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Latest revision as of 18:32, 24 October 2017

Nightingale Is Born
Date of Scene: 20 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Nightwing

Star Shimmer has posed:
The moon peeks through the clouds of a breaking up rain storm which had passed through the city just a short while prior. Autumn has been busy reworking her speech. In three short day she would be expected to give a speech that people would remember for a long time coming. Now that the rain has stopped though. She decided to head to the roof.

Putting her own domino mask on and a headband that are part of her suit, she climbs up to the roof and just looks around. A lot of things are racing through her mind. Things like her family, Her sister who went missing, What she was going to do after she graduates. Its all so much for her. Enough for discouragement to weigh heavily on her shoulders. Quietly she looks into a puddle of water and just gazes at herself. "Who are you even." She whispers.

Nightwing has posed:
Trying to make himself scarce since the apointment of Joker to the comissioner and all the criminals and inmates from Arkham, Nightwing is lurking to the shadows like he never has before. Turns out all that training underneath the Bat has been more than useful in this situation. He's in the Randall neighbor hood, low on one of the overhands of a building, his blue insignia the only thing really visible of the super spy hero.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn is completely unaware of Nightwing and him being in the area. She has been largely unaffected by the Joker being the comissioner, at least up until now. Her attention has been on everything else. Training, Preparations for moving that isn't going to happen, The job that she won't be getting, Her sister being lost again. It all really stinks. She simply sighs softly as she looks down at herself.

If not for the concealment of her eyes by way of her mask, she would appear down. "I tried to love myself. Everything was going well. Now... I dunno if I can. It hurts." The reflection just stares back to her. Its almost as though she can hear herself lecturing her over the whole thing.

Nightwing has posed:
At her words Dick looks over his shoulder and slowly steps out of the shadows into the light wash from the street below.

"Sounds like you're having problems too." Nightwing says gently as he steps forwards to the girl on the same rooftop. (What are the odds?)

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks over at Nightwing, "Oh Hey, Nightwing. Good to see you" She states as she looks back into her reflection, "Things were going so well. THen things went upside down." She sighs.

"No. I can't give up. I am not going back to hating who I am! Things go bad. It happens. I can make a difference. I am not the person I was before."

Nightwing has posed:
"Guess you didn't need a pep talk from me after all." Nightwing says with a smile across his sharp features as he continues to move closer to the woman on the rooftop. Just in case.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn sighs. Her words while motivational are definitely not from the heart. "I dunno. I'm learning to help out, like you and Batman do. Batwoman is training me. Its exciting. I mean the training is good even if I am sorta getting my butt kicked." She laughs and then just winces.

"Sorry bout all of this. I'm just starting to feel like a failure.I wanted to help my sister and she ran away. I was supposed to have a job but The company backed out of it." She makes a little face and then speak up again. "I've been doing my best to change the way I feel about myself. Its just really hard ya know?

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing moves closer to the lip of the building and sits down with his legs dangling off. "Don't blame yourself if she didn't want your help. You can only control your own actions, not those of anyone else, even, or especially your family." Dick says, that coming from the heart and experience. "Do the things you want yourself to be doing and have done, make sure you don't have regrets and you'll be someone you like."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "Thanks Nightwing. You're right." She sighs and just rubs her head. "I can't do this. I can't let myself go back to that. I'm not that person anymore." She smiles. "I'm the girl who I want to be. Thats the important thing." Everything inside of her begins to tingle. "Hehe. It feels good to say that." In the sky a streak of violet whips from east to west, cutting through the clouds. "Ummm. Did you see that?"

Nightwing has posed:
Nodding once and looking to the sky further. "What was that?" he asks, usually something oddly colored in the sky isn't a good thing, or at least a natural thing.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn shrugs, "Well, Batwoman said I'm not allowed to engage in heroics until she says I'm ready. So as long as I'm not fighting anyone!" She takes off running then jumps off the edge of the building. Its a close jump but she does make it. She even tucks into a roll without thinking about it. "I'm still learning."

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing has the history for it so he takes a few steps as well and is quickly leaping across the gap to the next roof, following Autumn. His blue eyes occasionally glance up to try and figure out what direction the streak was headed in and where it might have landed.

"You seem to be advancing pretty quickly." Nightwing admits, though he honestly has no idea how long, she's been training or what her skill was when she started.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles a little, "Thank you. Its tough though. I like it. I am sorta, smart." She blushes, "Valedictorian and everything." She laughs. "I still have way too much to learn." She quickly gets to her feet and takes off running again in the direction of that violet streak.

In the distance, A strange violet light is approaching...

Nightwing has posed:
Dick keeps up with Autumn fairly well. "Being smart certianly helps with heroics, especially if you're not fighting, but if you do fight, nothing beats pure instincts." The practiced hero says, with a huff as he lands on a rooftop and has to roll to spread out his momentum comfortably.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"I hear you there." Autumn smiles as she keeps moving. "Is that light getting closer?" She asks curiously. She comes to a stop and just watches. Suddenly the light streaks toward her and then around her several times before stopping above her.

"What the hell?!" She looks up and blinks a few times. "A ring?! Wait... I've seen that ring before. Or at least one like it. Thats the same ring that Star Sapphire uses!" She looks at it curiously and the ring descends and comes to a stop in the palm of her hand.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing stops mid stride and blinks a few times at the light before he whispers a few words to himself but doesn't vocalize them loudly enough to be heard. "That's ... you should be careful with that." Dick says softly, and not standing too close to the girl.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn blinks a few times as she looks at the weird ring. "I ummm... I am not going to wear it. This... It shouldn't be here." She frowns and sits down on the edge of the building and just stairs at the ring. "Ummmm I think, We are going to need to talk to the Bats and I am going to get ahold of Star Sapphire. I have her number. These things are supposed to be tethered to their wearers right?"

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing shrugs his shoulders once, "I am not too sure." Dick honestly admits, he's never had too many chances to interview the Green Lantern about the rules of his ring or anything like that.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn frowns, "Well I am open to suggestions about what I should do with a ring like this? I mean as much as I sorta hoped I could do stuff like Star Sapphire I didn't think that would ever happen. This is just a level of crazy that I'm not used to. I guess it fits the tempo of the city these days. I mean, Commissioner Joker?"

Nightwing has posed:
"I certainly don't know what to do with it, but it appears to have chosen you." Dick says, moving to take a seat on a near by not in use heater, and examines the girl and her new equipment. "But this doesn't seem to be the same kind of wave length as the Joker being the comissioner."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "We need to get in touch with Batman... and Batwoman. Batman will want to know about this. Batwoman will want to know if only because she's my teacher. I'll call Star Sapphire immediately, assuming she is on the planet she will hear." She sighs. "I guess I should keep hold of it for now? Unless you want to take it to Batman..."

Nightwing has posed:
"It didn't come to me, it came to you. So you keep hold of it." Nightwing says and he continues to eye Autumn, ever curious but not saying much in regards to his growing desire for knowledge.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods. "I'll Keep hold of it for now." She slips the ring in her pocket for now. "This is very weird. Ya know that right. And yeah, not on the same level of Commissioner Joker but definitely weird. Okay so... I guess I will head back home for now. I'm going to have to make some calls."

Nightwing has posed:
"Be safe and careful Autumn." Dick says, moving off the heater unit and over to the ledge to swan dive off and go off on his own way.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks over at Nightwing, "Come on man!" She gestures to the mask on her face. "Nightingale." She winks and takes off, running back toward her appartment.