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Latest revision as of 15:50, 24 October 2017

Protectors of Metropolis
Date of Scene: 14 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Gravitas

Superwoman has posed:
    Its another beautiful day in Metropolis, one where the sun is shining and the skies are clear. Which is why its a terrible day for crime- particularly in New Troy. And such a crime is ruining everyone's nice day now- a group of men dressed in strange combat armor, carrying rifle style weapons have just made a big hit on a local museum. Five men, all ready to fight. All ready to hurt others.... and they're hitting a local museum, filled with jewels from the ages.

Gravitas has posed:
    A girl wearing a blue 'Man of Tomorrow' hoodie and sweatpants, her honey-brown curls slicked back to keep them from her face. A mask tied over her wide blueeyes. Victoria is approaching the bank now with wide eyes, her full lips pursed into a faint frown. The clothes are baggy enough to hide the diminutive teenager's figure but she manages to carry herself well nonetheless. Just a little bit of slouching. Without the costume it's likely no one would look. She travels by air, zipping forward at a speed a decent clip and disturbingthe nearby birds. Tori stares at the men and their power armor, soem twenty feet avbove the ground. "Um... Wow. Okay! You can do this, Tori. Let's go!" She looks about to decide how best to approach the situation. Hesitation.

Superwoman has posed:
    Another woman flies in the sky- a woman dressed in Black, silver, and white. Her uniform is formfitting, as is often the case with the heroic fashion. A snow-white cape billows behind her as she appears above the chaos, mostly black uniform accented with silver. A shield covers her chest- not unlike that of Superman's, although the glyph within is very different. In white, that symbol shines, bordered in silver. For the moment, Faora Hu-Ul does nothing to crash down into the chaos- watching.

    The five men below have completed their initial attack, three of them have sacks filled with loot, the other two watching the sky and road as they move towards a heavily armored truck. "Move! Lets Move! We don't have time to wait!"

Gravitas has posed:
    Tori stops to stare at Faora as the woman is streaking past her, studying the woman in her form-fitting garb. She glances down at herself in large clothes that hide her fairly superheroic figure entirely. Then she tilts her head, studying the symbol on he woman's chest. The girl notes the sacks full of loot, then the armored truck. She bobs in the air. Then the front of the truck lifts up from the ground. Bags of loot are sliding backward out of the vehicle as it tips, the front two wheels now hanging in midair. Other than the blue wearing girl nearby who is staring a hole into it it is probably unclear what might be causing thisbehavior in the vehicle. Tori bites down hard on her bottom lip.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora shoots down, landing among the men as their weapons rise and their truck is disabled. They fire those energy weapons, and they strike against the mighty Superwoman's body to almost no effect. She marches forward, and unlike the boy in blue who's brand Victoria is wearing she moves with an almost impossible grace. She kicks, punches, jumps- acrobatic and flexible. Its like watching a kung-fu movie with how she floats in the air, and moves with such impossible grace.

    In short order, those five men are on the ground groaning in pain. They're not dead- but they don't look like they're in the best condition. No major injuries, though. Superwoman stands, as people point and gape- "Look!" they all say, pictures are being taken, phones are out. Videos being taken. The wind blows past, her cape billowing in the wind as she looks over towards Tori. And then? Up, up, and away! The strange woman flies off into the sky and towards a particularly tall building not far away. Sharp eyes might catch her landing on top.

Gravitas has posed:
    Tori has a goofy look on her face. She blankly stares at the commotion as Faora dismantles five men in such short order. It isn't that she succeeds- obvious Kryptonian is incredibly obvious- but the way she moves. Tori has watched Supergirl and Superman both; neither able to do anything like this.

Victoria finally lowers the truck back to the ground once the conflcit is over, her gaze tracking Superwoman to the nearby building. She bites her bottom lip, crosses her arms over the front of her hoodie in a way that obscures the Superman logo she is wearing on her clothes. Then the girl shoots after Faora, leaving a ripple in the air where gravity fields distort the movement of the gasses around her. Soon she's up at the toop of that high building, blinking at Faora.

    "That was amazing," the girl enthuses quietly. "I mean, it was just a couple thugs, but... Wow." Earnest, unrestrained friendliness in a quiet voice befitting of Tori's age.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora watches as Victoria follows behind her, curious as she approaches. She's quiet as the young woman joins her, just watching with those fierce blue eyes. She remains silent as the girl enthuses over how she took care of the thugs on the ground. "It was an unfortunate requirement given the situation. Those men set the terms of our meeting when they carried those weapons." she replies, finally. "I had to disarm them, and keep them from causing harm to the populous. I'm not sure that it was particularly amazing. Thank you, though."

Gravitas has posed:
    "I meant the way you moved. Not them. Even if it was just training that would be incredible." Victoria senses no danger here, floating close r by degrees. Unusually given her skin tone Tori's eyes are also blue, albeit a paler shade, and she watches with a wide-eyed solemnity that intimates careful consideration and care. "Not the fact people had to be hurt." She tilts her head then, considerign this for a moment. "People usually call me Gravitas now," she notes quietly. "I was, um. Mostly watching you take care of things, really. You're very fast."

Superwoman has posed:
    "The way I move?" Superwoman asks, eyebrows raised ever so slightly. "I move like a warrior." she relates, "That is how you should move in a combat situation. Tactically, intelligently." She says then, "I assume you mean compared to Superman." She then says, with a wry smile. "He's more of a brawler than I am. More into throwing his weight around than precision. I prefer precision and speed. The faster the situation is resolved, the faster honest people can go on with their lives without worry of being hurt."

    "People have begun to call me Superwoman." The statuesque Kryptonian woman replies. "Its the mantle I have taken up willingly."

Gravitas has posed:
    "I don't move anything like that in a ight yet," Tori admits, shaking her head as she does so. For now the girl is floating beside Faora, loking out over the city with a great deal of thoughtfulness on her features. "Superwoman definitely fits," she agrees in that mild voice she seems to favour above all others. "But no one taught me how to fight. I am guessing you don't really have that problem. I'm figuring it out, though." She shrugs slowly at that. "We need all the heroes we can get. I'm glad you're one of them."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment. As for learning how to fight, it takes a long time." Faora offers, "The natural instinct is not to fight. To run." she looks quietly to Victoria now, "Still, there are many who would teach you, I'm sure." she states then as she continues to look out over the city- to watch and listen to everything that's happening in Metropolis. "I was taught to fight, though. It rarely comes naturally, as I said. And it took time. A lot of time."

Gravitas has posed:
    Victoria nods at that, bobbing slightly in the air as she does so. "I bet someone will," she agrees mildly, continuing to look out over the city while she does. "I'm glad I don't just run any longer," she adds thughtfully. "But you're right. I've only really even started, I think. I hope I'll be as good as you are someday. I mean, not as cool to watch, though. I don't really fly, just... Fall really fast to wherever I want to be. So, um." She shrugs. "Thank you too."

Superwoman has posed:
    "It is not an easy life to defend others, Gravitas." Superwoman restates, "It will take a lot of sacrifice. More than perhaps you know, because you're young still. We fill an unusual position in the societies of this planet- we are vigilantes. We, ultimately, take the law into our own hands. You may be branded a criminal, by some, and they would be very much so telling the truth. This is something you should recognize as you come into this sort of life. You will be forced to make decisions and choices that will not be easy- and may have no good outcome." Superwoman speaks flatly, not without emotion- but without any kind of filter, either. "Don't aim to be as good as me. Aim to be better. Improve on those who come before you, or who are your comrades. Be better." she takes a slow, easy breath. "You've set yourself down a road that will be extremely difficult, but not without rewards. You must, however, never forget why you want to do this. And the reason should always be to defend and serve those who can not protect themselves. If you lose sight of that service, terrible things can happen. So, if you came up here looking for advice, that's what I've got to offer: Never forget your purpose in this. Never forget your place. Not a ruler. Not a Goddess. Not a moral superior.. A protector, a defender, and a servant. Only, and always."

Gravitas has posed:
    "That's... Kind of what I was thinking. Yeah." Tori has little else to say for now. She is kind of lounging where she floats now, apparently incapable of falling regardless of hwo she holds herself. the girl rolls her shoulders slowly then, taking a deep breath. She seems to be thinkig on something intently as she floats beside Superwoman, watching the city beyond her rooftop. "All I really wantto do is make sure everyone is as safe as I can manage. I can't just sit with this much power in a hole and watch all of you guys duke it out. I don't want to rule anything. I don't even like it when guys start looking at me or something. I just don't want to see anyone else get hurt if I can help it." She nods slowly. "The hard part will be when I can't, right? Mmm. Better than you how?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "Better than me by being a better person." Faora explains, as if that was simply. "A better hero." she continues. "You have a chance to see how all of us act. How all of us behave, and to improve on our methods. To be a better hero and servant to all of mankind. There are many with powers who use their abilities selfishly. You must understand them so you do not thoughtlessly follow in their footsteps."

    There is another long pause, "I'm afraid I can't give you very much in the way of suggestion on how to react when guys look at you, Gravitas. I never much cared for men staring at me, either." she offers with a bit of a sly smile. "That's just something women have to deal with. Men, and women both will stare at you. Particularly when you're in tights. Ever since I put this costume on, I've seen dozens and dozens of pictures of my ass in these tights."

Gravitas has posed:
    "I can't blame them for looking you," Tori responds somewhat sheepishly. She wiggles a bit at that, smiling sheepishly in response ot the sly grin Faora has for her . Then she is giggling as well, taking a deep breath while she does so. "That's why I don't have tights and things. I mean, my sister had a costume made for me but I just..." She shakes her head once before laughing again softly. "I'm going to have to learn to deal with it," she states finally. "I can only imagine how many people are staring at you, honetly. You're gorgeous." Then she shrugs again. Tori, at least, isn't staring. "As for being better than you are, I don't know. I want to be the best I possibly can... I'm always watching, though. I will, I mean. I'll learn."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora laughs quietly. "Oh? Are you saying that if I were to take a look at your phone I'd see saved pictures of my ass in black spandex?" she wonders, a teasing tone, as she shakes her head. "You should wear the costume. Something with a mask, perhaps. To protect those like your sister. I do not have anyone here to protect, I do not need a mask." she says, next. "And thank you. I am gorgeous." She offers, again with that sly smile- a supreme confidence there.

    "You can be better. Learn. Watch. Understand, and improve."

Gravitas has posed:
    "I mean, I am wearing a mask. It's a small one but with my hair like this it's okay. I need something good, though. But tights? Bleh." Tori shakes her head then before breathing a soft sigh. "No, no," she manages to squeak after, turning a faint red. "I mean. I can't blame them because I can see you right now and you're... Well, you. Besides, um. Why would I need pictures? Cnsidering." Victoria shrugs bonelessly at that statement, glowing a slightly deeper red now.

    "But fine. I'll do better. I promise."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods once, "Good." Superwoman intones. "I have more work to do." she says then, "Be safe, Gravitas. Rao watch over you." she says, perhaps a bit oddly in that accented English of her's- an accent formed by no earthly tongue. "Do you want to come along, or shall I take care of this alone?"

Gravitas has posed:
    "I'd love to come with you!" Tori responds immediately, flashing a positively incandescent grin. Her white teeth, blue eyes, caramel skin, the purple in her clothes, and reckles blonde curls. She's actually quite colourful, even wearing relatively ordinary clothes. "LEt's see what it is."

Superwoman has posed:
    "How quickly can you fly, Gravitas?" Faora wonders of the younger woman quietly, offering a hand. "We need to move quickly." she explains, "And if you can not move quickly, I will need to move you quickly." she offers next with a little smile, "It sounds to be a high speed chase."

Gravitas has posed:
    "Um..." There is an obvious pause while Tori considers. "I mean. I can go over to the moon pretty fast, so..." She takes the offered hand and smiles brightly at Faora. "I dunno. Never tried to go full speeed before!" She seems confident she's fast enough, at least.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Very well." Superwoman replies simply, and holding Victoria's hand as she floats effortlessly into the sky, and then? Like a bolt of lightning she's off- Fingertips touching Victoria's, ready to pull her along if the younger woman falls behind. Ready to carry her forward as they soar above the sky towards the chase in progress- a car speeding through the streets. The sound of a gun firing. Its a dangerous chase, certainly.

Gravitas has posed:
    Tori follows easily. She keeps Superwoman's hand and shots after her. Car chase speeds? The girl has all the energy for it and more. there is some force radiating off of her as well. The distortions of gravity that follow her when she moves. Not the same mechanism of flight as a Kryptonian then. Potentially dangerous if civilians are close when she moves at speed. Right now it's more of a light shove, a wake behind her as she cruises. "This is pleasant... THat down there isn't so much." She blinks, frowning as she looks down at the car speeding beneath them. "I could stop the car they're chasing, I think," she notes thoughtfully.

Superwoman has posed:
    "There are two vehicles. They are in a chase- both are equally dangerous. Gun fire is being exchanged." Superwoman speaks aloud, allowing her thoughts to be shared with the younger heroine. "The primary responsibility is to safely remove them from a situation where they might cause harm to others. Their safety is important, though. We must not cause undue harm."

    They go lower, "They are moving towards the bridge." she says next- they're two dozen or so feet from the ground now, Superwoman's hand still holding Tori's- ensuring she keeps up. "There is more to see here. They wear clothing that is in opposing colors- Yellow and black in the front car. Green and black in the rear car. This tells us they are of rival gangs- The 3rd Street BuzzBoyz in yellow and black, and the 5th street Downtowners. Their rivalry is such they will see any death involved as part of their war, and justifiable. We must consider them threats to each other and to the populous at large."

    Superwoman then falls quiet for a short moment- her eyes scanning. "The cars themselves, yes. That is the first priority. Get them off the road, and away from the population. Can you lift one fully? Off the ground? Control it?"

Gravitas has posed:
    "Car full of people? Check. Um. Okay. Let's see. The hard part is matching their speed. I don't see things- as fast as you do. Um..." Tori is staring at the ground as well but the people there are specks from her point-of-view. When squinting she replies with, "I can make out the colours." Then the girl take a deep breath and nods once. "I can pick up one of the cars. I'll get the one on the left?"

Tori is giving Superwoman her fullest attention. She is holding tightly onto the woman's hand even then, tilting her head as she continues to study those piercing eyes, internalizing the lessons she is being given. "That's the hardest part, though. Seeing them..." It's really a mutter. Then Tori releases Faora's hand and shoots toward the ground. There's a crack in the air, not the speed of sound being broken but the wildness of the gravitic distortions behind the girl messing with the movement of sound.

Tori heads right for the car she'd indicated. Just slow enough for someone to start taking shots at her. Except that, should they do so, the shots will actually curve around the girl, getting no closer than a couple of inches to her body. Only Faora would be able to tell.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora could see it- but these two cars are hyper focused on one another. Its only the bolt of black, white, and silver that the front car see. Superwoman's sudden change of speed causing a *POP* in the air as she grabs the car Victoria isn't focusing on. Its not with the power of gravity that Faora grabs that other car, its with her bare hands.

    Again, as she slows, her movements are graceful and fluid- a sharp kick to the trunk of the car, above the frame and the front of the vehicle is suddenly popping up- the men inside shouting in surprise as Superwoman then grabs the car by the roof and continues its upward climb- causing the vehicle to flip with her under it to keep it from being a terrible crash. The vehicle is now in the air, upside down, and being lifted so easily by the powerful Superwoman.

Gravitas has posed:
    Tori actually stops her car the same way. Grasping the bumper she lifts the vehicle up from behind, pulling it up over her head that way. She ought to go tumbling backward, end over end, but she is rooted in gravity- the usual Physics simply does not apply.

    Another car comes screaming at Victoria and she suddenly shoots up into the air. The vehicle is hit by the shockwave and actually shoved slightly, wobbling as it swerves before righting itself. A potential close call. Up Victoria goes, her vehicle in hand. More or less. Right now, to her, it weighs about twenty pounds and balances itself.

    Tori flies wildly, wobbling and spiraling as she goes, eventually careening into a place beside Superwoman. A few more shots are fired at her. Thankfully these two simply deflect off the air around her.

    "Keeping things balanced is harder than it looks," Tori's calling, uncertain if she can be heard.

Superwoman has posed:
    "To the island!" Faora shouts back, noticing the changes around Victoria. How the world shifts to her powers. She flies, expecting Victoria to follow to a small island in the river below- one of many little islands. Its not far at all.

    Superwoman than shifts, tossing the vehicle so it landed on the tires. A crunch of metal is heard- the men inside do not seem injured, but are certainly very shaken. "Put them down over there!" Faora says, pointing towards another section of the island, as she herself marches forward. "Disarm them!" another order, spoken like a military commander, although not barked in a cruel way. Very matter of factly.

Gravitas has posed:
    "Yes, ma'am!" Tori calls this out, apparently picking up on that military vibe. She follows the instructions readily, zipping about. "Drop your guns! ... Stop that. No shooting. Darn it, you're going to hurt someone. Bullets bouncing off of me willy nilly. HEY!" An animated Tori is bobbing about, taking weapons by picking guys up and shaking them if need be. She soon has an armful of guns which she eventually just releases. They float in the air, circling on their own. Then Tori zips over to Superwoman, beaming brightly. "That was awesome! I told you you're amazing. Oh my God!"

    Then Tori is going to attempt something ill-advised. She's going to try to hug Faora. Tori's warm. And soft.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is quick as she crushes guns, and then wraps each of the punks in pieces of steel stripped from their own vehicles. Once all the danger has passed- she finds herself being embraced!

    Faora's body is strong, athletic, and currently quite stiff as she's held so tight. She's not used to such affection- in fact, it seems almost foreign to the tall Kryptonian. She doesn't know really what to do. "I..thank you."

Gravitas has posed:
    "FOr what? I should be thanking you. Over and over," Tori responds warmly. She looks up to stare into Faora's eyes wih her own wide, paler blue ones. She's not at all the warrior in build. Beneath those clothes she actually has curves. There is muscle underneath, however. It isn't that Tori doesn't exercise, though she could perhaps do with conditioning herself more. But then not an ounce of her power comes from physical prowess.

    Victoria continues to hug Foara while she hugs her. Her diminutive size and height is more prominent now, at this distance. She takes a slow breath inward and flushes faintly. "S-sorry." Perhaps a little reluctantly Victoria releases Faora.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora's form is not without femininity. Indeed, while not so chesty as Power Girl, she is well formed at the chest. Her hips have the width one would expect of a woman, and now she certainly feels warm against Victoria's body. The light scent of activity, a day of fighting crime. Hints of gunpowder from being shot, hints of metal and gasoline from the recent capturing of the gangbangers that are wrapped currently in steel sheets. Faora returns the affection, albeit clumsily- this is not something she expected, clearly. A careful wrap of a single arm. Gentle, despite her great strength.

    "I.. of course." Faora offers quietly. "I.. am unused to such... affection." she says softly.

Gravitas has posed:
    That gravitational field surrounding Victoria is gone. it has to be, to touch her without applying tremendous force. The girl smells predominatnly of strawberries and clean sweat. Gunpowder? Gasoline? None of it actually touched her or anything on her and that is most evident now. When Faora speaks of a lack of affection Tori breathes a soft sigh and leans into her a bit more. Head to chest due to height differences.

    "Well, get used to it then?" Tori suggests in a whisper that is a little too sheepish and shy to actually be commanding. She rests for a moment, trusting Faora completely. That much is obvious by the fact the 'force field' is gone. "I mean, um. Unless you want me to stop," she continues quickly, blinking.

Superwoman has posed:
    "I'm afraid that would take time." Superwoman replies quietly. "You only know of me from our short interactions." Faora offers, still quiet. "You don't- and can't- understand what I've been through to stand here with you, Gravitas."

    There is another quiet pause, "Its not that I don't like it... or even desire it. It has been a very long 'time since..." Faora smiles quietly, reaching up to brush a little hair out of Victoria's face. Fingertips gentle as she simply brushes the other woman's hair out of the way.

    "I." Another pause. "I'm not sure I deserve this from you."

Gravitas has posed:
    "Life is full of time. I mean. It's fien if it takes time," Tori responds slowly. She doesn't release Faora either, even squeezing tighter. She's not very strong, not with her powers completely out of the way. But that isn't the point.

    TVictoria licks her lips gently, taking another slow breathas she does so. "Of course you deserve it," the owman starts in a firm, serious tone. "It doesn't matter what you were before. You keep elling me to be a better person than you. I have to figure that, um, you did some really bad stuff. to have that kind of advice for me." Tori's voice is gentle but very serious as she speaks, head still buried against Faora's chest.

    "But the point isn't just for me to be better than you. It's for you to be better than you were. Right?" There's a beat and tori's words start to quicken. She enunciates well despite the fact they nearly run together in her nervous haste to finish her statements. "I mean. Whatever you were before your'e taking all this time out to help me figure things out, talk to me even though you wereu p alone on aroof and I just came up and started talking your ear off. I don't know what it was before but you can't say anything that would make me think you're anything less than amazing.

    "Besides, it's... Just a hug. Unless I am missing something...." With this last statement Tori is turning those blue eyes upward once more. Her thick, wild honeyed curls are soft against Faora's fingers while she runs them through Tori's hair to brush it free of her face..

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman stands there quietly, "I don't know what it is, Gravitas. A hug, or prelude to something more. I just don't know that I can give what you might desire." she says so very softly in that accented English. "I don't deserve it, Gravitas. You have no idea who I am, or who I was." she explains again softly.

    Still, Faora does not pull away from Victoria. She doesn't turn the young woman away. "Let us just say it has been an exceedingly long time since I've been embraced. Dozens of years." she whispers now, "And really, I can not... take advantage." she offers so very quietly. "You are very lovely, Gravitas. Honestly, just my type. Shorter than me. Honey hair. Just curvy enough. You're beautiful, but, you don't know me. You don't know me at all." she says still- but her hands have slid down to find Victoria's hips. To squeeze ever so carefully- perhaps a little harder than Faora had planned, but nothing that would cause injury. "I'm repaying a debt by doing what I'm doing. I'm trying to make up for *horrible* crimes. I do not deserve your affection. I did truly terrible things, and there is no way for me to prove to the people I harmed that I have repented."

Gravitas has posed:
    Tori listens to all of this carefully. Those too wide, glitteringly blue eyes are focused carefully on Faora's features as the woman speaks. She notes every word, expression slowly falling as the Kryptonian continues to lay out everything she has to say with such careful, exacting precision that there is no question at all of the gravity that every word carries. Faora squeezes her and Tori is still for a long second as she finishes speaking.

    Then Victoria rises to the balls of her feet so that she can plant a fierce, sudden kiss on Faora's lips to cut off the last of her words. The young woman's heart is beatig wildly, her pulse palpable from the proximity at which the two women are standing. She doesn't hold back or hesitate.

Superwoman has posed:
    That kiss comes as a surprise, and Faora is caught completely off guard. The hands on Victoria's hips squeeze a bit tighter as those lips meet her own- Faora's lips are soft and so very plush. There is a bit more hesitation, before she leans into that kiss, although there may be some Kryptonian finger shaped bruises on Victoria's hips. Slight bruises, at least.

    But Faora is the one who breaks that kiss- a gentle tug to pull Tori downward. "I.." she whispers, "I don't know why you did that."

Gravitas has posed:
    Bruises? Tori doesn't seem to mind. If anything, she only kisses Faora more intensely when her flesh is crushed and blood vessels break. Just a few. Enough to leave avisible remind of Faora's presence against her. Then Faora leans into the kiss and the balance shifts, putting the tall, powerful Kryptonian woman in control.

    Then the kiss, leaving Victoria quietly breathless. A few long seconds as she comes down from the shared moment, her cheeks flushed. Tori is trembling faintly, though it's still visible if Faora looks at her closely. "I don't care. About what you did. You've got a lot of things but you're getting this one wrong... That isn't redemption works.

    "You can't just- negate what you did before. It happened. And what you're doing now happen. There isn't some cosmic scale outthere where if you do enough good you can balance out your evil. You do evil. You do good. You're doing good now. That's what matters. You won't hurt me... You'd save my entire world." Victoria's words come whisper soft but with growing conviction. She laces her fingers together where she clutches the woman against her, as if to resist being pushed away.

    "I don't care about the rest. I know... I want to know... What you went through. Why. What happened. But that isn't you now." Tori licks her lips gently and then takes a deep breath. "I'm your type, huh?" It comes with a fleeting smile. "My name is Tori. I'm... Following your lead. Okay?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "Let's.. get to know each other, Tori." Faora says softly, "And you can call me Faora." She'll let her newly created alter-ego, Damaris Duval, be secret for now. She doesn't know this young woman well, just yet, and she'd rather keep some things to herself. Her real name, though, that she'll allow. "Faora Hu-Ul." she says next as police boats begin to arrive to catch the thugs who've been wrapped up. Faora's hands don't leave Tori's hips as she flies away from the scene as the law comes to do their job- she takes the younger woman with her, into the sky and across the city to alight on the top of the Daily Planet's large globe. Landing so very lightly.

    "Yes, you are my type. Body wise, I mean... personality wise remains to be seen." Faora says, with a bit of a teasing tone as she releases the other woman's hips and quietly shifts herself to sit and lean against the raised spire at the center of the globe. "So, Tori. Tell me about yourself."

Gravitas has posed:
    "That's okay. Personalities need time. I mean... That's definitely the fastest I've ever kissed anyone," Tori admits with another of those lopsided smiles of hers, showing those perfect teeth and her slight overbite. "But I had to do something." There's a soft laugh from Tori as hse nods her head quickly. "Faora Hu-Ul. Victoria Larence." The young woman lets herself be carried rather than flying under her own power and her expression is one of quiet wonder as they alight atop the globe.

    Victoria sits down beside Faora after a moment i s spent marveling at the similarity between their heights, however contrived it had to be. "Okay. I'm, um... Bad at this. So ask me anything you want in case I forget." Then Tori begins to speak in her animated way, carefully and slowly but geturing to emphasize her words and admittedly sometimes rambling.

"Okay, so. I'm the second oldest of six kids. I mean, my sister Mia was born two hours before I was. We're just about identical." Tori's voice is full of quiet fondness as she describes her siblings. How her littlest brother is a brat in elementary school who was writing 'I can't speak Spanish' in... Spanish... on his tests at school. How her sister Mia is a confident, passionate young woman who knows how to get dates and make friends while tori is shyer but quicker to act, and more of an academic.

    Tori continues speaking. "I discovered I had powers when I was thirteen. There was this bully. I guess he had a crush on Mia? Anyway, he was poking at me and threw my books and tugged on my hair... And then I accidentally had him floating above the playground turning end over end for an hour." That draws a flicker of a rueful smile. "I've spent most of the time just trying to make sure I didn't accidentally make my desk float away.I control gravity. I can mess with the gravity of other objects by concentrating but mine is- well, basically autonomic. Mimicking super speed and strength and all of that by messing with my gravity is really easy. But that's not where my power really is."

    Tori talks about how smart her mom is- an astrophysicist who had studied the stars- and how hardworking her father has been for her entire life. Her family is poor, but happy. And she loves them. Then it's school. Victoria studies hard, works four days a week to provide money for her parents, and very much wants to save the world. She went to the moon with Supergirl for a little bit.

    "I love historical novels and romances that really aren't. I like to talk about philosophy or just shoot the breeze and watch silly movies, right. I play Roller Derby all the time. It's, um. Well, you put on roller skates and kiind of beat eachother up. It's great." Tori laughs at that too and then shifts her weight to her heels, rocking back. It might be notable she doesn't discuss any romantic interludes.

    "LIke I, um. Said. If you have questions and stuff..."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora just sits and listens as Victoria speaks. Quiet and respectful the entire time- letting her say anything and everything. "You must love your family very much." she offers after a long moment of quiet, absorbing it all. "You are one of the mutated humans. I can see it in your genetic structure." she says softly, a quiet voice. "I am not of this Earth." she says next. "I was born over sixty-five years ago on a world that was doomed. My people are dead, all but a few have survived. The reason I survived is because I was sentenced to life in an inter-dimensional prison, for crimes I committed against my people. It was a quirk of fate that I escaped that prison and found myself here."

    Its a short story. "I betrayed my people and was rightly branded a traitor. I murdered people." she says, voice barely a whisper. "I am guilty of great and terrible crimes, Tori. I must try to make amends for those crimes, but all my people are dead. The planet exploded. Everyone and everything I know is dead, and all that is left is Faora Hu-Ul, and a few survivors from another house. I have no family here. I have no connections." she takes another slow breath, quiet still. Thinking.

    "I was a soldier. A defender and a servant of my people. I betrayed that trust. And so, I do not deserve what you have offered."

Gravitas has posed:
    "Why are people so obsessed with what they think they deserve?" Victoria, who is sitting beside Faora atop the globe at the Daily Planet, currently has her arms crossed over her chest. She is starng out over the city, her expression one of careful thought as she considrs what she is going to say next.

    "You might have been a horrible person before but I can't see what you did before. I'm not there. I'm here, with you. Where you're doing everything you can to be a good person. I don't care what you did before." There's a beat and tori shakes her head once, firmly. "That's not true. I do care. I care a lot. I wish it hadn't happened... But it doesn't matter right now. Not for this. Not unless you're saying you're going to do it again."

    Victoria scowls then, her expressionturning severe in a way that doesn't suit her features and yet is somehow incredibly convincing with those pale blue eyes and her full cheeks. She turns her head to look over at Faora and takes a deep breath. "If you want me to leave you alone you're going to have to make me." She's throwing down the gauntlet, and apparently she's deadly serious. "How are you supposed to grow and be better if you're up here all alone? You'll just get distant. And colder. And worse. And I... I don't want to leave.

    "I'll go when you make me."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora returns to quiet. Just listening. "I'm still the same person I was before, Tori. The same woman." she explains, "The only difference is guilt. The fact I know now that what I did when I was much younger was wrong. It was very wrong.... but I'm the same woman now that I was then." She explains so very softly.

    "I won't make you go away, Tori." Faora says then softly. "I just want you to know. I'm not worth your time, I'm just a woman who's made terrible mistakes, and now, has lost everything." she says over to Victoria, so quiet. "I despise myself, Tori. Even if there was nothing I could have done to stop it, I was not with my people when they needed me most because of the terrible things I did. I should have died on Krypton, but I didn't. Everyone and everything is dead." she notes as she looks up to Victoria again. Quiet. "You can't know what this is like."

Gravitas has posed:
    "No. I have no idea what it's like. I'm not telling you not to feel. I'm just not leaving you alone with it." Tori deflates like a balloon when Faora doesn't rise to the bait and in te end she leans over, intending to rest her head on the taller woman's shoulder. Intimate, without being remotely sexual, decisive without actually making any serious moves. "You can tell me if you want. Why you did what you did."

    Tori takes a slow breath, reaching over to place ah and on Faora's back as she considers what's been said for a long moment, listening to Faora's words. "You shouldn't died on Krypton. That's the guilt taking. No one should've. It was horrible and senseless and I can't even imagine what it was like for you to lose everyone like that. But you're not 'worse' because you weren't there. That wasn't your fault."

TFinally Victoria breathes a very quiet sigh and closes her eyes as she shifts her weight again, closer to Faora. "If you're not going to make me leave then it doesn't matter. You're not alone. I know I can't be- anything you lost. Not a Kryptonian or anything else, really... But I'm here. Whether you're a bad person or not. Kay?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora still doesn't pull away. She even slides an arm around Victoria's middle. She gives a gentle squeeze. "Perhaps that is enough, Tori." she says quietly as she just holds the other being close for a long moment. The other young woman- just staring out over Metropolis. She just squeezes Victoria again. "You still don't know me well enough, Tori." she says, "And I don't know anything about you. I mean, apart what we've told one another." She just quietly changes the subject.

    "What's your favorite food?" Faora wonders next.

Gravitas has posed:
    "Know you well enough for what?" Tori asks, rolling her eyes as she does. It's probably audible even if it can't be seen. "I mean, I haven't suggested anything yet." Then she gives a very soft laugh and shakes her head faintly. She too lets the subject drop easily enough.

    "Oh, um. I kind of... Just like food.. I'm pretty big into gyros.. Lamb with extra feta and red pepper flakes." She shrugs a bit. "Or maybe barbecue ribs. My uncle Keith always likes to do a barbecue on the Fourth. I dunno. You? I mean. That we can, like, have. For lunch. Today maybe." She seems to have chosen this position as a more permanent stop because Tori stays leaning into Faora, arm about her middle, and seems content to be squeezed. Whether she ends up with a couple more bruises or not.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is quiet. "I'm a fan of Shawarma, made with lamb." Faora offers then quietly, smiling over to Victoria. "I'm also a fan of falafel, and sabich. Have you had Sabich?" She wonders, "Fried eggplants?" she explains, "I have not had Gyros, though." she admits.

Gravitas has posed:
    "It's kind of like shawarma," Tori responds cheerfully. "And I've never had sabich," she confirms, shaking her head as she does. "Anyway, the place I like to go isn't too far away and they sell shawarma and gyros. We could always swap orders... Eggplant, though. Huh." She makes a face but then Tori wrinkles her nose and starts giggling softly. After a moment hse breathes a quiet sigh. "I know you better than you think," she notes absently. "Do you have a favourite color? I'd tell you about mine but I mean... I wear enough blue. You can probably guess anyway." She continues in a stage whisper, "It's red."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora smiles quietly. Listening to Tori as she goes on a while. "I'll need to change if we're going to have lunch, Tori." she says, "I don't like to eat in uniform. At least, not somewhere I'm going to sit down." she continues "I do assume you'd rather sit down?" she asks of Victoria.

    There's a long pause, she says a word in a language that Victoria has likely never heard before. "It is somewhere between purple and blue." she explains. "I do not know the word for it in English."

Gravitas has posed:
"And alright. We'll need to change. Sitting sounds good slightly and all. Unless you'd rather not sit? I'm flexible. I can sit down in midair too anyway.

    "Violet," Tori replies quietly, tilting her head slightly as she listens to Faora tell her of her favourite color. The girl nods once at this, apparently satisfied with the response she was given. "A lot of times people show violet as being purple but it's supposed to be what you're describing."

    Tori closes her eyes for a second now. "This is nice. I'm kind of hungry, but can we stay like this a bit longer first?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods slowly, "We can stay like this." she says simply, "For a long while, if you'd like." her arm still around Victoria's middle. Just sitting near the other woman. "Violet, then. My favorite color is violet." she intones softly in that accented English. "I see colors very differently now than I used to." she informs Tori. "I see everything very differently than I used to. Seeing through walls is new." she continues. "I can hear your heartbeat, you know. Every breath. The way the blood flows through your veins. It has a kind of music to it. It sings."

Gravitas has posed:
    "Then you can hear how much faster it beats when I touch you," Tori responds shyly, a faint flush creeping into her cheeks as she does. The girl takes antoher one of those slow, careful deep breaths of hers as he does, considering her words for a long moment. "That sounds pretty incredible. Gaining all of those powers all of the sudden. Probably really trippy. That's the hard part for me. I have trouble keeping up. Like, mentally. Sometimes things just move too fast." Tori shifts her weight slightly, snugggling herself in a bit more firmly against Faora. "Okay," she starts. "Then let's stay like this a long while."