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(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:07, 25 May 2023

Girl's Night Pool Side
Date of Scene: 20 May 2023
Location: Swimming pool
Synopsis: 15108
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Polaris

Firestar has posed:
Angelica is still working on the social side of things, but better than she usually is of late. Still, as it comes to pool side, she has a black one piece with a long shirt over it even at the later hour.

She has her feet in the water right now, just enjoying the cooling evening. There is a phone over on a lounge chair, but she is adamantly not paying it any attention as she reads a book at the dimming light.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna is much more casual... about a lot of things. The pale woman -strides- out into the pool area almost regally, long green hair flowing freely behind. She's wearing a green two-piece that matches her hair, riding high over the hips with a top that is barely sufficient to provide support. A towel drapes over one shoulder, and her gaze sweeps the pool deck.

Lorna settles close to Angelica, spreading her towel over a lounger before reclining. "Most people think it's not possible to get a moon-tan, but those of us who can absorb solar energy know better." she offers.
Firestar has posed:
The new arrival draws her attention and she considers for a moment. She smiles a little bit and replies,"I get enough heat on my own, so the night sky can be more appealing." She smiles a little, watching the other woman settle down nearby.

Once the other is settled Angelica looks back over the water and sighs softly,"Plus, it's a lot quiter in the evening. A few people is one thing, when half the school is out here." She feigns a shudder,"Plus, there are still a lot of young male students prowling around that need to wipe their chins."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna chuckles softly at that. "I definitely know what you mean. I'm the green-haired woman whose dad is the 'bad guy' and you're the red haired fireball. Boys find both incredibly 'hot' for some reason."

Lorna reaches over then, offering a slender, graceful hand. "I'm Lorna, but you can call me Polaris if you wish. I'd just rather you didn't call me Princess." Princess of Genosha, of course.
Firestar has posed:
A soft chuckle in spite of herself, Angelica turns a little towards Polaris to talk easier,"I think you might be right. Did you ever this the idea of being 'hot' would be such a pain?"

When the hand is offered she takes it and shakes,"Angelica. Angel to some, Firestar to the world at large. You can call me by any, I tend to answer to them all." She shakes her head a little and assures her,"Not calling you Princess. Got it. It's good to make your accquaintance. I have seen you a few times on television."
Polaris has posed:
"And I've seen you a few times as well. Saving the day, mostly." Lorna replies, with a green-lipped smile. "And around here, of course. You're one of the teachers, aren't you?"

Lorna rolls onto her side, lounging not unlike a princess, in spite of her denial. "I'm something of an ad hoc X-Man, unless you believe the rumors that I'm really a double-agent working in secret to subvert them."
Firestar has posed:
"I've had my share of car wreck moments that the Canadian media has been kinda enough to look the other way." she admits with a grimace, manages to return a little bit of a smile. A nod and she adds,"Yes. I recently came back to New York to go to NYU and the Physics teacher job just opened. My situtation makes he among the biggest experts on radiation and physics. Not we see if I can teach worth anything."

She watches Lorna get settled a little more and lets her feet move in the water a little bit, water higher on her legs,"I don't keep much with rumors. They tend to over play a situation. Belive half of what you see and none of what you hear I figure. As for the double agent thing.." she shrugs,"..I was with the Helllfire Club when I was younger so I have my own stigma, maybe not as glaring as yours can be, but I hear you."
Polaris has posed:
"Well you and I sort of -do- have first-hand knowledge of certain principles." Lorna replies. Her top foot glides up along the lower calf, drawing attention to the green nail polish. "Ignoring rumors is easy to say, of course. But my actions speak louder than words. I prefer to keep it at that."

Brows lift, then. "You were with the Hellfire Club? My dad spent some time with them, although I'm not sure if he's an active member anymore."
Firestar has posed:
"Life brought us to where we are for sure." she agrees,"As for the rumors, from what I have seen you are as good as your word around here." She smirks a little,"I guess if you are a double agent you're good at what you do." she teases lightly, clearly not buying into the idea.

"I guess to be more accurate I was one of Emma's Hellions. Not technically a member of the Hellfire Club itself. Basically Emma arrived just before Professor Xavier and so my dad decided to ship me off with her so he didn't have to deal with what was going on as my mutation started to exhibit itself."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna chuckles softly at that. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." she replies. Watching Angelica's face, her own expression softens a little when family is brought up. "I've never understood why humans fear us so much. Why they insist that we hide our gifts."

Of course Lorna was raised quite differently. "All of the division, the subversion, they're just different ways to deal with it. We are the minority, and yet they are the ones who feel threatened. The groups, the underground organizations, the separated kingdoms, they are for our own safety in the end."
Firestar has posed:
"In honesty. I think overall, not all the time, one person can deal with it and my father was the exception to the rule." she suggest,"Tommy Lee Jones said it best in the original Men in Black movie. A person is smart. People are panicky animals. One can usually be reached. A multitude presents too many opportunities for the dumb to escape. It's been seen in history many times over, the Holocaust being one huge example."

She thinks over the rest and nods,"Sadly, you're right. The world will keep dividing itself until there are so many separations only weakens the world as a whole. That said, you aren't wrong. To survive we're going to have to remain this way for a good while."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna nods slowly to that. "Unfortunately we mostly see humans in masses, and at their worst." she replies. "So unless we want to promote conflict... to encourage riots and violence... we need to keep ourselves separate."

The green-haired woman sits up, then, swinging her legs around. "I've never been afraid of conflict, and I was taught not to run from it. How's the water?"
Firestar has posed:
"Unfortunately." she agrees softly. A few second pass of some sort of mental recall that she doesn't comment on. Instead she manages to snap back to the here and now,"The fun part is when the riots and violence are attributed to us when we're fully innocent."

Subject change, a relief. She smiles a little and replies,"It's a little cooler than some might like, but I like it. It helps quicken the blood and focus my thoughts when I let them wander too far."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna rises smoothly, stepping close enough to dip her foot into the water. She sits on the edge next to Angelica, then, letting both feet dangle in the water as she leans back on her hands. "Yes, I'd imagine that it does." she replies. "Your thoughts wander...?" It's a deliberately open-ended question, of course. "I sometimes get distracted as well. I can see the full magnetic spectrum, so I sometimes have to focus to pull everything in."
Firestar has posed:
A soft laugh and Angelica's awkward self seems to be settling as she talks easier each time,"Oh yes. They wander everywhere." she admits,"Will I do well at NYU. Will I be able to teach a class full of hormonal male teenagers and keep my classroom in control." she tells her with a shrug.

"Then, of course, the big problem in life. Everyone in the world at large thinks my powers are just fire based. Unfortunately, my ability is more in line with a nuclear fall out than a fire. If you want fire see John Storm." She manages to smile a little depite all that,"So despite help from Alpha Flight and Spider-Man, I usually spend my time paranoid I might make anyone sick with too much long term exposure." She smirks a little and adds,"We're OK right now, just saying long, long term. Long term exposure to my power did a number on my before I was able to get a handle on it with help."
Polaris has posed:
"My powers are more than just magnetic, as well." Lorna replies. "I'm tapped into the Earth's magnetic field, which means I can lift and move objects that aren't even metal." She smiles and shrugs a little, then. "Of course metals are easier, and ferrous metals are the easiest." She considers for a moment. "I can use magnetic fields to protect from physical harm, but I don't think I'm not sure about radiation."

Lorna's feet swish slowly in the water, making soft splashing sounds. "Control is the most important thing with any power. That was the first thing my dad taught me." The moon is slowly rising while they talk, mostly about powers and childhood and their respective upbringings. But neither is in any hurry to call it a night.