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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/21 |Location=Dining Hall, Avengers Mansion |Synopsis=Jessica is eating her feelings while Jennifer catches Jess up on recent events. |Cast of Characters=1028, 108 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1028|Jessica Drew (1028)}} has posed:'''<br>Jessica Drew probably still does have a room in the Avenger's Mansion, though she hasn't often used it except immediately after missions if she can't drag herself out to her place in Greenwic...")
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Latest revision as of 13:55, 25 May 2023

Hang Out At The Mansion
Date of Scene: 21 May 2023
Location: Dining Hall, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Jessica is eating her feelings while Jennifer catches Jess up on recent events.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), She-Hulk

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew probably still does have a room in the Avenger's Mansion, though she hasn't often used it except immediately after missions if she can't drag herself out to her place in Greenwich. So it might be open to debate whether the unicorn pajama pants and blue-and-orange elephant slippers she's wearing are something she pulled out of her closet here, or whether she rode the subway from Greenwich wearing them. The t-shirt she's chosen to accompany them says 'Mr. Grumpy' with a picture of a blue-square grumpy figure, so maybe that's a clue as to her mood and willingness to care not at all what anyone else thinks of her fashion choices today.

It also might explain why she's piling a bowl full of Marshmallow Fruity Pebbles to the top and splashing enough milk in that it's threatening to spill over, waving away the catering staff who seem a little anxious about this endeavor.

The Avenger has been gone from the mansion for two years, on some long term undercover mission, with the occasional appearance from an LMD to stand in for Spider-Woman. Everything seems to be mostly where it was when she was left though -- some internal remodeling aside -- and Jessica makes herself at home by slumping onto a seat near the window, drawing her slippered feet up onto the edge of the seat as she crunches her way through the bowl.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Was here as well it seems. Right now, it seems she is walking out of the shower, having had a nice one after a good workout.. she's got a towel around her neck and is basically wearing a bikini, having decided to go for a dip in the pool after her shower. She Blinks when he spots the grumpy pants walking past with a bowl of feelings.

She looks down and debates getting more clothes, but she shrugs, looking over " Hey, drew everything ok? " She asks. The Jade giantess walks closer on bare feet, which helps to keep her from making the floor shudder. She leans over and peers down at the other girl on the couch.
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's gotten used to weird things happening in her time both as a Hydra agent, a SHIELD agent, and an Avenger. A barely clothed post-workout She-Hulk is about par for the course. She looks, of course -- because how can one not, Jennifer is a /sight/ -- but there's barely any other reaction from her at the looming giantess.

"Sure. Everything's great. Had a fun vacation of two years with Hydra, and my head's totally not fucked up, and I'm totally not waking up in the middle of the night in a panic thinking I forgot to put in my daily report because the last guy who did was fed into one of those paper shredders while everyone watched to remind us of the importance of paperwork. It's just nerves, being back here, I'm sure."

That's a ramble-and-a-half, an obvious brain dump from the woman as she narrow-eyes at Jennifer, crunching some of those marshmellow pebbles like they've done something to personally offend her. "God," she mumbles through a mouthful of food. "Making food that tastes this good that's so bad for you should be against the law."
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Hmmms and nods before she puts a hand on the back of the couch and a slight hop and boom.. She lands into the couch. Yes, she makes it jump, maybe the girl on it too! But thankfully, it's thor-rated, so it can take her flumping onto it.

She looks over, " It's not. I checked.. trust me, my hips hate me, but it's not illegal ". She sighs " That and the new liquid nitrogen ice cream shop that opened up near my practice that has super theme ice cream should be illegal, but nope .. "

she looks over " So what are we watching? "
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The furniture might survive the landing from She-Hulk, but sadly Jessica's food does not. The jolt causes some of the milk to slosh over the edge of her bowl, spilling out over her unicorn pajama pants and some into the furniture itself.

Jessica sighs, and futilely tries to blot some of the milk off her pants. The sigh though could be as much for the spill as it is for the knowledge that there's a new ice cream shop on the block, so to speak. "I didn't need to know that," she says, a sentiment defied by the too-casual question that follows, "Where did you say your practice was again?"

Watching? That question gets a blank look for a moment as she glances at the window. "Uh. Nothing, really. Just... people. Life?" Normality, but she would never say that aloud. Normal people doing normal things is still a weirdness to her.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Smiles " That sounds like a good idea " She blinks " Ah, sorry about that. I forgot I was green " She looks apologetic and tries to help, but not much can be done, to be honest! She looks back " New York, actually. Close to the bridge to hell's kitchen, " She chuckles, " it's your normal law firm name, Paine & Luckberg, LLP. I'm in charge of superhuman law there ".

She thinks " After being undercover for so long, I can understand your need to people watch. Did you wanna watch a movie? " She asks, " Catchup on stuff you might have missed? Maybe talk " asking the real question she was trying to bring up slowly.
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Thankfully, there's still sufficient milk that Jessica can continue to crunch her way through the rest of the contents of the bowl, waving off the apology. She's more focused on her food, at least until Jennifer mentions her work. "Superhuman law?" she echoes, with a frown. "Sounds... dangerous."

The offers of distraction are met with a shake of head and more crunching of breakfast cereal from Jennifer, at least until that middle offer. She definitely doesn't want to /talk/. "Tell me what's been going on?" Jessica asks. She's non specific, but one could infer she means with the Avengers. But then again maybe she means more generally. Hard to say; her reserve is some part typical spy but a lot of it reinforced habit of minimal exposure. "Doesn't look like this place has been blown up lately." Jess counts that as a good thing. Maybe?
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Hmmms and thinks, " Well, there have been a few changes. Lemme think, " Donald Blythe is the current president, and there was an invasion that led to the creation of another team ". She taps her chin as if thinking about things

She rubs those long green locks before she ahhs " Oh, superman got another member of his family thiers another female super person now. Her name is Power Girl, and apparently, a young male Kryptonian names Superboy! I had to make a whole new set of laws cause they aliens ".
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica crunches loudly as Jennifer tries to sum up the last two years. A new president doesn't really interest her. She doesn't even bother to vote. But its the other things the green-skinned woman says that stills her eating. "An invasion?" she echoes. "What team?" She's woefully out of the loop. Hydra doesn't allow outside influence, so even anything making it to the news is a mystery to her.

Alien superheroes. Yes. It does make her frown a little, not so much any kind of disapproval but it seems to be her resting thinking face. "I wonder why they congregate here. Of all the worlds they could choose," she muses aloud. "Maybe you could ask them, some time?"
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Thinks, " Oh well, superman is from the USA. He's said it many times. The rest followed him, I assume, " She thinks. "They formed a group called the justice league. You would know one member, that Batman fellow that calls Gotham home and, of course, wonder woman " .

She shrugs " They are like the Avengers. It's a group of heroes that came together for an event and found out they work well together, so keep it up"

She sighs " As for why earth, I can answer that you won't like the answer though, and I think given you just got out of hydra best to answer that question when your feeling better ".
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"So this Justice League is like the Avengers?" Jessica asks. Maybe she wants to scope out the superhero competition, so to speak. Chances are good she just likes knowing who's who in the zoo. Standard M.O. for any operational spy. She finishes the last of the cereal and slurps down the rest of the milk with a sigh that might bode satisfaction.

It can't be a surprise that being denied the answer only makes the spy even more interested in the answer. Jessica tilts her head and pins Jennifer with a look. She doesn't bother denying she's not in a great headspace. Her t-shirt says it all. "Tell me," she demands.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Pats jessicas leg softly " I will, " she says softly " No lie.. I can tell you've had enough of those, but when you're better, okay " . She switches to a better statement "Kinda yeah, the response to global threats and the like. They are basically like us but without Tony and the rest of us awesome, I mean, both groups have a god, so I think we are pretty even there ".

She thinks " I don't have that much news cause I've been doing the law stuff mostly so I'm not up on everything but I'm working on it " She grins
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
That kindly pat of her leg gets Jennifer a scowl from Jessica. It /might/ even be intimidating if Jennifer weren't, you know, a giant green woman much, much more intimidating than her! "I'll hold you to that, Jennifer Walters," she growls, almost like it's more a threat than a promise. She's definitely in a worse mood than before. Hard to know if it'd be a worse mood than knowing whatever Jennifer withholds from her, though.

Jessica grunts a little at the mention of Tony. "I should see if I can catch him when he's not in work focus mode. My suit's at least two years out of date." In technology terms that's practically medieval. Lifting the bowl of cereal, she sighs, and lowers it, then stands. "I kind of want to punch something so I'm going to go away now. Thanks for the update." She dumps her bowl with the dirty dishes and pads off in her fluffy slippers.