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(Diana interrupts a beating, helping out and helping a young lady to calm down afterwards.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:11, 10 April 2023

Date of Scene: 04 January 2023
Location: =Mexican restaurant in the city
Synopsis: Diana interrupts a beating, helping out and helping a young lady to calm down afterwards.
Cast of Characters: Arana, Wonder Woman

Arana has posed:\<br\>Ana Corazon crashes through the front window. She takes out two tables and a rack of glasses, skidding to a stop underneath a sign advertising 'peligro de salsa picante - very hot sauce, caution'. Which of course spills, sending itself into her hair.\<br\>\<br\>The group of teens outside the window laugh, their MGH coursing through their systems. They seem to be wearing gang colours, red swastikas mixed with asian symbols (does not work thematically at ALL), and one of them starts to step into the restaurant.\<br\>\<br\>Ana sighs. She liked this restaurant.\<br\>\<br\>Pushing herself to her feet, the lady gets into a fighting stance again. "Hey hermanos, can we -please- take it outside? These cabrons deserve less property damage." She has a strong Mexican accent of her own, which explains a few things.\<br\>\<br\>She's got a kickboxer's stance, but her left arm is a bit low. Probably sprained it in the fall. She wears a backpack and cargo pants, a spider-themed shirt and some oversize goggles. Is this a spider-type?
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince had not been destined for the restuarant but she appears as if she could have been. That is, An ivory colored blouse tucked neatly into white cotton dress pants that flow loosely as she walks. Though they are not needed to give her a boost in height, she wears black closed dress shoes with 3" heels. Over it is a charcoal wool overcoat thick enough for a Manhattan winter. A blue scarf is wrapped about her neck and a matching knit hat is pulled over her dark hair.\<br\>\<br\>As she finds herself approaching this scene, her hands are thrust deep into the coat pockets to warm them against the cool winter weather. Slowing as she draws nearer, there is a look of curiosity in those bright blue eyes.\<br\>\<br\>She sees the symbols on the gang member's arms. The damage to the restaurant and can hear the request to keep the fighting outside of the building. Well. The rest of the fighting.\<br\>\<br\>Looking toward Ana in the attire that resembles one of the Spiders she has heard of in the city, she asks, "Are you injured?"
Arana has posed:\<br\>The girl looks like a spider-wannabe if anything, but she's a fighter. The leader (ish?) of the teens glances at Diana, then says, "You keep you nose outta dis, lady. Dis chick is ours."\<br\>\<br\>"Get h..!" another one says, or starts to say before said mexican chick comes at him, running, and jumps into a leaping kick! It lands, it's got form. It does absolutely jack.\<br\>\<br\>She's weak, she's -really- weak. Normal human, no tricks or gizmos; it barely makes him stop his sentence. He's jacked right up and that was 'slightly trained'.\<br\>\<br\>There is one thing that stands right the heck out though. After her kick, she ..no, it was weird. Even during the kick, her balance was something different. She landed on one hand, and rolled back to her feet. That kind of flailure (not a misspelling) should have had her on her ass.\<br\>\<br\>She's got ...balance enhancements? She doesn't seem to lose hers, even when she really shoulda.\<br\>\<br\>Aaand that seems to be about it, because as the guy turns and grabs at her, she tries to evade and gets caught. In one grab, as if she expected to get away. You've seen this before.\<br\>\<br\>She's used to having powers, and this is her first goddamn fight without them.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince watches. She can see some indication from Ana's movements that she does not appear to be 'powered', but her attitude seems to suggest she expected powers to be 'there' to use, despite her amazing balance. And she is not able to make up for it.\<br\>\<br\>Looking back to gang leader and his members, she does not flinch. In fact the measure of calm she seems to excude is either foolhardy or such that the gang members should have cut and run the moment they saw her.\<br\>\<br\>When Ana is grabbed, Diana frowns, lips pursing.\<br\>\<br\>"She belongs to no one. Release her. Now." Stepping forward, she has yet to draw her hands from her deep coat pockets.\<br\>\<br\>There are no star spangles, no golden blazes of armor, no tiaras present but her very Presence suggests she is comfortable in herself, and that she speaks with an authority is more than earned.\<br\>\<br\>But even authority does not assure complicity from those willing to commit harm and crime.
Arana has posed:\<br\>The girl is put into a headlock. Easily, quickly. Enhanced strength, or just the normal fact that guys are more powerful in the upper body than girls in general. Something that Diana has dealth with a million times over. There are ways out of it, but they all require a warrior's spirit.\<br\>\<br\>The girl tries to kick the one in front of her in the groin, and slams her head into the one holding her from behind. So, a good start. She didn't give up and she's had some level of training, though her foot gets caught because she didn't land the blow cleanly.\<br\>\<br\>Choking, she's dropped so her head hits the floor as two of the guys who weren't involved look at Diana and sneer. Gold teeth on one of them. Cliche much?\<br\>\<br\>One guy in behind goes, "Um. I think we should listen to the lady," but he goes largely ignored. As one walks up to Diana Prince and pokes at her chest. "What are YOU gonna do?"\<br\>\<br\>That one smart one starts to look for an available exit. That's what he's going to do. The others are probably gonna hurt though.\<br\>\<br\>As the mexican chick chokes in oxygen and tries to kick her leg free.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince sees Ana struggle as she is dropped, allowed to get some air even though her foot is still held by one of the attackers. Mentally the need to hurry has eased as Ana is now able to breath, difficult tho it may be.\<br\>\<br\>But when the gang member walks up and tries to poke her in the chest, his hand is grabbed. Her hand was in her coat. Then it was grasping his hand with a power that belies the Earth itself. Unshakable. Certain.\<br\>\<br\>"I will do what I must." The look of compassion often in her gaze is notably absent. This is Diana the Amazon Warrior. Not the Champion of Peace.\<br\>\<br\>She squeezes his hand and the sound of bones breaking is decidedly conspicuous. Then she sweeps her arm around, using the man's arm as a level to flip him up and over, to land on the ground in a heap.\<br\>\<br\>Turning to the one holding Ana's foot, she takes a step forward, eyes deadly focused on the man. Watching him for reaction. Ready to respond in an instant.
Arana has posed:\<br\>He's watching. He's enraptured, he can't look away from Diana. Which is a HUGE mistake. Massive.\<br\>\<br\>Because he's not FIGHTING Diana. He's fighting the mexican girl, and her other foot is free and cocked back almost to her chest. She unloads, landing it right on his jaw, and the guy almost does a backflip right then and there. Before he's hit the ground, the girl is back on her feet and putting her back to a wall. Good instinct, though she's no longer the main target.\<br\>\<br\>While the one, yes ONE smart guy decides to exit through the back fire exit, two more face off against Diana. They pull out knives, as if it'll help. And the one with the broken hand screams bloody murder.\<br\>\<br\>"I can handle them, now," the girl says. Well she might, though at this point Diana is fully a part of the situation. As a guy stabs at her face, to blind her.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince watches, waiting for Ana to free herself. This is not a matter of a helpless victim. It is one of giving a clear fighter with self-pride the opportunity to fight for themselves. As Ana frees herself, there is a faint nod. Good.\<br\>\<br\>Then the two turn to face her with knives. The wailing man on the ground is ignored.\<br\>\<br\>Stepping back into a fighting stance, she remains in her heels. Who fights in heels? There are also flashes of silver at her wrists. Bracers?\<br\>\<br\>She glances toward Ana, then back. A golden lasso is in her hands. Where did it come from?\<br\>\<br\>Uncoiling a length of it, she spins it with ease and unleashes it upon the first of the knife weilding men, coiling it about his wrist. A jerking motion seeks to remove the blade from his grasp.
Arana has posed:\<br\>"Wonder Woman," the girl says as she sees the lasso. Not just that, but the absolute skill with which it is wielded; the thugs stand no chance at all. It wasn't even a contest, their knives hit the ground almost gently, Diana needing no such showing-off of her prowess.\<br\>\<br\>But then, it's over. The guys have tried, but they're fleeing. They are close enough to their primal roots to know when it's time to cut and run. The girl lowers her boxing guard, looking uncertain. "You're wonder woman? For real?"
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince watches as the remaining gang members give up and run, abandoning the one with a broken hand.\<br\>\<br\>Coiling her lasso up, it's soft golden glow illuminating her hand and glinting off the silver bracers on her wrists. She looks to Ana, nodding softly. "I am Diana of Themyscria, yes." She walks over. "Are you hurt?" Eyes to the young woman's throat then to her ankle to see if she is favoring it.\<br\>\<br\>"Why did they attack you?" she wonders quietly.
Arana has posed:\<br\>She looks at the guy, then hunches down. Reaching into his jacket, the girl pulls out a packet with pills, then offers it to Diana. "Mutant growth hormone. They sell it. I've been tracking them since last week." She whispers something under her breath in Spanish, but it sounds like slang. Breathy, unbelieving, she has never met Diana before and is still kinda awed.\<br\>\<br\>Pulling her hand through her hair, she says, "I'm Ana." She pronounces it with the y, Anya. Spanish descent. "Arana, I mean. I'm Arana. Thank you so much, you have no idea." She still hasn't addressed why she was doing so poorly in the fight, though.
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince takes the packet of pills. For the first time, she truly frowns. "This is concerning." She looks to the fallen gang member then to Ana, "I will contact the authorities to arrest him. Action will be taken." Of that she is certain.\<br\>\<br\>"Hello A... rana." She amends as it is clarified. There is no questioning of the name. "You are okay?" she seeks again.
Arana has posed:\<br\>"Well, my papi will be upset about the bruising again, but I think he's getting used to it," the girl says, rubbing her throat. "Had worse I guess." She pauses, then looks at Diana with raised eyes. "You won't make me stop doin good, will you? Ma'am?" She seems scared, that Diana of Themescyra will take away her hero card. "I'm training, every day."
Wonder Woman has posed:\<br\>Diana Prince listens and nods. "As long as you will be okay." She tilts her head. "It is not my place to dictate what you should do." She pauses, "But it would be wise to continue your training. If.. you are serious. I would offer you some training in Amazon methods." She takes out a business card from inside a case tucked into an inner pocket. Offering it to Ana, she smiles. "Call this number and they will find a time that we may meet. Even if you only wish to talk, you are welcome. Doing good is something that should be within each of us. That you have taken those first steps is admirable. Stay safe, Arana. I will remain and call the police and give statement."\<br\>\<br\>A gentle smile is offered in parting.