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Latest revision as of 16:31, 28 April 2023

The Casting of a Spell
Date of Scene: 26 April 2023
Location: Shadowcrest, Ground Floor
Synopsis: Dick comes to Zatanna and asks her for a small favor, then the two catch up.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Nightwing

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
For a morning in late spring, it's rather dreary. A cool wind carries a light drizzle of rain on it. Normal for places like Seattle, Gotham, or an island off the coast of England which is where Shadowcrest lives today.

Fortunately for the batfam, there's at least a couple of keys in their care that when put into a door... opens into the foyer of Shadowcrest as if they had come by the front door. Could be risky if one ever got out, but surely Zatanna has contingency plans for that.

The foyer is quiet. There aren't even the household servants about. A light does come from the study though; a gentle glow that indicates some occupation within.

And there within, Zatanna is reclining on a sofa with a cup of tea while a book levitates in front of her to read.
Nightwing has posed:

It was no small thing, this key. No small responsibility given to those who are given the care of one such item of power. So it is also no small reason that the young man known as Dick Grayson makes use of it. He had stood in his apartment in Bludhaven, head tilted to the side, just looking at the door for a time. The lieutenant had been good enough to let him take his accrued vacation for the next two months. So that's a good thing, not having to go straight from patrol to the police station.

But now?

He tried to choose a time that wouldn't be too intrusive. Past the hour of breakfast, but before lunch time. Tea time in some parts of the world. He adjusted the hang of his leather jacket, tilted his head to the side. Then the key clicked into the door.

One moment he was in Bludhaven and the next... somewhere else.

Zatanna likely would be made aware of her visitor before the sound of his voice was heard. Yet he still announced himself, voice rising, "Zatanna. It's Dick Grayson."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
At first glance, one might not even know they're in a different part of the world. But those who have keen perception might get that sense of a liminal space. It makes itself known in different ways. The light coming through the windows shows it's later in the day. The pressure in the air is different.

And indeed, Zatanna is aware. The keys that have been given out were given to specific individuals or groups to be used when necessary. Of course the Mistress of Magic would want to know when one is used. She already has her head cocked -- magical senses extended -- to get a feel of what might be going on before Dick even speaks. Once he does, she gestures with a hand and both tea cup and book float away to settle on the coffee table... likely to be cleaned up by the house later. Zee rarely makes it back to those quiet moments.

"Dick!" The woman that appears, calling out the name of an old friend in a tone that says she is genuinely happy to see him, is dressed fairly casual. An oversized white sweater over a pair of black leggings. She's wearing only socks at the moment, too, and her black hair is up in a messy sort of bun.

"It's been too long," she follows up with, giving him a critical once-over: making sure he hasn't come to her damaged or in imminent danger. It decides, after all, how she approaches everything else.
Nightwing has posed:

When she appears he smiles, turning to face her as his arms open partially, that unconscious sign of welcoming the sight of another. He's informally dressed as well. Just a pair of white sneakers, old blue jeans that have seen better days considering there's a slight rip over one knee. He's got a white t-shirt that proclaims, 'GOTHAM KNIGHTS Athletic Dept.' upon it. Yet it's mostly obscured by that black leather jacket. He even could likely use a little bit of a shave, considering the hint of five o'clock shadow on him.

"Hey Zatanna." His smile warms as he then steps toward her. The offer of a small hug is there and taken if so. Then he leans back to get an eyeful of her at arm's length, smiles a little more.

"Time blurs sometimes. But we keep putting one foot in front of the other."

He rests his hands on his hips, "You look good. My apologies for intruding upon your hospitality unannounced."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The hug is happily given: Zatanna is definitely a toucher. She's an extrovert: she thrives on interaction with others! Especially an old friend. "Don't apologize, Dick. You're welcome around any time." She crosses her arms and considers him in return. "You look good too, babe. Keeping up with the Bat workout, I see."

If her father worked her hard, Batman works his proteges all the harder.

"But now that you're here-" she gestures back toward the parlor. "Shall we? I assume this isn't a social visit."
Nightwing has posed:

His smile turns a little lop-sided, features twisting up a little as he looks to the side, exhaling a breath that almost would be a laugh if he gave it a little more energy. Then he looks back at her from the corner of one eye and shakes his head a little, as if she's behaving badly with that comment about the Bat Workout(TM).

"Thanks," He finally says in response as she then gestures back toward the parlor. He starts to walk with her, falling into step easily at her side, making sure to keep to the path next to her as no telling what power lies in the various and sundry tchotchkes.

"Actually, I do have a favor to ask." As he says this he walks, hands in his pockets as he strolls along. Once they move into that room he'll wait for her to get settled, then take a seat suitably in her orbit.

"Hopefully it won't take up too much of your time."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Luckily for him, Shadowcrest is arranged very carefully. There are areas that are just old and full of memorabilia or otherwise de-powered items. The dangerous stuff is kept locked away. What they pass in the hall on the way to the parlor are old show posters from her father, Houdini, and other big names. Some antiques that may have been magical or had magical histories.

The parlor itself is full of books. None innately magical in nature, but a lot of biographies, histories, and things about the world of magic. As if anticipating the need, there's a fresh pot of tea and some scones laid out. She gestures to the sofa and chairs before taking a seat on the former herself. Pushing up her sleeves a bit, she begins making a cup of tea.

"Just cream? Or was that someone else?" No one can remember how everyone takes their tea. There is a bit of a smile when he mentions a favor and she tilts her head in a small nod. "I don't have anything on the docket today, so we're good. What's going on?"
Nightwing has posed:

"A smidge of cream," He says with a small smile. Then Dick settles on the edge of the sofa, drawing his leg over his knee and getting comfortable as she tends to the tea. Those blue eyes follow her movement, and as she asks him for more information he gives a nod.

"Oh just. Me being paranoid perhaps. But I've been having some misgivings. Or bad vibes." The young acrobat pushes a hand through his hair, those eyes sliding to the side for a moment before returning to her as she readies the tea.

"I'm trying to rule things out. Since sometimes the world we travel in can have... many varied possibilities." He smiles once she hands him a cup of tea and he'll hold it in his hands comfortably.

"How difficult would it be for you to take a general... sorcerous inventory of Gotham. Perhaps just... enough to get a feeling for if there is anything happening there that might be out of the ordinary. Even for the extraordinary."

He lifts his chin slightly, "I have no idea how big of an ask this is, so if it's a crazy thing let me know."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
She remembered! Though left to her own devices she might have added heaps of cream. Zatanna's own tea is practically 'sugar and cream withh a hint of tea.' Settling back, her own cup in hand, she offers the other to Dick. "We're never paranoid. We've been trained too well for that." Perceptive might as well be their middle name, really. It's a Big part of the Training.

"A bad vibe is rarely just. It could be as small as feeling the general ill ease in the world or something more. The human soul is always in touch with its surroundings, whether you realize it or not."

At the question itself, she clucks her tongue in thought. Eyes unfocus as she leans back into the sofa -- slouching slightly -- and takes a long sip of tea. "Mmmmm," Zee says finally. "It would not be terribly difficult, but-" She exhales in a breath; not quite a sigh, but close. "I suppose it might depend what we're looking for. Tell me more about this vibe. How does it make you feel? When did it begin? Are there times it's worse or better?"
Nightwing has posed:

The young man opposite her gives a single nod, those blue eyes distancing in thought. Thoughts he keeps to himself for the moment, though he seems to acknowledge the truth of her words about what engenders bad vibes and feelings sometimes.

Then he looks up as she gives some thought to the spell and what it might entail, his head lifting slightly with a curious look in his gaze. She asks him for details and he takes another deep steadying breath.

"I'm not sure how to quantify it, believe me I would if I could." He takes a sip of that tea, holding cup and saucer carefully. Then he exhales slowly. He looks slightly past her, then meets her gaze as he murmurs, "Sometimes I feel like, when I observe something... especially of late, there's a disharmonic aspect to it? As if something just isn't right. Like things are close to being right. But aren't exactly."

He bites his lower lip then murmurs, "Like you look at a thing, then you look at it again, and feel as if it had changed while you were looking at it."

Then his smile widens a little, "Then again I could just be losing it. But I hope not."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The mage listens in silence, chewing at her lower lip in consideration.

"I doubt you are losing it, Dick Grayson. You're one of the most grounded people I know." Zatanna says gently once he's said his piece. She sets her tea down and moves to stand, crossing to settle in the chair next to the one he's claimed.

"If it would ease your concerns, there is something I can do. I don't offer this lightly and no is *absolutely* an acceptable answer." Warning said, she takes a deep breath and continues. "If you wish, I can reach into your mind while you reflect on the moments you've had this sensation of disconnection. Maybe by seeing it myself, I can better understand what may be happening to you."

She is hesitant as she offers this; clearly willing to do so to help him, but also more than aware of what a violation it could be seen as.
Nightwing has posed:

A deep breath is taken, but then he shakes his head, "No offense, Zatanna..." He smiles a little, "But... too many secrets though I imagine you know more of them than I do." Dick's smile is a little hesitant, and there's a hint of... tiredness to the man as he murmurs those few words.

He straightens a little in his seat, as if redoubling the effort he's put into being here then says calmly.

"If it persists then I may take you up on it. But right now I just want to be able to say... we took a look at that angle. So a scan or a... reading might be best." The young man seems about to say something else, then tilts his head slightly and just shakes it as if deciding against whatever it may be.

"Just let me know if there's anything you need from me. Anything I can do to make it easier." That said he meets her gaze, the smile thinning a little into that expression of reluctance, but acceptance.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I understand. It's why I don't offer it lightly." Zatanna's lips quirk in just a small smile. "But the offer is there if this worsens too much, ok?" She leans back in the chair she's not occupying, hands draping over the arms.

"I'll see what I can do, but without being able to focus it-" she leans onto one of the arms, propping her elbow up to plop her chin into her upturned palm. "There's stirrings of magic everywhere, all the time. One way to look at it is criminals. You have your villains like Joker and then you have all your little, day-to-day mooks. The guys stealing purses, robbing convenience stores. They're still bad, but they're not really a blip on the radar. The same thing exists in magic. There are big things, like Faust. But then there are your little movers; teenagers practicing spells and rituals, say."

She tilts her head, giving him what she hopes is a supportive smile. "It's hard to sift through. Even the dabbler can get lucky and trip over a spell or artifact that can have a major impact. So I will try Dick, I promise, but I can't make any guarantees. Just tell me if you do think of anything else pertinent and if it gets bad: please, please call me."
Nightwing has posed:

As she agrees she can see a touch of relief light his features, a small nod is given once then his brow furrows slightly.

"I will," Dick says as that smile eases, he lifts his cup of tea and gestures with it slightly. "I promise." He straightens up in that chair and takes another sip of tea, then sets the cup aside. He lifts his chin and then murmurs, "But now that that's out of the way, tell me what has been keeping you busy of late?"

His eyes hold hers as he looks curious, then he uncurls a hand. "I've been hunkered down in Gotham lately, and I've missed the last two briefings for the league. But I figured things are mostly alright until I get Superman showing up and asking me what's the deal." His lip quirks.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There is still concern in Zatanna's mien, but she's willing to leave it be for now and move on to better topics. The woman shifts and leans to take up her tea, sipping at it. There's a brief quirk of her lips in not-quite-a grin. "I miss briefings all the time. Batman and Superman have more meetings than a corporate development team, I swear. Same as you, I figure all's well until someone is breaking down my door."

Another sip of tea and she gives a brief shrug. "Not terribly much, really. Small things, I guess. A robbery here. An attempted assassination there. I did have a teenage witch show up here one day; she got lost portaling home and I think Shadowcrest drew her here. Hopefully we get her trained up right beofre her powers go out of control and do something really worrying."
Nightwing has posed:

"Oh that's good," About the teenage witch, he gives a nod of consideration. "Likely she has a good bit of potential if your home calls out to her or draws her." His eyebrows lift as his eyes drift over her shoulder for a bare moment, then they return and he murmurs, "Or she needs the most help." His smile curves a little playfully. He then takes another small sip of his tea.

"Barbara is doing well, she's been working on improving her systems of late. Jason is..."

There's a pause as he bites his lower lip thoughtfully, then his lips twist outward a touch. "Well, Jason is." He offers that, considering the young troubled Ex-Robin always does have more than his normal share of weight on his shoulders.

"Spoiler is doing well." He lifts his chin then gestures with his tea cup, "Oh and Black Canary's agreed to help some with some patrols in Gotham. Things are going well overall."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Shadowcrest knows who is safe and who isn't." And might be the reason Constantine sometimes can't get in... though that could be easily attributed to Zee's moods towards him as well. "I've made sure she knows she can come here to practice if she ever needs it. There's a few warded rooms that can contain an out-of-control spell."

As he describes what's going on with the Batfam, she smiles. "I saw some of them recently," Zatanna says, the smile expanding to a hint of a grin. "There was this charity auction in Gotham," so reasonable that she was there. She's not Rich with a capital R like Bruce, but she's a celebrity and well enough off. Plus, antiquities always mean the risk of something mystical potentially falling into the wrong hands. "Didn't go quite to plan but the host was lucky such a competent group of people were present."

Another sip of tea and she sets the cup down. "That's good. And if you ever need someone to do extra shifts in Bludhaven or Gotham, let me know. I've got shows in the area often enough that I could do some laps afterward."
Nightwing has posed:

"Ah see," Dick looks up and to the side a little, a hint of his youth there as for a bare instant he looks like a kid caught in the middle of skipping school. He looks back to her and murmurs, "If you start running around Bludhaven doing my job they'll realize how I've been sorta half-assing it." He takes a final sip of his tea and then sets it down with its saucer upon the nearby coffee table with a faint clink.

He straightens up and says, "And then I'd have to come back to Gotham full time, and I can't be havin' that." Those blue eyes glimmer with a touch of amusement.

Then he adds as he eases back into the chair, "But all joking aside, I'll keep your name on the short list, things have been going a little easier in Bludhaven since Blockbuster went missing." His eyes haze slightly then he looks back to her. "Knock on wood and all."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I could never do a better job than you, Dick," Zatanna says with a soft tut. "You have a level of dedication I can only aspire to. I'm more likely to get distracted by some cupcakes." She gives him a quick wink and a grin. "No, no, we'll make sure you can continue to be the Knight of Bludhaven."

"I'm glad things are going better. But please do call if you need help. It doesn't even have to necessarily be magical in nature, okay?"

And with that, she'll lapse into offering more tea and catch up conversation until he needs to leave.