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Latest revision as of 18:27, 24 October 2017

Night in Gotham
Date of Scene: 20 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Red Robin

Supergirl has posed:
Gotham isn't Supergirl's usual territory. But, tonight isn't a usual night for her. A few weeks ago, Kara took Robin on a patrol in Metropolis. Now, it's Robin's turn to reciprocate with a patrol in Gotham. And immediately, Supergirl feels the differences between the two cities as much as day and night. She's wearing her usual costume as she lands on the roof where she's meeting Robin for tonight, but she's also carrying a black duffel bag over her shoulder. Now, Supergirl sets in to wait for Robin.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin was doing his parkour, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Kara could see him from some distance away. But the way he moved, so effortless, so easy. It was routine. He knew every corner, knew every landing, every brick. This was his territory, and if anything, Batman knew it better. She probably lost him a few times, as he used special entrances and exits, little things that had been put into the system, on so many buildings, a lever here to create a drawbridge like object, a rope there, whatever was needed. He made good time. Amazingly good, considering how far he was moving, on foot, and so many stories up. When he finally reached her, he didn't even seem out of breath. He was smiling. It was a joy to watch him in this kind of environment. He was a kid in a playground. "Hi there Supergirl. Thanks for joining me on patrol." Somehow, his costume seemed to work here too. Where in Metropolis, it had seemed to draw light, becoming flashy and showy as her own, here, the green, the red, it all seemed so muted. There were fewer reflective surfaces here, and much less light. It made him hard to keep track of. He could hide in Gotham. And right now, he wasn't trying to hide in the slightest.

Supergirl has posed:
"Happy to be here, Robin," Supergirl replies. They're not with the Titans, or out on a date; Supergirl forces herself to keep things professional between them. And even though she knows it's the same costume Robin had in Metropolis, the muting of the colors is remarkable. Even her own bright red and blue colors don't seem to be as bright as they are in the other city. "So," she says with a quick smile, breaking out of her reverie. "I...brought some spare clothes. You know, incase this costume is just...not subtle enough for patrol here." She holds out the gymbag. "Just some commercial sweats, but they have the 'S' logo on them." Kara shrugs, not sure if they'll be needed or not.

Red Robin has posed:
As much as Robin would love to see her change, and he know, she could do it so fast, he wouldn't see anything, her costume is fine. "Supergirl, your costume is who you are. Your presence alone inspires certain feelings. It carries weight. It's not just about your powers. Reputation, properly used, can move mountains. How do you think Batman does it?" He also loved seeing her in her costume.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods, understanding how reputation can be used. "Okay. I get that. But, I also know that Batman doesn't like flashy, powered people in Gotham. And, I kind of get it." No, she really doesn't get it, but she accepts it. "So, I just want to fit in here while I'm on patrol with you. I want to show Batman and you that I can play by your rules here. I don't want to upset what Batman is trying to do here." Whatever point he may be trying to make. "I want to show that I'm a team player."

Red Robin has posed:
Robin grinned to her. "It's okay. You have a chaperone." He did worry about Kara's sensibilities. There were real threats in Gotham. Not the kind that could hurt her physically, but the Joker, Two-Face, some of the people here could cause great psychological harm that might be irreparable. Even people like the Mad Hatter, Penguin, Egghead for Gotham's sake, so many had the potential to mess with someone as 'good' and 'kind' as Kara. She had so much love. Robin didn't want to see her lose that inner light. "You are, he knows, I know. But do it as Supergirl."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods, smiling and looking more relieved. "Okay. So..." she holds out the gym bag. "Should I just store this on your bike?" She does look around for the motorcycle that Robin uses. "Or, Oh! Hang on a bit..." With a sudden WOOOSH, Supergirl takes off into the sky. She doesn't go supersonic until she's safely away from Gotham. And in about a minute and a half, she's back on the rooftop with Robin. "Just put it back in my room at Titan's Tower," she explains with a smile. "So...I'll follow you?"

Red Robin has posed:
Robin looks at her. She's gone. Then she's back. He barely blinks. And then he smiles, widely. "I have the coolest girlfriend." He finally says, for anyone who might be listening. He then decides to lead her on a nightly patrol, going over pipes, brick, rooftops. He moves so effortlessly, sliding here, there and everywhere, gaining momentum, keeping it, and using it for his next jump or move.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl keeps pace with Robin, flying rather than doing the parkour. "Well, she's not as cool as my boyfriend," Kara teases back with a smile. And in truth, Robin is amazingly cool to her. It's easy to be a hero and face down the threats she faces when you're an indestructable, super-strong alien. But to persevere and train and commit yourself to being a hero like Robin and Batman and so many other 'normal' heroes do...it's impressive. A feat of will equal to a feat of Kryptonian power.

However, in Gotham, the gleam of youthful enthusiasm can't last long. And it's especially true as Supergirl's hearing picks up...many disturbing sounds. "Rao," she breathes, looking creastfallen as she hears so many calls for help, so much that needs her attention. "What...who should I..." She looks over at Robin, feeling paralyzed. "Robin...should I go help others? Who should I help? It's...Lots of people in need..." Kara's never had to prioritize or perform triage like this.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin, like Batman, would be a holy terror if he ever got a Green Lantern ring... but when Kara says that, Robin stops his run. He pauses, and then thinks. "Supergirl. You, if I understand things, are fast enough to save people and move on. I can't keep up. But you can help dozens of people, all while I'm trying to get to that building over there." And he points. "It's tough work. I know. But tonight. Why don't you go all out. Help everyone that you can. Use your powers. Focus. You hear a call, go, deal with it. And if you need advice, or backup, talk to me on the headset."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl looks relieved and doesn't question Robin. Instead, she's off like a speeding bullet of blue and red, going hither and yon over Gotham. A rapist is stopped and hung up on a street sign. A pair of muggers find themselves disarmed and tied up with a garden hose. A drug deal in an alleyway is stopped, with the guns melted and the dealers bound with a fendertorn off from their vehicle.

Gotham PD is going to have an easy night of things, it seems.

In between each emergency she goes to answer, Supergirl checks back in with Robin, following his progress as he runs and jumps over the rooftops. "I promise," she says with a smile after about five minutes of super-speed crime fighting over the city. "I am leaving some for you and the police to handle."

Red Robin has posed:
"Supergirl. Don't. If you can stop people before the police, or I, do it." He didn't want to spell it out for her. He didn't want to make her feel bad. "I know, you're a human being," in this sense at least. "You need time for yourself, to think, to live. But tonight, Gotham has a guardian angel. Make the most of it." For his part, he had stopped some crime. But for every five or so she stopped, he was stopping one. For him, that was a surprisingly good haul given her powers.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods to Robin, as the pemission is given. And indeed, tonight, Gotham does indeed have a guardian angel. Bringing hope to a city where hope seems to be constantly in short supply. And, at some point, it seems like Supergirl's efforts have gotten the GPD *ahead* of the curve for the first time in memory. But, as Kara returns to Robin, she's looking tired and worn out. A bit shell-shocked from everything she's seen so far thig night. And by far, it's not the worst that Gotham can throw at her; just the common street crime that happens all the time. "How do you do it?" she asks Robin as she takes a break. "How do you keep going...keep fighting? I just...it's hard for me to understand this city. There's so much more that needs to be done here in terms of people to help. Compared to Metropolis, I mean. Why doesn't Batman allow superhumans here to help out and protect the city? I just...I don't see why."

Red Robin has posed:
"I take it one crime at a time. I do what I can. If tonight, I save 15 people, then that's 15 people who are safer. Tomorrow, I might save 5. Another night, 20. It all matters. We do what we can, as often as we can. We're human. Whether we're from Krypton, Earth, or Mars, we do what we can. Nobody can do it every minute of every day. We need down time. But when we do help, we make a difference in someone's life. It's all we can do. And the more work we do, the more we inspire others to help, and hopefully, some of the criminals will change. Batman's... territorial. Somehow, even I don't understand it, but he controls this city. If I save 20, he saves 80. He's human, at least I think, but sometimes even I wonder how he does it. And I'm his partner."