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Latest revision as of 17:18, 24 October 2017

Bumps and Bruises
Date of Scene: 17 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Batwoman, Amarok

Star Shimmer has posed:
The sun has set on the Gotham Skyline. Things are relatively sane for the time being. Channel Park is mostly quiet at this time. Most people who are out are just passing through. Things aren't still here though. In the darkness someone is doing something. There is motion. Someone is doing some training. Why at night though and what are they training for?

The person in question is Autumn. She's no stranger to this park. Heck she usually is here making money by busking but not tonight. She is training alright. She is trying to teach herself Parkour by the looks of it. She happens to be running towards a wall and trying to get to the top of it.

Batwoman has posed:
"You're just going to fall on your face if you keep running at that wall like that," Batwoman observes from the top of a nearby roof. She didn't bother to make herself known before that instant, an umbral spectre among shadows. This is her city. Even the crimson hair flowing over the woman's shoulders and the red bat emblazoned across her chest aren't enough to make her seen when she doesn't wish it. Not here, in her demesne. Briefly Batwoman adjusts her crimson gauntlets and takes a deep breath as she shakes her head. Slowly.

"I hope you don't intend on using that on any bad guys? They usually carry guns." There's no sarcasm there, just gentle jabbing. "But good on you with the self-defense thing."

Amarok has posed:
Sitting almost perfectly still and in utter silence in a nearby tree sits the Urban Wolf, the only sign of life being the slow scanning of his head back and forth as the dim blue LED eyes take in the world around him. He seems to be watching Autumn's training, apparently curious in why someone would be using such a dangerous neighborhood for training, regardless of how 'safe' the park itself might be.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn glances up towards Batwoman. Her eyes have adjusted to the dark allowing her to actually see at least kinda okay. She keeps going. As she connects with the wall she plants one foot then the other, before flipping over and just barely sticking the landing.

"This isn't for fighting. Its for getting away!" She states softly. She backs up and takes off towards the wall again. This time she is spying a branch of a nearby tree. She runs up the wall and pushes off. Her hands go to grab the branch. She doesn't catch it. Nope. The branch slips out of her hands and she drops to the ground landing on her back. "Owwww."

Batwoman has posed:
"Yep. You're definitely getting away like that," Batwoman offers helpfully. "It's how you plce your feet. Forget the hands. If it isn't obvious you can grab something when you reach for it you're probably jsut going to fall." There's that observation, quiet though it is. After a moment Kate adds, somewhat more gently, "I need to show you how to do this properly. But in the middle of a park is going to be a dead giveaway later.

"I have some things for you. One step at a time, though. try again." Kate iwil describe how to stand, how to run, even how to place one's feet against the wall in question, patiently. No one is listening, after all. "HOw long have you been out here doing this tonight anyway?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf tenses as Autumn jumps for branch just a few feet from him, thinking for a moment he's been detected, but he holds ever still and slowly relaxes as it becomes clear it was a simple coincidence. He slowly glances over towards the woman on the roof, appraisingly looking her over as she explains an effective method of evasive movement to the would be parkourist, his eyes slowly narrowing as he designates her as the experienced member of the pair.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn frowns and gets to her feet. That hurt but no more then anything else she's dealt with of late. She winces as she takes off again. Right towards the wall again. She kicks off of it up towards the branch. This time she catches it. With a quick swing she flips herself up onto the tree branch. Then with a quick move, she takes off across the branch and jumps onto the top of the wall where Batwoman is perched. "I've been at it since before the sunset. Don't worry. Secrets safe."

She stretches and cracks her back after that last fall. She notes the Wolf but doesn't say anything. Don't wanna freak anyone out after all. Her attention goes back to Batwoman. "Whats up?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Mmm." Batwoman doesn't respond right away but she apparently accepts Autumn's presence because when the girl settles beside her the black and crimson Bat doesn't really react. She cants her head slightly, surveying the darkness for a long moment. Then the woman takes a deep breath and carefully exhales. "Autumn... Get down. Below the level of the rooftop."

Kate reaches out to enforce this by pushing on the girl's shoulder blades as she straightens. "Who are you?" She calls in a low voice that is equal parts a husky whisper and chilling dismissal, albeit to no one in particular who is visible. "Why are you watching us?" She makes an assumption there, of course. But why else would someone stake out this particular unremarkable location? It isn't clar by how Kate holds herself, azure eyes staring int othe darkness, if she has actually seen the Urban Wolf or not.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf fixes his vision on Batwoman as she calls him out. A few moments pass in silence before he slowly rises and hops down from the tree, landing the twelve foot fall as gracefully and quietly as if taking a step down a set of carpeted stairs. He straightens up a bit, scanning around Batwoman and Autumn as if expecting company before slowly stepping forward, as silent as ever.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods. She quickly drops off the edge of the wall before pushing herself off. She quickly lands in a roll and stands up. "Sweet. I didn't kill myself getting down!" She laughs a little bit. She doesn't shout at least. She's just excited.

Batwoman has posed:
The last to descend is Batwoman. She falls to earth in a wave of crimson, her dark form outlined in the fluttering of that red cape and her long, flowing hair. Black and red, like something falling directly out of Hell and into the WOlf's path. She takes the fall just as easily, bending her knees when she lands to come almost halfway to a crouch. "Who are you?" She asks then, canting her head slightly to the left as she does. "I don't appreciate being spied upon."

Amarok has posed:
The wolf stops about twenty feet from Batwoman and carefully looks her and her ward over before answering in a quiet droning deadpan of a monotone, "...And I dont appreciate criminals practicing their getaway techniques in a public park." He says with a slight cant of his head towards Autumn, "...Choose your words carefully. You'll only get so many...." His stance is fairly open, clearly not intimidated by the pair.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"CRIMINAL?!" That is enough to piss off Autumn. "You should follow your own advice but sadly, you've already wasted any further words I want to hear from you. Perhaps next time you will watch the news before making such accusations." She glares. "I've chosen my words. Here they are. Practicing Parkour is perfectly legal. Stalking people, you know like the overgrown gorilla in front of us, Is not. So who is the criminal here?"

Batwoman has posed:
"..." Batwoman is about to interject when Autumn speaks instead. She tenses for a spit second but doesn't interrupt or countermand the young woman as she goes through her rant. Instead those blue eyes focus onto the Urban Wolf again. "The city doesn't need half-baked ex-military conspiracy nut vigilantes assaulting people for practicing sports in public spaces. You should leave. Now." It is Batwoman who is closing the distance. Fifteen feet. Twelve.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf doesn't show any reaction to Autumn's ranting rebuke, just patiently waiting for her to finish, and then for Batwoman's threatening insult, "...If I were looking to assault you, you'd be in the emergency ward right now. I've been assessing you to find out if that's needed." He looks over to Autumn, "...You're more of a danger to yourself than anyone else. So you're free to go about your business." He looks back to Batwoman, stretching his neck and shoulders out as he addresses her, "...But you seem a bit more...suspect." He says in his ever flat tone, still apparently unthreatened by the approaching vigilante."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn glares at the man, "You know what you've seen. You've seen nothing. Hence you know nothing. Also, I'd suggest you listen to the lady. She's a little on edge. I don't think she's kicked the tar out of any skeevy bastards in a while and you are certainly fitting the bill. Get lost." Its true, the only thing he would have scene of her is her attempts at Parkour. The good news is, she can use that. "But ya know since I am the least you have to worry about, I guess I will be on my way. Be well Ape Man." She begins moving away and making her way out of view of the man. The difference between him and Batwoman, she actually has some idea of what she is capable of. She would know that giving up and walking away is definitely not her style.

Batwoman has posed:
"Threatening people for alternate lifestyle and clothing choices? My mistake. Very classy. And here I thought you were just here because you like to beat up on little girls." Kate plants her feet at the en foot mark, staring into the eyes of a man who is admittedly taller and far more muscular than she is. She doesn't actually do anything for now save for adjusting her gauntlets. Carefully. "I don't care what you suspect. If you're trying to help people go find a mugging to stop. I'm not going to tell you again."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf watches Autumn starting off before refocusing on Batwoman, staring her down through the featureless LED mask on his face, "....Tell me something first. What's your opinion on the Joker being made commisioner of the GCPD?" He asks out of nowhere as he stands as still as a statue.

Star Shimmer has posed:
As Autumn vanishes into the darkness, She quickly moves out of Wolf's line of sight. Once clear she begins doubling back around. She's moving silently. Every step is carefully planned. Quietly she makes her way towards a tree. Despite her departure, she wants to see this. As far as her ability to move goes, she isn't terrible at it. In a quick move, she scurries up a tree.

Batwoman has posed:
"It's completely insane. I don't know how they could possibly..." Batwoman shakes her head once, still scowling as she does. "You need to be more careful." Looking around briefly Kate turns and proceeds to walk away, toward the nearby alley. She doesn't look back. "Try picking targets who are committing a crime."

Amarok has posed:
As soon as Batwoman denounces the Joker's assignment, the Wolf turns and walks away without another word to the woman in black, apparently satisfied by her answer. As he passes the tree Autumn scurried up, he glances over at it, looking dead at her, "...Keep out of trees till you can do a flip without hurting yourself. You'll save a few broken bones that way." He says in the same manner as ever as he resumes stalking off into the darkness of the park.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn rolls her eyes, "Stay away from young girls doing Parkour training until you are less Skeevy. Bye!" And with that she flips out of the tree and lands it. With that she walks back over towards Batwoman. She sighs and rubs her head. "Okay so. What's the plan?" She asks her curiously. She is actually ready to be knocked on her ass for running her mouth.

Batwoman has posed:
"You'e going to practice climbing that wall until you can get to th top in your sleep," Batwoman responds shortly, still walking. "And you're going to be watching for a package to arrive at your apartment in the next couple of days." She glances back briefly to survey Autumn and takes a deep breath. "Learn to control your mouth. He would have killed you."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn shrugs and nods, "Okay and, nah. He wouldn't have." She looks at the wall and then spits on her hands. She rubs them together and takes off toward the wall. With a quick motion, she does a double step up the wall and pushes off toward the branch. She catches it again and pulls herself up. Then she carefully moves out on the branch and jumps to the top of the wall. "If he wanted to fight, I doubt he would have run his mouth at all."

Batwoman has posed:
"Faster," Kate calls after that ascension, head tilted slightly as she regards the woman above her carefully. "Until it's second nature." She purses her lips for a second, taking a deep breath before she adds. "That's true. But you can't account for what someone is thinking. If they are deranged. He might not have wanted to hear you call him out. You have to consider their reactions, not just disposition. It was dangerous. Learn to keep it under control." For now, Kate steps into a shadow of her own, disappearing from view. She continues to watch, even if that is not immediately clear.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn does a quick drop from the from the roof and tucks into a roll. After all, don't wanna get hurt! "Faster..." She sighs and takes off running fullspeed at the wall. She thinks a moment. Maybe this could work. Another step on the wall, another attempt at defying gravity. She does manage to get the third step but its clumsy and she falls to the ground. "Dammit." She gets up and tries again.

Batwoman has posed:
"You need to lean into it. Use your momentum. You're fighting it, which is why you keep missing." So much for being hidden. When did Kate get to the top of a roof? She is Batwoman and so it happened out of the sight of most peoplew ho might be nearby. Even other denizens of the night. "We also need to get you different shoes." A deep breath is taken andthen slowly exhaled after a moment. "Take a break before you land on your face. One minute. WHat have you been doing... when you weren't training?" Kate's voice softens slightly as the questions turn vaguely personal.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn sighs and nods, "Yeah, my shoes are old and don't exactly help." She growls and gets to her feet. Times like this she is happy for a sports bra even for her itty bitties because goddess knows she's going to be sore from all of this. She gestures to the guitar case against the tree. "Busking. Its how I make money right now. I sing and make music. People give me money. Its kinda cool." She snickers. "Honestly I love music. I wish I could do something with that in my life but, I'm also sorta really smart. I did have a job lined up but it got kaboshed." She sighs.

Batwoman has posed:
"What happenedto the job?" Batwoman asks, lurking in th shadow and staring at a 17-year-old girl in the manner of perverts and masked vigilante protectors everywhere. She nods once at the guitar case but otherwise doesn't comment, content to be invisible, if not inaudible. Then she asks, "Do you have the transmitter with you?"

Amarok has posed:
From the darkness of the western side of the park, the sounds of a fight erupt for roughly ten seconds, including a few gunshots. Then all goes silent.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks at Batwoman and frowns, "Well. Ferris Air was going to hire me right after I graduate. Sadly things just sorta went sideways with it. I got word that they don't have a position for me. So without a job there was no reason to go to Metropolis."

Several gunshots go off. A soft sigh is given. "dammit." She sighs, "Thats why I'm working so hard." She just shakes her head. quietly she reaches into the pocket of her jeans and pulls out the transmitter. "I modified my pockets so they actually can actually hold stuff. The person who designed girl pockets needs shot."

Batwoman has posed:
"That's why I always buy men's jeans," Kate agrees before looking off in the direction of the gunshots. "Stay here," she announces shortly before running to the far end of her rooftop. Batwoman is scanning the darkness now, augmented vision picking otu any potential targets as she zeroes in on the source of the noise. She is crouched by the ede of theroof, ready to dive off and glide into action. Just as soon as she knows who she is actually going after, of course.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf from before can be seen just on the edge of Batwoman's nightvision skulking off into the darkness after a terrified woman. All around lie the bodies of GCPD officers, to far away to discern features or signs of life.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn sighs and nods. She just goes back to running up the wall. She does follow the instruction given to her, using her momentum to sprint up the wall, jumping off, catching the branch and this time flipping herself up onto it. Now a bit more confident, she races across the branch and springs up to the roof top.

Batwoman has posed:
Batwoman sighs, shaking herh ead. SHe takes a graceful leap from the rooftop, spreading her 'wings', the violent red of her cape and the bat on her chest evident form beneath. She glides silently, almost invisibly through the darkness afterboth the fleeing woman and the Urban Wolf himself.Asshe comes closer the fallen officers are given a brief secnd look. There's a specific goal in mind, however, and she continues on behind the pair. With any luck she can see what is going on between the pair before she descends upon the strange, lupine vigilante.

Amarok has posed:
The officers are twitchingly slightly, still clearly alive, but unlikely to be going anywhere under their own power for a good while. As he comes back into view, The Wolf is crouched down in front of the woman, who is looking at him in apprehension and terror as he slowly offers her a hand, seemingly trying to help her to her feet.

Batwoman has posed:
The grappeling gun on Batwoman's belt is used to pull her in toward a nearby rooftop, preventing the Caped Crusader's hellbat successor from having to land in the alley where Urban Wolf has caught his quarry. She watches them interact for a long moment vbefore slowly shakign her head. Then it is time for Batwoman to return to Autumn and check up on hertraining. She doesnt' comment on what Urban Wolf is doing nor does she get involved. The information is filed away to be carefully thought over at another moment. "So what DID you think of our visitor?" Kate asks of Autumn during a lull in training.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf is last seen by Batwoman helping the woman to her feet. What happens from there is unknown as she chooses to return to her protege.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn sits on the rooftop and takes a sip of water. "Honestly, He seemed like a brute. A real bruiser type. Don't get me wrong, that isn't a bad thing. He just seemed like more brawn then brains." She frowns not trying to be insulting. "I hope he doesn't kill some innocent though."

Batwoman has posed:
"I get the impression he's a ball of rage trying to do somethingto help and he's going to end up seriously making a mess while he flails around," Batwoman responds bluntly. "But he didn't hurt any of the guys he jus took down and I'm inclined to beat up a few cops myself right now. So I'll give him a pass." Batwoman sits beside Autumn on the rooftop, watching the dark sky overhead.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions right?" She glances up at the sky. Her bruised and banged up form adding more color to her then the usual paleness of her skin. Autumn rubs her head. "I think I know what I'm going to call myself."

Batwoman has posed:
"Oh? What's that?" Kate doesn't look over at Autumn as she speaks, instead focusing out on the city ahead of her. She breathes a quiet sigh, briefly biting on her bottom lip whileno one else can see. "What name did you decide onf or yourself? I'm dying to hear it." There's no inflection to show whether the woman is serious or not.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Nightingale." Autumn states as she continues watching the city. If there is any doubt in her mind about what she is trying to do, she doesn't say it. She doesn't even hint that its happening.