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Latest revision as of 13:29, 24 October 2017

Research at Gunpoint
Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: Mount Sinai Hospital
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Albert Wesker

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's late in the evening on Thursday and Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre is in her lab at Mount Sinai Hospital. She's working late tonight due to a deadline that is going to be coming up Monday morning.

The redhead is seated at one of the lab tables with her hair pulled back away from her face. Underneath a microscope is a new sample that she'd recieved. She seems to be intently focused on whatever is going on under the microscope.

Albert Wesker has posed:
This evening The Lovely Redhead has a visitor. A certian Albert Wesker has chosen to pay a visit to the pathoplogy labs here his goal is to make sure that the companies in some of the Database information of umbrella are not experimenting with the T-virus. Or G-Virus. Or have links to umbrella. Umbrella is a sinking ship, even if they don't know it yet. The Titanic just after being struct by an iceberg.

So right now Wesker a trained field agent in charge of starts as incapped security and left them bound, gagged but alive. So he is heading up to the main lab area. That is were all the pertinent information should be, and of course the one place Heroes most likely won't fight him if he id discovered by such. His food steps silent stealthy as he moves through the hallways.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes leave the microscope long enough to jot down a few nots on her tablet. Something that she was prone to doing. There's a look to her watch as she notices that she's stayed at the lab for another night. Her violet eyes look back to the sample under the microscope for just a moment before she moves to stand up and give her legs a stretch for the moment. "You've got to stop living in the lab." she mutters to herself quietly.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Gaining entry to the offices is a simply matter of lock picking Jill was always the master. As he looks around homing in on any computers. "Alright." he says to him self. Yes Wesker at times talks to himself like other villians. "Let's see if you have the intel I suspect." and he starts to head over to one of the main office computers in a room adjcent to Morrigan. He's not worried about being discovered. He's cocky like that as he start sitting down to work the computer over plugging in a USB drive storage device hacking tool. "I must really learn proper hacking one of these days."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan isn't psychic so she has no idea that just in the other room lies a villian. It's one of those things that never really crosses her mind. The Irish woman looks to her empty coffee mug and gives a soft frown, her pale fingers reach out to pick it up before turning to head out the door. "We need a fresh cup if we're going to be working till after midnight." she states sagely. She's clearly oblivious of the danger that's so close.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As She comes out into the main room she is suddenly greeted with a laser dot on her head that doesn't wobble, a blonde man is standing behind a deck as he is holding a rather large handgun. "Ah good evening. Please don't do anything stupid like run or scream. I have no desire to kill." he says standing there confidance.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan goes still when she realizes that she's not alone and that there is a laser sight pointed at her head. "I'm not going to do either." the woman states with an Irish accent. "Is there something in particular you are looking for?" she asks as she looks to him. "My guess is you don't have the right access for those files." she adds.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As he looks at her and then he smiles still wearing those sunglasses, and says, "Ah Morrigan MacIntyre, A pleasure to meet you. I had heard you turned down that offer to work with Umbrella. Surprised me when you did. I had considered you a shoein for recruitment. Fortunate you did not." He says. "Please Sit down have your self a cup of coffee from the machine there. I just am making sure that you haven't gotten ahold of something you shouldn't is all." he says and goes back to searching the files.

"Albert Wesker, formeraly head of the Umbrella Colorado Division." he says and of course chances are she may have heard that a Town in colorado, A city called Raccoon Ciy by nickname or such has been sealed in a force field, and is under SHIELD Quarrentine.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan quirks an eyebrow when he knows who she is. Her violet eyes curious for a moment. "Something didn't feel right with the project...and it seems that I was right about it." she states with a soft frown. She remembered what happened. She does take a seat though as he requests she does. No since getting holes in her.

"What are you looking for exactly, Mister Wesker?" she asks him. She was sure they didn't have any of Umbrella's files. Or if they did she didn't know it. Then there's a frown, "Colorado didn't turn out to have a good ending. I hear they are still trying to clean it up." she admits.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As he sits down he says, "A Virus ms Macintyer. The cause that lead to the destruction of Raccoon City. It escaped from their labratories, With in three days of exposure 90 percent of 650 thousand plus people succomed to the Virus, An estimated 7 percent died in the after math due to the victums, and a remaining 3 percent some estimated 19 thousand people fighting a day to day battle for their lives." he says.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan crosses one knee over the other as she listens to him. There's a bit of a mortified look that crosses her porcelain features when he explains the statistics to her. "No ones been in there to try to find a cure...or is it not something that's been looked into?" she asks him. "I was contacted to join the project before all of that started, but I was midway through my Doctorate...so didn't try to do that and my schooling." she frowns.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker begins to explain the nature of the Virus, how it effects the DNA of the victim mutating it causing severe epidermal degeneration while the victim suffers destruction to the brain that is responsible for the more rational though such as memory, speach, mental processing, while leaving the areas of the moror cortext and ares responible for the more basic needs such as movement, hunger eating. He's wondering if she will deduce what the virus does.

"Very good work here. Though you seem to have made a mistake on the Anthrax treatment. Here..." and he will start typing some keys to make an addition note to the file. You should find creating an anti bacterial agent easier with that."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to him and there's a bit of a moment that she closes her eyes and does the math internally. "That...is basically a zombie." she tells him. It's not a disgusted tone of voice, but it's not entirely warm either. It's purely medical to some. "I am really glad I did not take that job." she shakes her head.

"Is there a cure? Is Raccoon City filled with zombies?" she seems a bit more horrified at that possibility. When he comments on her doing good work in one of her files there's a bit of a stunned look, "Umm...thanks." she tells him. "Are you looking to make sure we don't have any Umbrella files for the virus, Mister Wesker?" she asks him seriously.

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Indeed, I am making sure that another Raccoon City event doesn't occur. you are on Umbrella's watch list. My own resources at the moment are rather limited for field work, Considering that Umbrella put the blame on me, and labeled my a Hydra Terrorist." There are many things that he doesn't tell her of course. "Yes estimate at least six hundred thousand. Virus in higher dozes over three days results in more... aggressive mutations. The remaining population are now carriers of the Virus, I fear they may be on borrowed time the T-Virus is nothing if not a tough son of a bitch. So they have to be confined inside the city for their own saftey and the world. I will have to return to Raccoon City soon."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan shakes her head vigorously at that, "No, I'd never let any of our resources here go towards that." she states with utter conviction. When he tells her the number of infected there's a blink and she has no words for a moment. That was an unimaginable number for her. "Is anyone working on a cure or anything for the virus...or is it something they are just going to allow to run its course until it's safe to return to the city?" she asks him. "And it isn't safe for you to go back in really I don't imagine." she adds.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As he pulls the Hard Drive out and smiles. "I have everything I need. There is a peice of anti spyware in your computers now. It should eliminate any viral hacking programs Umbrella may have put into your systems to keep an eye on you. It can be cured in the carriers but you would need to tylor the treatment to each individual. I have also taken the liberty of pitting a file in your Computer system that will open with the code word Angel. It will give you components that will be needed to begin producing the agents. If Shield approaches you for help. Please accept it, but understand that My being here may cause them to distrust you."

Then removing his sunglasses and opening his eyes to show those red and gold slitted eyes, "My dear the mutations in that City are of no danger to me." and then he walks over to the window and then walks back to the wall and then in a flash he is gone as wind is all that is left in the room. As if it was forced out of the window and if she looks out side she will see Wesker with his glowing eyes on the other side of the street on a roof waving to her before he jumps down off the ledge.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan forgets completely that the man had basically had her sitting at gun point for this time. "I'll see what I can do to work on something, Mister Wesker." the woman states. "And if SHIELD gets jumpy then I won't mention you." she nods. She wasn't stupid.

When the glasses come off and he looks to her she widens her eyes, "I can see that they aren't now." she swallows carefully. Maybe he had his own virus to deal with. When he just disappears there's a moment of calm before Morrigan rushes over to the window to see where he went. The wave from across the street just makes the woman shake her head, "Never say your life is dull, Miss MacIntyre..." she mutters as she turns to go see what else might have been done for him to reach the lab.