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(Natasha and Alexander see a play then head out for sushi.)
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Revision as of 03:50, 10 April 2023

Tales of Avengers and Sushi
Date of Scene: 03 April 2023
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Natasha and Alexander see a play then head out for sushi.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Phobos has posed:\<br\>    The Ambassador Theater's doors opened with a ringing of bells as several of the door men cleared the path for the audience to depart after the evening's show. Within some people still lingered, talking amongst each other, discussing the show that they just saw which was the somewhat controversial re-imagining of the Battle of New York, told from the perspective of a cabbie who had apparently carried each one of the Avengers in the back of his cab and had long deep philosophical discussions with them.\<br\>    Only for him to be left alone on the bridge as it collapsed, with no Avenger in sight to save him as he fell. One of the many victims in the battle.\<br\>    Of course it was fiction. And it took some liberties, but it did try to present interesting human sides of each of those six Avengers from those days. There also was no poor cabbie who had existed back then and coincidentally ferried around each of them since really. What did Tony need with a cab?\<br\>    And as he emerged from those doors with the beautiful redhead on his arm, Alexander Aaron, Agent of SHIELD... gave his opinion.\<br\>    "The cabbie was just... a device. The window for people to view the world and get the insight about... them." He says, since nobody had recognized Natasha. The actress they had gotten for her was in fact a good bit taller and delicate, but she did make the leather cat suit look good. \<br\>    "And when he fell off the bridge to his doom, I think the director is maybe trying to say the sentiment of people these days are that their heroes are too distant? Or have failed them for some reason?"\<br\>    As he walked with her peoples' eyes glanced after them. They made a handsome couple, and Alex was wearing a fine tuxedo that was tailored rather perfectly to hug the supple contours of his athletic physique. His hair was actually combed and well cared for. He was freshly and fully shaved, which shaved a few years off his apparent age.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>It was funny how often she was not recognized unless she was wearing that catsuit. Obviously she had changed her hair since she was back to wearing it short of late, able to just shower and run to let it dry on it's own and simplifying her life. But she went through such spells. It was rare she kept a hairstyle for more than a couple of years. Though she did keep her natural color at all times. She'd changed it to black back in her early days but no more. \<br\>\<br\>Currently she was wearing a lovely black gown, full-length, a slit up one leg showing off the limb perfectly when she walked or crossed her legs just so. The neckline was high, though the back was mostly open, giving it that daring aspect. \<br\>\<br\>"I suspect the latter. Or failed them personally and this is their way of expressing it. I think they still admire the heroes," she offered as they walked, heels clicking along the sidewalk as they did so. "Or they wouldn't want to spend so much time on each and humanizing them that way. But I suspect that the writer actually lost someone in the Battle and this is their way of trying to cope with that." \<br\>\<br\>She gave a little shrug. "It could be the heroes being out of reach as well. Since there are a lot that don't seem to really go out and associate with people."
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    A nod is given, "But that brings up the point, do the individuals people consider heroic... owe that to others? You could argue that the service or aid they provide should be enough? That the imagined obligation people place upon them simply creates an unrealistic archetype that people can only invariably fail over time." \<br\>    Alex pauses near the curb and looks across the sweep of Broadway, so many cabs rolling past, so many people wandering off. He smiles at her and slips an arm around her waist, pondering hailing one of those cabs then he looks at her, "Do you feel like grabbing a drink and a bite, or straight home?" \<br\>    It had been nice to get out, though in truth they both were homebodies so often. With their work as it was they rarely had time together but it was nice to do something fun. \<br\>    "I'm fine with either, though I feel with you dressed like that we should... I don't know, go dancing. Or sneak into some high society gathering."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\> "It's...different. People who put themselves out there to protect others already existed, long before the so called superheroes." Natasha said. "Firemen, police, paramedics. But when they are Heroes," the word stressed to make it different. "There is that element of celebrity in it too. Especially a public team like the Avengers. When someone is perceived as a celebrity, people feel they are owed more in a lot of ways. Whereas a police officer that helped them probably wouldn't ever be someone they though about by name much in the future. Just the figure that had been there. The uniform, not the person."\<br\>\<br\>Natasha focused on the latter. "Something to drink and eat would be lovely. I didn't want to before the show." Nothing like needing to run to the restroom in the middle of things, which might've happened if a show didn't have an intermission. Then she grinned a little. "Or we could see what is listed online for big society events tonight and crash one. Have you ever snuck into something like that before?" Which would be a silly question to ask of her for obvious reasons.
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    "Once or twice," Alex says with a smile, "When I was young and wild." Which might make her smile since well... compared to her he is still rather young. Though perhaps not as wild. He laces his fingers with hers, both of them holding each others hands. He glances up toward the sky and the clouds that threaten a hint of rain, yet not yet. Perhaps later in the evening.\<br\>    "Check your super secret spy device and see what options open up before us." That spy device being her cellphone, of course.\<br\>    He leans back against a lamp post and rests his hands on her hips, smiling into her eyes whenever she glances up as she digs for that phone and gives them the needed recon data they need to plan out the rest of their evening. \<br\>    "We could always get some sushi over at Morimoto's." His smile curved wry, "Get it to go, take it home..." Those words turned a little wickedly intoned near the end.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>At mention of her super secret spy device, Natasha was already opening up her clutch and pulling out the cellphone. A quick search of the society pages and she found a few potential options, mentally calculating in her head how far they were from their current location. Then balancing that against how hungry she was because too far simply would not do.\<br\>\<br\>But when he mentioned the sushi and taking it home, she peeked up at him through her lashes. That smirk twisted up one side of her mouth. Mischief was reflected in her eyes. "We could, yes. Though that isn't keeping us out of the house." Then she raised her head fully and tilted it to the side slightly. "Though one should ease themselves into this whole being out on the town and social thing. We /did/ see a play. That's a good first step. Da?"
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    When she said that last word he bit his lower lip slightly and then told her with a rumbling accented tone, "Da, vozlyublennaya." He smiles and brushes a finger lightly through that short hair of hers, just slightly along the curve of her ear. His lips curve warmly as he exhales a slow breath, clearly enjoying that hint of her accent.\<br\>    "We have a reputation to uphold of course. But I selfishly would like to head home together. If you wish." He squeezes her hand gently, then pushes away from that lamp post, looking across the way as he starts to wave toward a passing taxi. "We'll swing by Morimoto's and look at the menu. Let that decide for us if we want to sit and eat or just wander off back home."\<br\>    One of the passing cabs flashes its lights as it then pulls over out of its lane and toward where they are on the curb. He steps up to it and pulls the door open, letting her precede him.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>And that little choice of word, the fact he had gone out of his way to learn it, sent a little thrill to her toes. Natasha couldn't help smiling and gave his hand a squeeze back. "Perhaps we will eat something there. Then get the sushi to go. Because I suspect if we go straight home, I won't be eating immediately."\<br\>\<br\>That little sparkle to her eyes again as she slid into the taxi, crossing her legs so that slit fell open and showed off her leg perfectly for her love as he entered behind her.
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    He eased into the taxi and then told the man in the driver's seat, "Morimoto's on 42nd?" Which was enough for the taxi driver who knew the crowd he was servicing during this time of night in this part of the city. He pulled out into the street and started the small trip uptown.\<br\>    Alex turned to her and smiled a little, "So what did you think of the actress they got for you? And how they wrote you?" He eased an arm around her shoulders and held her close, a hand resting on her knee to complete the circuit.\<br\>    The lights on the street and from those giant billboards and signage on Broadway cast a myriad of colored light upon them as they city rolled by past their windows.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>"I thought she looked fantastic," Nat admitted, thinking back to the woman in the catsuit on stage. Even the wig had been pretty believable, at least at that distance. No telling if it would hold up upon a closer viewing.\<br\>\<br\>"But the writer obviously took a lot of liberties. They had no idea who I am or what I'm like." Which had her shrugging slightly as she leaned against his shoulder to enjoy the comfort of his physicality during the ride. It was slightly nippy out though not especially cold and his higher body temp made such nights better. She didn't have to worry about a jacket as he'd keep her warm. "I did appreciate teh confidence they gave her but she was far too chatty with a stranger. When instead she would've gotten the cabbie talking about herself instead."
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    "That makes sense," Alex looks thoughtful as they ride along, the blazon image of another Broadway show passes over his features, and for a time the reflection of it in those pale hazel eyes make him seem almost eerie, as if he wasn't truly part of this world. But then he turned to her and smiled.\<br\>    "I think they had Tony down pretty well, but he's the most... public one of you guys. And Cap they seemed to treat with kid gloves." He worries at his lower lip as he ponders the play they had just seen. "Hawkeye got the most flattering writing I think. Though they played him a little for humor. But in a way that... seemed positive for him." \<br\>    The street continued to roll by, and she could tell that he was keeping his situational awareness. Checking the angles, the sight lines, though only someone with her background likely would pick up on it. They had enemies that wouldn't hesitate to hit them while they were out and about. "Did you ever do an interview for a magazine or a show?" He asks as his thoughts bring him down that line of inquiry, wondering how much of her is on the public record, as it were.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>"Yeah, they did surprisingly well on Hawkeye. For someone who is so private. But his humor seemed spot on." Considering he was one of Nat's besties, she'd certainly know. "And he often does play up situations for humor himself. It's a coping mechanism."\<br\>\<br\>The last question got a negative shake of the head. "Right after the events, they tried to interview all of us. Tony was quick to agree. Cap a little less so but he didn't want to let people down I think." That smirk back again. "I declined. Repeatedly. They were very hopeful but I just prefer not to. It's not like I can really talk about anything I do outside what I did in the fight itself so it'd have been a very dull interview." Between her past and her present in SHIELD, her life was too much about secrets.
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    "Did paparazzi ever follow you?" He asks with the open curiousness that most people would be afraid to ask of her. A good sign that he was entirely comfortable with her. And considering what they had been through it's very understandable.\<br\>    "I was out once, ages ago, with my aunt. Who... she would at times assume the form of someone that she felt was beautiful. She had this game where she would find someone..." He glances at the driver, but the man doesn't seem to be paying attention to them. But who knows?\<br\>    "She'd find someone, pick them up, and then reveal herself asking which... form they found more beautiful. A few times it worked out in her favor. Other times she got... angry."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>"A few tried. After a couple of ...negative situations for them, they decided it wasn't worth trying to find out more about me," Natasha admitted. She didn't give details but he knew her well enough to know that negatively could cover a lot of territory. Most of it scary.\<br\>\<br\>At mention of his aunt changing forms, it took Natasha a moment to catch up. Her initial though had been Diana but she didn't know of the Amazon changing forms. Thus she finally caught on that he likely meant Aphrodite. "Yeah, if they didn't realize what they were dealing with, that could be an easy mistake. Does she have the same level of ego and temper as Apollo?"
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    "Depends," Alex says with a small twist to his lip, "She can one minute seem to be the most gentle creature. All sweetness, innocence, and light." He holds her close, enjoying the way they seem to meld together in the back seat of that cab. "And the next she feels herself being threatened by the most curious thing. But I imagine that's part of her... purview. The Tempestuous Woman archetype or something." \<br\>    His eyebrows rise, "For being so focused on love, she sometimes doesn't understand why people fall in love with some people. For her it's all... direct physical beauty. Doesn't matter if you're drawn to someone because of something about their personality. She feels that physicality trumps all."\<br\>    A pause, then he looks sidelong at her, "Though she did tell my father once that she approved of us. For some reason."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:\<br\>"Because we're both pretty."\<br\>\<br\>Natasha delivered the line straight. But five seconds later, he'd hear that husky chuckle of hers. But she did have to follow up. "Alright, I know it sounds silly but we actually are what many would consider attractive. We just aren't egotistical about it, which it sounds like your aunt might be."\<br\>\<br\>And she looked toward the ceiling of the car as she added in a lower voice. "No offense."\<br\>\<br\>Then she looked back at Alexander. "And I suppose if I was the most beautiful woman on the planet, I'd be egotistical about it too."
Phobos has posed:\<br\>    "You kinda are, Natasha." Alexander says in that sidelong tone he uses at times when he is revealing to her something he imagines she's not aware of. It had a hint of smugness to it sometimes, as well as a touch of playfulness to it. Yet his smile was that easy-going one she had seen many times before.\<br\>    "To me for sure, and to anyone who has seen how you move." He confides that gently into the shell of her ear as he gives a small kiss. "So... about that sushi..."\<br\>    And for now, the cab drives on.