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Latest revision as of 08:59, 15 April 2023

A simple, boring, SHIELD reconnaissance mission.
Date of Scene: 09 August 2022
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Shredder

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Why da fuck is it always us sent on these boring nightly useless missions?"

Hawkeye's voice is kept low, as he studies the surroundings of this abandoned warehouse on the Lower East Side. It's dark, and not quite warm at this time of night.

"Y'know, Keyboard, I'd have better ideas to pass time at night."

So far, the two SHIELD agents have been on reconnaissance around this building for a good two hours, and not a sign of life has been detected.

It is an abandoned, a real, abandoned warehouse it seems.
Quake has posed:
Skye grins to herself. "Yeah. yeah. I bet you have some better ideas." Of course, those were not used on the mission reports statements. Ahem. "Besides, I like them better than the morning ones! Talk about your snoozefests."

Well they weren't all snoozefests, but they sure felt like them to her! Being as she preferred being up all night! Wake Skye at noon please! Not at nine.

"I'm not getting radio feeds or the like, so far. Who said this one?"
Shredder has posed:
The warehouse is indeed very quiet. Nothing interesting at all. Well, until this very moment. Barely perceptible, something flits against the backdrop of city lights from Manhattan behind the building, the only indication that there was movement at all. It's gone again. Once more it passes by a few lights in the distance, giving an approximate human size to whatever the figure is, though beyond that, it's hard to say.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
He's not called Hawkeye in vain. The silhouette was detected as soon as it passed in front of the light. Pointing at the figure, the archer frowns, "See there?" he checks with his partner by his side, "If we're lucky, they'll give us just enough reason to catch them n' justify our pay. Let's see what they do next."

That said, Clint aims a grappling-hook arrow at the warehouse's building across the street. The arrow flies almost silently in the night, and the hook finds a good hold by the roof edge.

If they need to get closer, then they can just slip to the warehouse roof.
Quake has posed:

And there Skye sees it. just a flicker of light that denotes moving along - and rather quickly - trying to stay without the circles of light cast on the ground.

"As though you are waiting for permission!" She knew him well enough. "Fury probably had a niggle about this." After all - why would he have sent them instead of a younger more inexperienced team on this?

That or Clint was driving them nuts looking for the next job to come along!
Shredder has posed:
The figure is just disappearing into the roof access of the warehouse when the arrow hits, and so doesn't seem to register the sound. The door closes with a light click behind. The blueprints indicate that the door leads down to an upper office level of the warehouse inside. When the area was in use, it's likely where the paperwork would be kept to keep things in order for the shipping registries and other similar information.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
With a silent hand sign, Hawkeye signals that it's time for them to move. In a moment, the archer uses the zip-line to reach the opposite building, the abandoned warehouse. All is done in silence, thanks to years of practice and top-notch equipment.

Waiting for Skye to join him, the archer quickly assesses the whole roof, keeping in mind that the door is the main point of entry. Which doesn't mean that it is the best point of entry. Once by his side, maybe Skye will be able to detect if there is a security system active in the building - which might be possible, even if none was previously detected on the outside.
Quake has posed:
Skye nods and indicates she's ready with a nod. Following Clint on the zipline she drops onto the roof with a slight thud. Nothing noticeable though! Even she knew how to use them quietly.. now.

She nods and signs that the door has an electronic lock (minimally). Or worse. ~Just give me one moment..~ And she set out to figure out what needs doing.
Shredder has posed:
The roof seems unguarded. Not a lot of security. Not any security really, but there is that lock. It's magnetic in nature, connected to a security system that may be rudimentary, but is networked. If the lock is forced open, it looks like it will send a signal somewhere. It probably also gives a report of every open of the door as well to its home system.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
This is almost routine, though the adrenaline is there. While the archer keeps an eye on the surroundings and will quickly manage anyone showing up. Meanwhile, Skye will work her magic - /The one she's paid for/ Clint adds to himself mentally, grinning.

So far so good, but it is unnervingly quiet around.

~ Let me know when sec is neutralized. ~ the archer signs back. Sure, he could blast the door open, but for some reason, it feels a bit counterproductive at this time.
Quake has posed:
Skye studies the lock.

~Okay. It's easy as lock go. But..~ And there tells him the but. ~I have to convince the door it is stationary and locked while we unlock up and use it.~ Which isn't the hardest part of breaking in a door she has ever done. Not by a long shot!

Using a by-pass code she tricked the door and lock to thinking it was still locked and stationary, but she had a warning. ~Once I open the door we are on borrowed time, essentially. To be careful we can assume sooner rather than later before they will discover something is wrong.~

It might be later, but having dealt with the Foot before she wouldn't count on it.

~Ready? One.. Two.. Three.. GO!~
Shredder has posed:
The door's lock clicks open, it doesn't send the report, just as Skye had designed. Nobody's on the other side of it either, it's likely that whoever entered has already descended the stairs into the office space. Inside the area is a little difficult to remain quiet in. It's mostly metal stairs old sheetrock, hardly the most absorbant of materials when it comes to stealth. At the bottom of the stairs is another door, this one unlocked, and with a large dent in it from some incident many years in the past.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
~ This is too easy ~ Clint signs to Skye, carefully stepping inside the building. Too easy usually means problems, or a trap. But the archer is also known for not waiting for backup, so ahead he goes.

Well, they came here to check the place, might as well do that. Going in first, Clint makes his way down the stairs, trying to be as silent as possible. Each corner is carefully checked as the slowly move down the stairs, especially for cams. None are visible, so if there is an internal video sec system, it is well hidden.

~ You got anything else? ~ the archer signs silently. It is either a very empty abandoned warehouse with squatters, or it is a very well disguised base of operations with high-tech security systems and computers - and Skye should be able to detect that kind of activity with her equipment.
Quake has posed:
~You can say that again!~

Skye had had enough of run ins with the Hand that she no longer looked at them as a nuisance at best. Besides, didn't Shredder tell then he had team up with someone more evil and more powerful than he? Someone who had tossed him the ability scrambling devices to try? Skye was still angry about that.

~If so, we will be looking downwards.~ Shredder liked warrens underneath the city for his own.
Shredder has posed:
The door opens, and the small room shows a little less than perfect planning on the part of the architect. It's awkward and catty corner to the rest of the office. It's not big enough to even be of any real use, and it's very hot. Perhaps an indication that it was created as a barrier for ventilation purposes to save energy. The next door is locked, but this one is only locked with a simple key lock. Not even a deadbolt. The knob is far newer than the rest of the equipment, likely upgraded whenever the people using it decided they wanted some extra security. This time, however, the door has a large reinforced pain, the criscross of wire through the glass to prevent someone from just smashing through it.

On the other side? It looks like nobody has been in there a long time, save for a few scuffs of the dust layer on a few old tabletops, there isn't much that is all that gives a strong sign of recent activity. Well, unless you count the person who just came in here. They aren't immediately visible from this angle though. Whoever it is has either hidden themselves, or already moved to another part of the building.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Once in this room, Hawkeye stops in his tracks, taking time to carefully look around, his back to the door they just passed. Indeed, there seems to be an obvious path to follow, the one leading to this second door.

Sighing, Clint nods in the direction of this second door, signing to Skye.

~ The only thing it's missing is a large bold TRAP painted in red on it ~

Yes, but still, unless Skye finds something incredibly interesting in this room, of an electronic or network nature, they will have to push forward and open this door.

~ I don't like it. You know what happens when I don't like it? ~
Quake has posed:
Skye has to admit there /is/ no security networks. In fact other than the lock on the door she had already worked on there was /nothing/ here to warrant security. And no security besides.

~I'm a bit worried myself. It's too easy. Something isn't right.~
Shredder has posed:
The lock is good. Much better quality than average, but nothing that is not pickable. It takes a little time to get through it, but the door finally clicks when it relents, and inside, the temperature is much less oppressive and stuffy. It's not climate controlled, but it's clear that the air flows a little better through this room. It's dark. Some light filters in from the windows in the main room, casting long beams across the office, but most of it is hard to see through, primarily since there are no lights on in the building at all. Very easy for someone to be hiding in any of a dozen shadows right within that room. At the other side, there is another door with an electronic lock similar to the one above, clearly whatever is to be protected lies somewhere between the two roof and that door.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
And once again, Clint looks carefully around the room. Reaching for his tactical vest, the archer retrieves his trademark purple glasses which - aside from making him look so damn good with them on - allow a degree of night vision. Having found no one around - unless they are invisible - Clint proceeds to the other door with the electronic lock.

~ Yours ~, Clint tells Skye, indicating the lock.
Quake has posed:
~There it is! I knew it.~ Skye is smug. ~The question is - do we go down? Or?~

However, Clint says to have at, so have at she does. Supposing it isn't different from the other one, it was pretty easy. ~Voila! There we go!~

As usual, Clint takes the lead once she has jimmied the lock so to speak.
Shredder has posed:
And suddenly, something that looked like no figure at all suddenly comes to life from the corner. Even with the night vision the figure was virtually invisible, reflecting almost no light at all. In fact, even once it's moving it's almost like a shadow more than a person. There are no features disguishable in the dark, though there is plenty of force behind it to indicate it has substance. Human level strength. A kick comes flying from the dark, aimed first at the back of Skye in an attempt to launch her forward at Clint.