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Latest revision as of 06:19, 15 April 2023

A Royal Favor
Date of Scene: 01 August 2022
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Koriand'r meets with Diana to seek some guidance and training to be her best Super-Self!
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Starfire

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been informed of an appointment request for her that had come from Koriand'r of the Titans. It did not have a lot of detail but it was clear the meeting wasn't for specific or official business matters. Diana had agreed to the metting and a date and time were chosen.

On the day of the meeting, one of Diana's aides came out to the reception area of the embassy to greet Kori. "Hello Ms. Anders. Welcome to the Themysciran embassy. Diana is availble to speak with you now. If you'd come with me, please?" The aide gestured toward a hallway nearby.
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r had left the Titan's Tower with confidence, but each mile flown closer to the Themysciran Embassy had worn on her as she contemplated all the ways this could go wrong. What if Diana rejected her request, or said she wasn't ready, or laughed at her? Kory knew that last fear was ridiculous, as from everything she had seen and heard Diana was a wonderful and kind person.

Still, fears are not always rational. Kory was a bundle of nerves by the time the aide came to welcome her and guide her up to Wonder Woman's seat of power.

She was even *walking* down the hallway, rather than hovering, slightly cowed by what this place represented, who ruled here, and what she hoped to ask from her.
Wonder Woman has posed:
The aide led the way down the hall to Diana's office. A knock at the door which was left partially open. "Diana? Ms. Anders is here for your meeting."

Diana sat at a formal desk. It wasn't of her personal taste, but it was needful for dealing with other ambassadors or political figures. She has learned they do not seem to respect casual office decor.

She smiled, "Yes, Paige. Please do see her in? Thank you." She stood and stepped around the large mahogany desk to meet Kori less formally.

She wears her tiara and bracers but was wearing a gray blouse and skirt with black 2" heels. She really did not need the extra height after all.

"Hello Kori" Diana offered with a smile. "Welcome. It is good to see you. Have you been well?" Always concerned for the well being of others.
Starfire has posed:
Kory is wearing her superheroine costume as Starfire, her favorite thing to wear as it is so freeing, just barely giving a nod and a wink to modesty as it does.
She remembered to thank the aide as she left her with Diana, a hurried "Yes thank you, um, Paige!" that left her awkwardly facing back to the door as it had already closed.

Starfire slumped. This was already not looking so good, she had snubbed Wonder Woman's aide! Diana would hate her and fire her from the Titans and blacklist her from heroine work and...

As she turned back around and saw the smile on the beautiful heroine's face and heard the welcome, Kory perked up just a little. Maybe it wasn't a complete disaster to have come here?

"H-Hi Diana! It... it is good to see you again as well! I have been settling in. Thank you for accepting my request to see you so promptly. I know you are very busy with the League and being the Ambassador for Themyacira and also being Wonder Woman and I don't know how you do it all and still always keep your calm and... um... oh dear..."

Starfire blushes at her run on mouth, the color deepening as she blurts out "Icametoaskifyoucouldmentorme!"... and then drops her face down into her hands.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles warmly, her hed tilting to the side as Kori speaks. She seems curious as the details continue on."Oh. Well I am always pleased to see friends and allies, Kori. I am rarely so busy that I cannot find time to speak." She sorts out the question at the end, finally. She thinks.

"I.. you are asking if I might.. mentor you? Is that what you asked?" She smiles gently, just trying to be certain she understood the question.
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r peeks out the top of her fingers at the other woman, too embarrassed at first to do anything but nod her head in the affirmative.

But then she firms up her resolve. She's a heroine, she can do this! Even if she felt like she was crashing and burning... even in the face of Diana's incredible kindness.

Her hands drop to nervous fists at her side "Y-Yes, ma'am." Going formal for this. "That wasn't how I wanted this to go. I came because... well... things are great with the Titans, but I feel like... I don't know how to fit in, how to manage everything, how to just..." one fist uncurls and the hand waves around uncertainly...

..."be Starfire. The best Starfire I could be. I thought perhaps... you could...train me? Mentor me? Show me... what I'm missing. You're always so on top of everything, and cool and collected and badass (that is a word I learned from Robin) and beautiful and... and you're my inspiration and..."

Her hand drops and she curses in Tamaran. "I'm sorry, Diana. You're probably too busy. This was a mistake."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens, a slow smile forming. "Kori. First? Relax. Then please, come sit with me and we will talk." She gestures not to the formal desk but to a comfortable sofa. She sits at one end, leaving the other to Kori.

"Now. I assure you that I will not bite. You are a peer. I am pleased to listen to you. And I understand what you have said. "It is difficult to understand how to simply.. be ourselves."

"Fitting in, I am probably not nearest enough to your age to help you there. I am not the most familiar with the things that most young people do these days." She smiles some, "But the other things? If I am able to help you, Kori, I am more than willing to offer what I can to help you."
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r takes a deep almost-shuddery breath when Diana tells her to relax. Easier said than done. But she tries, and truly the other heroine's friendly sweetness towards her helps... a lot actually.

She takes the other side of the sofa, placing her hands folded on her lap, listening to Diana's reassurances and wisdom. She really does get it!

Kory nods in disappointed understanding when she is told Diana won't be able to help her fit in. Wonder Woman is letting her down easy, she realizes, and is grateful to her for it...

Koriand'r's jaw drops when she plays back the last sentence said to her in her mind. Tears come to her eyes and she finds herself off the sofa moving to Diana and taking her hands and babbling "You... you will? You really will? You mean it? Oh my goodness, I can't believe it! I'll... I'll be the best trainee, I promise! I'll follow all your directions and do my best and make you proud of me and... and... thank you Diana!"

Next thing she's hugging her fiercely, shame forgotten.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles, "Koriand'r? I would never refuse to help you where and how I am able. The areas I am less able to help? I will suggest you find others. But where I can? Of course I will help you. Just be yourself and I will be proud of you."
Starfire has posed:
Kory shyly lets go from hugging Diana and smiles at her as she sits back down on the sofa, but closer now. Less motormouth now, she tries to answer respectfully "T-Thank you, Diana. I came in here and made a fool of myself. I appreciate everything you've done and will do for me. You are so... wonderful." Then she giggles at the inadvertant pun.

Yes, Wonder Woman is wonderful. Who would have thought?