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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/28 |Location=Burger Joint - Salem Center |Synopsis=Firestar stops for a quick burger and ends up foiling a robbery with Copycat. Life is never dull. |Cast of Characters=1014, 8143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Making her way into the bruger joint, Angelica is already running self loathing through her head. This will require serious workout time to get out of her system, but she's hung...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:29, 7 May 2023

It was supposed to be just a burger
Date of Scene: 28 April 2023
Location: Burger Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: Firestar stops for a quick burger and ends up foiling a robbery with Copycat. Life is never dull.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Copycat

Firestar has posed:
Making her way into the bruger joint, Angelica is already running self loathing through her head. This will require serious workout time to get out of her system, but she's hungry and it is quick. Not the best combination, but here we are.

She moves towards the counter to see what is on the menu. There are a few before her, so she has a minute to think better of her decisions, but it doesn't look hopeful.
Copycat has posed:
Is also here but it seems she's not well herself Right now she looks like a punky teen girl that's very very pale . She reconizes the other girl but she dosn't say anything at least not at the start.. Shes' kinda hating on herself as well and trying to avoid people spotting her scarf down fast food burgers.
Firestar has posed:
She finally gets her chance to order and steps over to the side to wait on her order. Two less than friendly sorts are behind her and step up, giving the back of her head a nasty look. If she notices she doesn't indicateit.

Instead, they step up to talk to the cashier. Angelica leans against the wall and waits for her turn. The two mutter something to the cashier and she pales. Angelica looks over the restaurant and notes Vanessa, but she only nods as the two of them at the counter are getting...twitchy.
Copycat has posed:
Look over and spots things getting twitchy and sighs.. She's shifting as she's eating maybe she's eating a little fast cause she knows soemthing maybe not.. She was gonna just leave sensing what's going on but nwo that firestar is here she feels she can't leave.. mostly because somebody with powers is online she can't leave.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica takes the food that is slid to her on the counter. She nods to the kitchen staffer. He moves to go back to the kitchen and she turns to move to a table a few over from Vanessa. No sense drawing attention to the both of them. She meets her gaze and nods fractionally before taking a seat.

At the counter the two get fidgety and one finally shouts,"This is a hold up." The other turns to face the tables. They both have small calibre guns, but guns are guns and bullets don't feel good at any size. Angelica's face and body language both exhibit a sigh even if her breath doesn't,"Just wanted to eat." she mutters.
Copycat has posed:
her head Hits the table and she sighs she's already shifting .. changing back to well normal I guess from pale pale goth girl to blue skin white haired mutant girl with red eye's .. She looks up at firestar and smiles with a do we really have to do this look on her face.. Even as she starts to access firestars powers
Firestar has posed:
Not really aware of what Vanessa is doing, Angelica looks at the gun in the hand of the one facing them. This sort of thing gets tired fast. She focuses the energy, very closely as she is aware of what it does on more than one level.

The cash register opens and the first robber hops over to clear it out. Nobody is between them and the second one who is looking like he might want to come get money from others so she waits. Sure enough he starts towards Vanessa and those nearest her.
Copycat has posed:
For her part she's thinking fast maybe too fast maybe not she's not that good yet but she shifts again and the guy walk over only to blink stunned becuase he's staring at himself complete with outfit and everything and he cocks his head at least before she grabs the end of his gun.. and suddenly He yelps letting it go for her to yank it and throw it to the side using her ability to confuse him.. then using firestars power to super heat the gun and yank it when he let go!
Firestar has posed:
Her power is something she knows better than anyone, the sounds it can make or the reactions. She looks a little shocked when she hears his reaction. No time right now. She focuses her power in a tight beam that slags the man's gun through the waist band of his pants. That's going to leave a mark.

He screams, drops the money, falls on the floor, and tries to get out of his pants as fast as possible. That's going to be fun to explain too. She whips around to see what Vanessa is doing and the alarm goes off, the police being summoned,"Let's go." she calls once her assailant is dealt with.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Lances a Punch into the guy before she nods and follows along.. It will take a few moments before she starts to shift back to her normal form from having taken on the robbers look as she looks to firestar " you okay? " She asks as they run along before she stops in a park to sit on a bench and catch her breath "That sucked I wanted to finish my burger " .
Firestar has posed:
She runs with you, tempting to just take off for the skies, getting way out there. Instead she just runs. Once they come to a stop, she shakes her head and takes time to breathe. She isn't terribly winded, rather controlling her breathing and getting it back to normal.

"Yes. I was wanting a bruger too." she agrees with a sigh,"No rest for the wicked." Shaking her head she says softly,"My power. I know you are able to mimic, but my power isn't fire. It's radiation. Be extremely careful. It has had bad effects on me in the long term."

She doesn't sound mad, rather she sounds concerned. Her power is its own curse.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Looks over and blinks " Oh yeah I know " she sighs and looks down " One effect of my powers " as she's back to normal now she lifts her hand and you watch her finger extend and shift into a claw that she cuts her arm.. in moments that cut seems to seal and stop bleeding.. She's no where as fast as wolverine it's still clear she's got a healing factor.. " I should be ok I think ".
Firestar has posed:
"Is there anybody besides me that can't do that?" she says exasperated. There is a laugh finally and she pauese to think,"So you could be exposed to me and would still heal up, no threat of getting sick? I mean if that's the case you might have a new best friend." She winks playfully finally and so she is mostly teasing though she does seem a little more at ease than in the past.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Thinks for a moment " I survived my ex boyfriend I think your radition is a level 3 compared to his 10.. your good " she beams " having copied your powers I know my healing can fix it so yeah were ok, I could use a best friend " She beams

She motions " Havn't been hitting it out of the park since I turned blue " She motions to herself " Least copying your power is easier on me than when I copy jean" .
Firestar has posed:
"Your ex makes mine look that weak? Your ex must be in really bad shape or really fast on the heal too." she muses,"I could use a best friend too." she admits,"Lots of friends, but you know the drill in our lives."

She smiles a sad smile and adds,"Yeah. Hard to keep friends when they know what you can do. Family too for that matter." The mention of Jean's power being harder makes her cringe a little,"I always heard Jean was a powerhouse on another level, but it sounds like there might be fact to the rumor."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs " funny you should talk about that " She sighs " He turned into a super .. well I dunno not a hero but he took on a name and everything " She sighs " he thought I died.. acutally I'm pretty sure she still thinks I'm dead " . She looks to firestare " it's more the voices I grab her telepath power and suddenly it's hard not to hear what everybody is thinking it's nuts.. even I wonder how she stays so nice.. "

She lifts up a hand " Deal if your okay with a former hooker as a friend I don't mind getting a little radiation "
Firestar has posed:
Listening to the story of the two is almost heart breaking. It is a little sad,"Easier for him to think you are still dead? That sounds pretty rough. Sorry." She does seem a little confused, but sad to,"I don't have the best track record with dating really."

The idea of all the voices makes her shudder, visibly,"That does sound horrible. I know she is discipled on many levels and she works hard to control everything about her power. One thing she and I have in common."

The offered hand is taken and Angelica shakes,"I think we have a deal." she teases lightly,"Just bear with me if I get going on tangents about radiation and such things. I can be a bit of an annoying science nerd."
Copycat has posed:
:Laughs " not a science nerd myself " She grins " I don't mind it though " she grins "yeah it's terrible like you one aspect of my powers I wish i could turn off.. I start to copy the moment I get close " She sighs " I wish I didn't , though becoming gender fluid was kinda fun " She laughs

She thinks " Hows this I know a burger shack you just line up get your burger and go.. why don't we go grab a burger and fly somewhere and hopfully eat in peacE? "
Firestar has posed:
"Be careful. It might wear off on you too. Especially if you can remember everything I do." she suggests,"It's funny how many people wish they could turn off their powers. I understand it only too well." she admits.

The suggestion of the burger shack gets a nod, though she does laugh a little at the gender fluid thing,"That would be a bit weird I think." she admits,"You're not afraid of heights are you? It is a different world up there, but I like how you're thinking."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Smirks" Come on the first kid I copied who could fly I spent HOURS up int he sky.. thankfully I was low when the power wore off, but I still loved it " She beams as she brushes her legs .. She shifts slowly into her human version of herself no change, just her blue skin going normal pink.. and her hair and eyes going back to normal.. She then starts to take off " Come on " she beams, leading Firestar towards the little burger shack she knows

Of course, it's near where a lot of girls are clearly hooking and it's not in a safe neighborhood, but two girls are coming in looking on fire tends to make most unsavory types run away.
Firestar has posed:
She smirks at the mention of her first flight and winces at the idea of the power just shutting off,"That's terrifying. I can't imagine what it is like to be flying one moment and not able the next."

A shake of her head as Vanessa takes off and so she follows. Noting the neighborhood she shakes her head and mutters,"I swear. You get us shot at we're going to have a serious talk." she mostly teases.