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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/17 |Location=Mel's Diner - Breakstone |Synopsis=Scott and Bruce sit down at a diner to talk about Jean. |Cast of Characters=114, 338 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:114|Scott Summers (114)}} has posed:'''<br>Roaring up to the diner on the back of his Vintage Harley, Scott kills the engine drops the kickstand and heads into the Diner. Putting the keys into the pocket of his black leather jacket with blue accents, he removes the...")
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Latest revision as of 09:55, 21 April 2023

Steer Clear
Date of Scene: 17 April 2023
Location: Mel's Diner - Breakstone
Synopsis: Scott and Bruce sit down at a diner to talk about Jean.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Hulk

Cyclops has posed:
Roaring up to the diner on the back of his Vintage Harley, Scott kills the engine drops the kickstand and heads into the Diner. Putting the keys into the pocket of his black leather jacket with blue accents, he removes the black helmet. Ruby Quartz shades still on his eyes he adjusts the jacket over the form fitting blue t-shirt, wearing blue jeans and black biker boots the hard heel thumping on the floor he takes a seat at his usual booth thanking a waitress for the menu he orders a pot of coffee as he looks the menu over.
Hulk has posed:
Arriving soon after, Bruce is dressed in one of his usual suits: black slack pants, white dress shirt, a plad blazer coat, a bowtie at the collar, and thick-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His hair was long enough to touch his collar while a beard was growing on his face. He enters and he orders some french fries while he's at the counter, before he notices Scott and he walks over to his booth.

"You wanted to see me?"

Bruce suggests, lifting his hand a bit for a wave. "H-Hi Scott."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers gestures to the bench opposite him. "Awfully nervous I assume you know what this is about then." He says his tone cold and polite if a bit of an angry bite to it. "Sit get your food, this won't take long." He leans back taking a drink of his coffee. "Did you think Jean wouldn't tell me what happened? That she'd keep it from me? We never hid our relationship, so why would you think to ask my fiancee, and your boss on a date? For a brilliant mind that's a rather dumb think to do don't you rhink?"
Hulk has posed:
Slowly, /slowly/...

Bruce raises a brow at Scott. He takes a long, slow breath. As if trying to regain his calm from Scott's passive aggressive demeanor. He takes a seat at the booth. "Scott." Bruce says his name quite simply, before he explains. "Take the time to listen. I'm sure she told you what I'm going to tell you now: I didn't know she was engaged to you - that she was engaged at all. People at the school know, sure, but I'm not /at/ the school too often. I'm there to tutor a student Jean has provided to my teachings as an assistant, and train her to eventually take over as the Physics Professor while Dr. McCoy is away...but I don't /hear/ everything. I'm sorry it seems to have upset you, but I figure you tell each other everything. You seem close enough.

It seems despite Scott's angry tone, Bruce is more than willing to meet him as a man. He's standing a bit straighter. "I respect Jean, and I respect you. She told me, kept it simple, my pursuits of her have ceased....if you can even call it /pursuing/. I enjoy her company. She's a kind woman."

"One of the only ones to ever quite show me kindness."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers shakes his head and leans a bit forward. "Shes told me all of it, Bruce she wears an emerald ring on the left ring finger, she wears it all the time, what else would that say?" He asks his tone calming a bit. "I'm here now, and I'm here to tell you this point blank, Jean though she doesn't like it agrees with me. You're to steer clear of her, running into each other in public, or joint ops with the avengers all good. But other than that stay away, we've agreed to find a different tutor for her to learn the teaching aspect of things. But in a nut shell, as of now and for the foreseeable future you keep a wide berth and you stay away." Scott says his eyes meeting Bruce's and he takes another sip. "I hope we are clear on this, Jean didn't want to have this conversation with you, though she agreed its for the best so I'm here. And handling it man to man, rather than allowing my anger to dictate."
Hulk has posed:

Bruce tells Scott. "If she didn't, then there's no trust." Bruce tells Scott. "She wore it, mayhaps, sure. It doesn't change that I wasn't attentive enough to notice it, Scott."

Bruce seems to relax a little when Scott's tone settles. Thoug hhe tilts his head at Scott, he nods only once. "If that's what's decided, then that's what will be."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers drains his coffee and sets the cup down. "Good I'm glad we understand each other then. Believe me this wasn't a conversation I wanted to have. Alas though I trust her, I don't know you well enough to trust that you're sincere in no longer pursuing her. Time will tell, and I hope you are genuine I'd rather be able to trust you both and keep your friendship fully, you're one of the few scientific minds she has to talk to. However until I can be certain this is how it is." Scott says tossing some bills on the table more than enough to cover the coffee and Bruce's fries plus a generous tip, he's not a complete jerk. "I like you Bruce, that's the reason for a calm chat, hopefully in time when my irritation fades this will change." Scott gets up and grabs his motorcycle helmet. "Stay safe, and have a good one Bruce."