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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/10 |Location=Isley Gardens, South Channel Island |Synopsis=Lady luck brings Ivy an offer and an opportunity. What's a little double-crossing ecoterrorism between friends? Also, tea. They have some peppermint tea. |Cast of Characters=180, 63 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:180|Domino (180)}} has posed:'''<br>"You realize how stupid this is, right? This is extra stupid even for you. On a scale of one to ten, this rates a solid '...")
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Latest revision as of 18:40, 12 April 2023

No Hard Feelings
Date of Scene: 10 April 2023
Location: Isley Gardens, South Channel Island
Synopsis: Lady luck brings Ivy an offer and an opportunity. What's a little double-crossing ecoterrorism between friends? Also, tea. They have some peppermint tea.
Cast of Characters: Domino, Poison Ivy

Domino has posed:
"You realize how stupid this is, right? This is extra stupid even for you. On a scale of one to ten, this rates a solid 'bug fucking nuts.'"

So sayeth Gotham's most recent albino addition to herself as she once again scopes out the Ivy Compound from a healthy distance. There hadn't been much time for sightseeing after she had last breached its perimeter.

Now she was looking to do so again.

It's a late night, or an early morning depending upon one's perspective. This corner of town is peaceful. For a change she's hoping it will remain so. The fewer eyes on this stunt, the better.

Dom glances at a wrist watch yet again, not quite frowning but nowhere near looking pleased with the results. She'll be cutting this close. Hell, she's been cutting it close ever since she set foot back on this continent. And the more time she burns while sitting up here questioning her life choices...

Right. First she reaches for a stainless flask, swallowing a hit of rum. A certain USB drive is given one final glance before disappearing into a secure pocket, ensuring it only goes wherever she goes. Then it's game time.

Before any game can begin, someone must make the first move.

As the black suited Domino reaches the outside of the compound's overgrown fence she rolls the proverbial dice and gets a running start, kick-flipping her way around the urban scenery until she can vault her way -back over the fence- into Ivy's yard.

Okay, stage one complete. Now what?

She DID figure out what stage two was... Didn't she?


Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela, for her part, didn't take Domino's recent infiltration of her sanctuary and theft of her personal property... well, personally.

She didn't show up in a clown car full of goons to shoot the place up, she didn't fire a freeze ray all over the place. She didn't leave any goddamn riddles lying around.

All in all, as far as 'People messing with Poison Ivy', Neena Thurman was tops on her list of 'Least Irksome intruders'. She was even a little charming.

And she did rock her personal aesthetic /hard/. Ivy appreciated that. She pulled off sleek dark tactigoth like Ivy pulls off wicked, tempting nature.

The moment Neena's over the fence, there's a faint whisper of wind in the leaves... or at least, rustling. Sure, it's rustling that goes in the /opposite/ direction of the gentle breeze, directly towards that cabin... which still has a few dim lights on.

And within a few moments, has its front door slowly drawing open, the room behind shadowed, but not so shadowed as to hide the long, pale green leg that steps out into the faint light of the garden, and the high heeled 'shoe' made of vine and leaf.

Most of Ivy's body remains hidden, but her head peeks out around the door, voice calling out, "Oh my! A late night visitor. You're not here to /steal/ more things, are you? I'm going to take it personally if you are."
Domino has posed:
For a long count of three Domino holds still and tries to get a read on the environment. No thorns, nothing trying to drive a spike through her, no vines, no ...spore...clouds...things...or whatever the hell. Just a little rustling around her, a familiar chlorophyll-kissed groundskeeper, and an oddly cheerful sounding voice.

Lucky break? Yeah, she'll take it!

"Actually, I could use your help."

So she may as well keep on pushing it.

Since it SEEMS like the yard is going to play nice with the non-chemical doused albino, she wanders toward the nearby open door. Since it also seems like she's made it onto the guest list proper there's a small but notable amount of guard lowering, if her body language is any indication. Arms folded, ankles crossed, leaning sidelong with a shoulder wedged against the doorframe. Devil may care smirk on obsidian-hued lips.

"Also I wouldn't mind getting my machete back."

A half-gloved finger rises upward as if to stave off any responses before she unzips a small pocket on her waistbelt and produces a slightly battered USB thumb drive.

"But in helping me we may be able to help each other."
Poison Ivy has posed:
There's a lingering silence as Neena announces she's here for help... and Ivy's face disappears back into the shadows. Only for her hand to reach out, turning over, palm up, finger curling beckoningly, oh so ominously... or, perhaps she's just playing at being ominous,

"Oh my, my help? Well, I'm not usually that sort of doctor, but I suppose if you've got a scratch or two I can find some bandaids and a lollipop for you. You don't look all that harmed..."

She laughs out, a soft, almost lilting noise, a genuine sound of amusement, "It's inside! I was thinking I'd keep it as a conversation starter... or finisher. But I could be convinced to return it. Perhaps. You seem like you could be convincing."

The entire garden rustles as that pocket is unzipped. The rustling only intensifies when the USB drive is revealed, and Ivy sighs out.

"Oh, my my. Did you upset some sort of shadowy, evil corporation? Well, I suppose I owe you some indulgence, seeing as you were most polite in your theft. Come inside. Would you like some tea?"

And then even that long, shapely leg is disappearing back into the shadows of the cabin, the door remaining open.

It might be terrifying if the lights didn't flick on moments later.
Domino has posed:
Well. There is absolutely nothing ominous AT ALL about that 'come hither' finger. Though where most sane, rational people would get concerned or think better of it, this crazy mercenary is only further enticed by the gesture. The plan had been to wander closer already. Now it has a little something extra special.

"I know we've only just met the other night but I'm not the type of girl to come crawling for help when I fell off my bike" Domino promises while her look of idle amusement holds firm.

Convincing? Her? She pinches a thumb and index finger together. 'Little bit' she offers in the dismissive motion. There's no reason for interrogations yet, and certainly..not..HERE.

Before Dom can cut in about the drive, Ivy's offering tea. A flicker of a famous 'it's a trap!' meme flashes through Dom's brain "Is this a trust-building exercise or are you prepping me to become fertilizer?" she openly inquires. "I'll say yes, but hear me out before you go reaching for the 'special additives.'"

Huh. Why had the lights been off -before?- Ivy couldn't have been EXPECTING Neena to show up tonight... Eh. She wanders further inside then slips the tiny drive onto the desk, tapping it twice for good measure.

"This isn't my data. It's yours. The same people who wanted me to lift a sample from your lab had digitized it to be sent back home. I ...intercepted their transmission. This is the only solid copy of your research outside of this lab." Presumably. She's just taking a guess there.

"They're expecting me to follow through, buuut... Nobody ever said I couldn't have you make some teensy adjustments to it first."

Insert cheeky grin here.
Poison Ivy has posed:
When Domino reaches the cabin doorway, there's a display of vines and leaves on the floor, a trail of them from where Ivy was last seen, across the small living room to where the green-skinned ecoterrorist is tugging an oversized t-shirt down past her hips... which she /surely/ could have been finished doing before the albino reached the doorway.

But there's no showmanship in /that/ is there?

She glances over her shoulder with a sly little smile, "Oh, don't worry. I was thinking peppermint." She reaches over to the kettle... and pulls up a small box of /terribly/ generic tea bags, "I mean, I'd offer my own blend, but that really /is/ more of a second date thing. People get nervous if I offer it for business meetings."

Eyebrows perk and her gaze flicks to the drive, her mouth almost falls open, her cheeks flush a darker green for a moment, "That's... you're... why? I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but you could have just let them transmit it and taken your payday. You certainly earned it."
Domino has posed:
One thing this mercenary has quickly learned? There's always something to admire within this fenced in compound. That Ivy might be concerned about modesty at this point after appearing in nothing but tactically located leaves the other night seems unnecessary, buuut... Surely the plants won't mind some wandering eyes if they no longer seem to mind a wandering intruder?

Peppermint. The cheap boxed stuff! Domino almost looks relieved. "I couldn't possibly imagine why they might be so skittish" she teases."

Then she hits solid gold. Every step of the way Ivy's always acted so calm, so perfectly in control of -everything,- but THIS time Dom's Daily Disruption proves successful. Congratulations, Thurman! This is Ivy's surprised face.

"Mmh" the albino considers, looking for her words. Or, possibly, enjoying the moment for all it's worth. "I'll start by saying only approved individuals are allowed to hold my leash as tight as these idiots are and finish with a much deserved sucker-punch that should teach them to stop fucking with me. Thought you might want to get in on my revenge."

Hooking a thumb over her shoulder, she adds "The only reason it was me crossing your fence was because they knew I had the best chance of succeeding." It really hadn't been personal. "Although I will admit getting a face to face with you was an unexpected perk. Look at me, brushing shoulders with Gotham's finest. Really moving up in the world" she states with a hint of teeth in her grin.
Poison Ivy has posed:
Ruby red lips quirk in a little smile as Ivy busies herself turning the kettle on, preparing the pot, the cups, the saucers. She frowns ever so slightly for a moment, I'm afraid I haven't got any tiny sandwiches to put out. You'll need to drop by during the day for proper tea. But... I'm sure we can make sure tonight is enjoyable enough you'll want to return."

And then she's perking an eyebrow murmuring dryly, "Yes, well, corporations, like /most/ organizations controlled by men, and men themselves, never realize why you're supposed to be holding a leash in the first place. A mutual agreement. A power structure that provides benefit across /both/ directions and... stability." She rolls her eyes and sighs, "But I won't bore you with my treatise on what happens when someone with no nuance takes hold of the lead for someone who desires structure and guidance, and focuses entirely on the..."

She shakes her head again and frowns deeper, "I'm really not going to. We haven't got enough tea, and you don't deserve the headache of knowing what I'm talking about... so, we'll focus on these shadowy figures who sent you after me, hm?"

Eyebrows perk and she listens to the reality of just why their paths have tangled together, tongue clicking thoughtfully. "Well now, I'm always happy to help a determined woman exact her revenge on her lessers. And I do hope you don't take it personally that... well, I didn't go /all out/ trying to stop you. You were simply too intriguing, it's not often I run into a professional from outside Gotham, and..." She grins lopsidedly and sighs, "I didn't want to bring /too/ much pressure on the artist painting her masterpiece as it were. I'm glad you came back. I was thinking about how I could possibly track you down. This is much easier." She chews her lower lip and hums, "I suppose the question about the data is how far we want to tweak things... what's your vision for revenge? Their laboratories exploding into a new rain forest? Or an army of ravenous carnivorous plants laying waste to the facility? We have /options/ my dear."
Domino has posed:
Aaand straight back into Ivy's court. Domino experiences an internal record-scratch moment when the red on green lady mentions making sure tonight is 'enjoyable enough.'

"We can make it happen" she responds while making herself more at home by way of hopping up onto an empty patch of counter. Chairs? What are those?

While Ivy continues to let her thoughts roll out without check Dom leans forward with forearms resting upon thighs, her amusement holding as she watches and listens to the seasoned villainess speak right up until she stops herself--

"Raincheck on that?" Neena suggests. "I am sliiightly on the clock as it is. But I do have a key to your gate" she claims with another smirk.

Soon a sculpted black brow is taking the place of what's being hooked upward. "-Personally?- Flatterer. I wasn't expecting you to roll out the red carpet or anything, I -did- put a gun to your head. If anything I'm a bit miffed you didn't seem to take me seriously enough to go all in, but that's just my luck. Another smooth transaction across the board. I should probably be thanking you. And, maybe offer another one of those rainchecks. I'm good for full contact playdates."

This way sure is easier than trying to track her down. Domino dips her head and holds her arms out to either side in a mock bow. But then it's onto business, and twisted FUN business rather than the annoying kind involving coersion and blackmail.

"Oh gosh, let me think" she crosses legs and laces fingers around the upper knee while leaning back to look at the ceiling. "I can't see they have -anything- worth sparing over there. ... Or any ONE. It wouldn't do to merely stub a toe, to get a proper message across we'd have to go for the throat. But, we probably don't want to make it -too- obvious. If they think the two of us were working together it could bring an unnecessary shitstorm to your gate. Instead make it look like I lifted the wrong thing."
Poison Ivy has posed:
Ivy keeps glancing down at the kettle as it does its job, like she's judging it for not doing it fast enough. But it's only for the briefest moments, in between intently eying her guest, lips quirking in a little smirk as Domino hops up onto the counter and Ivy sighs out. "We can make a /lot/ of things happen, Ms. Mystery... my my, you have a key to my gate /and/ I don't know your name? How scandalous. Maybe we can make a trade. You tell me your name, I give you back your machete..."

She snorts softly and rolls her eyes, "If I held it against people for holding me at gunpoint, threatening me with chemical weapons, or throwing small bat-shaped boomerangs, I'd be too busy to have friends. Besides, for a minute I thought you were..."

She pauses for another moment and rolls her eyes, "You know, I know /entirely/ too many women who sneak around in shining black formfitting attire. And that's not counting the ones who include /capes/ in the outfit..."

Ivy smirks and picks the kettle up as it begins to hiss with the sound of proper boiling, pouring the water into the teapot, settling the kettle back down. Eyebrows perk and she murmurs softly, "I... can definitely do /creative/ and... accidental. They'll be in for a surprise, it won't look like you teamed up with me. It will be one of those /tragic/ accidents, shadowy groups working with material they don't understand, a few spores slip containment and /oh no/, it's so tragic..."

Her eyebrows perk up and she murmurs dryly, "Oh, really now? Full contact play is it? That's a rather risky proposition, my darling friend... but we can... consider it. I'm sure I can keep you on your toes. At the peak of your performance."

She shrugs lightly and hums out, "As for my red carpet... well..." She glances down to the teapot, "Tea first, hm?"
Domino has posed:
Oh, uh... Oops? The plant lady raises a good point, introductions still haven't happened! Though this gives the pale killer a chance to tease her host of the evening some more, splaying a black and white hand across her chest with a mock look of surprise. "You seriously don't recognize me? Uh!" she feigns being offended. "And here I thought everyone recognized this glamorous spot."

Before she can go and say her name Ivy is implying that the albino might...have been--

Dom about falls over backward with a bark of laughter! "Jeezus, you thought I was with THOSE guys?! Ah damn, I might have to include a splash of color somewhere on this thing!" she considers with a glance about herself.

Creative and accidental. Neena claps her hands together once, snaps both sets of fingers then points akimbo at the botanist. "-Bullseye.- You know what the score is. I'm sure they won't be the first lot to get zeroed for not knowing what they were messing with."

Dom can't really say Ivy fell for the bait but she is certainly rising to the challenge. Maybe she doesn't get enough visitors? (Can't imagine why she wouldn't...) "Good training's invaluable" Neena suggests with her head angled off to one side, her eyes a mix of business and mischief. It's a very familiar look for her, one which she wears well. "And I can't shake the feeling your Pumpkin Pal wanted to give me a hug."

All of this confidence comes to a screeching halt when she realizes there had been a serious faux pas made. Pale blue eyes widen slightly, her next breath getting choked off in a sudden cough which she vainly tries to subdue.

"So how long've you been in Gotham?" she suddenly asks.
Poison Ivy has posed:
Ivy is so very busy slowly pouring tea, and lifting up Domino's teacup to offer it over with a sly, wicked little smirk, eyes glinting with a playful gleam that just screams 'That counts as a hit' in regards to flustering the albino as she murmurs dryly, "Here. Your tea, dear guest... and now now, I thought you were a cat burglar. I know a couple. One's... been having some complications in trying to turn over a new leaf. I thought she might be dropping by to vent."

She shrugs and grins, "I didn't think you were the other one... her hair is longer. Brighter. But you're a delightful guest all your own, dear."

She hums and murmurs out dryly, "Oh! He's really quite friendly when I tell him to treat you like a guest. If you want to throw down, I'm sure he can be convinced to go a few rounds tomorrow morning."

She laughs and sighs out, "Oh, a very long time now. I just... well, you know, plant, winter, waiting for spring to arrive. I tend to go through... seasonal trends. Winter's usually my time to lounge around at home and just relax and behave myself. It's spring and summer where I get... more ambitious and energetic."

Her eyebrows perk, her head tilts and she hums softly, "I'm sure you'll learn more as our friendship grows. Heh... grows. Like a plant."
Domino has posed:
A nonchalantly mouthed 'thank you' is given as Neena takes the offered tea but there's a notable lack of direct eye contact in these few seconds of interaction. Credit where due, Pam got in a sucker punch of her own.

"I think I know who you're talking about. Another of Gotham's finest, as I recall. And you two are on a friendly basis? What is this place, a support group?"

Ah--Pam brings her back around. Another compliment, another glint in those blue eyes. "It's Domino" she finally, FINALLY provides.

A glance toward the door. An amused sounding *snrk*. "Yeah, maybe later." Like sometime -after- she gets that machete back.

A slip, some more teasing, but Dom gets a proper answer about how long Ivy's been around. Everything seems to be back on track until a ghostly pale forehead drops into a half-gloved palm with a soft but audible *smack* at Ivy's terrible pun. "Exceptionally bad" she groan/mutters.

Her head rights itself with a quick intake of breath. "Right, listen. You're fun and all. Like, really. I'll be back, but I do need to insist on a -little- more go-fast on rewriting their science experiment. They're expecting me to drop everything and rush straight to the new location which..I am clearly not at all doing" she states while elevating the teacup for emphasis. "How long do you think this'll take?"
Poison Ivy has posed:
One slim red eyebrow lifts at that avoidance of eye contact, lips just slip into a wider and wider, damned near cheshier smile as she murmurs dryly, "Oh, no. We just both deeply enjoy karaoke. But really, when you're one of the few... less than legally inclined women in Gotham, you tend to sort of... flock together." She snorts and murmurs dryly, "Meanwhile the other side gets to call themselves the /Birds/ of Prey, and we're the 'Gotham City Sirens' like we're some sort of burlesque show."

Ivy picks up her own cup and takes a sip, having timed things... almost right. It's still a /little/ too hot to comfortably take more than a slight sip with some rather enthusiastic huffing of air. "Oh! I was going to go start on it right now... it'll be done by daylight. I could cut the time down until... 4 or 5 in the morning, but it'll be... sloppier. Less controlled. Could get out of hand."

She slips along the counter towards what must be her home office, hips /almost/ swaying enough to brush against her albino visitor as she chimes out, "Oh! Your Machete's over by the couch. Please take it. It's... a little more extreme than a baseball bat as a 'Who's at my door?' deterrent. I'll have to decide on another keepsake to remind me of you when you're off..." She grins lopsidedly, "Misbehaving without my involvement. But you'd /better/ stop by again after this is over. I want to get to know you. And I might need /your/ help soon enough. Things are... moving in the city. And I think you'd agree with my view on it when the time comes. We'll discuss it when this is done."
Domino has posed:
"And here I would have thought the 'sirens' were because that's all anyone would hear whenever you ladies got together" Domino jokes with a knowing smirk. And look at her, also flocking toward this very same roost... She hadn't considered herself on the same stage as the bigger names in this town but there's something to be said for having powerful allies close at hand.

Hmm. Maybe she'll stick around for a while, after all.

Wait--'Daylight?' Another reflexive glance to her watch, air escaping her lungs at an upward trajectory which plays with her spiky bangs. A half-muttered "Guess I have time for tea and a chat after all" is included for good measure. "No... More important for it to be done right than fast. I'll have a while to think up a good excuse."

As Ivy starts to move about she again draws the attention of her guest who is just lucky enough to not have hot tea splash everywhere with the 'accidental' hip-bump. "Seriously?" she has to ask on a completely unrelated note. "You're freakin' Poison Ivy. Since when are you concerned about 'being too extreme?'"

Either way, she knows where her slashy implement is! A careful sip of peppermint then she's hopping back to feet to retrieve the murdery device. It's quickly turned into a different prop as the albino spins about on the balls of her feet, diagonally crossing her chest with the wicked looking blade while dipping forward with "You have my word."

Not to be all official, upon standing upright there's a smile turning those black-stained lips and that customary look of mischief in her eyes. "At this rate you're gonna max out your Bingo card in no time. Even if I'm not here you've got my number. Don't be afraid to use it."

For now she should probably let the botanist work her magic with a modicum of peace. Fortunately there's still plenty of sights to take in around the place.