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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/11 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=107, 93, 115 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:107|Thor (107...")
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Latest revision as of 13:18, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Widow (Romanoff), Sif

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson has asked Sif to join him and so he's glad to get to talk to Natasha for just a few moments. Not many, but still a few. It's not that he's too worried, it's just, sometimes there's things to discuss. "So....something odd happened with Sif the other night," he says, "We were asleep, and then out of no where, she woke me up and hit me with a pillow. I didn't hear what she said, but it sounded quite...forceful, and in some way, whatever happened, was clearly in he rmind my fault," he says. His arms are folded over his chest. His clothes are a bit more casual yet still fitting of his natural style, a sort of cross-over shirt that ties at the side, and then a pair of brown slacks. He's getting used to this world at least. "Is this common? Do women usually hit men with pillows for no reason? Or do you think I should push furhter on what was the cause of her mid-evening ire?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha is seated across from Thor. They are in her office in the Triskelion. Natasha's office is rather spartan, she has a desk, sure... it has a computer on it... okay... but she rarely uses any of that.

There's also a seating area with three black leather love seats and a glass table between them. This is usually where Natasha lounges when inside her office and this is where they are right now. She stares over at Thor as he says these things, her arms folded over her stomach and her legs crossed at the knee, green eyes locked on the large Asgardian as he says this.

Natasha glances to the sofa she's seated on. "I think these cushions are sewn into the fabric of the sofa..." She said in a dry and husky tone of voice, now looking back over at him. "Or I'd potentially be hitting you with a pillow on behalf of Sif right now... ya big oaf." She then cracked a sly half-grin.

Sif has posed:
Se hadn't caught all of it as she entered Natasha's office but Sif had caught enough to know what they were talking about. "My 'mid-evening ire', dear Prince, was caused by your continuous, annoying, and very frustrating cockblocking!" The raven haired Goddess glowers for a moment at the God, giving a snort before she turns her gaze on Natasha. "I'd ask if he talks about our sex life with you often but he insists on keeping it non-existant." And then there's that too sweet smile as she looks at Thor before looking back at Natasha. "A pleasure to meet you," is said genuinely.

Thor has posed:
Thor looks to Natasha, meeting her green-eyed gaze with his own light blue one, the heavens having decided to rest there for the day it seems as it is night outside. "Nat....I thought you were the reasonable one. We're supposed to be able to come to you for counse....." and then he hears Sif's words and his eyes widen for Nat to see before he turns around. "Blo....well that's not exa....I mean w....." and then he looks back to Black Widow, as if somehow the assassin is going to devise a way for him to get out of this. Though that way may be death at this point and he's not entirley sure he'd be opposed to such measures.

"I'm...oh look...water...." he says, going over to a cabinet and opening under the guise that there's the tiniest chance there's actually a fridge or cooler in there or something. It's likely empty, or full of something like a network cable and router but he can hope. "Sif...Nat...Nat...Sif...." he mutters, clearly realizing that there's no way this meeting ends well for him.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha had seen reports and files on Lady Sif from SHIELD's database and the constant level of information being sent to her every day... so she recognized the woman the moment she entered and the words she spoke made that faint grin on Nat's lips turn into a larger smile.

"Someone has grown acustomed to the rougher sides of American terminology rather quickly, I see." Nat said as she stood up from the sofa to her impressive height of somewhere around 5'4 or so (with shoes on). "Its good to meet you, Lady Sif." Nat spoke out to her and then glanced over to Thor.

"I am here for you guys to seek some assistance from, but I'm not a therapist, Thor...." She said at him as he looked around for drinks. Natasha had a fully stocked bar in her office that she only used for guests on occassions JUST like THIS.

Nat looked back to Sif then. "I take it everything else in life is good?" She asked the woman, smiling softly still for her.

Sif has posed:
"Just... Sif." The Goddess, about 6' even, holds her hand out to Nat. "I am quite accustomed to rougher language first." Comes with the territory. "Aye. Everything else is well, yes." There's a pause and then, maybe because Nat is female; comes, "Thank you for guarding him when I could not." It means a lot to Sif.

Sif's attention then turns on Thor and her eyes roll. "I do not know why you insist on trying to find Midgardian drink when it has little to no effect on us." A flask is taken from her hip and tossed at him. "Quit pouting." He's adorable when he pouts. She wishes to continue to be irritated at him, thank you.

Thor has posed:
"Who said I was going to drink it," he says. "I was going to use it to light on fire in the even tI had to fight the two of you off. You're a challenge, and Nat's a pain in the ass. I'm glad she's on our side but she has this annoying amount of knowledge, I'm fairly certain she's part squirrel, and she cheats." he says, looking to her. "Like I said....I'm glad she's on my side but I'll take any advantage I can get." Still, the flask is his now, and he opens it, taking a drink and he looks back to the two. "Have you both really never met? Until just now? Well that seems...surprising. How long have I been coming to Midgard and you're really never gotten together? This is...hrm..."

He walks back over, and does not at all hand Sif back the flask. He's going to need that a well tonight. "So now that we have you two together, what say we go to a bar and I get to sit back and watch men hit on you and see you send them away after having torn out their souls?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha stood there and watche the flask fly toward him and she softly chuckled (oh my god she just did something related to a laugh!) at Sif's words.

Upon hearing Thor's lovely rundown of her she looked over to Sif and nodded. "Its true, I do cheat... as frequently as I possibly can and entirely guilt-free." Another smirk then and Natasha lowered back to a seated position on the love seat's edge and she then leaned back against it once more.

She stared atup at Thor when the Bar Suggestion landed and she gently shook her head. "Who said I'd send them away?" She asked him. "I'm the one who has an empty bed at night with no beefy partner to slam a pillow into." She could tease too! In her own way...

Sif has posed:
Sif stiffens and shoots a warning look at Thor. "Do you -really- want to get into my thoughts and opinions of you past several outings to this realm, Odinson?"

Gently lowering herself into a seat, she turns a smirk over at Nat. "Of course you do. Whatever advantage can be taken over your opponent must be." Because that's completely logical.

"Want to borrow mine? I need not worry about anything happening it seems..." Pause. "Unless you can get something to happen... In which case, do please remind him to continue the trend when you send him home."

She sounds so serious... And there's not a hint on her features... but her eyes twinkle with laughter.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson goes to answer Nat, he really does. She's there, and admitting to the cheating but then Sif is supporting it. And then he goes to answer Sif but then Nat is talking about him being beefy and he would start to flex but then it's sort of turning into a comment about the bed again and then Sif says what she says, and yup. Screw words. The flask comes open and he takes another, longer draught this time, turning it back upright and putting the stopper on...until he needs it again, which at this rate is goign to be soon.

But nope...he's got nothing. The two of you seem fully capable of both completing the mission of getting to know each other while also mocking him mercilessly without any more help than he's already provided...by breathing and stuff.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha placed her left arm onto the side of the sofa and then propped her head up in her hand, her fingers lost inside the locks of fire-red hair. She looked between the two large Asgardians and she grinned wildly at them. "I'll get him nice and revved up and then send him back to you, Sif." She plays along, but her head does shake side to side then.

"Honestly, if you're having trouble with that, then I strongly doubt that I'd be up to the task. I mean, I know I've heard the rumors that only he can lift the hammer... but I have to assume that you're quite capable of it yourself, Sif darling." Natasha sends back before glancing at Thor to see him sipping from that flask now.

Sif has posed:
The Goddess leans back, crossing her legs at the knees and smiling at Widow. "My deepest thanks!" She heaves a dramatic sigh. "One would think so... And yet..." And then the chuckle comes, the mask falling away.

Her eyes follow Nat's and she grins at Thor. "Come sit and visit your friend, Thor. Preferably before you're drunk." A smirk and a shake of her head. "I promise I will be good... "

She couldn't possibly have meant that the way it sounds... Right?

Thor has posed:
"Oh," he says, quietly, "I'm not so convinced she's my friend anymore," he says, coming to sit anyway, turning a chair around so he can sit in it the wrong way, only to find that the arms aren't the kind that just move out of the way and so he starts to sit wrong and has to turn it around again, looking back and forth between the two of you. "Who's idea was it for the two of you to meet? I am positive now that there's no way it was my idea," he says quietly, his lips pursed almost in a frown but not quiet.

Still though, he does relax as Sif says he should have fun and he still take sanother sip of his flask. "I feel like we need to get the gang together for another night of a meal and spending time and letting everyone try to lift the h....." and he almost says it before he looks to the two of you and mutters. "Damn it..."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha was greatly amused by the two of them, it was nice to see a pair of people around here who seemed to be genuinely happy (at least on some levels) due to most of the people in the Trisk usually being high-strung and on-edge kind of office dweebs. This was a great alternate route for a day that may otherwise have seemed like every other for the 90-something year old Black Widow.

"You know as well as I do that getting all of us into a room together at the same time is next to impossible." She said to him, having smiled at the show of not being able to properly sit in that cool-dude-style with that chair. "I'll ask around though, put out some feelers on the subject."

Natasha looked over to Sif. "How -have- we not met before? Its almost as if he's gone out of his way to make sure that we haven't!" She showed another light grin then. "Does that mean..." She looked between them. "Does tha tmean I'm his work wife?!" A mocking gasp then.

Sif has posed:
The laugh that comes from Sif is warm and bright. One only Thor tends to be able to pull from her. "You will never be able to make such a reference again..." And this clearly amuses Sif greatly.

Her head tilts off to one side ever so slightly. "Why would it be so difficult?" Because, for some reason, that doesn't parse for her.

The question causes Sif to sober, however. "The first time I had set foot in the realm before his banishment was several hundred years ago... I almost lost him to this realm when he was mortal. And then he chose this realm," That mortal girl "over Asgard... And then his toy came home with him... Caused the near death of our Queen... destroyed the place I have come to call home.. That I had grown up in... Because she was prying because he could not leave things where they belonged. I have had no reason to return to this Realm before now."

Well... If nothing else, Sif is honest. Blunt. Why sugar coat things?

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson clears his throat after Sif's exchange. He looks to Natasha..."You should see her go grocery shopping. She never needs a list because she never forgets a thing," he says with a little sigh and he looks back over to Sif and his hand actually goes out. "People make choices. She did not make the best but there was no ill will. An honest mistake is not the same and one cannot be held as responsible for as a truly bad decision. You have your things you are curious about, are you not? If I went missing for two days would you not tear the 9 realms apart to find me, and consequences be damned?"

He squeezes Sif's hand and looks over to Nat. "Still...if we can keep any more of your scientists away from things that could blow up our home...it might go a long way to keeping my Goddess of War from demonstrating why she has that title."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Blowing up things is all that Earth scientists are interested in." Natasha's quick retort came to flollow-up Thor. She then let her arm drop to the side of the sofa where it draped along it and her head straightened as she stared at the two of them, curious about all of what they just said as she hadn't heard about most of that, which surprised her.

"Most of the members of our team are hard to get in one place at the same time because they're all divas who are off on their own adventures around the world, this and others." She explained to Sif. "So a party night, is rarely enough to draw them back to the chicken coup." She showed a small smile then. "Its funny really. I tend to see one of them at a time, but rarely ever more than that. Unless something terrible is happening... which is hardly a time to see who can lift the hammer and who can't." She smirked once more then.

Sif has posed:
Sif is forced to bite her tongue. To snap a retort. What she does is lace her fingers with Thor's then simply inhale deeply and count backwards in Aesir until she is calm again.

"I could rectify that if you have pictures of them," is offered with a smirk towards Natasha, her good mood mostly returned. "It would only take a few seconds... Minutes at the most, really. And without making anything bad happen."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson looks to Sif. "No....no kidnapping the Avengers and bringing them back here....as funny as that would be." He looks over to Natasha and nods, "It would be I think. She can be persuasive, when she tries. Sadly...she usually just hits things over the head and drags it back to her cave or something," he says, squeezing those entwined fingertips before letting his fulla ttention rest back on Natasha again. "Well, if we can't gte them together maybe we can go hit a few regions? Find some centrla location and call them out that way? I think that could work too...or..."

What is or? "we could always use those hand boxes that you have to get everyone together on one screen. Maybe find somewhere that exists everywhere, like pizza hut, or chipotle....or somewhere...you get my meaning. We give up our time even if we can't all be in the same room?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha was wholely amused by the two of them, Sif suggesting (what Nat couldonly assume to be) some kind of magic with photographs? Then Thor brainstorming ideas that involved Pizza Hut and Chipolte? "I was always more partial to Dominos." Natasha replied then in her dry sense of humor.

"You know what Cap says." She went on. "Avengers, Assemble? And then we all stare at him and wonder if he actually said those two things outloud and expects us to all rush at him like a pack of trained dogs."

Natasha then tilted her head in Thor's direction. "How on Earth have you figured out the name Chipolte but you're still referring to telephones as 'hand boxes'?" She then asked, having had that just suddenly take precident inside her mind.

Sif has posed:
"I wouldn't hit them..." Is Sif actually pouting? Maybe a tiny bit. "And I object to my ability to teleport being referred to as kidnapping..." Pause. "I'd return them afterwards..."

And then a brow arches. "Avengers Assemble? Truly?" Cue the snickering. A snicker which turns in to a full on laugh. "One is food and the other is not," is said, as if that explains it all. Which it does. "I am not sure what the difference in any of those food places are to be honest. He adapts far better than I do."

Which, given that she still wears her leathers and armor... Probably kind of obvious.

Thor has posed:
Thor can't help but to look back and forth and when Nat asks the question he starts, "Because one is fo.....' but then Sif has it and he nods. See, she's a good Valkyr, knowing his likes and dislikes. He stands up then and walks around to Natasha, and she likely knows what's coming. He'll lean down and give her a hug and a kiss to the cheek but if she does not appropriately, and tries to doge, well...chairs can be broken.

"Good night. Thank you for meeting my lady Sif." His? Well, we'll see if Sif clobbers him for that or if it's okay that time. Making sure to release the woman with red hair and green eyes, he turns to Sif and offers an elbow. "Shall we?"