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Latest revision as of 10:03, 21 April 2023

A day in Manhattan
Date of Scene: 15 April 2023
Location: Upper West Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Cain meets the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and gives him an assist! Oh yea it is a cross-over!
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Juggernaut

Spider-Man has posed:
It was a normal day the sun just going down as everyone is walking, and talking normally. That is before they hear the pounding, and the earth shaking in the localized area as a large man in a wierd suit runs into view. The man looks, well like a Rhino. He is huge, and has a horn on his head as he is running wildly. He is running wildly because on his back is another person though much smaller. Spiderman holds onto his web that he has used to blindfold the panicing Rhino as he holds on tight so the big man can not get a grip around it without hurting himself.

Cars are pushed out of the way, and trucks are pushed over as the man stampedes through. "Hey Rhino, are you done talking cause your a little horse!" the man on the back says, but only gets a "SHUT UP!" from the rhino, as apperently he had been 'chatting' with him for a while now. This is charging down the street as Rhino can not reach the Spider, as each time he tries Spidey ducks just out of the way, and the web isn't going to come off since he can't grab it so keeps running.
Juggernaut has posed:
Not a great distance away..

A group of teenagers about to enter a corner liquor store find their pasageway blocked as the doors to the store slide open and reveal an absolutely gargantuan figure literally completely filling up the entry way. Doing so, so much so via the gargantuan proportions so tremendous that the double doors do not open wide enough, basically causing all foot traffic to grind to a halt by means of a the doors being stuffed with a gigantic broad stomach and an enormous chest that casts the startled youths in shadow as they stagger backwards. The stretched out visage of Godzilla looming over Mount Fuji leers at them as the image on teh strained tee shirt worn by the behemoth, swelling and straining to contain the wall of flesh beneath it as the brute takes a heavy breath.

His exit through the doors is abit of a performance of skill and manuevering but eventually he arrives in full and straightens up to his towering height and paying no mind to the dumbstruck onlookers who seem to think wiser of urging him to hurry it up. Besides, he seems to be a paying customer at least as he lifts up a bag of chips, enveloped in gnarled boulder like hands. A light squeeze pops them open and he takes slow heavy steps onto the sidewalks now, parting the crowds around him like a boulder deciding to roll upstream against the flow of a ..mildly panicking river. Aside from his astonishing size and build, his features are fundementally human if abit brutish looking. A big thick squarish job sporting unkempt stubble and closely cropped red hair top it all off.

Of course..then the ground starts shaking and the behemoth frowns mildly. Confused. He stops moving. The ground continues shaking. The crowds around him begin panicking as the roar and ruckus of Rhino's approach fills the air and the goliath slowly turns, peering down the street at the incoming grey skinned giant and the Spider-Man upon him.

"What the hell...!"
Spider-Man has posed:
Whiping back and forth the big man charges as neither of them are looking forward for a moment before the large man runs smack dab into the other large man turning the corner. There is a bam, and while Rhino stops dead in his tracks hitting something he was not ready for so didn't hit evenly instead of the response he was expecting of it giving the large gray skinned looking man falls back on his but. Strangly Spider-man had already kick flipped off of Rhino before they collided his spider-sense telling him to back off.

As Spidey sails, back fliping in the air, and landing on a lamp-post in a squat Spidey looks at the still standing man. "I guess there is always a bigger fish." he says in a bad english accent, and chuckles.

Rhino sits on his but holding his head with a "What was that?" looking up, and more up, as he sighs to himself. "Great another chump.. Get out of here this is my territory. Though in response Spidey where he is pirched, looks down. "Umm... 'Cuse me big guy, but I am afraid you mean no-ones territory." as they quip back at each other one of the teenagers tug lightly on his sleeve. "Hey thanks Mr." he says up to the man smiling a bit as Juggy might realise behind him are a few people as they figured after that it was the safest place.
Juggernaut has posed:
His chips go flying. There was no salvaging that. Some even land in his close cut red-hair! They were his favorite chips as well.

His sun glasses are also blasted away..revealing fuming, annoyed, cruel, ice blue eyes as his massive jaw sets into a tight grimace. His boulder like hand spasms, crushing the bag of chips completely in his growing rage as he stares down at Rhino and then he cuts his gaze towards Spider-Man and the look of rage turns into one of sheer confusion.

And then people are..thanking him? "..What the hell?" he repeats, apparently locked into a state of perpetual confusion at this scenario before he shakes his head as if tossing the cobwebs off.

"Yeah..uh. Yeah yeah kid. Beat it. Before you get caught in the crossfire or somethin'."

He turns his head and casts a glance over his shoulder towards the crowd. It's not a friendly look and if theyr'e smart they won't push their luck. There -is- an angry Rhino here after all. And a Spider-Man! That menace...

"This some sorta joke, Spider-Man? You teamin' up with B-Listers now?" Cain's fully aware that Spider-Man doesn't know his identity at the moment. The helmet and the downsizing helps..but he still speaks with a sort of casual familiarity with this situation as if days like this are par for the coruse. "Beat it." he adds. This last bit directed at Rhino and with a gesture of his thumb at the enforcer. "Before I get mad."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey looks at him, and tilts his head as the man seems confused, and is not a hero he reconises, but whatever radioactive thing that bit him it must of been as big as a house. The people were used to this, and getting told to git they got the whole sidewalk cleared, and it looked like they were falling back to about twenty feet. That is when the phones came out, and with a few that clicked there was now an audiance of people recording everything hoping to be able to sell it or, just to have proof they were there, as JJJ would go after people trying to make a profit off of spider-man with a vengence as there should be 'no support for that Menace'! Welcome to New York, and while Spidey didn't seem to even notice, nor even Rhino to be honest it happened every time so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for them.

"Ha! You got jokes, whoever you are you can't be that bad.. I would stay away from that one Pokey my Senses are going crazy." and he shakes his head at that one watching the two other then jumping in right away. While Spider-Man did not reconise him, and didn't even know why, but when they were going to colide his senses went crazy for a moment, and therefore he was a whole lot more dangerous then he looked.. He looked pretty dangerous.

Of course ever the New Yorker Rhino stands up to his full height of 6'6" though to Juggernaut that isn't as much as it was to others. "'Ey I am walkin here... You steppin' in my territory." he starts poking the other large man in the chest. "Runnin' inta me out of no where." Poke. "And your tellin' me to Scram... Gettaaa 'er!" For at least in his credit he doesn't seem to reconize or care abot the differences in size as he looks to be about to poke the big man again in the stomach.
Juggernaut has posed:
The hove doesn't accomplish much aside from press and push into the thick muscle of Cain's chest. He's flesh at least. Just..a whole lot of it. He's got a good ten or so inches on Rhino as well and his proportions are alot more wildly huge as well. But more importantly.. He doesn't take to kindly to being touched and when the poke happens again his stomach, his nostrils flare and a bullish rumbling snort comes out.

No doubt, Spider-Man's sense are going haywire. He wouldn't be feeling anything liek this unless an enraged Hulk was around. The looming danger seems -that- intense if the red haired bruiser isn't calmed.

"What're you, an idiot? I said BEAT IT. This the sorta muscle going around and getting hired tehse days? Maybe I need to start culling the playing field!"

He then grins. His broad features going into a smile like a great white shark grinning at a clownfish.

"Tell you what. You want me to move? Why dont' you make me? Take yoru best shot 'chump'? This is your territory yeah? Take a few swings even. I'll even put one hand behind my back."

He lifts a huge arm up overhead and flexes it, bulking a bicep the size of a buick up, splitting the seams of his shirt as it creaks like stretching leather and then he lowers it to place it behind his back as promised.

"Get a good look at this, Spidey." he adds with a quick glance at the observing webhead. "Mebee get those folk to move a black or two back...."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-man was torn... He could let Rhino and the new guy fight it out, and sure he is sure Rhino would take a beating. As the two were talking Spidey flipped off the light post landing in a squat in the middle of the street. As he web's a sewer-cover. Lifting it with the web attached he swings it around his head, once, and then twice just gaining speed as the heavy metal cover sails through the air. As Juggernaut is giving Rhino the first punch Spidey gets one last loop around using it to whip the cover at the Rhino like man, though as he does he yells, "Hey Pokey... Forget something?"

Rhino on the other hand this whole time Juggernaut has been talking he has been getting more and more upset. He had already got knocked off his game, what was he thinking... He was Russian why did he go Ittalian. He shook his head as that dang Spider must of gotten into his head again. He looks at Juggernaut, and is distracted as he listens, and says nothing else before he pulls back to hit the large man with a fist, but stops as he hears someone calling him Pokey, and he hated that name. Turning to look he gets a "Sh---" before the metal hits him right in the face, as turning his head wasn't enough to get the horn in the way. Then he goes down, head first as his body spins at the impact. For a moment it might look like Spidey just killed the guy, but on second look one can see that 'silver skin' is also a bit of armor, and though he might be eating through a straw for a bit he should be okay.

Dusting off his gloved hands he smiles, "Hey thanks for distracing him Mr!" Spidey tells him, "I can tell your good, but if I don't end it people will think I need help from others." he explains with a smile.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Hey, what the--!"

He was actually looking forward to letting Rhino land a few solid hits on him before revealing his identity and taking him out. It'd sell well for his reputation. Be good for Bar With No Name happenings. And potential work.

But then Spider-Man had to go be..responsible and heroic. Cain sighs and rolls his eyes before finally turning towards Spider-Man.

"What help like me distracting him so you coudl cheap shot 'im?" he countres, not amused it seems. But he also seems mildl curios as he rubs his jaw,

"Still...That guy can go rounds with Jade Jaws and knock buildings over. Maybe he's just sick. Or it's not really the same Rhino I'm thinking of.. That guy sounded like he was from Jersey.."

The possiblities are endless but for Cain the moment's passed now and instead the full force of his slowly diminising ire is settling onto Spider-Man now. "..You're welcome."
Spider-Man has posed:
There is cheering for both Spidey, as he turns and waves at everyone turning his back to the Rhino with a grin. Juggy prob knew that grin as Spidey was planning something. As his back is turned a damaged Rhino gets up and holds his jaw the look in his eye is one Juggernaut may reconise. Rhino isn't thinking anymore, and isn't talking as he takes off towards spiderman horn down. Spider-man doesn't react even though the crowd is all pointing and look frightened, but right before the rhino hits Spidey leaps up way higher then a normal person could jump flipping over he lands behind the charging Rhino, and webs his feet. When Rhino realises he missed he isn't thinking about webbing or nothing, but turning, and that is when Spidey yanks as hard as he can on the web tripping him up, and the Rhino man falls. "The suns getting real low big guy." and chuckles as Spidey uses this time to web the feet, and hands together to hold him for a moment. Sure maybe the man could cut his way out with his horn, but he wasn't thinking right now just thrashing about wasting movement.

Spidey turns to look at Juggernaut, "They always play dead at first." Spidey explains. "Don't worry you keep at this I am sure you will learn the ins and outs of it." then Spidey stops and looks at Cain again suspisouly.. "I think I know you..." he reaches into the belt and takes out a thin paper looking at it as he walks closer to Juggernaut dwarfed in the large mans pressence.

The crowd isn't sure what is going on so watches, as Spider-man gives can an autographed picture of Spider-man taken by Peter Parker. "I don't usually give these out, but you must be a fan right? It is okay big guy, do you want a picture together or something?"
Juggernaut has posed:
THis is just..sad. Spider-Man is Spider-Man but Rhino is one of the top enforcers around and powerful enough to break Thing's arms. Now this is just a circus and Cain is just sort of standing by as Arkady - he thinks it's Arkady - has a really bad day. In truth..he -should- be helping him. Spider-Man is not likely tod o anything but get in Cain's own way if he's on the job it just so happens that Cain's civilian identity is somewhat intact. That he's not truly Juggernaut sized at the moment and also..usually wears a helmet and skullcap is saving him abit here.

Course he neve bothers to disguise his voice.

"Looks like you got this under control..Spidey." he rumbles though his eyes narrow as Peter approaches him.

"Huh?" he rumbles before taking the picture up and then fuming.

"Riiiiiight.." he rumbles while taking a few steps aside. "This how you treat your priorities, Spidey? You got guts...I'll give ya that. But I think I better step aside before I get dragged into whatever you got going on here. I probably don't need to get more involved for our sake, yeah?"

At least he tucks the picture away into a pocket versus just crumpling it up right then and there. Truly the patience of Job...
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey nods, and smiles as was it an act, or was Spider-man getting better after years of fighting people like this. Get in their head, lure them around till he smacks into someone bigger that is going to distract, and then use this to get a major blow which lead him into thoughtless charging, and wrapping him up. Maybe JJJ is right, and it is all Spider-mans 'master plan' and he really is a menace, but as he smiles at the big man his instincts would say this isn't the face of a criminal though who knows with all this. This all and, Spider-man nods, and steps back, "Sorry to have disturbed you." he says with a smile on his mask trying really hard not to be quippy, for just a moment his tone serious, and low so others couldn't hear it. "Hey... Thanks. Really... I have heard your voice on the news, but your off the clock, and I like you can have a sense of humor about this. Good luck out there, and maybe not pick a Bank in Manhattin K?" he winks turning to walk away from Juggernaut waving at the crowd.

Spidey had known who it was, but decided to push it to see how much he could get away with. There is no-way he would of ever said, or done that to Juggernaut, but I mean he was some other guy. Spidey shrugged, and let the man go not even attempting to stop him, or get in his way as he was going to have to sedate, and then turn in Rhino who was skill kicking and rolling. Moving off to finish this properly so that Rhino could be placed somewhere that could help him he didn't even look back as he had ninty-nine problems, but Juggernaut was not one.