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Latest revision as of 13:36, 24 October 2017

Strange Recruiting
Date of Scene: 12 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, Albert Wesker

Batwoman has posed:
Katherine Kane, heiress to Hamilton Arms and party girl extraordinaire, is standing outside the Museum. To what purpose she has come here is unclear, the sky overhead gray enough to hint at a storm without a rain drop in sight. She clasps herh ands delicately as she looks around, a faint frown on her face.

Kate keeps her hair short nelegantly short,t o hug the nape of her neck and brush the tips of her ears. She wears simple earrings, hardly more than a tear drop of gold with an emerald stud. Her dress, however, is somewhat more ostentatious. Kate wears green, deep enough in hue to match the emeralds, with her arms exposed to the shoulder and a round color low enough to almost reveal the barest curve of her breast. Instead it displays only pale, soft skin, nearly blemishless save for the occasional scar, and the Nautical Star tattooed on to the woman's right arm. The gown extends all the way down to her lower shin, elegantly hugging her form.

Kate wears this dress with white heels that bring her almost to a height of 6'3" and a thoughtful expression on her red lips. She is waiting for something but does not hint at all at what it might be while she does. No one really pays her any mind as they pass, at least for now.

Albert Wesker has posed:
With the Strike of the Gotham PD some areas are not all that safe anymore. Even some of the criminals like the Penguin are possible allies for Wesker. Of course, the crimninal element keeps wesker away from the arms dealer. Him finding out about the Bio weapons of Umbrella would be bad. And that means Wesker would have to kill the fatman if he got his hands on the T-virus.

So Wesker has been doing research, and found another one. The target is not the owner, but her Daughter. Wesker is hoping that the girl Kate Kane, dishonoribly discharged marine will be more ammenible to his goals. If he suspects she is like Chris, she should be easy to Manipulate. So Moving along the Balcony. he is watching down at her his eyes covered in those special sunglasses that allow him to see better at night. One of the hazards is the Batman. While he is sure that he can take batman out, the City needs him right now most of all.

And Wesker is not entirely a heartless bastard. Still a group of men approaching Kate Kane from behind has caught his attenion as Wesker begins to stand tall and straight.

The group punks, gang bangers, and people who are better off in Crime ally appoch the woman and say, "Hey there good looking, looking for a good time?" And then it happens Right between them comes the flask of Black the crack of concrete and a black clad figure has decend as the pavement is craccked in a spider web as Albert Wesker slowly rises up to his full height.

At first it is though it is batman but when they see it is some one else they get cocky....

Batwoman has posed:
Kate frowns when she sees the gang approaching her, canting her head slightly to the left. She rolls her eyes when the first begins to speak. "Nope. Not who I'm looking for. Lucky you." The sarcasm is palpable at a distance and she shrugs once as she turns to loo kaway at the rest of the people arranged behind the fellow in question. Kate licks her lips lightly. "Besides, the only one you know how to show a good time is yourself. Don't hit on me too hard, butch, or your hand might get jealous."

Kate already knows what is coming next. She can read the mood like lightning in the intervening air. She's just trying to rile them up a little bit before she acts. A quick glance shows there isn't any real egress in sight. The doors to the library are unlocked but it is a gigantic dead end full of things to throw and ways to surround her. Plus they are heavy and would take a second or two to open. A a second or two where her back is exposed to the enemy. So instead Kate shifts her stance slightly.

That's when Wesker hits the ground. Katherine looks up for a second to see the man descending, blue eyeswidening. Then she takes a deep breath and nods once. A second later she lunges at the nearest of the punks. The goal is simple. Feint a punch, grab his arm when he moves to defend himself... Throw him to the ground and stomp, hard. Whether sher heel ends up in his gut or his groin he isn't going to be having a good time after that.

Among other things Kate is an expert in Krav Maga. And Jujutsu. And Muay Thai.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker of course suddenly has a Shot fired at him and then several more. Kate gets a chance to turn around and litterally seeing wesker move from one spot to a nother. So fast that the bullets fired miss him as he works his way closer to those with the guns, it takes less than five seconds, it's like he's teleporting. Moving to fast for the naked eye to see. And then he hits one of them and sends the punk flying thirtyfeet into a wall knocking them out. One brings the gun to Wesker's head less than a foot a way. Wesker freezes looking at the gunman who says

"Dodge this!" BANG

Wesker is in a crouch as he upper cuts the punk and then throws him into his two companions who hit the grounds. Guns don't work against this guy as he pulls out a Desert Eagle, and he points it, Laser sight holding steady as it is through a lamp post, And then a Shot is fired the sound of a. .50 calibur action express. unmistakible

The gun held so powerful that there is not the slightest recoil as the shot punches through the steel on both sides and impacts the guy's legs producing a spurt of blood.

"And right now is when you should all run away." suddenly the gun is turned to a guy to Wesker's right who tried to draw his own gun. The Dot perfectly still on his forhead. "I have business with this young woman. Now Run along before I turn mean." he says coldly.

Batwoman has posed:
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth Kate uses the sudden distraction to dismantle a couple more thugs. She's quite nimble, evading a few shots fired in her direction- though by prediction. This is awoman who nly moves at human speeds. She glances over at Wesker briefly, taking a moment to stare periodically as the man goes about his business. She's surprised, not shocked. Superman is a thing after all.

Then Wesker is announcing that all of them should flee. Kate is tense, her situational awareness going crazy as she takes a couple quick breaths, twisting. Then a dot appears on Albert's head. The man with the superhuman reflexes hasn't twitched. Kate doesn't hesitate. She leaps into action toward the man with his gun leveled on Wesker. The punk whirls on her just in time to have his hand knocked out of alignment and his arm snapped into so much calcite kindling. When he screams she elbows him in the gut, then bashes him in the face with her fist.

Afterward Kate turns, spitting on the ground. "I'm pretty sure this guy can kill all of you. You should probably consider fucking off." Her shoulders rise and fall heavily as she lifts her hand to run the back of it across her lips. Wesker gets a nod.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker simply allows the woman to take the guy down as Wesker has scared the piss out of them. some have pissed their pants as they begin to fleet and hewill allow the laser sight to turn off and he holsters his weapon and he stands looking at the woman as he asks, "Katherine Rebecca Kane?" and says. "We have business to discuss considering your mother's weapon's company. Untill you would rather me go through someone like Oswald Cobblepot." he says hinting she is the first choice.

Batwoman has posed:
"Cobblepot? The Penguin?" The expression Kate's face shifts between bemusement to a nose wrinkling distaste and finally she goes, "Seriously?" The woman's forehead is glistening with perspiration, though her breathign quickly slows as her pulse drops and her heartbeat comes to a more normal resting pace. Kate slowly shifts her weight from left to right. "Yes, I'm Katherine Kane. And she's my stepmother," the woman notes a bit archly before breathing a quiet sigh. "Alright. You just saved a bunch of lives a second ago," she continues in a wry tone as she looks after the fleeing gangmembers. "I'll at least hear you out."

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Good. Then let's talk someplace more private." and he slowly walks up to her and then pulls out what is clearly a Grapnel hook. This guy stealing batman's gimmick? and of course he fires the hook up to the top of the museum. Wesker of all things actually holds out his arm, he is giving her a choice to come willingly. Either way by choice or force he will take her up to the top of the Museum which has a suitcase on it.

The speed and force of the Grapnel was such force that it would have ripped the arm off of any normal human no matter how strong or powerful.

"My Name is Albert Wesker. Former head of the Colorado Umbrella research division in Raccoon City."

then Turning to Kate as he says, "You know of the place, Quarrintined, force field dome? SHield Helicarrier? Do you know why it's Quarrintined my dear?"

Batwoman has posed:
Kate considers for a second and then takes Wesker's offered arm, shaking her head. The sky rushes at her fat too quickly and she stares upward as her short red hair bullows against her neck and cheeks. Kate is already breathing heavily again when she finally hits solid 'ground' once more. She fights the urge to stumble, and feel ill. Slowly the redhead gives her head another hake.

"Raccoon City?" A blink follows as Kate nods slowly. "Only rumors, really. Shield helicarrier, force dome. talks about nukes. Some kind of outbreak, I guess? I can only guess based off of the ifnromation made available."

Albert Wesker has posed:
Slowly wesker places his hand on the breifcase and there is the light of a palm reader and it opens up as it lifts showing a computer. "Umbrella was researching a Virus they created in the Raccoon City Facility. The Virus got loose thanks to an attack. This is the result three days after infection. 90 percent of 650 thousand plus people succomed to the Virus, An estimated 7 percent died in the after math due to the victums, and a remaining 3 percent some estimated 19 thousand people fighting a day to day battle for their lives."

And As Kate watches on the screen she can see the human figures shambling peopled as a woman screams in terror as she is bitten. More of those people decend on her and then they litterally begin eating her alive. Other videos show people being shot through the chest legs and still crawling to US Army soldiers to over whelm them. to Devote them. Some use grenades to end their lives that be eaten, It's like Zombies.

"That is just a sample of what the Virus does. These is the more extreme levels of contamination." he says and soon creatures that look like skinned humans with exposed brains can be seen crawling on walls, and the ground a lance like tongue killing people. Bipedal from like creatures that slash and then kill people with decapitation. Frog like creatures that swallow people whole. Insects. Those 19thousand plus people are infected, Carries if you will. Trapped in the City unable to leave. They need weapons, I need a distraction if I am going to get into the umbrella complex and get the rest of what is needed to formulate a treatment for those people before the T-virus revives in their bodies and starts to mutate them."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate covers her mouth with her hand briefly and swallows, hard. She is, however, actually analyzing what is happening in front of her. She swallows and then takes a deep breath, shifting her weight slightly once again. Kate keeps perfect posture at all time, lightly flexing her knees just enough to keep from cutting off the blood flow t her legs.

"You want me to get you weapons for nineteen thousand people," Katherine starts rather slowly in as carefully neutral tone as she can manage. "In order to fight- that. Those things." S continues to watch the screen as some of the more vivid examples of what the things can do are displayed. Kate, to her credit, doesn't flinch. Instead she frowns, biting her bottom lip.

"You want in to make an antidote and keep this from spreading. Meanwhile, I distriubte guns to the people inside to keep them surviving that long. And you're intending to pay for these weapons...?" It's a serious question. Frank and sincere. "Can I see whe data you have on this virus? How it was developed. I am curious how much I can parse about it. If we can think of weapons to include that might be helpful." Kate licks her lips lightly. "Show me the virus so that I can get a measure of it and Iwshould be able to find you a dealer..."

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Not everyone needs weapons my dear. You may have the Computer it contains information on the various creatures. The Virus is not an issue. It has a very short life span. Three hours. I know I worked on it personally." and then he slowly takes off his sunglasses to allow her to see his red eyes with reptile like slits.

"They need some weapons to help clear a way to the SHIELD check points in the City field. I am sure that SHIELD helps them with weapons and supplies. Why else would they not have simply detonated several thermobarric devices inside the city. That and it would also destroy evidence they hope to expose Umbrella as the producer of Bio Organic weapons. My Ability to influance SHIELD is limited since Umbrella Implimented me as the culprate to SHIELD as a HYDRA AGENT. And I will admit that I did indeed Lure STARS into a trap to test the combat effectiveness of these BIO weapons. I have many goals in the City, but as for the people still there.

He comes closer and says, "I am still human enough to care and have sympathy my dear Katherine. Once I obtain my primary goal I will retrieve the needed items to complete a cure for the infected. I have my own way into the City SHIELD knows nothing about. So if you think I am simply doin this as a song and Dance, they why haven't I already gone. To cure those people I need the right peices in place."

"Your payment is in the briefcase, A five pound bare of 99,99 pure Platinum."

Batwoman has posed:
"Numbers," Kate replies shortly. She is eyeing the stamped bars of platinum with an arched red brow, shifting her weight forward slightly in a manner that betrays the depth of her surprise. She takes a slow breath and exhales in a measured way past her teeth before looking up again. "What are you trying to get, where do you need it, and what's the catch? You said weapons. What kind of weapons? How many?" Kat is brooding as she consdiers the implications for a long moment. "I am going to talk to some of my contacts in the military and some of the joint-SHIELD projects. If this lines up... Well. Maybe."

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Two or three dozeons weapons, preferibly semi automatic. The real issue is the round. They need rounds able to penetrate but anso devistate the human body from inside. While destroying the head is the most effective solution. If you destroy the chest and it's ability to support the body. Disposal is then as easy as walking up and putting a .22 rim fire through the brain is easy. They have been there for two years. SHIELD has been giving them most of what they need to survive." He explains.

"As for a time and Date that is rapidly approaching, I have two or three more peices to place on the board, I will contact you with an Email alerting you it is time. AS for Co-ordinates. Those will be provided as well as you will need this." and he produces a white Key Card, "There are several ways in and out of Raccoon City. They act as multiple Airlocks and there is a small train system. Which will bring the equipment right to an area where the Raccoon City highschool is, in a location they are known to scavange. It's being used as a safe haven by survivors. Simply load the weapons, and send it on it's way. I installed an autoguidance."

Batwoman has posed:
"And some of those things... Appear to be well-armoured, judging by the video footage." Frowning, Kate gives a slow nod, considering her options carefully. "Alright, I can do this. Battle rifles, variable firing modes, and a few crates of ammunition. A few shotguns. Grenades." There's a pause as Kate tilts her head slightly to the left and then taking a slow, deep breath. "But you need to tell me why. Why thirty rifles being snuck into a city that has to already be flush with guns. It sounds like you're outfitting some kind of team, to be honest. To extract the datayou're looking for?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
"I Already have a team to operate in Raccoon City. As for the ones that are well armored I already intend to hire Juggernaut to handle them. If information of Umbrella's Bio weapons programs become world knowledge, you are going to have sheer panic. There are several african nations that Umbrella is holding up by it's self. Umbrella goes down without being weakened first, and a safety net to take their place. You will have millions, paniked, Riots. And the risk that one of their many facilities could be holding lethal B.O.W.S. is contaminated and a nother outbreak occurs. Or a group like Hydra acquires their B.O.W.S. I already turned down one of HYDRA's offers to join their little group. I expressed my hatred of Nazi's quite... effectively."

Then slowly he starts to remove his sunglasses. Allowing his eyes to open and show her the red cat like eyes. "I will not tolerate another Raccoon City event."

Batwoman has posed:
"Interesting. Well, like I said... I am goingto check in with my contacts and if your story matches up I'll get you the weapons. Forward the details to me. Judgign by your arrival here today I imagine you can manage." Kate takes a deep breath as she turns and simply begins to walk away. "I have no idea what you are but if this is half as bad as it looks... It doesn't really matter. No one wwants to see something like this happen again." The ex-marine stalks away, her dress trailing as she goes. She steps over the fallen without even slowing down on ehr way toward her car.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker smiles as he watches her and he says. "Thank you." and he will come over to her once more taking her by the waist to yse the grappnel to lower her to the street level.