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Latest revision as of 16:42, 24 October 2017

World's Finest...Date
Date of Scene: 15 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Tim Drake and Kara Danvers go on a date
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Red Robin

Supergirl has posed:
It's another Saturday in Metropolis, but not *just* another Saturday in Metropolis for Kara Zor-El. AKA Supergirl. And right nos, AKA Kara Danvers who is currently racing around, getting ready for a date. It took Kara about 30 minutes just to decide on an outfit, with the help of her adoptive older sister Alex. Then the accessorizing. And the hair. And the cosmetics...Long story short, she's still getting ready at around the time Robin was supposed to arrive at the Danvers house. Or, Tim was supposed to arrive. Kara knew Robin by his first name only, so far, and he knew just about everything about her, including her adoptive family, the Danvers. It was almost as frustrating as deciding which pair of shoes would be best to wear. And of course, how the Supergirl costume would be hidden just in case an emergency arose....

Red Robin has posed:
Tim wore a very dark purple dress shirt, which was tight fitting over his chest and shoulders. He probably went a size smaller than he should have. He had tucked it into some blue jeans, guys had it so easy. Decent shirt, jeans or slacks, shorts if the weather was nice, and they're set. But where he spent the bulk of his time was on his hair. It took effort to get it to look just right. He was going for the get out of bed look, but with amazing hair, today. In fact, he had developed a helmet specifically for his hair. It provided safety and security, while not messing his hair. Amazing what you can do with a trust fund and a genius intellect. But he had a costume in a section of the bike, hidden away, in case it was needed. There was also a second helmet for Kara, one designed for her. He'd already taken to trying to develop things for her needs. Not that she needed it, but it was the law. It was pink and white, and kind of looked like a power ranger helmet. His own was red, and would match well with his costume.

Supergirl has posed:
Somehow, the normal humans at the Danvers residence answer the door and greet Tim before the super-speedy Kryptonian girl can make it downstairs. While not particularly intimidating, Jeremiah Danvers was a football player in college, and has a bulk most are unaccustomed to seeing in world-renowned astrophysicists. "You must be Tim," Jeremiah says as he gestures for Tim to enter. Behind him are Eliza and Alex, predatory smiles making them look like lionesses ready to pounce on the weakest zebra in the herd...

Then...Supergirl to the rescue! kara comes scampering down the stairs, in a nice floral sundress and tan shoes with slight heels. "Okay, you guys....back off...." She's smiling at her family, moving in to give them quick hugs on her way to Tim's side. She hasn't told them *who* Tim is, just that he's on the Titans with her. Kara pauses to get some last minute instructions from Jeremiah (Back by 11, call if something comes up, etc.), then helps Tim make an escape. With the door closed, Kara takes a deep breath, looks over Tim, and smiles wide. "You look nice."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim may have been lunch meat, but he was used to battling the Joker and Two-Face. Next to them, Jeremiah, Eliza, and Alex Danvers were nothing. He offered Jeremiah a very strong handshake, figuring the man would respect it with his build. He had flowers for Eliza, which he had hidden behind his back. And he kissed Alex's hand, bowing to them all, and of course, he introduced himself as Timothy Drake, but asked them to call him Tim, and he made sure to do it with Kara in earshot, ideally within eyesight. He didn't know what they had said, but was going by the idea that he was just a regular boy. Foolish him. He wanted to make a good impression. Smiling once they're out of the frying pan, he takes her hand and leads her to the motorcycle, "you are beautiful. I've missed you." And once there, he offers her a box of chocolates that he removes from one of the pouches on the bike.

Supergirl has posed:
All the stops that Tim pulls out on the Danvers family certainly leave an impression on them. And also on Kara. She's smiling wide at the compliment Tim gives her, and also has a secret thrill that he revealed his secret ID in front of her. And the chocolates are the crowning touch, making her blue eyes go wide behind the fake glasses she's wearing. Also, for all the fuss and dithering over what hairstyle to put Kara's brown wig in, she's sporting a simple ponytail. "You. Are. Amazing." she smiles. "You're really going all out here. And...." she leans in and gives Tim a kiss before the helmets have to go on. "You didn't have to use your full name. All they knew was that I met you 'at work'. But....thank you for trusting me." Becasue she knows that the disclosure was mostly for her benefit. "So. Looks like you got me on a bike, after all. And what did you have planned for tonight?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim likes Kara and wants to impress her and her family. He kisses her back, and smiles at her, blushing as he watches her put the helmet on. Sliding the mask up on her so he can see those beautiful eyes, even through the glasses, "I trust you... I love you." Big words, but he meant them. "And... I don't know. Could go for a ride, would you like to visit Wayne Manor, or the... basement? Or, we could see a movie, or have a late night picnic? I don't care what we do, as long as it's together."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara hugs Tim as she gets on the motorcycle behind him. She doesn't mind the helmet; it's all part of the secret ID act as well as being the law. "Well...you already took me to the basement. And...as much as I want to meet everyone in your life, I'd rather leave work behind for a while and just...have this be about you and me. If Mr. Wayne wants to meet me, I'd love it. But I understand it's a big step for him. But for tonight...let's let Tim and Kara have a nice, calm, first date."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim grins, placing his helmet on, and he speaks inside the helmet, "I know just the place." Curiously, there seems to be a communications network between the helmets. Sure, she has super hearing, but they can both hear and speak to each other, without abilities, with these helmets on. He gets on the bike, and lets her slip on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, as he'll drive her towards New York, specifically Brooklyn and Coney Island, where there is cotton candy, Ferris Wheels, and games that would lend themselves to a first real, non-costumed date.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara holds onto Tim throughout the ride. Not for any fear of falling off, but because she likes the feeling of stability and comfort being with Tim gives her. "So, which do you like better?" she asks through the com system, smiling. "Flying or riding on the motorcycle?" She hugs Tim and lays her head for a bit on his shoulders to let him know that she perfers this mode of transportation, as inefficient as it might be.

The miles go by, and Kara watches the hange in scenery and buildings. And then, she gasps a bit when she realizes what their ultimate destination is. "Coney Island?" She sounds rather excited about the possibility. "I've been wanting to go there for a while now. Eliza tells me about all the fun she used to have there as a little girl."

Red Robin has posed:
"Whichever one gets me closer to you, Kara. I think flying with your arms around me could be a lot of fun too, but this is nice." He flicks a switch on his bike, and radio is piped into both their helmets, giving soft road music. In fact, it's 'one headlight' by the Wallflowers. As they arrive, he pulls up to a parking lot, parking the bike in a safe place. It's relatively away from the pier, which is bad for his costume, but good for the safety and security of the bike. He grabs a backpack, which has his costume, and slings it over his shoulder before walking, hand in hand with her. "It's fun for all ages. And it's a lot of fun with someone you care about." He kisses her on the cheek as they walk with the carnival noises echoing around them.

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, we'll have to schedule another flying trip sometime," Kara replies with a bright smile. Once they arrive and dismount, Kara takes off her helmet, careful to not dislodge her wig, and puts her hand out to grasp Tim's as they walk side by side into the park.

The myriad sights and sounds and smells of the midway delight Kara and make her crane her neck every which way as they walk to try and see and experience everything. She doesn't know what she wants to do first, so Kara turns to Tim, grinning wide. "Okay; you're the tour guide here. Where should we go first?"

Red Robin has posed:
Wig or not, glasses or not, Kara was getting some appreciative looks, and most of them were wondering what she was doing with Tim. He was handsome, and athletic, but there seemed to be a difference there that didn't compute for most of them. Tim, being as observant as he was, saw them, and tried to block it from his mind, instead focusing on Kara. Of course, he also noticed someone trying to cheat a game, another guy that was high from meth... sometimes he hated the way his mind works. "How about the ring toss?" He pointed to a game, explaining, "the goal is to throw the rings so that they land on the bottle. The more difficult the toss, the more points you get, the bigger the prize. But, we have to pay to play."

Supergirl has posed:
"Okay," Kara says with enthusiasm. She's not used to games like this, but the novelty is exciting to her, along with the company. She smiles and squeezes Tim's hand, occasionally noticing some guys that are looking at her in a certain way, and for a moment, Kara wonders if she should have dressed down more. Kara Danvers was supposed to be near-invisible, after all. But Ti doesn't seem concerned, so Kar just lets it be.

When they arrive at the ring toss stall, Kara looks over the display, trying to figure out which bottles to try and go after. "Just toss the rings onto the bottles?" she asks to double check. And then she tosses, getting 3 out of 5 tosses on the back row. "Is that good?" she asks Tim with a smile on her face.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim grins, and the guy handling the game looks astonished. "Uh... that's 225 points. Wow... you can have any prize here." He gestures to them, some are big stuffed teddy bears, others are fake jewellery, the usual carnival fair. Seems this game was difficult, but not rigged. It was getting harder and harder to rig these games with all the metahumans about. Those rigging them were getting caught out. Tim squeezed her hand, "congratulations!" Then he whispers, "most of the time, guys are trying to win stuff for girls. But I'm secure in my masculinity. You did great."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara beams in surprise at how well she did, and blushes a bit at Robin's whisper. She thinks for a bit, pondering the prize. Some of the large stuffed animals might not be practical. Then, she gets an idea. "Can I combine my points with what he gets and then make the choice?" Kara indicates Tim as the person she'd want to add her points to. She's not sure about the rules of this game, but hopefully, it's allowed. She turns to Tim and smiles. "If not, then you choose what I want and you get it. Then, you can win something for me. How's that?"

Red Robin has posed:
"Listen lady. You got enough points to win any one thing we got." He was nice about it, but it was clear she didn't understand. He'd only seen a handful of people get the back ring ever, and she got three of them out of five. Tim understood, and bought a chance to throw some, "just wait until you see what I get." And he quite deliberately hits his first one, off the back ring, bouncing 'accidentally' onto the floor. The next one, curls around it, but instead of sinking, the motion ends up sending it up and over, and again, hitting the ground. The third and fourth are even 'worse' throws. But the fifth. Well, that one goes so wily out of control that it catches itself on a nail at the top, where it sits. The guy's going to have a hard time getting that one down. But Tim was protecting his identity. "Darn, so... we still have 225 points right?" There was a queue waiting to try throwing, and Tim sees a little blonde girl with her father. "We'll take the pink bear." It was massive, but once handed to Tim, he'll in turn hand it to the little girl. "Here you go. It's too big for us to take home anyway." The girl says, "gee, thanks mister." And the father shakes Tim's hand, "wow, that's so generous." Turning to Kara, "I'll win you something at the next game?"

Supergirl has posed:
There's a couple of chuckles from passerbyers at Tim's 'attempt' at the ring toss. Kara knows the truth, though; Tim could have gotten 5 for 5 on the rebounds if he wanted to. At the generousity towards the young girl, Kara nods in approval and rewards Tim with a kiss on the cheek. "I know you will," she says to him. Turning to the little girl, Kara smiles wide. "Enjoy him. I think he's happy you're giving him a home so he doesn't have to hang around all day."

Taking Tim by the hand, Kara leads him away and further down the midway. "You know," she says with a smile and in a low voice. "I don't think anyone here is going to recognize you. You don't have to tank the games, you know."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim squeezed her hand a little. "Hey, I tried as hard as I could." Each shot was a deliberately aimed one. He just wasn't trying to get it around the ring. As they walked, he picked up some cotton candy, "it's not really cotton, just spun sugar. Absolutely no nutritional value, but it tastes good, and it's... well, a fun sensation." Next, he led her to the Ferris wheel, where they would get to sit alone in a carriage as it rotated. Sure, she can fly, and hover, but how often does she hover and just get a nice look at the view, and especially, how often does she get to do it with Tim Drake?

Supergirl has posed:
Kara sniffs at the pink cotton candy first, then takes an exploratory nibble. Her eyes widen at the sensation of the treat litterally melting in her mouth, and she smiles. "Strange...but nice." She takes more bites, then offers the cotton candy to Tim to share. The Ferris Wheel is another experience she's looking forward to, and she sits close to Tim as they enter the carriage. She squeezes his hand too, the yelps a bit as the Wheel comes to shuddering life. Smiling, kara sits and watches as they rise into the sky, the lights of New York on display in front of them. "It's amazing," she says with a smile. Her glance to Tim says that the view isn't the only thing she finds amazing. "I wasn't trying to...nag? Complain? Whaever. On the ring toss. I understand the need for secrecy. But...I don't like the idea of you holding back sometimes. Tim Drake is incredible and amazing, and I...I love him." There. She said it. "Just..." She sighs. "I know what it's like to have to hide who you are. It's one of the things that I don't like about being a hero. So...I guess I'm trying to say...I understand. And if you feel like you need to put on the clumsy act, it's okay. I don't exactly like it. But it's okay."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim wishes that she wore a mask as her costume, and didn't have to wear glasses or a wig in public. "I know, and I understand, and most of all, I love you too." He had already said it to her, at her house, and before, but the way he said it... was so nonchalant. He felt it. He admitted it. He didn't feel any hang-up about it. It was how he felt. He loved Kara. But more than just his words, he said it with his deeds and his thoughts. He took a large area of the cotton candy, and began to nibble on it, but the way he held it, between them, was to suggest that they might meet in the middle.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara scoots in closer to Tim, laying her head on his shoulder as the Ferris Wheel continues it's slow journey. The cotton candy is indeed shared between them, leading to sticky fingers. But Kara doesn't mind; she's happy and content and safe in this carriage. "So," she says with a smile, looking up at Tim. "You know about Kara Danvers. How about telling me about Tim Drake?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim looks at her, considering her question. "Something about Tim Drake huh? Well, I figured out you-know-who's secret, all on my own, when I was kid." He's quite proud of that. It's probably his single biggest achievement, and that's saying something. He sits with her, holding one sticky hand, which when he discoveres that it's sticky, he kisses her fingers to clean them.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara blushes with the kisses, but it sends a thrill though her body. She smiles, giggling a bit, and nods at Tim's claim to fame. "That is impressive. I don't think I could have figured it out if you hadn't given me certain clues. Like taking me to the basement." She laughs, her smile a radiant beam. "You know. A subtle clue, but I figured it out." She smiles, brushing some of her brown hair aside. "So. Your turn. What else would you like to know about me that you haven't figured out already?"

Red Robin has posed:
If she knew who he was, she was going to learn who Batman was. It was bound to happen. And even if she didn't, if she wanted to, she could learn it. There was no defence against a prying Kryptonian except to disappear. Thinking about her question as they get to the top, he sees her brown ponytail lit by the moon in the sky. He narrowed his eyes and asked in a voice as if he were interrogating a criminal, "How do you like your eggs in the morning? I'm a sunny side up guy myself." And then he broke out into a smile.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara laughs at the question. Somehow, it's silly but a good 'getting to know you' question. "I like scrambled. Or omelettes. We really didn't have egss....easily avialable. Back home. So, it really took some getting used to at first. But...every Saturday, Jeremiah cooks up eggs, bacon, and pancakes for all of us. It's...really nice. Jeremiah and Eliza aren't my parents. But they feel like they're my parents."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim leans in and gives Kara a hug. "I know," mean he knows that she's an alien, adopted, getting used to this place, but at some point, she'll have to stop thinking about everything in comparison to how it was back home. At some point, Earth will become home. And if he's very lucky, Tim will become home. "And, I'd love to make you pancakes on Saturday morning, or Waffles, or French Toast. I love French Toast."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods, smiling wide. "I think I'd like that too," she says. "So, I'll hold off on french toast until you can make it for me." She scoots closer to Tim, wrapping an arm around him, and laying her head back on his shoulder. "Tim?" she asks quietly. "I really do love you." It's obvious, but it just seems right for her to say it. Again and again.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim slipped an arm around her as they went round the Ferris wheel, "and I love you." He did. There was a longing for her, somehow, it all just seemed right. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her. When he was fighting crime, he was wondering where she was, how she was doing. He had quickly welcomed her into his life, and his heart. When the wheel came to an end, he reached into his pocket, pulling out some cash and handed it to the guy, "can we go again?" And of course, on Earth, money talks.