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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/18 |Location=Angelica's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School |Synopsis=Girls night in, eating things bad for them and chatting. |Cast of Characters=1014, 8143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Angelica is better prepared this time. She has a large, extra cheese pizza on deep dish crust, two cold sodas, dark chocolate with almonds, and ice cream promised in the kitchen freezer. <br><br> She...")
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Latest revision as of 14:12, 25 May 2023

Bestie hang out
Date of Scene: 18 May 2023
Location: Angelica's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Girls night in, eating things bad for them and chatting.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Copycat

Firestar has posed:
Angelica is better prepared this time. She has a large, extra cheese pizza on deep dish crust, two cold sodas, dark chocolate with almonds, and ice cream promised in the kitchen freezer.

She has a few books laid out for studying later. College will be here soon. She left the door unlocked and told Vanessa to come in whenever she got there. No need to knock anymore.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Peeks in and beams " Hi I brought booze and cookies " She says holding up a bag of cookies and well a box of beer as she beams . She walks into the place " how are you hun? " she ask sbrightly as she walks in
Firestar has posed:
She looks up at the arrival of Vanessa and smiles,"It's a party now." she teases softly. She pats the bed near where she is sitting,"Take a load off." she tells her and opens the box of nightmares for those of you that don't have the magic metabolism.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Beams brightly and sits down she has one of those she can make herself look like she wants.. so she can eat what she wants metabolism. so she just beams and nods " oohhh pizza.. grease is the best condiment "
Firestar has posed:
A laugh and Angelica nods,"I heard this was the best in the area." she explains,"I have been away for a while and wasn't sure what your stance on meat was. I figure if you don't eat cheese, well I can't help you."

She takes a piece of the pizza as well. A bite of the food gets a soft sigh. After she gets it swallowed she looks at Vanessa,"This is going to take a lot of cardio to burn off."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs " Is that a callenge " she teases a bit before she grabs her own slice of heaven and puts it on a plate to enjoy " I enjoy food.. I grew up on the street , means you learn really quick not to be picky about flavor or even if the food is still good " .
Firestar has posed:
"Are you willing to accept it?" she teases back lightly and takes another bite of the pizza. She listens to Vanessa for a long time and admits,"I wish I had known you sooner. Taken you to Canada with me or at least been able to introduce you to my grandmother when you were younger. Nobody went hungry when grandma was on the case."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat smiles softly " I wish I did have a nice grandma and a nice family " She looks to firestar for a moment and thinks " But I didn't and that's okay .. I'm glad you did makes me warm to know that not everybody's life ends up like shit.. that's kinda why I came to the school you know to make sure it dosn't hapen to a few kids "
Firestar has posed:
Angelica looks at her for a long moment and she leans over and rests her forehead against Vanessa's,"You have family now. You get that right?" Sure she just ate pizza and probably has garlic cheese breath, but she's more or less claimed Vanessa as part of her circle,"Whether you want me or not."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Grins and kisses Angelica's nose " Carful I'm like fungus it's very hard to scrub me off " she winks as she takes another btie she also has the whole pizza breatht thing going on.. but she dosn't mind the cuddles she kinda likes it
Firestar has posed:
"I'll take my chances." Angelica replies and eases back enough to eat her pizza, but doesn't go too far,"Besides, nothing sticks to me too long before it burns off." she tease. She shoves several pillows against the wall and turns on the bed to settle against them and pats the bed next to her.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Flops in a way that her head is on your stomach and she's against you as she smiles as she lays there and smiles ' I've been having fun at this school I want to help more.. should I go talk to scott I'm told he's the guy in charge of the teams and stuff "
Firestar has posed:
"This is a good place. Sometimes I wish I'd been here since I foundmy powers. That said, there are a great many things I wouldn't know if I had. Absently her free hand starts to stroke Vanessa hair gently,"Scott is in charge of the teams yes." she agrees,"Jean runs the school."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Nods and thinks " Yeah it's what I figured out ok " she thinks " I know professor is the real boss , I havn't talked to him but I saw him moving around and stuff ". She chuckles " I kinda wish I'd been here too I wouldn't be blue " She chuckle s
Firestar has posed:
"I have met Professor Xavier a few times." she admits,"I haven't talked to him since I moved into the house, but he's a busy man for sure." She teases Vanessa's hair with her nails and reaches for a piece of pizza with her free hand, careful not to drip on her.

After a bite of pizza she laughs softly,"I kinda like the blue though." she admits,"It was a little strange to look at you and see me, but it was interesting." She pauses and looks at her for a long moment and adds,"So, I might have a gig with some of the younger flyers. You want to join me in teaching them a little and maybe confusing them some too?"
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs " Oh did you want me to joina s you? " She asks softly as she smirks she enjoys having you in her rather silky hair.. as she looks over her shoulder at you . She is enjoying her own za, mostly enjoying diffrent dipps for her food as they chat , " I'm told the white hair.. the blue skin and red eye's is beccause I suprressed my powers for too long "
Firestar has posed:
"I think you and I could maybe teach them more than how to fly. Maybe how to not let surprises get to them or maybe you can clone my powers and form again and let them try to catch the original." she suggests.

She looks at her hair and admits,"The white hair is actually very pretty. I like the rest of it too, but especially the hair."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Looks up and beams a big smile " I'm a sucker for a redhead " she teases as she leans over and kisses your stomach softly and nuzzles softly . She sits up a little as she lays on your stomach and moves over for a soft kiss
Firestar has posed:
"People say that. Then they get on one's bad side and we're all crazy." she comments with a smirk back. The movements are watched curiously and when she moves in for a soft kiss, Angelica smiles and leans forward enough to meet it. A soft, gentle inhale through her nose helps to keep her from catching her breath.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs ' I'm pretty nuts myself then again the man I was in love with .. Is pretty crazy " She sighs " But he's better off without me .. I need to get a handle on my powers this is a a good place.. And it has fantastic company "
Firestar has posed:
"Maybe that's why we gel so well. There's nothing better than the same kind of crazy." she quips and mmms softly as she exhales and leans against the wall again,"I think maybe there is one out there that is better off without me as well." she admits. Her index finger lightly boops the end of Vanessa's nose,"Usually think it the most when I am with you. I don't know what I am going to do with you."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat thinks as she slides over so she's agaisnt Firestar and thinks " Just enjoy your time with me, lets feel it out see where it goes.. not pressure on either of us " She Grins "If you want more let me know and vice versa .. No pressure I think were botht he same kinda wounded and crazy.. so lets just take the time to be that "
Firestar has posed:
"That is the best advice I've heard in a while." she admits and pushes a little bit of her own hair away from her face,"One step at a time. Crazy and wounded. The most dangerous of animals." she teases lightly,"I like the way you are thinking though. This is pretty new to me really. Even having someone this close that can heal up from too much exposure to me."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs ' I checked myself too you know after to make sure " She beams " I'm okay " She says " No raditation effects all that my natural healing factor is enough " She smiles " Though in a pinch I can borrow logans "
Firestar has posed:
A soft sigh escapes her and Angelica looks relieved,"I am glad to hear that for so many reasons." she admits,"It is hard to adjust to the idea of someone not being a risk. It probably adds to the want to have you around, knowing I can be close and not hurt you."