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Latest revision as of 15:46, 28 June 2023

Sun day, fun day, Shiny day
Date of Scene: 28 March 2023
Location: Britannia Beach, Starling
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Thor

Supergirl has posed:
What a beautiful day the people of Britannia Beach are having! The sun is high in the sky and people are milling about, laying on towels to soak up some of that unusually warm sun, or riding bikes down the board walk. There's some people laughing over there! Two lovers kissing on their first date! Why aren't they at work on a Tuesday anyways? Why isn't any of these people at work on a Tuesday?

Kara, aka Supergirl is out for a flight! Zipping across the sky in her blue on blue costume with a giant smile on her face. Not a care in the world because she's between classes for the next hour or so. That is until there's a terrifying scream from the direction of Britannia Beach!

The rumbling from the low tide waves rolling in starts out innocuously! Someone on a belly board is riding the waves when he is suddenly thrown off. The front having struck something solid as it emerges from beneath the surface. Grainy, rough textured, and hard as granite.

Covered in brilliant stones from the oceans floor.

Two massive eye stalks pop from beneath the water, followed by a claw the size of a buick. The massive crab, roughly the size of a single family home, walks sideways towards the surface. Clamping it's massive claw in an attempt to grab hold of one of the fleeing swimmers. The pencer catches his wet suit, hauls him out of the water and hurls him up into the air as if intent on catching him in an open maul!

But the swimmer never hits his mouth.

Supergirl sets him down safely on the beach, staring up at this monster from beneath the depths. "Okay, someone really needs to talk to Aquaman... these is getting a little absurd." As Tamatoa! Mighty, shiny, Crabby, sideways walks further towards the shore!
Thor has posed:
Far above, and miles afield, the God of Thunder floats in the stratosphere. Clouds roll below him, chill breezes roar past with nil impact on the resilient Asgardian, and he listens. To be above the Earth with attuned superhuman ears is less a waiting game, and more a question of priorities. Gunfire in numerous locations, emergency sirens in even more, the cries of the terrified for help. Where is divine intercession to turn?

Once upon a time, many mortals knew to raise heartfelt prayers to the pantheon and spell these things out. Now? Now it's typically more an interplay of instinct and opportunity, and it's to the point on the coast where a giant monster-- rather diminutive for a kaiju, truth be told, but these things can wreak devastation nonetheless-- ambles angrily ashore.

Like a slingshotting meteor, Thor descends at a wide angle, careening for the coastline. The Stormbringer's arrival is announced first to the beachgoers with a reverberating rumble of thunder from the clear, sunny sky, and then a crackling column of lightning, a bolt from the blue. Within this bolt rides Thor himself, in full blue, silver, and red battle regalia.

The crashing impact stops the crabmonster in its tracks, if only for a moment, as powerful legs buckle beneath it and the God of the Storm rebounds off its carapace, soaring to a ready position a short span above, Mjolnir materializing in his grasp. "Now!! --" Thor announces in a fearsome bellow. Surely he has the avaricious creature's attention, correct? "I only want thee /gone/!" This doesn't have to become a seafood bake unless the issue is pressed.

Around the surfbound crustacean's impact point, a surging wave crests in all directions. Mostly, this helps the weekday recreation crew clear the threat zone with a wet little (large) shove. A few are sure to swallow some seawater and hack curses in the aftermath, however. From the top of the crab's shell, a smokey plume rises towards the heavens in burnt offering, gems and precious metals around this proverbial ground zero instantaneously smelted together.
Supergirl has posed:
That crack of thunder and sudden surge of white heated lightning can only be one of two people! And Livewire is safely away in The Raft, so that leaves only the God of Thunder, with his absolutely delicious hair, descending on high from the blue skies above. Supergirl grins to herself, well no, she grins to anyone who looks at her... but since most sane people are running away and not given a cats patootie about the fawning Kryptonian, she may as well be alone in her star gazing!

Though there's far bigger concerns afoot than what his hair must smell like. Focus Kara, there's a giant sea beast trying to eat swimmers! In a woosh, she flies forward and scoops up another pedestrian who hadn't been lucky enough to catch the wave guiding them to the shore. Again she sets them down out of harms way, with Tamatoa reeling in fury at the Stormbringer connecting against his neigh inpenatrable carapice. Unlike the cartoon variant, this beast does not speak and is not voiced by Jermaine Clement. It makes a god awful sound in it's anger and thrashes a claw up at Thor recoiling away.

Which distracts it from the blue blur that flies directly towards him with her cape snapping behind her. Light glittering off a millions of tiny stones fixed to the rounded back, the sun catches one in particular. It's not very big. Barely the size of a pebble really. A sliver cracked off from a meteorite that struck the ocean over thirty years ago.

With a faint glimmer of green when Tamatoa is hoisted up in two mighty, if tiny, hands... a wave nausea washes over Kara as if she'd just been hit in the gut with a freight train. Strength faulters, arms begin to give out... and the Massive Crab stomps her with one long, spendly thin, leg... Catching her just east of her left shoulder, it shoves her down into the water with a mighty SPLASH!

Both hands grip at the sharp decopods leg, trying to keep it from stabbing into her any further... bubbhles rising from her open mouth. Her cape, skirt, and legs flail beneath the oceans surface.
Thor has posed:
While Thor registers Supergirl's swift intercession, the God of Thunder's eyes are on the proverbial prize. Which, at the moment, is seeking to snip the statuesque blonde fellow in twain. Mjolnir strikes forward, leaving Thor's grasp and colliding pre-emptively with the reaching pincer in a resounding thunderclap-- one forged purely of shockwave this time-- as cracks vein outwards from the impact point.

The Asgardian Avenger is not present to see the stroke land true, trusting in his aim and the cosmic artifact and immediately acting as Kara is crushed beneath the waves, impaled by a cruelly-tipped leg. Even with his Allspeak, the crab menace's monstrous roars do not ring as sentient communication, and Thor's dreams of parlay with a sea behemoth are dashed.

The God of the Storm doesn't let it keep him down, however-- this sadness only means battle has been well and truly joined. Lightning crackles along Thor's armored form as he beelines for a point above the pinned Supergirl, just beyond the the first joint on the Oceanic Hoarder's armored leg. Both corded arms wrap around high and low, enclosing the circumference as fully as his reach allows. Rather than hugging it out, as that gathered lightning surges within Thor's eyes, the tension becomes too much and another profound CRACK rings down the surfside paradise.

Like a man who /knows/ how to eat shellfish, Thor then grasps the intact carapace above the joint and the thinnest point of the leg beyond it, and RIPS the latter from the former in a tearing smorgasbord of crustacean meat and shrapnel. In the vise-like grip of that one arm, the detached section of leg is lofted free of Kara's predicament and hurled into the distant, sea-filled horizon. "How do you fare, Girl of the 'S'?" Kryptonite is less of a clear and present danger, an obvious cause and effect, for SOME folks.