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Revision as of 05:22, 16 April 2023

Pondering's Of Cats and Harlequins
Date of Scene: 15 April 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Selina gets angsty. Harley tries to calm her down.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Harley Quinn

Catwoman has posed:\<br\>The last several days since the attack at the silent auction has Selina on edge. She's been moody, avoiding her friends at the Mansion, heck she's been spending far less time there,and more time at her own apartment, Why, one might start thinking that she's moved out or something, and she certainly seems to have distinctly less belongings at Wayne manor these days than she used to..Somethings up...
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Is in her Super girl or Pj's. She's got a toothbrush in her mouth as she walks along, brushing her teeth, she spots Selina and frowns as she walks over. Maybe she's going slowly and a bit stealthy to see what she's up too.. say what you will about Harleen she does pay attention to everybody around her.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle seems quite absorbed in a book, standing by one of the bookcases as she preens through it! looking for something in particular. She doesn't even notice Harley stepping into the library..Wow she's really distracted. today..
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Peeks over her shoulder at what she's reading for a moment before she wraps arms around her hips and chin on shoulder " What'cha reading? " She asks brightly
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks and nearly jumps, "Harley? When did you get there? Fir goodness sakes, do not sneak up on me like that again!" she sighs, glancing back at her book and shrugs, "Just a book.." looks like a book about love advice.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn The fun thing about hugs especially from behind is you can hang onto a person and kinda keep em where you want em " Oh? what's going on with you kitty cat " She asks curious ' You been avoiding us "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks and stiffens markedly in Harley's arms, "Hey..Let go Harles, I'm tired, too tired for this.." still, she lets out an exhausted yawn, dropping the book and shaking her head, "It's nothing really..Just..I visited Wonder Woman the other day, she used her lasso on me to determine something I needed to know..About that monster who messed with my memories, who used me for his own evil ends.." she sighs, "Only, maybe he didn't use me, maybe I did things willingly..I learned that..I really DID love Mikhael.." and there it is, a name to the mysterious face of the man who fought Harley at the party. And who nearly killed her.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks at her ' And that makes you care for us less? " She asks and cocks her head " Oh that you should push us away because you feel unsure and confused? " She frowns " that's exactly the wrong thing to do .. I'm here for you okay and I'm not going anywhere thank you very much.. your my friend I don't leaveme be "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns, shaking her head and does just that, pulling seat from Harley. "No, that's not it at all..Don't you see, Harley? I willingly did those things..I helped a criminal steal a bunch of stuff for evil ends..Who knows what he's planning, but I had a hand in it. All along, I thought he was mind controlling me or something, but.." she sighs, "I betrayed you, and Ai betrayed Bruce. If he knew.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Cocks her head " Do you know that? " She asks looking at her " Do you remember? " She asks pushing her into a chair and sitting in her lap to keep her hostage. She looks up in her supergirl outfit ' Do you know for sure or you think "" She looks " You said yourself you can't remember..you've got parts of a puzzle but no idea all the bits .. you can't say for sure right now you need answers we can help.. and we will then we'll deal with it then.. if you do what iff you'll break apart before you know for sure "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks as Harley sits on her, "Hey!" she frowns, hisses even but she's too tired to fight right now. "Look, The Lasso of truth does not deceive. It knows what's true in your heart and when Wonder Woman used it on me it said that I loved Mikhael. You don't get much more straight forward than that."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks at her "Right you belived you loved him that's true.. " She looks at her " the lasso of truth makes you tell the truth you know.. it cannot make you tell the turths you don't know ' She lifts a finger " Wonder woman is one of my favorite people but I know that limitation to her lasso " She looks at selina.. " So if you were made to belive you loved him . then to your mind you loved him because that is the truth you loved him.. but not of your own will "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks in confusion, "The truths I don't know? You mean, if he made me believe I loved him, even if it wasn't real, the lasso would not know the difference?" her frown deepens, shaking her head, "That seems like a cop out to me..Surely it would know the difference..?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn cocks her head " Would it ? " she cocks her head " I mean if all he did was help nudge here and thier build the trust and love make sure it bloomed is it still real or fake ? she asks " If one is an expert using something like you will love me is basic and too easy "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle sighs, rubbing her temples, clearly exhausted, "I don't really know, I just..I don't want to be a killer, or a monster. I love you and I love Bruce but I don't know if I can back that up after all of this. I've opened a pandora box and even if I do manage to close it..Maybe it's too late to redeem me. Who is to say I won't go back t9 him?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks up " The box is open if you don't go find out then you will never know for sure "s he looks at her " But your not alone " She touches Selina's cheek " You got me " She grins brightly " And bruce too "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles faintly at Harley, "You will always be like a sister to me...Bruce.." she sighs, "If I come straight with him about thus revelation, he might not forgive me..And maybe this mansion is too small for the three of us. Maybe it's time I moved out, regained my independence.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn She's a quick little thing she's standing and BOP top of the head " stop talking stupid " She says with a frown " Your don't that put them at arms reach I don't deserve it crap again " She Glares and pokes " You are worth it.. and I love you " She says and gives the one eye " So if you leave I'll just stay with you meaning bruce will come too so go ahead move out I dare ya.. we'll still all be together anyways .. independence means strong self not alone "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns, swatting her away, wriggling to get her off her lap. "No, it's just.." she sighs, "I need to sort some things out, what I want out of life. I thought I knew who I was and what I do..Now I'm not so sure. Trying to ' behave ' to win Bruce's approval and love, trying to wedge myself in a relationship with him when he already has you..I guess I just don't know where I fit anymore.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks at her " And running away is the solution? " she puts her hands on her hips " That's always solved everything even for you " She looks at her with a critical eye " How many times has that worked out for you selina.. "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle laughs, "Me? Run away? I don't run away.." she frowns, feeling..Conflicted, "I'll never be a hero, neither of us will be. But I guess Bruce is actually trying to rehabilitate you. Maybe I don't want or need to be rehabilitated. I just want to be me, to be free, do as I please. I don't want to lose myself.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks over and flicks " Then don't " She says " I'm still me " she grins " Just less angry .. people change Selina trying to hold on will smash you " She says softly and then kisses her nose " It's okay to be scared .. but I'm here I'm not going anywhere and I don't reject you " She hugs the other woman " it's okay "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks in surprise. "Scared? Who said anything about being scared?" she practically snaps, tensing visibly. "I'm not scared of anyone or anything! Just because ai need to sift out priorities doesn't mean I'm scared.." she sighs, "I just..Don't like depending on anyone but myself. Opening my heart to you and Bruce makes me feel..Vulnerable.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Kisses her chin " That's the deffinition of scared dear " She says softly " I'm still here " She looks at you " I'm not going anywhere and you can go as slow as you like.. but I won't let you back step "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle scowls, shaking her head stubbornly, "I'm definitely not scared, and I will never be vulnerable enough to have to rely on anyone but myself..Even if I moved out, it doesn't mean I would stop caring about or coming to see you and Bruce. It just means I would have some space to think, to regain my own independence. I could still come visit. Besides, I hate being the awkward third wheel.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Crosses her arms " bull shit " She says " you forget I'm a psycipsychiatrist, your doing classic evasion.. not only that you're starting to like being with me and bruce and opening yourself up.. so like you said your vulnerable so your scared and running away.. putting distance when we've already shown you that you can trust us.. but you can't even trust yourself " She pokes the girls chest.. " it's okay you move out I'm coming with you " .
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks, shaking her head, "No, that's not it! I DO trust you, both of you. Just.." she sighs, and finally climbs to her feet, twisting to the side, trying to shove Harley off her lap. "You got this all wrong! And you're not coming with me, I need space, I need to think about things! I'm not running away and I'm not afraid!" she practically snarls.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Gets off the lap but then she's on your back like a monkey hangning onto her back "Really ? Then why you so mad.. should I get the lasso again? " she asks softly "I didn't say you had a choice you leave I will find you and stay with you end of story .. and do you think you can hide from bruce if he wants to find you? "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle snarls, "Don't make me hurt you, Harley..Sometimes I just need to be alone, clear my head, figure things out..Do you really want to get on the wrong end of this cat's claws?" she hisses, tensing visibly as Harley jumps her. "I'm not hiding..I'm not!"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn answers by kissing you very very deeply " I'm not leaving " she says softly that's it just looking into your eye's with love affection and acceptance yes a litttle maddness but shes' hanging on and looking at you "Your room has a lock "
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn answers by kissing you very very deeply " I'm not leaving " she says softly that's it just looking into your eye's with love affection and acceptance yes a litttle maddness but shes' hanging on and looking at you "Your room has a lock you know " . She smirks just making a point
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle gasps, eyes widening in surprise, totally taken off guard with that kiss. Altgough she doesn't push her away. "Harley. I get it. Maybe you're afraid the moment I leave I won't come back..But I will. I promise." she smiles, touching her cheek. "I'm not running away, just needing some space to myself, that's all."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Takes your hands " You are running away " she says softly "And you have a room thats your space.. your scared of getting too close.. your looping back to what's before and avoiding the issue " she says simply "Projecting onto me won't get you out of this "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smirks, "Oh I see...You think hanging out in. the guest room makes up,for that, just because it has a lock on it? It's still his guest room..His house. I hate the feeling of being dependant on him, of being expected to..Behave.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn cocks her head " Then don't " she says simply " And ask him for the room .. your the one looking for an excuse.. you can just as easly find a reason to stay as leave you just have to put some effort you know " she smirks " Your just looking for a reason to run "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles, expression softening a bit. "I'll think about it. I get it, you're afraid of losing me, but you won't. And I'll talk to Bruce too." she sighs, "You could be right, I just need to think about so,e things."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Nods her head " okay I'll stop but running away won't fix it dear.. just make it fester and get worse it never the same or as good and you know it "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nods and smiles, reaching out to hug her tightly, "I understand..I suppose I.." she swallows, shaking her head, seemingly fighting to say something but letting it go. "It's okay, forget.. suppose I shouldn't let things fester..I'll talk to Bruce about it tomorrow, and I won't make my decision til then, but you should know, no matter what, I care about you both and will never truly leave either of you.."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks over " Then don't leave " she says " And talk to me I don't bite or judge you know that I'm like you " she looks at her holding her hands " I'm not bruce trying to be good or mr j trying to be bad. I'm just me now " she smiles " And being with ivy helped me figure that out.. being alone didn't helpt me all I did was be even more self destructive "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle frowns, "Tell me something, and be honest..Is Bruce just a replacement for the Joker? I...Always believed things between you were professional. I still believe Bruce wants to help you, to habilitate you but.." she sighs, "Mixing therapy with personal romantic relationships is a recipe for disaster..Isn't that how it was with you and The Joker Afterall?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn thinks and taps her chin " Kinda that whole rehabilitate thing was his idea.. He's my boyfriend that's what we started as and that's what we are.. Least to me " she grins " he's the one saying that fixing me stuff " she shrugs " And bruce is not Mr j " she chuckles "Mr J came from me needing to be wanted.. but Ivy helped me learn to love me " She says . " Now I know that bruce just wants the best for me and I want the best for him "
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nods and smiles, giving her shoulders a little squeeze. "I'm glad..I know that Ivy was worried about that too. I want him to help you because he wants to help, and not because there's a binding contract. If you break up with him, will he still help you? I hope so.." she frowns a bit. "Of course he's nothing like the Joker, he's a far better person. And I'm glad that Ivy taught you that too..I wish Bruce could accept Ivy as well."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn grins " he will he's like a certain rock I know that dosn't wanna crack but crazy always wins " she smirks looking at selina " This is the best place for you selina.. we love you and it's okay if your not okay with that yet.. but running away won't fix it either "