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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/15 |Location=Angelica Jones' Apartment, Morrisania |Synopsis=Gwen came by Angelicas for a little pizza, shop talk, and girl talk. |Cast of Characters=1014, 118 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Angelica left a message for Gwen inviting her over for dinner to talk about something. She isn't terribly forthcoming with the information. She makes a homemade pizza, crust to the top. Half of it...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:08, 22 November 2023

Recruiting dinner...
Date of Scene: 15 November 2023
Location: Angelica Jones' Apartment, Morrisania
Synopsis: Gwen came by Angelicas for a little pizza, shop talk, and girl talk.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Ghost Spider

Firestar has posed:
Angelica left a message for Gwen inviting her over for dinner to talk about something. She isn't terribly forthcoming with the information. She makes a homemade pizza, crust to the top. Half of it is veggie and the other half is Hawaiian.

On the message she tells her the door is open and so is her bedroom window. A little joke of course, but she just tells her to come in when she arrives.
Ghost Spider has posed:
She might not be a starving college student anymore, but if there's one thing being one taught Gwen, it's never to turn down A) A chance to hang out with friends, or B) Dinner. Finding out it's /homemade dinner? Even more of a win!

She resists the urge to make a joke about the bedroom window, instead using the ol' webswing express to come down in an alley a couple blocks away and change into a simple enough longsleeved turtleneck and jeans combo, spring in her step until she's letting herself in the front door with a cheerful whistle to announce herself before she's making her way towards the sound of Angelica, "It's just me! Gwen! Your friendly neighborhood... neighbor? Kind of? I mean, you know, in that all New Yorkers are kind of neighbors.."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica walks out of the bedrom and smirks. She is dressed in an ESU t shirt and a pair of cut off jeans. A chuckle and she says,"Hey neighbor. Come on in. Get comfy. Pizza is almost ready."

She walks into the kitchen area to check the oven. She nods and then gets the heat pads to remove it. One thing about her, she can cook. Setting the pizza on the stove top she sets a timer to let the pizza stand before she cuts it,"I've got..." she starts and looks into the refrigerator,"Pepsi, nearby micro brew from a place called Mac's, and...that's about all I have cold. Water on tap. Milk if you want. Even Williams if you want it to burn."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Arms cross and Gwen grins lopsidedly as Angelica comes ambling out of the bedroom, "Jeeze, if I'd known you were /waiting/ I would've used the bedroom window after all. Now I feel like I ruined a surprise!"

But she's definitely not going to turn down the invitation to follow along into the kitchen, letting out a low whistle at the pizza, "Is it cliched to think that looks great? Because it's pizza in New York?"

She rolls her eyes and snorts out softly, murmuring dryly, "Oh! Pepsi'll do... I stopped a carjacking earlier, so I've earned the calories, right?"

Eyebrows lift, hands clasping in front of her chin, "So... did you invite me to discuss something more than pizza? I mean, it /seemed/ a little... serious."
Firestar has posed:
A soft laugh and she replies,"Maybe next time. The window is always open for you." She winks and brings two bottles of Pepsi from the refrigerator and offers one to Gwen.

"Well I mean pizza is proper conversation, but there is more yes." she admits. Cracking a bottle open, she takes a drink, recaps it, and goes to get the rocker knife,"There is a group, called GIRL, a think tank. We are working on something that's really...difficult for me. I'd like another of the Spider familt around. Make sure I don't get too close to it or run off the rails."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen's cheeks flush and she clears her throat softly, eyebrows perking before her eyes narrow in a bit more of a confident glare, "Oh, I'll keep that in mind, red."

She reaches out to take the offered drink and snickers out softly, "I mean, pizza is /definitely/ proper conversation. Especially for costumed crimefighters. A good slice joint can be a lifesaver, it's not like you've got time to sit down for a meal all the time... and like, spring rolls are good, but it's so /hard/ to manage to dip them in sauce while still keeping a move on..."

Her eyebrows perk once more and she whistles out softly, "Oh! Yeah, I've heard of GIRL. Super science, right? With that Wasp that's /not/ the fashion star! I mean, I'm not sure how... stabilizing I can be, what with my last interaction with superscience leading to spider bite and..." She gestures vaguely with a little smile. "But I can do my best as your friend to keep you level and in control. I mean, if you get all mad sciencey megalomaniacal I'll just web you. Give you a chance to cool down."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica chuckles softly from teasing and starts cutting the pizza. Rocker knife, a gift from the heavens.

Once the pizza is cut, she goes to rinse the blade and dry it off,"Peter's the same way. If you don't sit on him he'll be days without food. When I got back to the city we met up. He hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before. Our lives don't always make for ideal eating times."

Grabbing plates, she hands one to Gwen and winks,"Make like it's home. Get what you want." She considers and nods,"We could use you for sure. One of them decided we should try to get..." she pauses and focuses a little,"...apparently Dracula lives eternal because every time he dies, he just inhabits someone else with the right blood. Trying to figure out how to narrow that down. I'd rather lock him in concrete and sink him to the bottom of the ocean since he doesn't die."

There is definately hurt where that one is concerned. Spidey might have told her about why.
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen rolls her eyes nad laughs out softly, "Oh, I won't go /days/ without food... I mean... instant ramen counts as food, right? Even if I only eat half of it before I fall asleep?" She sighs out like she /knows/ that's definitely not a healthy way to live but... hey, super metabolism! ...Or something. She's not going to worry about it when there's fresh homemade pizza to reach for a slice of. Especially not when Hawaiian is an option right there as a guilty pleasure.

Eyebrows shoot /high/ and she tilts he rhead, humming softly. "Well, I'll admit, I didn't think 'Permanently incapacitate Dracula' was super science, but... I guess it really /is/ huh?" She chews her lower lip, head bobbing gently.

"Okay, yeah, I get why you'd be... worried about going too far. I mean, maybe we can find a... cure? It depends on... I mean, vampirism's treated a lot of different ways in /fiction/, so..." She clicks her tongue and huffs out a soft breath, "That's going to take some consideration. But like I said, I'm totally in."
Firestar has posed:
"Now that I know what I know, the idea of going nuclear on him seems...wrong. He'd just take another host and it would all start again." she tells her softly and gets a slice of Hawaiian pizza and heads towards the couch.

"Did Pete ever tell you about the encounter we had with him?" she finally comments,"Permanently incapacitating him would be ideal."

"I'll get you to the main facility soon and introduce you all around. Nadia's a doll, sweet as she can be. Supergirl I just met, but she seems amazing from what I've seen. The big rule, we don't make weapons."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen shakes her head slowly as she follows along, taking a nibble of her own slice, "Not in like... intent detail or anything. But, I mean, Dracula's got... well, a reputation for being Dracula, so I can imagine it was... not good."

One eyebrow lifts and Gwen's head tilts as she perches on the arm of the couch, lips spreading in a wide grin, "Would you say she's... /super/?"
Firestar has posed:
"Back when we were still kids. There was a dance, a handsome stranger, and the next thing you know..." she comments and looks at the pizza now,"...next thing I know I am waking up in a coffin full of cold dirt and trying to unleash on said handsome man. Memory blanks and then Spidey and Iceman were there and they were taking me from him. She had a Frankenstein's monster and a wolfman too. I have huge, huge time gaps and until recently I wasn't sure if he bit me or not. Thanks to Supergirl I know he most likely didn't."

She shakes herself and fianlly bites the pizza. After chewing she winks and nods,"I didn't get to talk to her a lot, but I would say yes, she's pretty and super."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen quirks an eyebrow and then heaves out a soft sigh, "That's... well, you've made it through it... and you've got friends now, /and/ science friends and..." Her face screws up slightly, "So like, is a wolfman different than a werewolf? I've never fought a werewolf or a wolfman I can think of... that could be fun..." She frowns thoughtfully and then laughs softly.

"Oh, yes, definitely super and pretty. And I'm sure she's well aware of both! But, I mean, she seems pretty down to earth. Especially for a gal who can fly."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica smiles a little and admits,"In my defense, my brain was pretty scrambled so all I saw was a hairy guy laid out on the ground." She takes another bite of pizza and after she adds,"I don't know if Peter fought the wolf..." she pauses and laughs at something,"...or Iceman."

"She's really nice what I have gotten to know of her. She has a sister I know a little better. They are both...well I mean normal girls despite not being normal. You know?"
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen fights not to laugh, snicker, or even giggle, busying herself with a couple of bites herself. She tilts her head side to side, "I'm sure Pete would mention if he fought a werewolf like... /all/ the time, so maybe it was Iceman..." She nods her head solemnly, "I could totally take on a wolf."

She grins wide and snickers out, heaving out a little sigh of amusement, "Oh! I mean, that just makes perfect sense. I mean, you'd totally meet normal girls who are spectacular. Being one yourself and all!"
Firestar has posed:
"You're probably right about that." she agrees,"I will have to ask him about it next time I see him." she muses. She winks and adds,"I think you could hang with him for sure." she agrees.

Her smile gets wider too,"I have met some that are pretty spectacular yes." she agrees and takes a drink of her Pepsi,"Thank for that. You're pretty fabulous yourself Miss Stacy. Don't ever forget that."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen snorts softly and grins broadly, "Oh, I won't! I mean, if I start to forget it I'll just text you so you can remind me I am in fact spectacular." She narrows her eyes and points a single finger, "But if you go to fight a werewolf you /better/ text me first..." She frowns thoughtfully, "Probably not going to happen any time soon though. They probably mostly act up around Halloween. Maybe next year."

She heaves out a sigh and shakes her head slowly, "I swear, I don't know... I feel like all the costumed shenanigans are just... they make it /too/ easy to make light of everything. Or maybe I just need more pizza."
Firestar has posed:
"I'll be here to do it." she replies with a wink,"If I go out to throw down with a fur monster you're my first call." she assures you,"Hopefully they only come out at Halloween, but I don't know." she admits.

"More pizza fixes everything. Have at it. Then we go superhero so we keep the hips down some." she teases. She looks at her own hips and snorts,"Some of us have to work harder at it than others. You're an athlete and I'm the curvy girl."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen snickers softly and winks right back, "Oh, you better! Or... I'll... get revenge somehow! I'm sure I can think of some proper revenge if you don't let me tussle with a werewolf." She puffs out a little sigh and then nods solemnly.

"Hey, you don't want to get the hips /too/ under control. Just... controlled enough to not need new costumes! Although then you have the excuse to make a new costume..."
Firestar has posed:
It's nice to have, girl time. The two young heroines can just be...themselves. Angelica shakes her head,"No revenge. Not that." she teases lightly.

She looks at her hips again and nods,"I spend most of my time with ones like you, natural metabolism, or Vanessa a shape shifter. She makes herself how she wants." She looks at her chest and snickers,"These are almost as dangerous."

She pauses and she says,"Speaking of a new costume. Maybe you and I can sit down and come up with a new look for me when I am with the Justice League? My gear is good on my own, but I want something different when I standing with them, something that makes me belong with them if that makes sense?"
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen's head shakes slowly, "Oh, no, I'm afraid it will be inevitable then. So much revenge. Creative revenge, Angelica! I can be /very/ creative!" Eyebrows pop up playfully

And then she huffs out softly with a little snicker, "Hey, I mean... well, I don't think they're /that/ dangerous... distracting? Totally. But dangerous? I mean, that's... a bit of a stretch! Just a tiny bit of one."

She hums thoughtfully and clicks her tongue, eyes lighting up, "Oh! We /totally/ can! I mean, if you're going to be doing League stuff you're gonna be running into like... Batman and Wonder Woman and stuff, so yeah, you definitely want to dress to impress!" She chews her lower lip, eyes sweeping up and down in a playful show, "I'm sure we can come up with some good designs and really blow them away."
Firestar has posed:
A soft chuckle escapes her as the revenge becomes inevitable. She winks,"I mean if you are going to do it, be creative." she tells her,"I wouldn't want to be a statistic or something."

She looks down again and replies,"I have watched men walk into doors, mutants of both genders forget where they are flying and hit trees..." she shakes her head,"...pretty dangerous."

She listens to Gwen reaction to the costume idea,"Batman. One scary man. Wonder Woman. She is beyond wonderful." she muses and might be a bit star struck or geeked out over the Amazon,"Let's make it a date or something? We go out to hit some stores to see about it. I can cook like a boss, but sewing is...passable. I mean I did sew my yellow gear myself all those years ago."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen sighs and relaxes a little, visibly slumping as she polishes off more of her pizza slice, eyebrows perking up, "Oh! I'll keep that in mind. I mean... getting creative with Spider-Costumes is always iffy... sometimes it looks cool, sometimes it's all goopy and sentient and tries to convince you to be evil..."

She glances side to side /entirely/ too shiftily, "I mean, not that I'm constantly considering how useful a symbiote could be or anything. Just gotta find a /nice/ one instead of... murder mcgee like they all seem to want to be..."

She bobs her head with a bright smile, "And sure! We'll hit up some costume stores and thrift shops and... anything else that strikes our fancy. I'm sure we can come up with something wicked for you."
Firestar has posed:
Taking a new piece of pizza, Angelica hmms,"The goopy one doesn't like me much." she admits,"I am pretty popular when one them gets crazy. Fire and sound. I can't make enough noise, but I can make it uncomfortable for them."

She smirks,"You do need to fine a nice one. The ones I have encountered ranged from unpleasant to psychopath." She takes a bite and chews thoughtfully,"Yeah. We'll make a day of it and have a day to behave like..." she looks around all suspicious,"...real, live, college girls." Her eyebrows waggle and she nods,"That sounds fabulous. If I am going to be a part of the team I might as well make a statement."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen snickers and nods her head, "Yeahhhh, I can see why you might not be popular with the goop group... I mean, also, yeah, they're always like... evil or whatever." She heaves out a sigh and shakes her head, "Which I guess makes sense. Friendly alien goop probably just hangs out on its homeworld being all chill."

Gwen groans softly and shakes her head, "I swear, every day I realize how much further into like... /being an adult/ I am and..." She rolls her eyes and heaves out a sigh, "I get it, with great power and all, but like... sometimes I just want to take a week off. Work, web swinging, all of it... like... just a /week/ of trashy food and trashier TV..."
Firestar has posed:
"I can't imagine any of them being too nice and I have heard stories there might be some other than Venom and Carnage. Terrifying as that might be." she comments softly.

"Adulthood is for the birds." she mutters and sighs,"Responsibility is over rated....don't tell Pete I said that. I'd never hear the end of it."

She hmms and strokes her chin thoughtfully,"It sounds like maybe we should make a weekend like that. There are places we could go or we could just veg here. Add Vanessa to the mix too for that matter. Anyone else you want to bring alone? We could just tell Peter and the League that we are off to do something somewhere else."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen snickers softly and offers a wink, "Promise, totally our secret! We'll use that costume design day to also slack off. Let the Avengers protect New York, I mean... for being such big names, when's the last time they did any work on THE STREET?"

She laughs softly and chews her lower lip, eyebrows perking, "Huh, y'know, I'm not sure! I mean, some kinda super gals weekend getaway thing, we could really invite anyone we can think of."

She shrugs her shoulders lightly and clicks her tongue, "I'll see who I run into during the week to invite! ...I mean, if I invite Black Cat, we don't have to worry about her robbing a museum... or hm, I could probably get a call out to like... Batwoman? Shine a bat symbol surrounded by party streamers up at the sky?"
Firestar has posed:
She smirks again and admits,"I think we're on to something." she quips,"If we really want to step out I can ask if there is a jet or something we can use from the League. Then we could slip up to Canada or down to someplace more tropical. I used to have a jet available to me through the X-Men, but not anymore."

She chews on another piece of pizza and she nods,"I will talk to Diana too, maybe sneak her away for a girls weekend. If anyone deserves a break. Black Cat is always a pleasure. I have no idea on the Batwoman thing. I have met Batman, but I hadn't even heard of a Batwoman honestly."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen grins and points an accusing finger, "You need to hang out on more social media websites then! She's like... /spooky/. In a cool way."

She clicks her tongue and sighs out, "I vote somewhere warm! I mean... wait, if you've got an in with the League, can't like... Zatanna do a little magic for us? I mean, I don't know her, so it's not like I can suggest you /invite/ her to a random heroines night out but... I mean... what /if/?"

Eyebrows waggle daringly and then Gwen's trying to cover her helpless giggling with a drink of Pepsi.

Which really just means she's trying not to giggle /or/ choke.
Firestar has posed:
"If she's anything like him that's terrifying." Angelica comments about Batwoman,"Spooky in a cool way might be interesting though." She nods and adds,"Warm is better as a general rule. It takes a while for the cold to get to me so I miss that sometimes."

She shakes her head and admits,"I haven't met her yet. I have heard the name though. Maybe someday I will meet her. It would be fun though."

She smirks and returns the waggling eyebrows. She finishes the pizza in her hands and sighs softly, happily getting full.

The evening progress with a mixture of shop talk and girl talk. Stories told on poor Peter who isn't here to defend himself of course. Angelica suggests a efw places they might get away to.