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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/10/06 |Location=Fred's Diner - Mutant Town |Synopsis=Fred's Diner brings the good food and chance encounters |Cast of Characters=9039, 190, 9897 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9039|Nick Drago (9039)}} has posed:'''<br>Ah October. A season of chills, thrills, monsters, and serial killers. Several businesses have gotten into the spirit of things with a little smattering of decorations. Most of which a simple pumpkin or leaf cutout...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:48, 15 April 2023

A Cautious Return
Date of Scene: 06 October 2022
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Fred's Diner brings the good food and chance encounters
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Willow Rosenberg, Yaozu Lin

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Ah October. A season of chills, thrills, monsters, and serial killers. Several businesses have gotten into the spirit of things with a little smattering of decorations. Most of which a simple pumpkin or leaf cutouts. Fred's Diner has opted for a tiny pumpkin that sits at on one of the cake displays. And every so often due to that faulty cooktop, patrons are also treated to a glimpse of the FIRES OF HELL!

Ahem. Nah, that's just the cook using his fire breath to heat up the grill. Don't tell the health department. The food still tastes great.

The diner is reasonably quiet this evening with just a couple diners sitting in the far corner. The cooktop is on fire again and the lone server is busy ringing up another check.

The door to the diner chimes open, allowing for Nick to come in carrying a large list.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was grabbing a bite to go out of Fred's, after her one shift a week at X-Corporation. She doesn't have to work - in fact, between her schooling, her tutoring, her Ting, the Justice League, the Scoobies, and finally her job at the Magic Box, she really didn't need it, and she certainly could use the time off..

But Willow is strange. Some might say she a little on the spectrum. Certainly she kept herself busy so that she could be ADHD.

Either way, she was busy all the time.

And yet, she seems to have time to visit her friends.

"Can I have a bean burrito, and a salad please." Always using her politeness, Willow smiles at the waitress at the cash register, and looks around while she waited. The waitress gave her an approximate time, and suggested that she sit down at the counter and wait for her number to be called.
Yaozu Lin has posed:
This is Lin Yaozu's second October spent in America. The excitement and lead up that's started to build towards Hallowe'en at the end of the month was something that hadn't made a lot of sense to him the first time around, and it still doesn't this time. He's noticed the decorations that many places have already started to put up. He can't help but to puzzle over it all over again as he accompanies Nick on the way over to the diner.

Reaching out a hand, he holds the door open to follow Nick into the establishment. His large black wings shift slightly at his back with a whisper of sound, and his talons snick against the tile of the floor. He's dressed in a pair of black cargo pants, and a long-sleeved dark green shirt. His long black hair is braided, the length of it resting at his back. Once within, his right hand slips to rest at the small of his back, and he moves beyond the door so it can close. He's grateful that the diner is relatively quiet, though that's a matter of perspective and sensitivity of one's hearing. His gaze passes across the diner, to make note of those within, pausing on Willow whom he recognizes.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances back to Yaozu as he follows in, waiting for the traveling companion to be fully inside. "They're pretty fast with the food." He comments to the SHIELD agent before looking over to the register. A glimpse of red does cause for him to look over to the counter area, spotting a familiar face. "Willow?"

The server, glances up after finishing entering in the previous order, looking over to Nick. Eyes widen for a moment. "Oh you came back!"

Nick looks back to the woman behind the register. "hu-" Oh right. She was there for that night. "...So did you?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Sitting at her seat at the counter, her feet were ever so long that she couldn't swing them. Too bad. She could get out a book? Maybe?

Willow preferred a hardcopy over the digital kinds, hands down. But when she couldn't get one, she will take them anyway she can! Today though, she was lucky! She found a cheap bookstore that had opened up near her Gotham apartment, and she'd been spending her money there.

This one was Frankenstein. Of course it was old, and also seasonally appropriate. Of course.

But as she began to open her satchel, she caught a familiar face in the lineup. Two, actually! "Nick! And the nice man from the park - Lin Yaozo. Correct? Are you together?" As in friends, not dates. But with Willow she might have meant the other one! Of course, Willow was bi. To her, it's all the same when you are in love.
Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm," Lin Yaozu affirms, giving a slight nod. "I have noticed this the times when I have been here," he says softly. He inclines his head towards Nick, and a touch of a smile parts his beak. "It will take as long as it takes for the food to be ready. It is a fair list," he adds. He doesn't mind the wait. His gaze turns to the cashier at the register, and he gives a small nod to her, a wordless greeting. His head tilts a touch to one side at the words exchanged between the pair of them, a flicker of curiosity showing in his eyes. He's not particularly nosy, and so he ask after the story he senses is behind their words. At least, not in this moment.

Yaozu turns his head to look to Willow as she speaks to them, and a smile easily returns to part his beak. He turns to more fully face her, then bows, his right hand slipping away from the small of his back for the back of it to rest against the palm of his left hand, and he extends his arms as he does. "Miss Willow," he greets her, once he's straightened. "Yes. You are correct, I am Lin Yaozu," he affirms. He inclines his head towards her. "We travelled here together, yes," he adds. "It has been some time since last we met. Have you been well?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to Yaozu's answer, "Picking up some food for some folks. He was kind enough to volunteer to help carry the order back."

"Oh yes I was tempted to quit after that but I decided against it." The cashier responds, nodding to Nick's acknowledgement to her being present at the time, "I wasn't sure you would be back after that guy tried t-"

Nick's brows raise as he looks over to the cashier "Ah. Well here's hoping that doesn't happen again." He interrupts, lifting up the list, "Can I give you my order?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow breaks out into a smile. "Sort of? It's been crazy since I last saw you. My roommates left, and my old roommate moved back in." She says it as though it was an easy thing, when in truth there were a whole bunch of twists and turns that preceded the finale.

"I'm taking my Masters at Columbia. It's wild to think of me there." And this time she was taking her degree all by herself. Which made her a little bit nervous.

She turns to Nick. "I wanted to ask you something.. "

Then she stops. The waitress is being fidgety, the way that only happens when someone sees something that leaves them leery. Like a demon. Or a vampire. Or something.
Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm. Given the list you were sent with, it was either come with you and help, or send you with a wagon," Lin Yaozu comments, a thread of amusement in his voice and a smile parting his beak. If there are any weapons that happen to be tucked upon his person, none of them are readily visible. He looks to the server at the register when she speaks, a touch of curiosity returning to his eyes. He studies her for a moment, then looks to Nick before inclining his head towards him. "If I hear anything unusual, then you will be the second one to know of it," he says quite softly. The first, of course, being himself. Very sensitive hearing can be useful, and not just for listening to the heartbeats of those within the room.

His attention turns back to Willow, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "It sounds like it has been a busy time. People moving in or out can make for days that are somewhat hectic in nature," he says in a thoughtful tone. "Columbia... this is a university, if I understand correctly?" he asks, his right hand returning to rest at the small of his back, tucked away beneath the fold of his wings. "I trust it is going well for you?" he asks, curious. He glances towards Nick when Willow addresses him, then turns his attention back to her.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I blame the diner for having food everyone likes." Hearing the assurance from Yaozu, Nick looks over to the avian companion. "Much appreciated." He responds back, voice a bit subdued. After handing the list over to the cashier, Nick looks over to Willow. "Oh? What did you want to ask me?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks to Yaozu, and then back to Nick.

"I told Henri that he should visit Heloise one last time. But I didn't tell him when she was." When was the important criteria, apparently. "I gave him back the coin."
Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Yes. They do make very good food here," Yaozu says softly. It's one of the few places that he comes to eat. Then he inclines his head towards Nick, a smile parting his beak. "Of course," he adds, his gaze lowering briefly before lifting once again. "I would be remiss in my duties as a friend if I did not warn of such things," he comments in a quieter tone. It is important to him that he does what he can to keep his friends safe, or at least as safe as he is capable of doing.

His gaze lingers on Nick for a moment, then turns to Willow to watch her. His wings shift slightly at his back, his feathers making a soft sound as they move against his clothes. Willow's words earn his curiosity, which shows in his eyes, though he chooses not to ask questions in the moment.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's still appreciated." Nick responds, "I don't think I'd be much enjoying my situation if you guys hadn't been helping out with that other issue."

As Willow tells Nick about Henri being told to visit Heloise, the musician gives a bit of a smile and nods. But, the part about withholding the other information causes for the smile to falter. "You should have told him that part so he can make an informed decision." Nick replies. "If he thinks that she's back there, he might not go because of possible consequences that aren't still possible."

Like...oh altering time in a more notable manner.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow frowns at Nick.

"I thought of that. But you didn't hear him, Nick. By himself he brought up Heloise. And the way he talked of her? When I suggested he look for her, He was adamant that it was better for him to let the past go. It was sorta a sign from God that he never heard of her again."

"And, no, it wasn't like he planned on visiting her. It was almost like penance that he had accepted. He was angry for my suggesting that he go back one last time. I half expected him to throw the coin away."

"I'm sorry Yaozu - it is Yaozu, isn't it - for bringing up when you aren't a part of this, just I'm concerned. And Nick was here.."
Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm. It is an honour," Yaozu says quietly, inclining his head towards Nick. "We are friends, you and I. It is what friends do for one another," he adds softly, giving a small nod to the musician. For him, it would seem, this isn't something that simply remains in the realms of profession or that is because of him being a SHIELD agent. His wings lift slightly, then resettle against his back. He seems both calm and at ease, at least thus far.

He listens to Nick's words for Willow, then tilts his head a touch to one side as his gaze shifts back over to Willow. "It is sometimes not an easy thing... to speak of someone who is cared about and missed," he muses, a thoughtful note to his voice. "The past can be a challenging thing, for many people. My apologies if my words are not overly informed. It is simply... observation. Things are often more complicated," he adds, a bit sheepishly. He gives a small nod to her. "Yes. Yaozu. Lin is my family name," he affirms. "You care. It is understandable you would be concerned. I do not mind -- I can give you both privacy for a conversation, if it is wished?" he offers.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Yaozu. "You can stay." He responds, "...In a way this is kind of a familiar topic. It's just the players are different."

"Willow, he probably accepted it because he doesn't think he has a real chance to see her." Nick responds, "The 'when' is a key factor to that. Either way it's not your choice to make. It's his and best to let him know what he's got to work with. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let people make their own decisions, without trying to manipulate them into doing what you want them to do."

He looks back over to Yaozu. "Imagine if I was still in the dark about my father."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The waitress picked up a bag, and deciphered the scrawl on it. "A bean burrito and a salad?"

Willow shakes her head. "You can't have it one way for her, and another way for him. He's got to make up his mind with the information I gave him. Remember, she didn't expect to find Henri either. In her mind he was long dead. He has enough information as she does."

The waitress shook the bag over her head. "A bean burrito? Going once.. Twice.."

"I've got to get my supper. Sorry! Nice seeing you again, Yaozu."

And she was gone.

Nick Drago has posed:
Ah October. A season of chills, thrills, monsters, and serial killers. Several businesses have gotten into the spirit of things with a little smattering of decorations. Most of which a simple pumpkin or leaf cutouts. Fred's Diner has opted for a tiny pumpkin that sits at on one of the cake displays. And every so often due to that faulty cooktop, patrons are also treated to a glimpse of the FIRES OF HELL!

Ahem. Nah, that's just the cook using his fire breath to heat up the grill. Don't tell the health department. The food still tastes great.

The diner is reasonably quiet this evening with just a couple diners sitting in the far corner. The cooktop is on fire again and the lone server is busy ringing up another check.

The door to the diner chimes open, allowing for Nick to come in carrying a large list.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was grabbing a bite to go out of Fred's, after her one shift a week at X-Corporation. She doesn't have to work - in fact, between her schooling, her tutoring, her Ting, the Justice League, the Scoobies, and finally her job at the Magic Box, she really didn't need it, and she certainly could use the time off..

But Willow is strange. Some might say she a little on the spectrum. Certainly she kept herself busy so that she could be ADHD.

Either way, she was busy all the time.

And yet, she seems to have time to visit her friends.

"Can I have a bean burrito, and a salad please." Always using her politeness, Willow smiles at the waitress at the cash register, and looks around while she waited. The waitress gave her an approximate time, and suggested that she sit down at the counter and wait for her number to be called.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
This is Lin Yaozu's second October spent in America. The excitement and lead up that's started to build towards Hallowe'en at the end of the month was something that hadn't made a lot of sense to him the first time around, and it still doesn't this time. He's noticed the decorations that many places have already started to put up. He can't help but to puzzle over it all over again as he accompanies Nick on the way over to the diner.

Reaching out a hand, he holds the door open to follow Nick into the establishment. His large black wings shift slightly at his back with a whisper of sound, and his talons snick against the tile of the floor. He's dressed in a pair of black cargo pants, and a long-sleeved dark green shirt. His long black hair is braided, the length of it resting at his back. Once within, his right hand slips to rest at the small of his back, and he moves beyond the door so it can close. He's grateful that the diner is relatively quiet, though that's a matter of perspective and sensitivity of one's hearing. His gaze passes across the diner, to make note of those within, pausing on Willow whom he recognizes.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick glances back to Yaozu as he follows in, waiting for the traveling companion to be fully inside. "They're pretty fast with the food." He comments to the SHIELD agent before looking over to the register. A glimpse of red does cause for him to look over to the counter area, spotting a familiar face. "Willow?"

The server, glances up after finishing entering in the previous order, looking over to Nick. Eyes widen for a moment. "Oh you came back!"

Nick looks back to the woman behind the register. "hu-" Oh right. She was there for that night. "...So did you?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Sitting at her seat at the counter, her feet were ever so long that she couldn't swing them. Too bad. She could get out a book? Maybe?

Willow preferred a hardcopy over the digital kinds, hands down. But when she couldn't get one, she will take them anyway she can! Today though, she was lucky! She found a cheap bookstore that had opened up near her Gotham apartment, and she'd been spending her money there.

This one was Frankenstein. Of course it was old, and also seasonally appropriate. Of course.

But as she began to open her satchel, she caught a familiar face in the lineup. Two, actually! "Nick! And the nice man from the park - Lin Yaozo. Correct? Are you together?" As in friends, not dates. But with Willow she might have meant the other one! Of course, Willow was bi. To her, it's all the same when you are in love.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm," Lin Yaozu affirms, giving a slight nod. "I have noticed this the times when I have been here," he says softly. He inclines his head towards Nick, and a touch of a smile parts his beak. "It will take as long as it takes for the food to be ready. It is a fair list," he adds. He doesn't mind the wait. His gaze turns to the cashier at the register, and he gives a small nod to her, a wordless greeting. His head tilts a touch to one side at the words exchanged between the pair of them, a flicker of curiosity showing in his eyes. He's not particularly nosy, and so he ask after the story he senses is behind their words. At least, not in this moment.

Yaozu turns his head to look to Willow as she speaks to them, and a smile easily returns to part his beak. He turns to more fully face her, then bows, his right hand slipping away from the small of his back for the back of it to rest against the palm of his left hand, and he extends his arms as he does. "Miss Willow," he greets her, once he's straightened. "Yes. You are correct, I am Lin Yaozu," he affirms. He inclines his head towards her. "We travelled here together, yes," he adds. "It has been some time since last we met. Have you been well?"

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick nods to Yaozu's answer, "Picking up some food for some folks. He was kind enough to volunteer to help carry the order back."

"Oh yes I was tempted to quit after that but I decided against it." The cashier responds, nodding to Nick's acknowledgement to her being present at the time, "I wasn't sure you would be back after that guy tried t-"

Nick's brows raise as he looks over to the cashier "Ah. Well here's hoping that doesn't happen again." He interrupts, lifting up the list, "Can I give you my order?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow breaks out into a smile. "Sort of? It's been crazy since I last saw you. My roommates left, and my old roommate moved back in." She says it as though it was an easy thing, when in truth there were a whole bunch of twists and turns that preceded the finale.

"I'm taking my Masters at Columbia. It's wild to think of me there." And this time she was taking her degree all by herself. Which made her a little bit nervous.

She turns to Nick. "I wanted to ask you something.. "

Then she stops. The waitress is being fidgety, the way that only happens when someone sees something that leaves them leery. Like a demon. Or a vampire. Or something.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm. Given the list you were sent with, it was either come with you and help, or send you with a wagon," Lin Yaozu comments, a thread of amusement in his voice and a smile parting his beak. If there are any weapons that happen to be tucked upon his person, none of them are readily visible. He looks to the server at the register when she speaks, a touch of curiosity returning to his eyes. He studies her for a moment, then looks to Nick before inclining his head towards him. "If I hear anything unusual, then you will be the second one to know of it," he says quite softly. The first, of course, being himself. Very sensitive hearing can be useful, and not just for listening to the heartbeats of those within the room.

His attention turns back to Willow, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "It sounds like it has been a busy time. People moving in or out can make for days that are somewhat hectic in nature," he says in a thoughtful tone. "Columbia... this is a university, if I understand correctly?" he asks, his right hand returning to rest at the small of his back, tucked away beneath the fold of his wings. "I trust it is going well for you?" he asks, curious. He glances towards Nick when Willow addresses him, then turns his attention back to her.

Nick Drago has posed:
"I blame the diner for having food everyone likes." Hearing the assurance from Yaozu, Nick looks over to the avian companion. "Much appreciated." He responds back, voice a bit subdued. After handing the list over to the cashier, Nick looks over to Willow. "Oh? What did you want to ask me?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks to Yaozu, and then back to Nick.

"I told Henri that he should visit Heloise one last time. But I didn't tell him when she was." When was the important criteria, apparently. "I gave him back the coin."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Yes. They do make very good food here," Yaozu says softly. It's one of the few places that he comes to eat. Then he inclines his head towards Nick, a smile parting his beak. "Of course," he adds, his gaze lowering briefly before lifting once again. "I would be remiss in my duties as a friend if I did not warn of such things," he comments in a quieter tone. It is important to him that he does what he can to keep his friends safe, or at least as safe as he is capable of doing.

His gaze lingers on Nick for a moment, then turns to Willow to watch her. His wings shift slightly at his back, his feathers making a soft sound as they move against his clothes. Willow's words earn his curiosity, which shows in his eyes, though he chooses not to ask questions in the moment.

Nick Drago has posed:
"It's still appreciated." Nick responds, "I don't think I'd be much enjoying my situation if you guys hadn't been helping out with that other issue."

As Willow tells Nick about Henri being told to visit Heloise, the musician gives a bit of a smile and nods. But, the part about withholding the other information causes for the smile to falter. "You should have told him that part so he can make an informed decision." Nick replies. "If he thinks that she's back there, he might not go because of possible consequences that aren't still possible."

Like...oh altering time in a more notable manner.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow frowns at Nick.

"I thought of that. But you didn't hear him, Nick. By himself he brought up Heloise. And the way he talked of her? When I suggested he look for her, He was adamant that it was better for him to let the past go. It was sorta a sign from God that he never heard of her again."

"And, no, it wasn't like he planned on visiting her. It was almost like penance that he had accepted. He was angry for my suggesting that he go back one last time. I half expected him to throw the coin away."

"I'm sorry Yaozu - it is Yaozu, isn't it - for bringing up when you aren't a part of this, just I'm concerned. And Nick was here.."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Mm. It is an honour," Yaozu says quietly, inclining his head towards Nick. "We are friends, you and I. It is what friends do for one another," he adds softly, giving a small nod to the musician. For him, it would seem, this isn't something that simply remains in the realms of profession or that is because of him being a SHIELD agent. His wings lift slightly, then resettle against his back. He seems both calm and at ease, at least thus far.

He listens to Nick's words for Willow, then tilts his head a touch to one side as his gaze shifts back over to Willow. "It is sometimes not an easy thing... to speak of someone who is cared about and missed," he muses, a thoughtful note to his voice. "The past can be a challenging thing, for many people. My apologies if my words are not overly informed. It is simply... observation. Things are often more complicated," he adds, a bit sheepishly. He gives a small nod to her. "Yes. Yaozu. Lin is my family name," he affirms. "You care. It is understandable you would be concerned. I do not mind -- I can give you both privacy for a conversation, if it is wished?" he offers.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick looks over to Yaozu. "You can stay." He responds, "...In a way this is kind of a familiar topic. It's just the players are different."

"Willow, he probably accepted it because he doesn't think he has a real chance to see her." Nick responds, "The 'when' is a key factor to that. Either way it's not your choice to make. It's his and best to let him know what he's got to work with. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let people make their own decisions, without trying to manipulate them into doing what you want them to do."

He looks back over to Yaozu. "Imagine if I was still in the dark about my father."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The waitress picked up a bag, and deciphered the scrawl on it. "A bean burrito and a salad?"

Willow shakes her head. "You can't have it one way for her, and another way for him. He's got to make up his mind with the information I gave him. Remember, she didn't expect to find Henri either. In her mind he was long dead. He has enough information as she does."

The waitress shook the bag over her head. "A bean burrito? Going once.. Twice.."

"I've got to get my supper. Sorry! Nice seeing you again, Yaozu."

And she was gone.