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Latest revision as of 17:43, 24 October 2017

New Gig
Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Albert Wesker, Juggernaut

Albert Wesker has posed:
With his information on Juggernaut being so well documented the unstopible merc will be a vial boon to his plans. More so to deal with the other more powerful B.O.W.S. in Raccoon City. He has paid the juggernaut 500 thousand UD in gold 99.99 percent pure gold. Simply to buy his time and patience for this meeting. Needing a mercenary strong man. And with his size and power, Wesker wants some discression with his arrival to the Spencer estate. Of course almost no expect would be spared save those that would cause a show.

Which means Wine, good music, and of course food as he is escorted through the Spencer mansion to meet with One Mr Wesker. And when Juggernaut comes in there is a black chair, and on the many screens behind him are many shots of various monsters, Zombies, and other monsters filling what looks like a small town, attacking people, killing them, eating their flesh. A close inspection shows this is not some life like movie... it is the Real thing.

Turning around to greet his guest. "Greetings Juggernaut. was the sum enough to earn your time and patience?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    You want The Juggernaut? You -get- The Juggernaut. Especially with that nice sum of advance pay just to buy his time. That is how you treat an A-class mercenary who also happens to be oneo f the most powerful beings on the planet. As such, Wesker has already earned some favorable points with the giant when he arrives in full armor regalia, fully sized and dressed to impress. His helmet and skullcap are off, carried underneath a gigantic arm which means his head can be seen swiveling from side to side atop his tree stump thick neck, taking in the sights of the Spencer mansion as he's escorted through. He's impressed.

That sense of impression turns to surprise and a wrinkling of his nose as he takes in the scenes on the monitors. Juggernaut has seen some horrifying things and is no stranger to abominations and eldritch monsters but he's still forced to pause as he takes in the scenes of carnage only to look down to Wesker as the man turns to greet him.

"Uh, yeah. You know how to get a guys attention. So what's the deal?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker smiles as Juggernaut might also see a Large calibur anti material rifle in a stand that also has heavy armor penetrating rounds. It is no where near wesker as he says. "Ah Glad to hear it. I need your assistance on a combination disposal escort mission." and he presses a button showing footage of what looks like mutant Zoo animals, Crocs, elephants, bears, Rhinos. "The mission in a nut shell. The City behind me is called Raccoon city Currently under SHIELD Quarrintine. There are still some survivors there. I am needing you to dispose of the more dangerous mutations, help shore up defences and assist in their evacuation one they are cured of their virus infection by me."

WEsker smiles as he asks, "Your duribility also extends to immunity to poisons and disease correct?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    There's an audible creaking sound like that of industrial leather being stretched as Juggernaut's muscles shift and move like continental plates just from his casual movements. He jabs a thumb at his chest and rumbles, "It's in the name 'Unstoppable'." So that'd be a yes.

He considers the screens again while trying to process the particulars of this mission, "Sounds pretty straight forward. You working with SHIELD?" he asks, eyes squinting just a little bit, "Or this happening without their involvement or wishes?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
as he looks to the Juggernaut and says, "Without either. They may give you some trouble but should not be anything you can't handle. I would prefer them not being harmed. The creatures in there are durible and strong, some of them also have regenerive healing powers. You may beed to be thorough in disposing them. But destruction of the head and upper spine should be effective. I will provide you with a special holographic map of the city and the most direct routes to areas that can be cleared and made a path to possible clean zones for SHIELD to treat these people."

"My opening price is 10 million Us Dollars in Gold. You would also have thosuands of people most likely hailing you as their personal hero. Even if you did go in there as a mercenary."

Juggernaut has posed:
    The giant considers that last part for a bit and inclines his head as if weighing it all. He then says, "People turn on you. I've done stints as a so-called-hero before...." Still, his eyes probably betray his true feelings. IF nothing else Juggernaut has an ego and having it stroked by people who owe him or see him favorably is right up his alley. Not to mention the thought of SHIELD owing him which he notes by saying, "SHIELD owing me is probably more valuable considering I'm on their list. It'd be nice to take advantage of that also."

He gestures, almost absently, "As to the rest, you got a deal. Is there anybody else I need to know that might be there? Any would be do-gooders sniffing around or other mercenaries I need to know about?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
Nods, "Yes, while your talents and abilities are most impressive. I have hired both Deathstroke and his apprentice Ravenger, I need their assistance in more stuble ways. I have informed them of your employment as well. It is more than possible other heroes show up. The Virus that caused the outbreak is still unknown to them. and I do not think they want to risk metahuman or mutant infections. So I do not believe you will face many others, But it is always a possibility, hopefully when they see you they will step back watch you, and when they see you helping the victims they will leave you alone. Or even help you." he says with a smile.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The Juggernaut considers this, pondering a few different scenarios and possiblities in his head. Finally he nods again, "IF they know what's good for them they will, yeah. But as for me, I'll do my job."

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Thank you." and with a snap of his fingers he will cause a Large case to rise up. "Ten million dollars in gold, in advance. This will allow you to confirm it's legitimacy, and I will have my agents brief you on the nessicary information. Though would you permit me to test your... duribility?" and he makes a motion to the weapon on the table. "I am genuinly curious of seeing it in person." Wesker is calm and controled at all times.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "What, the rumors, news reports, first hand accounts and SHIELD files arent enoug?" asks Juggernaut as he picks up te large case to test its weight. He moves to flick it open, moving deftly with fingers the size of tree branches, intending on visibly confirming the gold as such negotiations demand. He does look up, though and then glances over to look at the gun in consideration.

Finally he rumbles, "Sure, why not. What is that thing? Doesn't look to special from here?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Anti Material rifle armor penetrating rounds. This would cut through any of the creatures in the City." he says standing up and shows off a .50 armor penetrating rough as he loads as single round into it. And says, "when ever you are ready." he holds the weapon like it is a feather.

Juggernaut has posed:
    No sooner has Wesker loaded the gun has Juggernaut reached over and laid hold on it, not to crush it but to pull it free from Weskers grasp and hauling the weapon into his own control. Whether by surprise or juggernaut's strength or both, the weapon is obtained rather matter of factly as Juggernaut spins it around deftly in his grasp. Manipulating it with the familiar ease granted by his military training and being comfortable of moving in his massive body. "I told you, it's in the name. I"m UNSTOPPABLE."

He spins the weapon around until he's pointing it at his own face, at his own eyes. "You can't stop me with guns, you can't stop me with tanks, you can't stop me with ANYTHING." And with that he pulls the trigger. A loud *BOOOOM* resounds as the gun fires, exploding into Juggernaut's face with an ear splitting roar that covers the giants head with a smoke plume from the brief blast of fire.

A second passes as the smoke dissipates and Juggernaut is still standing there. Not a scratch on his face. No sign of damage at all and his expression twisted into an arrogant sneer as he states with finality, "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT."

In other words, dont' ask dumb questions.

Albert Wesker has posed:
"Now I do fully believe the rumors. It will be a pleasure working with you." And Wesker will have another million in gold brought to the Juggernaut just for that display. It was money well spent.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The Juggernaut spins the gun back around and hands it back to Wesker, giving an smug grin now, "My pleasure. I'll stick around Madripoor until it's time to go. You got my services."

Albert Wesker has posed:
Albert Wesker will have Juggernaut given some very nice accomidations. Though furnature will of course need to be specail made of high grade metal. to handle his weight and such. But Wesker will make sure he is treated very well.