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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/29 |Location=Nadia's super secret necklace lab |Synopsis=Nadia introduces her first potential GIRL recruits to each other and shows off her super secret necklace lab! Secrets are shared. They have icecream. And go on a rambling tour around a lot of science labs. |Cast of Characters=7733, 1443, 118 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7733|Nadia Pym (7733)}} has posed:'''\<br\>With two prospective members for GIRL lined up one...")
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Revision as of 12:13, 1 May 2023

Red Room revelations
Date of Scene: 29 April 2023
Location: Nadia's super secret necklace lab
Synopsis: Nadia introduces her first potential GIRL recruits to each other and shows off her super secret necklace lab! Secrets are shared. They have icecream. And go on a rambling tour around a lot of science labs.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Bluebird, Ghost Spider

Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>With two prospective members for GIRL lined up one Nadia Pym has convened the first unofficial GIRL meeting. Because it's important for anyone signing up to be aware of the potential risks so they can make an informed decision. \<br\>\<br\> Which is why she's arranged for Gwen and Bluebird to meet her in what seems to be a pretty run down industrial building on the outskirts of New York. A building she doesn't actually own but has borrowed the keys from a letting agency for a tour. She's dressed in practical casual wear for today. Jeans, t-shirt and GIRL bomber jacket. And is already pacing around the site before anyone arrives. Gesturing at the walls as if she could somehow imagine fancy lab equipment into existence. \<br\>\<br\> "I can see it now," she declares when her guests finally arrives. "We'll be able to have a little dorm area over there. A kitchen. Computers and labs over /there/. And in the basement we can rig servers for doing data analysis with!" \<br\>\<br\> Idly she tosses a necklace from one hand to the other. Occasionally twirling it around her hand.
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>Harper is rubbernecking like she's in traffic. The lollipop in her mouth is subject to attrition, though at the moment it's more due a slow absorption rather than a lot of licks. It clacks lightly against her teeth as it shifts about, bullied about by her tongue idly. Her visit to Nadia's start-up is done in a very dressed-down style. She got the memo, so she's gone casual, but that doesn't mean she hasn't leaned into her aesthetic. Hair teased up into her hawk, bar piercings through eyebrows, rings and studs through ears and lips. Lipstick and kohl accentuating her features. It's maybe a bit much for meeting with pals, so maybe a little extra on tap later. Or, maybe coupled with her posture, she's really trying to make an impression and impress. Maybe she's also treating it like a job interview.\<br\>\<br\>"Damn, sounds like a Sorority I'd actually ~want~ to join." The white stick of the candy revolves, bows and hoists with her mumblings. "That sounds like a lot of moolah though? There a Meth lab factored in or something?"
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>EARLIER\<br\>\<br\>Swinging through Manhattan, the Ghost Spider's phone goes off. Where she keeps the thing in that costume without breaking it in a fight is an absolute mystery that no one will ever solve because she's not telling. Pulling it out while hurtling through the air at upwards of fifty miles an hour, Gwen squints at the text. "Oh. Huh. Neat." She taps out a reply 'You got it. OMW <3'\<br\>\<br\>MOMENTS AGO\<br\>\<br\>Gwen swings on through, webslinging through the steel canyon of old industry, moving a lot slower because there's not a lot of height to work with. When she reaches the building, she lands, jogging off her momentum and ducking into an alcove to change.\<br\>\<br\>NOW\<br\>\<br\>Gwen strolls in, backpack over one shoulder, all smiles. Okay, so she's a little late. Just a bit. The first thing she does is lift a hand in greeting to Nadia. The second is size up the new girl she doesn't know. Style: On Point. Attitude: Sassy. Opinion: Cool. "Sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic was a pain."\<br\>\<br\>Not that anyone anywhere heard a car door shut. She might have to come clean soon. \<br\>\<br\>Regardless, she smooths her slightly wrinkled skirt and joins the duo. "Converting this is gonna be a bit of a project."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>"A little building work is no problem," Nadia assures her two newest friends. "As for the money... leave that to me. The Pym name should open plenty of doors." And even if it doesn't being the Wasp means she can get in through plenty of windows! \<br\>\<br\> She coughs awkwardly. \<br\>\<br\> "Look to tell you the truth I had another reason to bring you here. But it's better if we talk in my own personal lab. Less chance anyone will overhear us." Nadia hangs the necklace on a nail that's sticking haphazardly out of the wall. Then pulls a backpack out of her pocket. A backpack far too large to have fit in her pocket without some sort of cheating going on. She slings it on and a pair of insect wings unfurl. \<br\>\<br\> "Now hold on tight the first time you experience the transition it can be a little dizzying," she reaches out and takes hold of Gwen and Harpers arms. "Take a nice deep breath." And suddenly the entire world is blurring. Perspective shifts to quickly it's unpleasantly like being drunk. \<br\>\<br\> The next thing her passengers are aware of is being carried through a glistening crystal maze. Then there's another jarring folding of space. \<br\>\<br\> And they're being dropped off on a pier that juts out from a floating island. Hanging in a empty void. No stars, no sky, just a few shimmering bands like aurora. And of course there's a vast looking castle. \<br\>\<br\> Seemingly grown from a single rose colour crystal the structure looks like the kind of fairy tale palace which would make Disney lawyers have some rather heated discussions about copyright law. Surrounding the building are some formal gardens made up of plants which don't exist anywhere else in the world. Genetically engineered to have hues not possible in nature. And last but not least there's a path leading up to the front gates made from the same pinkish crystal. \<br\>\<br\> "Welcome to my place," she proclaims. "Try not to look up too much it'll just give you a migraine until you're used to seeing molecules up close."
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>Harper turns, eyes doing the side-long thing before turning fully to face Gwen. There is a kind of instant need to push her own shoulders back, and jut her jaw forward. It's not dissimilar to when she ran into Nadia, another individual that gives off an intrinsic kind of vibe. Maybe it's the confidence factor, and it goes a long way with Ms. Row. Still, there's a flash of something in her eyes, and a body language that is trying to read the meter, check the gauge. She sees all smiles and natural beauty, and returns a polite if reserved one of her own.\<br\>\<br\>Don't be catty, play nice, don't bristle, lose the 'tude.\<br\>\<br\>Mantra repeated, she blinked, finding herself linked arm in arm with Nadia. She starts to smirk, "What, like...we're gonna follow the yellow brick r-" Time for an acid trip.\<br\>\<br\>The transition and trip towards Nadia's pocket plane has Harper wide-eyed and grimacing the entire time. She cronches down on her lollipop like a horse's Bit and goes rigid. "EEeeeEEEEEE!" She might have tried to mentally make a map of that seeming crystal maze if she had the marbles for it, but they're pretty rattled.\<br\>\<br\>Once they're arrived, wings coming from Nadia's back is the lesser thing to bug her eyes out at. "What." she exclaims, so quickly, it might sound more like a duck than a dame.
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>The rules are that Gwen is always nice and bright until she has a reason not to. Usually that reason is her Spider Sense goes off. Harper does not set it off, ergo, she's all smiles. "We haven't met," she says cheerfully. "I'm Gwen Stacy, nice to meet you!"\<br\>\<br\>A ball of sunshine, this one. At least until the sass comes out.\<br\>\<br\>She raises an eyebrow at the backpack, then both go up as wings pop out. "I didn't know we were supposed to have costumes," she says as Nadia links arms with her and Harper.\<br\>\<br\>Then the world goes incredibly weird and disorienting. \<br\>\<br\>Unlike Harper, Gwen is incredibly used to things going topsy-turvy and bizarre spatially. It happens every day. It happened twenty minutes ago! The swinging and clinging and all of the Spider Stuff always ends up with her getting spun and twisted around, so this really isn't that bad. Until she looks up. \<br\>\<br\>"Huh. That's ... weird."\<br\>\<br\>It's only then that her eyes widen and she takes in the castle and the gardens. "Is this ... The lab you told me about? This is amazing." The barbell in her tongue clicks against her teeth, and she looks at Harper. "You okay? This is nuts, but just take slow breaths and close your eyes for a second. Vertigo's a bitch."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>Matter, time and space don't really follow the normal rules this close to the microverse. The only thing which makes 'sense' in the sky is the glowing orb which is providing illumination in imitation of the Sun. There's a stillness to the place. No air to move never mind no wind. And even for a Spider looking over the edge is probably not a great idea. \<br\>\<br\> Because there is nothing at all supporting the entire island. \<br\>\<br\> Still Nadia at least seems perfectly comfortable with the whole situation. "Well of course I have a costume," Nadia says with a giggle. "I am a super hero after all.. I'm the Wasp." A beats pause. "No not that one. But Janet was nice when I met her." \<br\>\<br\> She motions for them to follow her. "Let me give you a proper tour," she says brightly. "Just... if any doors are locked please just leave them. It's not because there's anything secret in there. It's because I lock the doors to rooms with dangerous things in." And no-one wants to accidentally barge into the room of Red Room poisoned objects. "This is my personal lab yes. I built it myself. Like it? You don't think it's a little too girly?" She blushes a little. "It's fully shielded against eavesdropping. Even a Kryptonian would probably find it tricky to listen in on us." Not that she's tested the theory. "I.. thought I should explain a little bit about myself so you're aware of the potential risks GIRL might expose you to. I have a... complicated past." \<br\>\<br\> She doesn't quite skip down the path. But it's close. "The gardens take up a lot of space around the lab. The plants are all my personal creations but they're only capable of surviving at this scale. I've got archives of data, computer systems, engineering bays, a full equipped genetics lab and all sorts more. There's an outdoor bath and a sauna. Movie theatre and games room. Pretty much anything you could ever need.." She sighs. "Honestly I'd love to just base GIRL here. But then I'd have to spend all my time letting people in and out. It'd be impractical."
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>It's going to be hard as heck to maintain some sort of imagined top dog status if Harper pukes. As much as she'd rail against perfect good advice, Gwen is probably right, and Bluebird closes her eyes to allow her inner gyros to compensate.\<br\>\<br\>Harper's squinted eyes pry open at the mention of places off limits. The word forbidden is an F-word to her. Her lips purse around her candy stick, brows furrowing the more she listens, and she makes an effort to catch up and follow for now.\<br\>\<br\>Being at the size she suspects the trio are at, and wouldn't it be a hoot if there was a fourth so they really could trot and skip in a faux Off-to-see-the-Wizard, she's tense but curious. "I don't get this at all." she rasps quietly. "It's crazy." She crouches down now and then to flick or drag a finger along this or that. Testing for solidity and responsiveness. Part of her still thinks it's VR or holographic. She looks like she's going to bite something next, like evaluating a gold coin in some old timey film. "You've mentioned the Red Room more than once. It's not something I've got the full grok of, though I get it that it's super bad, probably the worst."
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>Gwen knows all about complicated pasts. ... Well, not that complicated. "We all have skeletons, Nadia. No one's life is ever perfect, no matter how cool this place is."\<br\>\<br\>Her eyes flicker around as they walk, taking in the blend of fantastical and superscience. "This is...It just doesn't seem -real-," she says, echoing Harper's thoughts without reading her mind. "If we're coming clean about potential dangers, I might have something to share," she says. "I trust you, Nadia, but," she looks at Harper, New Person. "I don't know you, though if Nadia trusts you, you're probably not going to murder my family to get to me."\<br\>\<br\>Secrets are fun! But they're also awkward.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>"I just grew the crystals into the required shapes," Nadia explains matter-of-factly. "Then laser cut the fittings for doors and wiring. The plants I made myself and the space... We're currently between the atoms of the crystal in my necklace. Those aurora effects are free moving electrons. And if you hear any chiming noises it's how the Human mind processes the atoms shifting. It shouldn't happen very often. I've been here studying for a few years now. I find it rather relaxing..." \<br\>\<br\> She opens the front door the for her guests. The larger gate having a smaller door set in it. Inside is where you'd expect some kind of feast hall but instead is just a huge living space. Various types of furniture of mixed styles and shapes. Plus a big TV and gaming systems. Book and magazines are stacked all over. Throw in a few sleeping bags and it'd look like they walked in on a slumber party. \<br\>\<br\> "So my biological father is a famous scientist. And my mother got pregnant without him knowing but... a group of Russian spies called the Red Room had her kidnapped. Faked her death. And so I was born in a Siberian bunker." She pauses to let this news sink in. "When I was very little I realised I was... different. But it'd be really bad if anyone knew so I tried to hide how smart I was. But the Red Room they take children and turn them into utterly loyal secret agents. Brainwashing, extreme training, and if they thought you had made friends with someone they'd have you fight to the death." \<br\>\<br\> "When I was old enough for them to consider me a candidate for the brainwashing I knew I couldn't risk it. So I let them 'discover' I was smart. And got moved into the Science Class. Where we'd make weapons and tools for them and if we failed? Well. The Red Room does not allow failures." She winces. "Anyway to motivate me they told me about my biological father and his work with the Avengers. And I knew then I had to escape. I couldn't let them turn any of my inventions into weapons, not now I knew what they wanted them for." \<br\>\<br\> She drops down into one of the bean bag chairs. \<br\>\<br\> "So I gave myself super powers without them realising. Stole as much of their records and data as I could. And I escaped to come to America." She makes a noise that sounds very much like she's fighting back a sniffle. "Leaving my first friend in the world behind. And ever since then they've been trying to bring me back to Russia."
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>Harper settles her gaze on Gwen. She can understand the hesitation. "I can promise that won't be an issue." she quips, to dismiss the notion of family dangers. She hooks her thumbs into her belt loops and hunches her shoulders up and back. "Live and let live is my default setting."\<br\>\<br\>Inside the dynamic dwelling, Harper expells a big breath that sounds like a cross between a cough and a sigh. So many lovely details and devices. She tries not to think about how power is made available in tiny town. She'll only try to juggle a few concepts at a time.\<br\>\<br\>There is an awful lot to absorb of Nadia's history. It sounds downright fictional if it wasn't delivered by the woman in the beanbag. Awkward secrets indeed! Harper doesn't sit right away, because she's still on her feet and craddling an elbow while she strums her bottom lip. "Jesus, girl..." Harper finds it super duper hard to offer something comforting, though her facade of too-cool-for-school is being slotted down the chain of priorities. "No wonder you were trying to make me shut my mouth from saying the R-word on street level after cleaning up the rat problem."
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>Gwen looks Harper in the eyes when she makes her statement. Her Spider Sense doesn't flicker. She feels no danger. That's good enough for her. Hopefully it won't bite her in the ass later.\<br\>\<br\>Though the first priority is Nadia's tale. She listens, some of this she sort of knew, but not all the sordid details. Her face twists up a little, disgusted at the behavior of other human beings. It's revolting. "Well, I'm glad you're here and safe. I'll do what I can to help you stay away from them."\<br\>\<br\>She doesn'tsit either, instead walking towards the nearest wall. "My story, my skeletons aren't anywhere near as tragic. Mostly because it's my own fault. And, well, the aftermath is pretty dope." She reaches a hand up high on the wall, following it with her other. "I work for Alechemax. I'm a biochemist and am working on the mixing of animal and human DNA for medical research. Healing and stuff like that. One day, an altered spider got loose and bit me, the little bastard, but now I can do...this."\<br\>\<br\>Then she just crawls up the wall, up and over to the ceiling and dangles there.\<br\>\<br\>"Hi. I'm Ghost Spider. Nice to meet you."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>Nadia Pym tilts her head at Gwen. "I did wonder at the strength of your grip when we went out drinking," she muses. "I suppose that explains it. Also I would love to have a look at your genetics sometime. If that's not being too personal? I don't know if you'll want to see it right now. But my genetics lab is world class.. it just lacks any of the certifications for /formal/ use." It's not like she can get rated for working with dangerous materials. How would anyone even inspect the facility! \<br\>\<br\> "I want you both to know that I'm not telling you this to ask for help," she assures. "I'm telling you because I want you aware of the potential risks. I'm more than capable of handling myself in a dangerous situation. I have all sorts of gadgets and tricks. And even though I escaped I'm pretty much as good as any CIA or NSA agent. Your average Red Room trainee is as good as any traditional spy." \<br\>\<br\> Harper gets a nod. "Gotham has some very talented vigilantes. But the Red Room have been operating internationally since the rise of communism and have agents infiltrating Governments. Maybe they've been around even longer. Even their own history is a web of lies. Mother probably knows." She winces. Clearly she's not talking about her mother. It's a title. And not one associated with happy memories. "She's ancient. More machine than person now. If I'd just escaped they'd simply try kill me and be done with it. But because I stole from them... Death would be seen as a mercy." \<br\>\<br\> Her eyes flick between her two friends. Looking for any signs they want out. \<br\>\<br\> "Any questions? Or should we continue with the tour? If so... anywhere you'd like to see? The kitchen is pretty boring... The machine shop maybe? It's where I work on my non-organic tech." At which she shrugs off the wing backpack, wings folding away as she does so, and drops it on a table.
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>The title of ~Mother~ has Harper frown for her own reasons. She doesn't dwell with her toes too long in that Well, her jaw hinging left and right like an old timey typewriter carriage return. Removing the candy stick bereft of candy, she slide it between her finger and licks at her lips, her eyes drifting to the ceiling where Gwen makes moving in 3-dimensions her biatch.\<br\>\<br\>"That's...heavy." Harper murmers, her vocal fry cooking some bacon while she digests a huge load of data. "Clearly, whatever happens, this GIRL stuff has got some badasses in it. ~Smart~ ass-kickers and name-takers, which is friggen awesome. Whatever the trouble, we'll be able to out-smart it. You don't have to ask my help or want it, but if trouble comes you're going to get it." She clears her throat and crosses her arms under her chest. "I'm here to chew bubblegum and make the world better, and I'm all out of chomps at the moment. Spies and Spiderbites aren't going to make me take wing.
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>Gwen clings to the ceiling for a moment, peering down at Nadia, who is absolutely a friend, and Harper who she is sure will be very soon. She detaches, dropping and twisting like a cat to land on her feet. Surprisingly, it's pretty quiet. \<br\>\<br\>"Yeah. I obviously think that the things I can do give me some measure of responsibility to use them for the betterment of others. Whether it's my noggin or my powers." \<br\>\<br\>She moves towards Nadia in her beanbag chair and kneels down, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Whatever, whoever is coming after you has to contend with us now. They might be super spies with enhanced genetics and brainwashing or whatever, but they aren't us. They won't be ready for us if they come for you. We'll send them packing. Whatever comes." She looks at Harper, clicking her barbell against her teeth. "We're with you."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>Nadia springs up from the bean bag chair like she still has the wings on. Like gravity doesn't apply to her here. Of course Nadia would be the first to explain that actually it does apply but the Pym particles condense her power into the smaller form while on unmodified people it tends to weaken them proportionally. But the science isn't what's important to her right now. \<br\>\<br\> It's the group hug. \<br\>\<br\> "You two are the best," she proclaims. "I think maybe we should swing by the kitchen next. We can snag icecream for while we wander round." She points towards an exit. "It's just through here and down some stairs. Don't touch the door on the right that's where I'm breeding wasps. They're... not tame yet." Quite what she intends to do with domesticated wasps no-one can say. Not even Nadia. But a GIRL needs her hobbies. "If I had to guess I'd say Gwen likes strawberry and Harper you seem like a mint choc chip kind of lady."
Bluebird has posed:\<br\>Oh Harper absolutely caught that. Or she thought she did. Did she hear the telltale click of alloy on enamel? Her lips twitch, parting just so. A flash of white and a feeling that she's going to really, really like this Spidergal, or want to throttle the blonde. It's rough when someone makes an impression and you're not sure which shelf you want to slide her into. Harper's eyes drift to Nadia on the comfy beanbag, and then she's gotta deal with that whole other thing book to try and read via its cover and liner notes. Different, and frustratingly multi-faceted as well. Harper takes in a breath, cants her head to the side and huffs out a hot breath. Gwen said all of that better.\<br\>\<br\>For lack of a better comment to pin on, her arms unfold and she smacks a fist into a gloved palm. A nice solid ~pap~ to make her shoulders pop and provide a gesture if not generous goodwill.\<br\>\<br\>The tour must continue. Harper brightens at the mention of fattening foods, and frown at the mention of hosteling wasps. The two topics aren't great together and give her something like brain freeze, but spikey. "You didn't mention one of your powers was mind-reading." she grins.
Ghost Spider has posed:\<br\>"I'm alright," Gwen says in reply to being called the best. "I just back up my friends and do my best to be there. It's so much easier when they -know- my secret. Less hurt feelings about me being late or absent," she says with a sigh. As Nadia hops up, Gwen stands, grinning. "Nadia's got ups."\<br\>\<br\>MORE TOUR. This place is dope. "Man, you've already got me down. The only thing better than strawberry is if there's chocolate involved." Suddenly, the blonde seems to remember something. "Oh, hey! How are you with, like, textiles, Nadia? I'm looking to upgrade my costume a bit."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:\<br\>"I made my own suit," Nadia muses as she leads them on a rambling guided tour. Here's a lab. There's an archive room. That's where I keep all my poison. Why do I need a room for poison? Antidotes. Obviously. Got to maintain your resistance to iocane powder after all! "It's resistant to most small calibre firearms. I generally rely upon being too small and fast moving for anyone to hit. But I've certainly got the tools to work on that kind of thing." \<br\>\<br\> Icecream is indeed obtained. And of course there is chocolate in this case a dark chocolate mixed with a tarte berry sauce. Dark chocolate has suspected cognitive benefits. Also it's delicious. Once they're done the bowls can be left somewhere. \<br\>\<br\> As the tour progresses it becomes clear Nadia is organised but not in any conventional sense. She seems to know where everything is. But if there is a logical system behind why things are where they are it's a mystery to anyone else. \<br\>\<br\> Still it's hard to fault her for a little clutter when she's been living in a huge (well tiny) castle for a few years by herself. Even if it'd improve the tour if she didn't have laundry drying in the corridors. \<br\>\<br\> "I kept the gym and exercise facilities out the back."