracle would be a big help on the identity front," Superman isn't entirely sure if Batman sees Bruce Wayne as the mask instead of the other way around. He trusts Batman in everything except for maybe that area, just because it's honstly hard to read him there.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince nods. "I will explore options that may be available to me as an Ambassador. It may be, if Superboy wishes, that we might establish him with an identity through Themyscira."\<br\>\<br\>She smiles. "We will find the right solution for him, Kal. It might just take a little time."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "I worry about him. I don't have children, but I do have a namesake. The beginning wasn't ideal. I just hope the end is," he says knowing there's a lot to do. And maybe that's what he wanted Wonder Woman here. Someone that will listen to him and understand that weight, too. While never a sidekick, there is still a responsilbity when someone becomes a namesake.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince smiles. "I would be concerned if you were not worried."\<br\>\<br\>"We will look out for him. But we cannot choose for him. It must be his decision to do the right things. We can only guide and counsel."\<br\>\<br\>"It is the same with Donna and Cassie, for me" she notes. "So I do understand."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "I know you know. I like knowing that you know. It's a comfort," Superman admits and he nods. That's what he needed. Everything about Superboy bothers him. And to hear someone is there, understanding, it's a comfort in a strange situation. Still, he's trying to make the most of it.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince pauses to try and parse those first comments to be certain she agrees. With an amused smile, she nods. "We will help him as much as he wishes for us to." She shakes her head, "It is not easy. But we must trust that they will all make good decisions. We cannot do it for them." That is the curse of having namesakes. Children. Be they surrogates or not.