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Latest revision as of 12:56, 24 October 2017

Meeting the Students
Date of Scene: 10 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, Magik, 34, Pixie

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Finally dispite the headache, David Akenda is of course awake and unable to sleep right away. He's curious about the school that he has been brought to. Having finally climbed out of the bed and heading up to the first floor he looks around the mansion, he's wearing clean clothes and cleaned up. Holding in one hand a Black Suba with a katana in it. Or scabbard, sheath, what you westerners call it. So for the most part he is just looking around wondering what room he will be assigned too knowing he will have to share it with what? Four other guys? or was he the fourth. He was a touch out of it.

The Blade he has does look Ornate, as some might think it's just a display piece, in truth it is a functional weapon.

Magik has posed:
    Because the stairs are a great place to lounge, that is where Illyana is currently, eschewing actual furniture to drape on the lounge on the last few steps. A textbook is in her hands, and she's idly skimming through it. And looking utterly bored to tears. If she were the tear prone sort that is. David's appearance in the foyer proper prompts a glance up from her book, and he's given a brief moment of inspection. The yawn she gives may be her opinion of what she sees. Or maybe not. She does mutter something about 'boring' as she flips another page in her book, so perhaps she's just bored to yawns instead of tears reading this thing.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jonothon Starsmore, a new-ish student, is starting to get juuuuuust a bit more comfortable here. A little. He's still afraid he's going to blow something up in his sleep, though. So he doesn't spend a lot of time amongst the other students. Classes, etc. He doesn't eat, so lunch is kind of wasted on him.

Evening usually sees him in his room in the basement, but for some reason he's come up to the foyer. Why? Who knows. Though he quickly sees he's not the only person up here.

The astute can see him tensing up. ACK, PEOPLE! Outwardly he just offers a nod of greeting David and Illyana, and keeps his gaze aimed down. No eye contact, no eye contact, no eye contact...

Pixie has posed:
So, Megan had graduated last year or so. But for various reasons - it was more or less difficult for her to get a job. At least, a job anywhere nice. And she /didn't/ really want to hang on and be a teacher.

Welsh classes might be a little difficult to get enough students who cared about such an amazing language. Unless they made it mandatory - feeheehee. And a lot of the X-Men were out and about this evening, or in their rooms or that sort of thing - of course the broodmeisters came out at night. As it was, however - from the kitchen, wafted a strange and unusual scent.

Cookies. With currants, nutmeg, buttermilk, and a little orange zest to bring it together.

People know this because - with the fluttering dragonfly-esque sound of wings beating together, Pixie herself flutters into this room. Perhaps some in the room may be warned - she was fluttering around the mansion as a whole, offering these 'biscuits' to everyone. And now, and now...

Doom has come to the main foyer!

"Hellooooooooooooooooooo!" she sparks, holding the tray of cookies overhead. Eyes flicker towards Magik, then towards David. And a grin - a wicked one, by the look of it, sparks across her lips. "That's a tidy knife you got there - you want some treats?!" The offer was made to Magik as well, her so-pink-they-were-black eyes dark.

Megan /points/ at Jono, seeing him tense up. Another beat, and she points at the plate she carries as she lands. The command was clear, even if she hadn't met the young man all official just yet.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
One of the dangers is that a new Student is not only unknowing of people who are bad cooks, but also the bottom of the pecking order. David is taken a little off guard with the Dragonfly lady but he settles down and when she mentions a knife he says. "Katana, and not a display peice it is a genuine battle worthy blade." he says and then the offer of cookies and he smiles. "I won't mind sampling one or two." he asks still being polite as the newsest student here, though he wishes the pounding in his head was lessened more. The advile works but it still hurts.

Magik has posed:
    "Of course it is," says the blonde from the stairwell as she snaps her book closed. Her tone is polite, at least. And voice, faintly accented. Now while David hardly kept her attention, those vivid blue eyes are fixed on Jonothon as he makes his entrance... for about two seconds longer. And then attention shifts to Megan, the tiding of good cheer for the evening it seems.

    Standing up, she actually goes towards the other woman instead of away. Because, let's face it... cookies. Even a Demon Queen can't say no to cookies. "What's in them?" She says by way of 'thanks' as she plucks one from the plate and gives it a slight sniff as if to try to determine the ingredients via scent. A bite confirms that she does not find the cookie unacceptable and even mumbles out a 's'good' while still chewing.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono can't actually smells the cookies. Missing most of one's face tends to have that effect, after all. And he doesn't know the fluttering of wings. He does, however, see the girl appearing. And blinks. The point at the plate gets a shake of his head. {{Sorry, luv. I don' 'ave the parts for eatin'.}} The voice is mental, but it's broadcasted -- anyone in the room within 'speaking' distance could hear it. He doesn't get any closer, leaving the cookies to David and Illyana.

Pixie has posed:
    A cookie is produced from the Pixie's plate, and given to David. "You'll like them. Raisins, or currants, or... I'm not altogether sure, you know?" she grins so wide her nose crinkles at that point. "I'm Megan - Megan Gwynn - and I take it yer a sword sort of guy," she says, folding her wings tidily behind herself. There was always a little sparkle in the air around her - small amounts of pixie dust.

    Eyes turn to Magik. "Currants, sugar, and a little extra love and magic!" she says, snapping open her wings at that point. A beat though, and she folds them back away again. "I'm Megan Gwynn, I'm sure you heard - I um... what's your names?"

    A wink to Jono, though. "No worries - I'll have one for you. What sorts of things do you eat then?" she asks of Jono.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he bites into the cookie he will have to chew and swallow it regardless as she says. "Family Heirloom. But proficant in it's use." he says given his Asian looks he smiles and lookings around bewildered some on the area. "DAvid Akenda." he says with a Bow. Then recalling that in America one shakes hands, and unlike in Japan the grip is more firmly held offering to shake his hands with Megan, Pixie, as well as Jono. If he will allow it.

"I'm apparently one of the new Students. Dr. McCoy Tatum, and I think Scott summers have allowed me to remain here while I continue to recover at least."

Magik has posed:
    Megan just gets a look leveled at her at the whole 'love and magic' thing. Like she just personally told her that rats were in the cookies or something digusting. Still, she munches on the cookie she has anyway, but. Ugh. Illyana still, though, gives credit where credit is due. "They're good," this time without the mouthful of cookie. "Been a while since I...hm." Shetrails off here, just so, it's timed rather well to look like she's distracted by Jono's rather interesting manner of speech. So he IS really interesting after all! But... names. "Illyana Rasputin," she says in answer to Megan about her name.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
What does Jono eat? {{I don't.}} The mental voice has a bit of a bitter undertone to it, stating maybe he wasn't altogether happy about it. But, since he's here and most everyone here has some form of weird... He reaches up and pulls at his face-wrapping, just enough for a tiny spark of his biokinetic flame to show through -- it's a cooler red-orange this time. {{Kinna hard ter eat when yer got that inside yer.}}

Jono actually does return David's handshake. Jono's handshake is a light one, with not a lot of pressure. As though he doesn't want to hang on for too long. Introductions, too! {{Jonothon Starsmore,}} he offers. {{'Jono' if yer want.}}

Pixie has posed:
    Megan's wings kinda dip at Illyana's disapproval of her peppy tones. "Well, David - welcome to the academy! It's a wonderful little place they have here," says Megan, in her musical little accent. Bringing up a hand, she pushes her bountiful pink hair away from her face.

    "Are you all students here, then? I mean, I know Jono's a new one, but..." Pixie glances back towards Illyana, grinning ever-wider. "Been a while since you what, love?" she asks, blinking those strange eyes of hers.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David does note the issue with Jone but he is respectful. He's not have much experiance with other mutants, but he smiles to Megan. "Well it beats living on the streets being hunted by assassins." he says being absolutely serious about that. As far as he knows everyone in the school knows about it. "I think I was wanting to get something heavier to eat, then get some more sleep. Ms Braddock helped me with some nightmares and I still have the headache from it.

Magik has posed:
    "Hm?" Illyana blinks for a moment at Megan at the reminder she trailed off mid sentence. And for a moment, there's a flicker of expression that seems to suggest she's dbating throwing something random out. "....cookies," she finally answers and there's a tone there that suggests that /is/ the truth. "These reminded me of Mother's." Maybe Illyana saw that droop of wings and had to remind herself she's a /good/ person, and should probably fix that by not screwing with the answers. Still, doesn't stop her from throwing a hand on her hip and half-grinning towards David as he makes his comment about assassins. And... he's saved by Jono's show and tell. "Whoa," she lets out in a huff of breath. She's not horrified. If anything, she looks like she might be on the verge of asking about it. She stops herself by helping herself ot another cooking and taking a bite.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono stays quiet after his introduction, though he doesn't leave just yet. He seems pretty fine with remaining where he is. He's off to the side a little, not quite eith the rest of the group, but near enough that he can hear and 'speak' to the group.

It's probably best that Illyana didn't ask, in fact, because at her 'whoa', Jono looks to the side a bit. Empaths? There's a very distinct note of sadness there, like a tiny stormcloud, centered over Jono's head.

Pixie has posed:
    There were still a handful of cookies left. But Megan Gwynn drags her tongue across her lips, glancing between the others there. Jono's display - she had missed it in the first glance, but Illy's fawning of it turns her attention his way.

    Megan's smile springs bright again then. "Well, not as long as I'm around. I mean - I'll find /something/ better to do with myself all day, but until then..." Megan leans forward, lifting her eyebrows high. "I can /bake/."

    A beat, and Megan was kinda looking at Jono with a sideways sort of glance. "So - what if you put a cookie in that mouth-fire ya got there - what'll happen to it?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as David seems to have the comment ignored he doesn't bring up the assassins and then asks. "Is there some sort of Schedule here, perhaps of times, for meals and classes?" he doesn't know exactly when he might begin classes start here but right now he is assuming he has at least two or three more days to acclimate before he at least gets orintation and the classes start.

Magik has posed:
    Jono's quiet and most people would get the hint that he's not up for talking... at least about his speaking and light show. Illyana, not so much. But she's eating a cookie, and it's hard to ask questions and eat at the same time...and be understood. And David pipes up right as Megan asks her own question. Her attention, visually, is still on Jono, but she's answering David. "I'm not sure. Things are winding down as the school year ends. I'm still getting used to whatever myself." This in a roundabout way, answers Megan's question about them being new students. "I just enrolled here. I'm a ..." She purses her lips. "...transfer student. Privately tutored." Yeah, that's the ticket! Ignore the pause while she searched for the best way to describe herself there. "But the summer break will start soon, though I think there's classes held. Just not as many."

    "If I gave you recipes, will you make them?" She suddenly asks of the winged-one amongst them.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Nothin',}} Jono replies to Megan's question. {{Don't wanna take the chance 'f droppin' anything inside me, either.}} His replies are terse, but his tone isn't particularly rude or upset. Sadly, he doesn't know the answer to David's question, so he lets people who've been here longer answer it.

Jono may or may not be trying to avoid Illyana's eyes. But he's probably aware she's looking, even if it's out of paranoia. Though he does comment, {{S'prob'ly why most 'f the teachers 'avn't been on me case much.}}

Pixie has posed:
    Megan's wings snap up - she first looks to David - canting her head to the side. "Thursday is movie night, right?" she offers, glancing to the others. "But... I'm kinda out of the school loop anymore." Up comes her hand to brush another lock of her hair out of her eyes.

    "Well! Welcome to Xavier's Academy then - you're going to like it here - so many interesting people and types to be seen - you're going to make a lot of friends, I know!" she chirps. "All of you!"

    Smile fades, and interest returns to her features, canting her head to the side like a bird. "Yes, of course - or I can teach you how to cook, too, if you'd like - what do you need cooked?" she asks.

    Eyes return to Jono. "Oh. Um... what if I can get Dr. McCoy to turn the cookie into energy. And you can like... be in the room, and soak up that energy, I mean..." Another beat. She takes another bite of 'Jono's' cookie. "So - okay, you can't eat. What do you like to do?" she asks.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David smiles as he asks. "So other than the cookies what are the rules on Students getting food from the kitchen or is there a set schedule for meals and snacks?" Thankfully he is used to it, but he wants to get something a bit heavier into his stomach. He's been eating good food, but he wants something more solid in him than stews or soups.

Magik has posed:
    "Oh. /Nyet/." Illyana is /quick/ to turn back to Megan here at the prospect of her cooking, her hands being held up as if to ward off oncoming doom. "It will be bedlam in that kitchen if I try making something other than a bowl of cereal." She blinks at her own choice of words and then can't help but begin snickering. Bedlam indeed. "Serious, though. I"m a horrible cook," she waves a hand. Then to DAvid. "Uh. I just walk in there and get things. Well around this time anyway. NO one's stopped me yet." If anything, this has at least got her to stop glancing at Jono as if she wants to unwrap him.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono didn't know about the movie night. Might be worth looking into, depending on what they've got playing. But he shakes his head at Megan's suggestion regarding the cookie. {{I don't absorb energy.}} Which... actually strikes him as kind of weird, to be honest. Then again, he's got so much energy his body can't contain it. Why would he need MORE energy?

{{If yer need somethin' t'eat, I don't see why yer wouldn't be able to get somethin'. Long as yer clean up afterwards.}} Yes, he's heard about David's presence, though he doesn't know much. But, if he could still laugh, he would snort at Illyana's words of cooking. {{Disaster in the kitchen, 'ey?}} Oh-ho, is that something other than gloom and doom in his 'tone'? Seems he does have a sense of humor, even if he's a sad sack most of the time!

Pixie has posed:
    Megan sets her jaw at an angle. "Well, I just kinda go in whenever I like, and take what I need - I always suspect Xavier will mentally grab me, though, one of these days, shake me by the scruff, and say 'Don't do that!'.

    "I wonder where all the groceries come from..." she says, bringing up a hand to scratch the side of her nose idly. Wings flutter. "But yes, Illyana - give me recipies, and I'll do my best to make them!" she chirps. Lifting the plate of cookies up, she looks to Jono last.

    Megan wasn't a scientist, she was a... she didn't know what she was. Maybe she could get an online degree and figure it out. No wonder Jono was such a sad guy, however. He couldn't eat sweet things! "Well, umm... alright," says Megan. "Anyways - I'm gonna go see if anyone else would like any cookies before they are all gone. Nice to meet you all!" she chirps, and starts to take off, balancing the plate in front of herself.

Pretty soon, she would be zip and gone - but not before more cookies can be grabbed.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David nods and smiles. "thank you, I'll make sure to clean up." he says knowing that right now his stomach takes priority and then to get some more aveile or something. and get some more rest. He is much better than he was but want's the headache gone. And now he will head to the same place that the dragonfly pixy came from.

Magik has posed:
    "It would look like hell broke loose in there," Illyana answers Jono, resting a hand on her hip. There's a weird glint to her eyes as she says this. "I'd burn evertyhing. I could probably burn water. Heaven forbid they put a 'home economics' course on my schedule. The instructor will /love/ me." Megan is answered with a curt nod, but she seems rather...pleased... at the thought of possibly getting 'home foods'. Been so long. And then she's heading off! Illyana does nothing to stop her save give a little of a wiggle of her fingers and a "Bye-bye." To DAvid? She can't help. "Don't forget to check the cupboards for assassins."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David stops when she mocks him about the assassins and slowly he turns around to her and slowly approaches her and asks. "Do you think I am making it up?" and slowly he will turn around presenting his back to her slowly undoing his shirt as he allows his shirt to come down showing his back which has what appears to be a sword slave across his back, lower back. "I got that from inside the Japanese Police station when a pair of assassins tried to kill me. If you doubt it further, Ask scott summers about the man who was trying to kill me when he found me and brough me here." David says.

Pulling his shirt up and buttoning it back up. "I assure you this is not make believe." he says. "They will not hesitate to abduct you, demading my life in exchange for you. And to prove their intentions true. They will cut off your little finger and send it back as proof they have you and what they will do." David says, his eyes full of anger and hatred...

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods at Megan. {{Nice ter meet'cha too,}} he offers to Megan. A pause, then, just before she leaves the room, {{...An' thanks.}} She WAS trying. Jono was just kind of a hopeless case.

Though Illyana's words of the horrible condition that the kitchen would be in after an attempt of hers at cooking does seem to lift his mood a little. {{You an' be both,}} he offers. He blinks at the exchange between David and Illyana, though, wincing a bit at David's description of the assassins' methods. Too organized for random jobbers. {{Did yer piss off the yakuza?}} he asks. He doesn't sound like he's kidding.

Magik has posed:
    As DAvid wheels around, Illyana actually /grins/. Oh it's not a pretty grin. Not with the way her thin brows come down slightly, and yet the grin still seems one of mild delight. "I don't know. Are you?" With his back turned, it may be almost impossible to see the way she takes in the scarring, even while she speaks. "I mean, for all I know, you coming in saying something about assassins would like me announcing I'm the queen of a hell-dimension. Who would believe me right away, hm?" She then lifts her hands up, "Alas. It seems I was wrong! I do apologize." Then he says something about abducting her and... yeah. Illyana's going to double over and just /laugh/ at that. She does still try to choke out some words. "But...really. I /am/ sorry." Then she tries to stop her laughing so that what /is/ a sincere apology actually sounds like it.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David actually steps back at that and he says, "Let's find out if that's true. This sword was presented to my clan seven hundred ago by the emperor when we wiped out the Kaji clan. Who were invoking forbidden magics, conjuring demons, and making forbidden unions with them. We were ordered to wipe the clan out down to the last child. One child escaped and rebuilt the clan." and he draws the blade.

It actually shimmers as David is surprised at the glow around it, and he says. "This blade was said to be forged of metal froma God's chariot, forged in the sacred fires of Mount Fuji, and enhanced to be ever sharp, unbreakible. And inflict great harm on those of demon blood." And for those here who are magically attuned the blade has a Holy aura to it, a sheen of magic designed to clean through the evil flesh of darkness.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono knows when to keep the hell out of things. This is one of those things. He stays quiet, but he watches carefully. Right up until David gets that sword out. {{Right then.}} He steps between David and Illyana, without hesitating, whether the blade's pointed at her or not. {{Don't start a fight in 'ere. This's not the place for it.}} His mental 'tone' is firm, but not unkind.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana crosses her arms as David speaks about... sword... clan. Oh, Demons. At that point, she lifts up one hand to rest against her cheek as if thinking. Or as if bored and trying to look like she's still paying attention. "Oh, so... if you cut me with that, all it would do is prove that I'm demonic in some fashion... but /not/ that I'm a demon queen. So... Still no telling if it's true!." She then blinks over as Jono gets in the middle. She gets on her tiptoes to glance over the man's shoulder, "Just so, I'm still right!."

    And... the sword is glowing. She actually has the audacity to point (still over Jono's shoulder where she's peeking) "So, if it goes all glowy, what does that mean? Is it a demon detector?" She then drops down to her flat feet and steps out from behind Jono, hand on her hip. "I'm being good, I promise," she says outloud, though Jono might've heard her cursing quietly under her breath as she stepped away. She then holds her hands out, 'placatingly' to David, "We're all here, right? Safe and on the same side."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as it is Jono who has stopped David the young Student actually looked shocked as he looks at his sword. The glow as he sees around the blade stops when he sheathes the blade. "I Apologize. I have been on the run from those assassins for so long. They have brought me much pain and mental anguish." and he will simple head off to the kitchen, wanting something to eat before he gets more rest and no doubt will have to deal with the conseqeneces of what he has done.

Of course the glowing thing was new. Something he didn't expect.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
If Jono heard Illyana, he doesn't say anything. He's not going to tip anybody's hand to anyone else. He just plays meat shield until David puts the sword away. Once he does, though, Jono relaxes. {{I get you're strung out,}} Jono says. {{But, well... so far I 'aven't seen anythin' that makes me think anybody 'ere means yer harm.}} He's trying to talk David down, and sort of comfort him, too. Because hey, he definitely understands being jumpy and scared. Though Jono's afraid of himself, not something external. But he doesn't have to say that.

Nonetheless he does look to Illyana. {{Yer all right?}} He's pretty sure she is, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana is GOOD this time. "Try to get some sleep," she says after him, without any extra commentary or saucy tone. In an attempt to be..perhaps not nice...but at least diplomatic. Maybe it just dawned on her she might have to sit in a class room with these dweebs, er, people. Still, she's got her not-happy face on behind David's back, her eyes narrowing oh just slightly at that sword. Making mental notes, yup. "I'm fine," she says, and she's surprised she doesn't snap the words, instead answering in a relaxed fashion. "But thanks for your stepping in. Nice diplomacy." Because she probably would've made it worse. Somehow.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods as Illyana assures him she's fine. The straightness in his back and squareness of his shoulders, he was looking like a real hero for a second there, yes! But it suddenly fades, and he's back looking like a slouching, gothy, emo teen again. {{Sorry ter interfere. Didn't know what 'e was gonna do.}} And Illyana, 'demonic' or not, is a student there, right? The students ought not fight.

Silence. Awkwaaaaaard! {{I'll, er... go back ter me room now.}} Wow he's awkward when the shit's not hitting the fan! {{See yer.}} Notably, instead of heading towards the upstairs? He heads for the lift down to the basement...