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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/03 |Location=Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls |Synopsis=Willow fell asleep at Harry's place, woke up in his bed, and was very confused. It made for an entertaining exchange. |Cast of Characters=190, 174 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:190|Willow Rosenberg (190)}} has posed:'''<br>Considering that she pretty much had passed out, Willow had a beautiful sleep. The bed was so soft and so big! Mmmm. The pillow were soft.. And...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:29, 22 November 2023

The birthday morning after.
Date of Scene: 03 November 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Willow fell asleep at Harry's place, woke up in his bed, and was very confused. It made for an entertaining exchange.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Harry Dresden

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Considering that she pretty much had passed out, Willow had a beautiful sleep. The bed was so soft and so big! Mmmm. The pillow were soft.. And they smelt of patchouli.. just like..

Wait a minute.

Eyes still closed. Hers smelled of sage and vanilla, with a hint of strawberry.

*sniff sniff*

Nope. They most definitely did NOT smell of sage. In fact.. She stretched out her toes to feel for the edges of the bed.. and out.. and.. out..

oh no! Where had she ended up at the Samhain ritual?

Wait a minute.. did she *go* to the ritual???

That's about when Willow's eyes flew open. Where the h-e-double-hockey sticks was she??
Harry Dresden has posed:
Across the room, Harry is asleep on the couch. At least she didn't get really confused and wake up next to him. He is somehow asleep despite being all sort of folded up and twisted on the couch. Too tall for most things.

Somewhere along the way, Mouse returned home and is laying beside the bed. He might be asleep and he just might be faking it. Either way.

Up on a shelf, ruling over his home, Mister is looking over the room of sleeping beings. There is something indignant about the look on his face as he scans the place.

The sudden sit up has Mouse on the rise and Harry's eyes coming open. Wards are in place of course so getting in is difficult, but not impossible. Mouse looks at Willow and his mouth falls open as he pants and rests his head on the bed.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:

And then, calmer, suddenly realizing where she had spent the night, "oh."

Quickly checking her clothes she blinks. Not that she would have suspected him of wanting to sleep with her, that fact that she could remember most of the evening past her.. agreeing to be Satana's pupil? That doesn't sound quite right. But close.

How, though, did she end up with Harry? If she had to guess she would have said that Satana was giving off 'pick me up' vibes. But Harry??

"Uhhhh.. good dog?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse. Tibetan mastiff, the dog the size of a small horse. He slurps her hand a few times and otherwise leaves her to her own devices. He wanders off to the front of the office to watch things.

Harry stirs a little more and mutters,"It's the first time a woman slept in that bed for a long time. Hopefully it was clean enough." He gets up finally and goes to start a small burner and places a perkilator over it, getting coffee started.

He pats Mister in passing and then moves to the ice box to look for breakfast,"I can't swear there is a lot here for breakfast, but you are welcome to what there is."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"We didn't.. you know? Not that there would be a problem with that! I just.. can't remember.. Did I agree to be Satana's student?"

By this time she has decided that the 'dog' is ok, and curls her hands into his scruff before he wanders off. "It's bigger than my bed. How come.. you know.. you haven't had a lady friend sleep with you? You are okay looking. You are smarter than the average guy. You can hold your half of a conversation well.

Of course she grins. "We've got cookies. That's all the makings of cereal."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He looks at her and raises a brow,"You mean I was that unmemorable?" Of course he winks at her and walks away from the cat,"As for Satana, it sounded like you might be inclined to do such a thing."

Mouse loves attention of course. So he does give her a slurp before he meanders. He considers and then he admits,"The last one that was most likely disappeared. I just haven't really had the opportunity." He laughs softly at the compliments,"I appreciate it. I do what I can. Recently I thought I was in a relationship with someone, but turns out it was just a prank played by the fallen angel in my head."

Harry goes to get the cookies Willow brought to use for the cereal in question. He puts them on top of the ice box with two good size bowls,"Have at it." Stepping to the perkolator, he makes sure it is creating the magic of life, coffee.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles. "I would say that I didn't forget you - but I really can't remember past getting nervous. You know I've never thought of you as a lover." More soberly, "Angels are pitas."

She can say pita! Just not the full saying. That would be bad!

"My friend had one. An angel named Castiel. He sent us on a scavenger hunt, but we weren't able to find all the things, and he just disappeared. He was fallen too. Sort of." She shrugs.

She scooches to the edge of the bed and makes certain her clothes are somewhat tidy."Good thing I didn't wear a costume yesterday." Getting up she chooses a bowl and a few cookies. "Coffee please."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Forever in the friend zone." Harry says self depriciatingly. He doesn't sound too upset about it. If anything he chuckles a little when he says it,"Don't worry Willow. I know I'm not our preference of gender. I am just giving you a hard time."

"This one is a winner. She is one of the fallen and demons that exist in the 30 pieces of silver that were paid to Judas." he explains a little,"I have heard Castiel's name, but I have never met him. As I understand he is one of the good guys."

A soft laugh and he pours her a cup of coffee,"Costume could have been treacherous sure enough. He passes the cup to her and says,"Cream in the ice box and if there is any sugar it will be up in that cabinet over there." He indicates the direction of said cabinet.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*blink blink*

"You're forever in the friend zone?? That's me. Not you. All the Scoobies think that I am a cute little sister. You think I'm a cute little sister!" Willow corrects him. "And I am bi. You know both sexes are equal to me? My last lover was Peitro. He would laugh at you for thinking he's a she. Sheesh."

She doesn't put cream in the bowl. Just cookies.

Munching on them, she nods. "He's good.. ish? He's not really welcomed in heaven though. He helped Sam and Dean a little too much."

She does have cream in her coffee though!
Harry Dresden has posed:
"We need to work on our communication I think." Harry tells her and gets a little milk from the ice box if she wants for the cereal,"I have been locked in the friendzone for longer than I can remember." he explains,"I am not even the cute little sister. I am the grumpy old guy that makes things explode. I was not aware than you were bi. As far as I ever knew you were interested only in women."

There is a shake of his head and he pours his own coffee,"Even the so called good angels can be pompous @$$holes." he grumbles and sets the coffee aside.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, I only tell people who might be thinking about me in that way. Except now - you. For a while I swore off men. But that didn't solve my problems. It's not guys. I found that out the hard way. It was both. Just the way they would be all excited about me, then everything fizzled. They never even told me. They just vanished."

"Besides. This way I have twice the number, and I can choose people who are more copacetic to me. Actually, I guess three times the number? If you count supernaturals."

She knows what he means though. "It's a drag though, when you see someone all the time and they just want to talk with you about Buffy." She rolls her eyes.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"That's fair." he replies and gets some cereal for himself too,"Men can be a handful, so I don't blame you swearing us off for a while." He nods as she mentions people disappearing,"I understand that. Whether they are real or a figment of my imagination."

He takes a drink of coffee and tells her,"I will have to pass on the whole bi side of things. I have been involved with more supernatural inclined in the past."

He takes a bite of his cereal,"Well. I don't really want to talk about Buffy particularly so you are safe enough there. If it makes you feel better, Buffy never slept in my bed."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow actually laughs at that comment about Buffy."As an invited guest, or the way I did? You could say we were lovers, but I don't think most of them would think it happened." Who would they think would be telling the biggest lie though?

"So, do you mean you wouldn't go out with a girl because she also extended invites to girls as well as boys, or do you mean you don't find that boys are your thing?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Neither." he replies to her with a shake of his head,"You wouldn't want people thinking we were lovers. It might diminish your good name." he assures her.

"Males are not my thing. I never could wrap my head around that. I mean if someone does see it that way good for them. It's just not for me. If two women were in my bed at once doing anything more than sleep I am pretty sure the building would come down around me."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You never know!" Willow takes a sip of her coffee. "Sometimes girls have fantasies too. You might be exactly what they want in a threesome?"

Stranger things have happened?

"It's weird. On the one hand all the Scoobies watch over me. They know I've got a soft heart. So they wouldn't believe if I went out with a demon. And yet, I went out with a demon. You know?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"You could be right, but that thought should terrify the world." he offers back to her with a shrug.

Stranger things have happened.

"You are the quiet, earth mother. They don't understand that makes you more powerful than all of them." he tells her,"You are more powerful than you know. Bob saw it, I see it, and I suspect Satana sees it. Once you see it, the area around here will see a shift in power. We're already strong, you will add to the strength to the numbers that the local powers couldn't miss."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow ducks her head. "That's.. nice?"

And it is.

Yet Willow isn't quite there yet.

Close. But no cigar.

"You're just saying that!" But the protest isn't quite as strong as, say, a year ago. She's grown. And her power has grown with her. "I should go. Can I come visit Bob sometime? Oh and you too! I liked our talk. Besides who can I talk to about my lessons with Satana?"

Yes, she seems to have made up her mind. 100% sober. She wants to take lessons with Satana. And maybe a friendship will come out of it.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He takes another bite of cereal and after it clears he gets his coffee,"If you haven't noticed Willow. I don't kiss anyones backside for any reason." he explains,"If I say you have power inside and Bob says it too. Trust me. You have power waiting to escape."

A nod and he assures you,"You are always welcome here Willow. Before you go we will go show you how to lower the wards and raise them again. Be careful, Bob is as dangerous as Satana. The last thing we need is for her to learn about him so never mention him to her."

He turns to walk with you to the front door to show her how to get in and out again.