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Revision as of 12:13, 1 May 2023

LexCon 2031
Date of Scene: 30 April 2023
Location: LexCorp Plaza
Synopsis: Tragedy Strikes at LexCon 2031! Will Metropolis ever be safe?!
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Red Robin, Thor, Domino, Livewire, Juggernaut

Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>LexCon has been in full swing for like two days now. Lex Luthor has shown his face a few times during the weekend and once more it seems that he's going to be taking the stage here in the heart of LexCorp Plaza where a stage and everything has been set up for the LexTech Debut Demonstration of some sort of technological marvel that LexCorp must be ready and willing to promote.\<br\>Himr, at the very least, show off. The evening sky is looking just the right amount of dusk for such a great moment.\<br\>\<br\>Security is tight and being ran by Mercy Graves from the stage where Lex Luthor is standing at the podium. Members of Team Luthor are scattered throughout the crowd to make sure that everything goes according to plan. It's all very official and prepped and there shouldn't be anything that goes wrong with this particular demonstration. Or there will very likely be some people that will no longer be on the LexCorp payroll.\<br\>\<br\>When the clock strikes 8:00, Lex Luthor steps up to the microphone so that he can do the honors.\<br\>\<br\>"It is with great pleasure that I, Lex Luthor, would like to thank you all for coming tonight. LexCorp engineering has been hard at work on what we're going to show you this evening and I hope that you all will be as enthralled as I am with their tireless work." Lex Luthor grins a bit as he looks out at the crowd. "Recent years have put is in a position where our lives are under constant threat. Where we are all in some sort of danger by simply choosing to live our lives. Well, I've decided to do something about that. And in a few moments, you all will be the first to bear witness to my latest stroke of genius."\<br\>\<br\>This is the part where there is a dramatic pause for people to applaud, react or pose in. Whatever works best.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle is wearing a very Jackie O vintage inspired piece, complete with hat, sunglasses and even a little flaring hint of a veil. She's mingled thoroughly through the crowd, anonymous and mysterious at the same time. She shoos a few flirtatious eyes with a shake of her head and a click of her tongue, although she lets the member of the Lexcorp team she sees (he's easy to spot, with his earpiecde and his wary eyes and the crisp formality of his clothes. Luthor has no tolerance for anything unkempt.\<br\>\<br\>She's picked a few pockets, slipped a few rings, nothing difficult, mostly to pass the time and to keep herself in practice. Like martial arts katas, only much more lucrative. Her fingers have an almost preternatural grace as she separates the privileged from their pretties.\<br\>\<br\>She pauses and looks towards the stage, a small clutch grasped in both hands as she listens, her painted lips breaking into a slighit smile at the end, "Humble as ever, Luthor." she says softly.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake is here in official mode tonight. Tim wears a suit that costs way to much but it might be hiding some cool things who knows. He has his lanyard around his neck that shows he has been to quite a few of the exhibits. He is not carrying a camera or anything but does pause and check things out asking a question here and there. As there is a big reveal, he makes his way to where he has a nice view and waits to see what is going to be shown.
Thor has posed:\<br\>"It is marvelous to see humanity begin to rise beyond its warmongering, backwards ways!" Thor is utterly oblivious to how poorly some of those within earshot might take his intended compliment. Or how insulting it arguably truly is! \<br\>\<br\>The God of the Storms takes sincere pleasure in observing the technological wonders on offer, the spectacle of the stage and dusk-hued show arrayed for them in the Plaza. How wonderful indeed. Of course, his satisfaction -is- somewhat akin to a supportive teacher wandering a science fair, but that's what happens when a species evolves on a backwater. \<br\>\<br\>The King of Asgard assembles with the crowd as Luthor prepares to speak, shooting his cuffs and adjusting the dark blue suit finely tailored to his broad frame, its accents and accessories cast in hues of silver and grey. "Hooray, yes!" Thor perhaps inappropriately yaulps at the applause break, as he heartily participates in that, clapping his hands enthusiastically, "Peace on Earth!"
Domino has posed:\<br\>Domino could have stopped by at any time. Maybe make a call, send an email, made contact in some fashion to say she's back in town after an abrupt disappearing act, but it's not how she rolls. Instead she shows up as another face in the audience to scout out the local security for herself, along with being another witness to this grand announcement from The Man, himself.\<br\>\<br\>Compared to everyone else in the area the mercenary stands out. Dressed all in black with skin as white as a sheet and a coaster sized black spot around one eye, she has to go to some particular lengths to blend in. Tonight she really doesn't bother trying. It's open to the public, after all.\<br\>\<br\>With the pause comes the applause but she doesn't participate, opting to keep hands tucked into biker jacket pockets while she continues to scan the crowd.\<br\>\<br\>She really had planned to dress up a little for the event but having a proper car sorta fell through. Luck can be a fickle thing. At least she opted for a nicer button up blue shirt.\<br\>\<br\>Okay, who's this big loon yelling about peace on Earth? "Someone's been hittin' the champagne" she mutters.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Livewire is not here. Leslie Willis is here, though. The obnoxious metahuman criminal/podcaster is dressed down in grey cargo pants and a black, long sleeved shirt. Oh, and those black framed hipster glasses. \<br\>\<br\>She's carrying a recorder with her, stopping at various booths, asking absolutely unhinged questions and wandering off when the poor staff can't just answer her. At all.\<br\>\<br\>"Useless! All of these people are useless and slaves to the conspiracy!"\<br\>\<br\>What conspiracy? There's a bunch.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>This isn't normally his sort of event to be in proximity to. But business is as business does and this evening some form of personal business or another has taken a certain Cain Marko into a city he usually doesn't have much to do with. Gotta make that dough.\<br\>\<br\>Whatever clandestine affair that may have been, it's been concluded for now and the immense man has made his way into the general vicinity of the plaza with intent on passing through more then actually participating. It's sort of like watching an elephant make its way through a herd of hyper active, loud and chaotically moving sheep but to his credit..nobody is flattened, bowled over or otherwise injured in his passage. \<br\>\<br\>His casual wear, a tailored jacket, a tee-shirt sporting Godzilla peering over the Tokyo skyline, jeans and heavy boots, maek up his ensemble and his eyes are hidden behind dark glasses though the stern disinterested set to his hairy jaw and mouth does as much work to keep people at bay from him as his sheer size. Bored and disinterested..until Lex takes the stage.\<br\>\<br\>This causes the goliath of a man to slow his movements, near the outskirts of the plaza, and turn his head towards the main stage as the applauses begin to ring out.
Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'll turn your eyes to the sky above..." Lex Luthor pushes a button on the podium as he says those words and turns to look out at the crowd.\<br\>\<br\>The sky shifts and trembles as a massive tri-platform unmanned aerial assault vehicle (about the size of a helicarrier) is uncloaked likely by that button pressing from Lex Luthor. There are, of course, weapons and cannons galore on each and every platform but there doesn't seem to be any way to get inside. It just floats there, the silent engines hovering the massive mobile structure like its some sort of automated craft of violent design.\<br\>\<br\>"Introducing... Cerberus. LexCorp's automated urban guardian designed meticulously to protect us from whatever threats may decide to come from above."\<br\>\<br\>Lex grins proudly at the hovering achievement. "This is, of course, just a working prototype but each Cerberus craft is fully customizable and may offer a varied selection of offensive and defensive measures all designed to protect the lives of the citizens below. LexCorp has designed Cerberus to operate and function on its own with limited human support or interaction to keep the probability of human error as minimal as possible."\<br\>\<br\>Lex spreads his arms nice and wide. "While not ready to go into mass production just yet, Cerberus is on track to be this nation's new first line of defense against threats great and small."
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake looks up and checks out the large vehicle. Some cities can not have the cool zeppelins like Gotham. He hmmms a bit and wonders how they kept some of the local flying types from running into it. As Lex speaks about is being AI, or at least close to it, he thinks about some of his own AI experiments and does frown a bit at putting something that size, and with who knows what type weapons under AI control.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle swallows hard as she looks up at the massive platform, the shadodw of it falling over them. Oh. Well. That isn't terrifying.\<br\>\<br\>She turns her head quickly dodwn, tugging her hat over her face. Glad she'd worn the sunglasses and veil - she'd expected anywhere near Luthor to have massive surveillance. That was part of the fun. That and shopping. Sometimes he showed off something new that would be worth snatching. she hadn't ever tried to crack his security. An interesting challenge.\<br\>\<br\>But not now. She hoped she'd thwarted facial analysis enough with her accessories, but you never knew. Luthor's tech was always cutting edge.\<br\>\<br\>Then she sees Cain meandering through and, after the appropriate momentary gawk, she grins. Well. There's all the distraction she could need.
Thor has posed:\<br\>Thor's applause at the grand reveal is... well it's more underwhelmed than at the premise. The Asgardian Avenger looks positively crestfallen when the behemoth uncloaks, and then just /eyes/ the thing for several long moments, mouth a little more agape than is strictly speaking proper. This leaves his hype without satisfaction, his attention wandering. It's hard to miss Juggernaut-- even as Cain-- especially with the large redhead's recent cruel betrayal of Thor's friendship. \<br\>\<br\>The broad-shouldered blonde cracks his neck and circuits the outskirts of the crowd towards Mr. Marko. "Oh look-- a BIGGER drone." Thor drily intones as he sidles up to the even meatier mountain. The God of the Storm throws his hands out in front of him and wiggles his fingers dramatically, "We're all -SAVED-." Color the Stormbringer unconvinced, possibly. At least he's not bellowing it at the stage like he thinks this is a roast; small favors, Lex.
Domino has posed:\<br\>The big announcement? It comes as a big shock. Domino's gaze slowly drifts skyward, pale eyes widening and mouth hanging slightly agape before a whispered word of the four letter variety can be strung out.\<br\>\<br\>"Nope. Nuh uh. No way."\<br\>\<br\>Cerberus isn't the only large object in the plaza, though. The albino lady quickly looks back to the crowd and, unsurprisingly, notices the likes of one man towering over everyone else. Well, THAT guys worthy of a double-take. "Wonder if those are the kinds of threats he's referring to" she grumbles to herself. Oh hey, and he's apparently pals with Mister Champagne! Why is she not feeling surprised by this revelation.\<br\>\<br\>Even if this presentation goes exactly according to plan, even if there's not a single detail out of place, it's still making her uneasy, and not just because she's the kind of person who has something (a ton of things) to hide.\<br\>\<br\>"The hell are you doin,' Lex?" she wonders, knowing darn well nobody's going to answer her.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Leslie is mercifully quiet when the project is announced and unveiled. She stares at it for a long moment, muttering under her breath about 'Globalist connections to the Military Industrial Complex'. \<br\>\<br\>She tilts her head a little bit, unneeded glasses slipping down her nose. "Cool robot, though." \<br\>\<br\>She scans the crowd and absolutely can't miss Domino in it. It's the eye spot, honest. Not anything else. She grins to herself and considers bothering her, but, well. There's time.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Oh. Great."\<br\>\<br\>Cain's voice is a dry rumble that has all the enthusiasm of someone casually drumming their fingers on a bass drum. His brow furrows andhe frowns while studying the craft curiously and then shaking his head a slight roll of his eyes. \<br\>\<br\>"Yeah. Just what we need. Sure..."\<br\>\<br\>He begins to take a step off, shuffling to the side to be on his way..and in the process turns right towards a certain god of thunder and his acidic greeting.\<br\>\<br\>Cain recoils slightly, leaning back away from the asgardan with a mildly surprised look and then his brow knits back together and a smarmy, boorish, brutish grin creases his expressive feature. HE really should be trying to just get out of there now but THor's presence and comment have given him all the excuse he needs to stay. \<br\>\<br\>"Hey..you aint still sore about all that blondie? Was just a little bit of fun! A joke, yeah?"\<br\>\<br\>He gestures boredly in the direction of the drone, "I didn't think you were into any o'this.."
Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>"Now, I'm sure you all have questions and I would like to give you all answers. I have a panel of engineers up here that will be glad to speak to Cerberus' impressive design in just a moment. But first, I would like to say just a few words about what protecting our cities means to me. Starting with this city right here, my home, Metropolis."\<br\>\<br\>In that pause where Lex Luthor takes a moment to prepare the next phase of his speech, something happens above. Cerberus' lights flicker once, twice, three times. The green lights that helped to show that the massive platform was active and unarmed have suddenly shifted.... to RED. The alert system seems to have been activated because it takes absolutely no time at all for those hovering platforms of protection to split apart and become swirling platforms of weaponized doom circling over LexCorp Plaza.\<br\>\<br\>Each of the platforms start sliding open and revealing massive weapons of destruction ranging from gatling guns to missile launchers to drone hangars and skeleton shaped robot deployment bays. It is arsenals galore as drones are launched, robots are dropped from above and laser sights from all directions start locking on... to the crowd below.\<br\>\<br\>Lex Luthor included.\<br\>\<br\>"As a young man growing up in the Suicide Slums I--" Mercy tackles Lex mid-reminisce as the first shot rings out in his direction. It barely misses him but explodes the podium with ease.\<br\>\<br\>Chaos begins?
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake is moving as soon as the weapons are exposed. It maybe the fact living in Gotham keeps you on your toes, or it maybe just luck, but Tim is moving and trying to get towards some cover. He frowns a bit as right now, there is not much he can do. He is looking about to see if there is anyone running anything down here that might be working with the craft.
Thor has posed:\<br\>A little bit of fun? A joke? By the frown it's possible Thor's sense of jest does not extend to endangering-- potentially maiming or killing-- civilians. Or supervillainy in general! His words, however, maintain steady joviality-- in a bit of jest of his own. "Are you part of the same initiative? Ever larger bodyguards?" Thor enjoys a hearty guffaw from his gut at his own good humor even as the looming battledrone goes from Marvin to Dalek and Luthor's lithest guardian saves his expensive ass. \<br\>\<br\>"I'll go high-- you go low?" Thor offers the Juggernaut with far less secret mockery, stormclouds gathering overhead as the King of Asgard does not wait for Cain's answer-- three sprinting steps and a mighty leap sends Thor skyward, and from the coalescing clouds above a bolt of lightning brings Mjolnir to his grasp. \<br\>\<br\>Crackling energy surges along Thor's frame, muscles taut as the electricity gathers in his eyes. As he heaves one thick limb skyward, looking to careen warhammer first right through one of the hovering platforms, center mass.
Domino has posed:\<br\>As Lex continues with 'what protecting our cities means' Domino slowly folds arms together while again talking to herself "Oh please do."\<br\>\<br\>He never gets the chance. Green turns red, LOTS of activity happens overhead, Mercy tackles Luthor, and a right proper cluster erupts in the middle of the plaza.\<br\>\<br\>"If I had a dollar for every time this happened..." she hisses as crossed arms swiftly uncross, one of them now holding a magnum revolver, as she leaps into motion.\<br\>\<br\>An out loud thought of "Community service night" is immediately followed with the call "everyone seek cover! Get out of here!"\<br\>\<br\>There's a lot to take in and a distinct lack of knowing who the effective 'players' are. The two big dudes seem a given but she's inclined to steer clear of them, the hammer seeks the tallest nail and all. So, she prioritizes. Limited firepower, lots of small fast targets, not great. But she's seeing some freaking -missile launchers- in those drones and THOSE she can do something about.\<br\>\<br\>The patch-eyed mercenary makes a decision and takes the first shot, launching a .357 hollowpoint toward a missile before it has a chance to fire. Then another one, and another still.\<br\>\<br\>-Shit- and now there's a storm and lightning and What the HELL is that?! Champagne?!
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Things were going great! Fantastic! Wonderful, even. Leslie was getting some good stuff for her show. Mostly notes for her to turn into blistering, unhinged rants later, but good stuff! The platforms circle, and then split open, weapons systems live.\<br\>\<br\>Leslie just starts laughing. Domino knows that laugh. Howling, unhinged. "Oh -MAN-, this couldn't get any better! I knew Luthor was a Globalist Shill, but this proves it!"\<br\>\<br\>Jesus Christ, Leslie.\<br\>\<br\>She starts moving through the panicking crowd, rushing -through- Thor's lightning field, drawing some of it into herself as she does so, getting juiced up. Her clothes disintigrate under the fury, burning to embers that swirl away. The glasses melt and she just hurls them aside as she's left in her Wicked Evil Lady outfit. \<br\>\<br\>Literally vibrating from the juicing of magical lightning, she grins wide at Domino. "Fancy meeting you here!" She leans over, grinning. "Pay me, and I'll help out. Not money. Owe me a favor, and I can get up there and help shut 'em down. Not a big favor, just a little one. It won't involve hurting people, even."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Don't just assume I'm about t'help you!" protests Cain in a loud booming shout after Thor. He raises his hand to remove his shades, revealing his aggravated ice blue eyes, staring daggers at the undoubtly uncaring asgardian king. "I shouloda just went to the airport. I'm aint gettin' paid for this sh--"\<br\>\<br\>A rocket hits him.\<br\>\<br\>He sees it coming, almost in slow motion.. Turning his head in its directio and his eyes widening slightly just efore there's a blinding flash of light and an explosion flowers up into the air to send concrete, fire and boiling black smoke roaring upwards as nearby windows shatter and scorch marks blast their way through the area. To his -credit- ..he actually blocked a mass of civilians who were some paces behind him. Just beyond the range of the explosion. Close enough to be hurtled off their feet but hey..at leat they weren't hit by the blast.\<br\>\<br\>"Jesus..That guy--" begins one man, trying to get back up to his feet and then going, "Oh? Ooooh.." as he sees a truly monstrous shape begin to emerge from the crater and raging fire. Juggernaut. Fully enlarged to some monstrous nearly ten foot by six or so foot frame. Armored now with energy crackling over his form and muscles bulking up and creaking like the grinding of tectonic plates. \<br\>\<br\>His eyes flash, crackling crimson energy as his mouth sets into a visible frown cast in the shadows of his domed helm. "..Alright NOW I'm MAD!"
Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>Cerberus is in full effect right now. The trifecta of dangerous, weaponized platforms taking aim and firing those gatling guns and rockets are various innocent people down below. It took a bit for them to warm up and aim but bullets and rockets are on their way! Which is probably not a good look considering the crowd is full of innocents.\<br\>\<br\>At the moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone down below that doesn't look absolutely terrified and scattering because of the dramatic angering of the machine. Tim's not going to find the culprit down in the Plaza, it seems. But there's bullets and people that might need help! That's a thing!\<br\>\<br\>Thor's warhammering arrival through one of the 'heads' of Cerberus comes with the added bonus of making sure that damn thing can't actually stay afloat. The resulting explosion that comes from the platform happens in cinematic slow motion that makes a third of the laser sights locked onto innocents below disappear. Which is a good thing. The debris falling in slow motion may or may not be a problem for the God of Thunder.\<br\>\<br\>The drones are bobbing and weaving above and firing missiles at the crowd. Of course, Domino's down there and LUCK is feeling particularly cinematic this evening. Those shots she's ringing out are causing those missiles to explode in those drones and somehow the explosion feeds into another one and another one and the chain reaction starts making drone after drone after drone go explosively bye-bye. HOW!\<br\>\<br\>Those exploding drones have caused the Lexokeleton Bots that have hit the ground and are armed with machine guns to pay attention to Domino. And that also means they catch sight of Wicked Evil Lady of Lightning as well. The stutter stepping robots take aim at both of them and start firing! Bullets on their way!\<br\>\<br\>The rocket that knocks Cain into a crater that also causes the arrival of the Juggernaut is followed up by a few more rockets that are being fired from the remaining two Cerberus platforms that are in the business of trying to make the crowd... unalive. It's one of those things where there will be blood or at the very least collateral damage. Juggernaut makes a huge target and thus a bigger threat to their systems than the unarmed people below. So here comes a bunch of bullets, rockets and lasers in that direction.\<br\>\<br\>Mercy's arm raises and an bio-electric shield bubbles up and over herself and Lex Luthor to deflect and disintegrate the bullets coming in his direction. "Let's get you to safety, Mr. Luthor." comes the words from Mercy as that arm then turns into a plasma cannon and blasts a hole through some lexbots that are in the way of Mercy getting Lex Luthor out of here.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake pulls out his phone once he is hid behind a bit of cover, and with a few taps, there is the sound of a motor, and Tim's car comes driving into the area. It somehow avoids people maybe Tim's driving it via his phone "Get behind the car." He calls out as he moves to use it for cover. It is armored cause well Rich person in a city where people get thrown through buildings. It might not fully stop one of the rockets, but he and the others can use it for cover from the bullets at least.
Thor has posed:\<br\>Aha! The giant drone platform is confirmed 'fragile'-- by Thor's standards. He erupts through its metallic shell without losing momentum, twisting to hover just above it as he raises Mjolnir to the sky. A tremendous, rolling CRACK of thunder dwarfs even the explosions, even the tremendous crescendo of gatling cannons, as the Asgardian Avenger becomes the central point to a massive lightshow of mystical ball lightning, bolts crackling from Thor to each chunk of shrapnel with inexorable precision; from Thor to each of the still floating, still firing platforms in wildly flaring, broad arcs. \<br\>\<br\>The bulk of the dangerous material is utterly vaporized before falling into the crowd-- though your mileage may vary, as there's not only already a lot of debris, there will be suddenly more as the warhammer reaves through the air in a direct line for the second of Cerberus' heads-- and the suited God of Thunder flies fists forward into the second, disappearing into its guts with a metal-shearing note of angry reverb. No, he doesn't seem inclined to negotiate business with mercenaries right -now-. Get back to him shortly.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Black smoke and bits of rubble trail behind The Juggernaut as moves out of the initial blast zone that accompanied his dramatic reveal. The ground splintetrs, shakes and sunders under his steps. Each footfall a rumbling *TOOM* that would shake a city block and leaves deep imprints in the ground behind him. You want him? You got him. Don't start complaining about property damage now. He's in full 'I'M THE JUGGERNAUT' mindset at the moment. The earthquakes might be the least of potential worries at the moment.\<br\>\<br\> A few more rockets slam into him. Exploding in violent billowing blasts while bullets ping against his armor or thud meatily against his exposed arms. The impacts wash over him like light breezes as he strolls on through them while looking around but at least he serves as a veeeerrrrrry big wall and cover for fleeing civilians be it intentional or not. \<br\>\<br\>As more firepower targets him, he considers options..and naturally settles on the most destructive one that first comes to mind.\<br\>\<br\>"You wanna play eh? Alright, I got some games.." he grumbles while leaning forward and then jamming his hands into the ground. The entire plaza begins to shake as cracks and chasms race away from the giant. People stumble, trip and roll as the earth heaves upwards and buckles violently. The Juggernaut seemingly hefting a portion of the plaza upwards, busting underground power cables and sending parked cars sliding into the opening earth in the process. When he finishes, he's leans back, rolling up a gigantic of buckling earth dwarfing even himself and he leans back bringing it up and balaqncing against an outstretched arm like an olmpic shot-putter taking aim. \<br\>\<br\>"We'll start with CATCH!" he bellows before leaning forward and shot-putting the huge mass directly at one of the platforms. A thunderous *BOOOM* ripping through the air at the release and debris raining down as it sails overhead like a comet.\<br\>\<br\>So now there's a huge gaping hole in Lexcorp Plaza! He can afford it!
Domino has posed:\<br\>Oh yes... Domino knows that laugh. She's gonna guess that was the voice she heard earlier ranting about something or other before. Here she is, now levitating in the air...\<br\>\<br\>Livewire. Dom's 'nemesis.'\<br\>\<br\>The wiry albino is in the process of kicking spent brass out of her gun to reload when Leslie offers to help IF SHE'S PAID.\<br\>\<br\>The (more) pale lady stops. Stares. Barks out a laugh! "You're outta your damn mind! I don't pay people, people pay -me!- Help or don't, just don't get in my way!"\<br\>\<br\>On one hand she can't fault Livewire's approach to business. It's just..Dom's..goddamned -conscience!- She's seen what happens when machines get all murdery, it's not good for anyone!\<br\>\<br\>This distraction lets a missile escapes her notice and blasts the big guy still on the ground. Oops?\<br\>\<br\>Then she's staring down machines with machine guns along with Livewire. A heartbeat before they light her up Juggernaut rips into the ground--\<br\>--which rolls a spent shell casing right where the albino slips on it and falls--\<br\>--behind the cover of Tim's car which suddenly appears right beside her.\<br\>\<br\>A falling piece of debris from Thor's antics strikes one of the gatling drones which suddenly swivels about and begins attacking -another- gatling drone which prompts THAT one to target its pal right back, thus ensuring mutual destruction with the magnum bearing mercenary no worse for wear.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Denied. Flat out denied. Maybe she'll have to be more direct next time, but for now she has bigger problems.\<br\>\<br\>Well. She doesn't. This is laughable to her, a living lightning bolt.\<br\>\<br\>The robots march, and Dom takes an excessively lucky tumble. Bullets race for Livewire, and lightning arcs out from her body at them. She starts Cool Guy walking towards them, even as they shoot. The bullets hit her and pass through in a crackle of static. She grins like a maniac, wild eyed and showing far too many teeth. "Cute. Real cute."\<br\>\<br\>Then she transforms. Her body just dissolves into a bolt of lightning that roars as it jumps into one of the robots, frying it. Then it jumps out into another, and another and another. The stench of ozone and burnt electronics fills the plaza as she robot hops for destruction.\<br\>\<br\>Her voice emits from all of the destroyed vocoders in crackling stereo. "TAKE THIS YOU GOVERNMENT SHILLS! I KNOW YOU BUILT THESE TO PUT US ALL IN FEMA CAMPS!"
Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>The Armored Drakemobile saves so many civilian lives as they dive behind it. The bullets ping right off the vehicle. Considering that it's just automated gunfire, there's no reason for anything else to be fired in that direction. No rockets. Cerberus can't think, it just shoots. Which might be one of the bugs in the system.\<br\>\<br\>Thor's lightning does that thing where it becomes a heroic task of unrelenting perfection and puts an end to the debris while also sending some hazardous lightning into the remaining Cerberus heads that are still managing to stay in flight. For the moment. It doesn't take long, though, for the Asgardian to sail through the second platform and just like the first, it'll end up being a raining parade of debris.\<br\>\<br\>Now here comes the Mother Effin' Juggernaut. Just yanking up a piece of the DAMN GROUND of LexCorp Plaza and sending it sailing up, up, and thattaway towards the Cerberus head that's still trying to make bad things happen to innocent people. Juggy's Comet as it'll come to be known sails right into the third Cerberus head and creates the shockwave of explosive intent! That's right, the third Cerberus head is destroyed into a shattering of debris of various kinds: cement, rock, electrical wiring, metal, the list just goes on.\<br\>\<br\>Oh Gatling Drone! Oh Gatling Drone! Killing each other in harmony! That's right, through so many twists of fate, the collective of remaining Gatling Drones find themselves blasting and crashing into each other without missing a damn beat. Somehow, yet another chain reaction of self-inflicted destruction comes about to make short work of these things. Even some of the lexoskeletons are taken out by those bullets.\<br\>\<br\>But, that's nothing compared to the lightning bolt death that happens as Leslie bolts from one lexoskeleton to another at such lightning speeds that she's free to pose and shrill with time to spare before they all explodinate at the same time.\<br\>\<br\>With nothing actually left to attack anyone, some LexCorp employees obviously dead, various Team Luthor soldiers walking through the immediate aftermath to check on civilians (all of which seem to be alive, weirdly), it looks like tonight's LexCon festivities are going to be coming to a swift close.\<br\>\<br\>Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves are nowhere to be found. Very likely in a safe place.
Red Robin has posed:\<br\>Tim Drake will move once the firing has stopped. He starts directing people. Anyone with medical or first aid skills, he is calling to start checking on people. Tim maybe a boss, but he is also a leader, and he himself is moving as well. That expensive jacket is removed and a chunk of it cut away as he hands it to someone to have them press it to a wound trying to stop the bleeding. He moves to another and uses his belt as a tourniquet. It maybe a Lexcorp event, but it seems the Drake-Wayne is getting his hands bloody trying to help people. Would that make the news? Who knows.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Livewire emerges from the robot wreckage, cackling like a madwoman. She sparks and crackles as she surveys her handiwork. "LOL," she crows. "LMAO! This rules!" She plants her hands on her hips, and turns around, grinning like a lunatic. She looks at Domino and holds the thumb and pinky of her right hand out, then holds it to her head in the universal sign of 'Call me'.\<br\>\<br\>An instant later, she's transformed into lightning and disappears into the nearest outlet, leaving a single blue arc of electricity to dance from it to the ground below.\<br\>\<br\>She -might- have warrants.
Thor has posed:\<br\>Between hammer and half of the plaza colliding with it, Number Three looks rather worse for the wear-- at least, that's how Thor judges it, as the warhammer returns to him out of the sudden sea of shrapnel, and the Asgardian bursts from the cold metal heart of platform Number Two. \<br\>\<br\>Lightning surges, vaporizing some debris, and launching other chunks far off towards the horizon-- towards the bay, to be specific. The Storm answers Thor's call, crackling around and throughout him as he descends in a maelstrom, a thing that might appear of destruction and chaos, but is wielded now to protect, answering unerringly to the God of the Storm's call. At least, excepting where the bolts of lightning are answering to Livewire's. It all makes for a delightful lightshow; or would... under other circumstances. \<br\>\<br\>The look of pain as Thor looks upon the carnage below is quashed, replaced by steely resolve as he lands among the panicked, injured, and equally heroic. It could have been a lot worse. "Responders are already on their way-- if you are injured, keep still!" he encourages. "While the glory may be tainted by the toll of this insidious strike at the helpless-- our autonomous foe has been felled."
Domino has posed:\<br\>"That girl is off her damn rocker" Domino mutters about Livewire while cautiously peering over the hood of Tim's car. "But damn if she doesn't get results." Leslie could be a real asset to any team if it weren't for her being such a live wire.\<br\>\<br\>Now finding herself in the company of a bunch of crouching civilians as debris falls from the sky, Dom takes a look around then flashes pearly whites. "Nice night we're having, huh?" Another quick look over the hood gets her the lay of the land with probabilities getting mentally calculated. When she looks to the others a second time it's lacking any humor. "Go, go! Get cover inside!"\<br\>\<br\>The few remaining bots and drones get targeted as the gun for hire runs through another six bullets, each shot landing dead-on and claiming another 'kill.'\<br\>\<br\>Livewire pops in looking like she's thoroughly enjoying herself. Dom can't help but grin. Holy shit, Miss Lightning's enthusiasm is bringing back memories of the albino's merc career. At the 'call me' gesture black lips form in an air-kiss before the other lady bolts away.\<br\>\<br\>Actually, hang on. That's a really good idea, Domino's gotta get the heck outta here.\<br\>\<br\>-Jeezus- this WEATHER! Duck and cover!
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Though he has the benefit of being able to just...well..not be able to be stopped or restrained in contrast to Livewire..being able to leave quickly is a trait that Juggernaut lacks. Not without leaving another trail of destructionb ehind him. So he just sort of..casually begins to back off now, stepping back and then turning to move in the direction of the most fire and most smoke to let that act as a cover as he steps away. The ground shakes, yes, so that is a problem.. but eventually that itself ceases as he dons his more restrained civilian identity once again and begins to make his way towards winding alleys to escape the battle zone before he can be questioned.\<br\>\<br\>He uh..very much has warrents.
Lex Luthor has posed:\<br\>Team Luthor is on clean up duty and eventually Mercy Graves returns as well to make sure she handles the authorities and emergency responders in a manner that her employer would like them to be handled. Another tragedy befalls LexCorp as once again their sights were set on protecting every single person on this planet.\<br\>\<br\>A dream turned nightmare if there ever was one...