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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/08 |Location=Southside (Suicide Slum), New Troy |Synopsis=Jane gets in over her head and Laura stops by to help out. Drinks follow! |Cast of Characters=7020, 78 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7020|Painkiller Jane (7020)}} has posed:'''<br>One of these days, Jane Vasko needs to review her decision-making protocol for flaws. Because at times like this, she is pretty sure her train of thought got off on a side rail somewhere.<br...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:21, 22 November 2023

Date of Scene: 08 November 2023
Location: Southside (Suicide Slum), New Troy
Synopsis: Jane gets in over her head and Laura stops by to help out. Drinks follow!
Cast of Characters: Painkiller Jane, X-23

Painkiller Jane has posed:
One of these days, Jane Vasko needs to review her decision-making protocol for flaws. Because at times like this, she is pretty sure her train of thought got off on a side rail somewhere.

The crimson-haired vigilante is currently crouched behind a dumpster, with about 14 gangers shooting at her from both sides. In her defense, this gunfight started out with only 6 to 1 odds against. Subtract two and add ten. She was shot in the shoulder and the belly during that rush, and now she's waiting a few moments for the initial healing to begin.
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney skids her motorcycle to a halt just a few blocks away, the sound of the gunshots getting to her even through the noise of the city. Once you've been shot at a few (hundred) times, the noise becomes so familiar you can pick it out of the air pretty far away. Especially if you already have hyper-advanced hearing abilities.

She kickstands her bike and breaks into a run, shedding her leather jacket and leaving it behind. It's a nice jacket, it doesn't need bullet holes. That leaves her in a black a-line tank and black pants with heavy boots. She turns the corner just in time to see a bunch of guys shooting at a dumpster.

"Hey, trash! Leave that dumpster be!"
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane is wearing her 'work' clothes... long, red leather coat left open over a red leather bodice. Close-fitting red leather pants and boots complete the outfit, and even the lenses in her shades are red. There is blood on her left shoulder and her abs, obscuring the wound that is apparently no longer flowing.

Hearing a new voice, Jane takes advantage of the distraction and steps out from behind the dumpster. And while the gangers are looking at the newcomer, Jane opens fire with both guns.
X-23 has posed:
Two others decide to eliminate the witness in Laura, thinking she'll be easier prey. She takes two of their poor shots, one in the side, one in the shoulder. She snarls sharply, whipping her head back around and letting out her rage.

"Finally, some fuckers I can cut loose on," she says. then the bad guys hear a sound that many others have heard before, always to their great regret.

Painkiller Jane has posed:
Meanwhile Jane drops three in that brief moment of surprise, without taking anything in return. The others start to return fire, and that's when the gangers begin to question THEIR decision-making protocols.

These chicks just don't want to die, it seems.

Jane gets clipped in the thigh, the slug <zinging> before she returns fire with another three or four of her own. She looks over at Laura when the blades come out. "Who the fuck -are- you, girl?"
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney slices through a couple of femurs, leaving the amputated men screaming in agony and tumbling to the ground. "Just your friendly neighborhood Wolverine," she says.

She lashes out, slicing one of the guns into shards of metal and scrap, sparking for a moment on her adamantium claws. She backhands the other, taking him down and sending a splatter of blood that lands on Jane.

She's supposed to be giving up killing, but they got her blood up. And mostly she just maimed the fuck out of them. They'll probably survive. If the ambulance is quick.
Painkiller Jane has posed:
"Wolverine....?" BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM! "Don't they live in forests? We're downtown." Jane watches Laura carve her way into the group of gangers, who are too stunned to rally right now.

She can feel her perforated liver healing now, slowly knitting back together. It's a good thing the shot passed through. This way there are no awkward visits to Dr. Seth for him to fish out the slug.

"I'm Jane." she quips back. Yeah. Just Jane.
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney sighs, "Look, I inherited the name, sort of. I mean, he's still using it, but I figure I can use it, too, if he can," he says. She waves it off. Doesn't matter, wouldn't make sense to Jane anyway.

"Laura," she says, retracting her claws and offering a fist bump. "Guess we're both in the no doctors needed club, huh?" he says, looking down at the rip in her side that's already sealed over again. "Mutant or weapon?"
Painkiller Jane has posed:
The gangers really don't like the turn of events, and are starting to fade back into the woodwork. Like cockroaches. Jane takes a couple of parting shots before reloading and holstering. And even though there's no fresh blood over her belly, she winces when she moves.

"Yeah, well 'no doctors needed' only counts if you're saying I don't need something for the pain. I.... neither mutant nor weapon. Something else entirely."
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney nods, "Cool. I'm both, myself. Weaponized mutant. It's a long story and I don't tell it. But it fucking sucked."

"I'm doing much better now," she says. "Wanna grab a drink, maybe? Unless you're plannin' to go and shoot up some morphine or some shit. Which, hey, you do you," she says.

She pulls out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one casually and tucking the pack away.
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane checks her thigh, although she can already feel the wound knitting closed. "Nah, this is a light evening for me, Laura." she replies. "I heal from the outside in, so I lose less blood that way."

Her chest rises and falls, breathing already beginning to slow. "My story involves a bomb and an empowered alien, whose powers rubbed off on me a little bit."

Tousling her red hair, Jane makes a show of arranging it in front of a store window. "Couple shots of whiskey and I'll be alright."
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney nods, "Cool. Well, I'll be belly up to Beau's Bar down the street. Looks like a country western place, which is pretty fuckin' hilarious around here. I bet there's even a bull to ride."

"We can toss back some shots if you want. Or you can go on your merry way. Either way, you know where to find me."

She takes sa long drag on her smoke and starts to walk down towards the bar.
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane lets Laura get a few steps ahead, then she shuffles up and falls into step beside her. "Thanks for the assist back there, by the way. Pretty sure they were more afraid of you than of me." Weaponized mutant, indeed.

"I'll buy the first round. They know me at Beau's, or at least they haven't thrown me out for bleeding all over the place yet."
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney grins, "Does that mean they know you well or that they don't know you at all? You don't really know anybody until you see 'em bleed," she says.

"Eh, I just wasn't letting you have all the fun. I'm supposed to be trying to do the superhero thing, stop all the bloodshed, but the damn claws are just so sharp and the little bastards just keep pissin' me off," she says.
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane smirks at that, falling into step with Laura. "That means they know if I stumble into the place bleeding all over, I won't die on the premises." She looks over at the other girl's hands, then. "You have sharp, metal claws. What do they -expect- you to do, otherwise? Make ice sculptures?"

Jane chuckles, then. "I don't have time to be a 'hero', myself. I prefer vengeance, but I'll settle for justice."
X-23 has posed:
"I mostly just like to fight. Easier when the people I fight deserve what they get."

They get in easily enough, although Laura does have to show an ID. She still passes pretty young, in spite finally having a few years under her belt. She finished her cigarette outside, of course, then grabs a booth for the two of them, whiskey shooters and beers soon on their way.
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane slides into the booth and pulls the shades off, perching them atop her cinnamon locks. Under the long coat she also wears a two-gun holster rig, like Wyatt Earp meets Hill Street Blues.

Jane pulls a few napkins from the dispenser, wiping the blood from her bared belly. "I don't walk away from a fight, but until my 'accident' I really didn't go looking for them either." She pauses, then adds. "Now, things are different."
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney does her first shot quickly, closing her eyes and enjoying the burn before she speaks again, "I'm just wired to fight. But I pick who I fight with now, what I fight for. That's the difference. Here's to free fuckin' will," she says, clinking beer bottles and taking a long drink of her own.

"I'm just not much of a crimefighter cause I ain't got that detective in me. I don't even like cops."
Painkiller Jane has posed:
Painkiller Jane smirks at the last, tossing back a shot with Laura. "To free will." she replies, picking up a beer bottle to clink with Laura's own.

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not a cop, then." she offers. At least not anymore. "But not all the city cops are crooked. I may know one or two that are even helpful. They're just really outnumbered and outgunned."