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Latest revision as of 18:51, 24 October 2017

At Least the Nuclear Accelators are Licensed Now
Date of Scene: 21 May 2017
Location: Ghostbusters Firehouse, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jillian Holtzmann, Winifred Burkle

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
So. Beneath the Ghostbusters Firehouse, after the explosion that rocked the building 20 years ago when the containment unit was deactivated... a sub-basement staircase had been discovered behind one of the blown-out walls. This staircase lead down into an abandoned subway station for many decades ago. Since then, its been repurposed into a weapons testing lab for the team, since 'most' of the gear doesn't do extensive damage to old cold stones and concrete...

This is where Holtzmann has taken the new recruit. After having assigned Winifred her own gear, and suited up in her own, Jillian had lead the way down the old staircase and into the sub-basement station. A work space was setup with Flood LIghts shining white cold light across the otherwise dark and creepy-looking abandoned station. There was a bench with several other Ghost Busting tools, and a few containers filled with parts.. and others with snacks, like Pringles!

Jillian pulled her goggles down, and stood near one of the flood lights as she fiddled with items on the work table. "Okay." She said then glancing over at Fred from behind her goggles. "Hows the back?" She asked. "Not too heavy? Are you feeling shorter already?" She aked with a grin.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fitted out with a proper jumpsuit and a pack, Fred follows Jillian eagerly down the stairs toward the abandoned subway station where they test their equipment. The wide-eyed and curious recruit has asked multiple rapid-fire questions having to do with the make, build and power of everything she's been shown so far, her scientific mind spinning at a rapid fire pace at the possibilities.

Creepy places and spaces are practically nothing to Fred. She lives in an abandoned hotel, spent five years in a Hell Dimension and also helps a vampire fight demons. A brightly lit sub-basement is practically a walk in the park.

She's a little slower in following Jillian. The physicist is a skinny little thing, but she can carry the weight. "It's a little awkward," she admits. "Makes me wonder if this is what turtles feel like all the time! 'Course, I wouldn't want to pull my extremities into the proton pack. That'd be real bad real fast." In Fred speak, that means she's fine.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
"Yes it would." Jillian nodded with a smile. "Yes. it. would..." She added then as she turne dback to the desk that she used for fine-tuning gear here in the sub-basement. "Though I've heard tell of giant turtles in the sewers down here, so maybe we'll be able to find one and ask them if its a similar experience." She grinned while saying that at a low-pitch while she fiddled with a rather large item on the desk that had a bunch of reflective-mirror gadgets on little metal arms and gyro-looking wheels.

"All I've seen down here though, are rats. Huuuuuuge rats. The kind of rats that you'd think might be a dog, or have -eaten- a dog!" She laughed a little and grabed a pototo chip out o fone of the plastic bins to pop it in her mouth.

With a mouthful of chips now, Hotlz picked the big machine up and carried it over toward the center of the Station and set it down. "Okay." She said with her mouth-full. "This is is a Ghosff Simffulatah." She flipped the device on and it started spinning all those little arms and mirrors around in fast circles.

Jillian stood up then and walked back toward Fred. She grabbed her can of Surge Soda off of the desk, took a drink of it to clear her palette and she grinned at Fred. "Ready for the fun part?" She asked her new co-worker with a mischevious grin. A moment later and she reached over her shoulder to pull her Proton Pack's particle thrower and hold it out in front of her. "Grab the stick. flip the switch." She said, popping the switch on the Thrower her back came to life with a room-shaking pounding *thrum* of base and mechanical whining noises.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Giant turtles! I'd love to see some of those. Makes me think of that woman who thought that the world was on top of a giant turtle and when asked what that turtle stood on, she said another giant turtle and when asked what //that// giant turtle stood on she said, 'Why, it's turtles all the way down!' 'Course, I doubt these turtles would be as big as that." Fred pauses, realizing she's diverging topics again. "Rats?" Hm. She doesn't have a story about giant rats as far as she can tell. "They're not biting rats, are they?"

Fred can speak Chip Holtzmann and she nods her head to show that she knows what's happening. Steadying her feet, she grins when asked if she's ready 'for the fun part'. It takes her a few grabs and a surreptitious glance around her shoulder to actually successfully snag the stick and pull it out of its holster.

After only a moment of hesitation, the switch is flipped and the powerful thrum is felt. "It makes my fingers feel a bit tingly."

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtz gave another grin at Fred's rambling words. "I'm more in belief that our entire world is stuffed inside of a locker within an inter-galactic bus station." She said about the turtle-stacking theory, her voice was a big distracted as she pulled a controller device off of her utility belt and then glanced back at Fred and down at her feet. "You tucked your pantlegs into your boots right?" She asked. "The rats have a terrible interest in climbing up pants." And without skipping a beat, she flipped a switch on the controller and the Ghost Machine started to glow a bright green!

"We'll start with something easy." She said over the sound of the ghost machine's whirling. "Venkman's favorite!" And with another flip of a switch on the controller in her left hand... a moment later and a 'Green' ... 'Blob' ... with a 'Mouth' appeared hovering over the ghost machine, staring at the two women with its tiny little arms hanging at its sides and its little beedy eyes just locked onto them.

"You think your fingers tingle now, Pretty Eyes?" Holtz said over to Fred. "Wait till you start blasting things!" She nodded toward Slimer. "This device uses real ghost projection technology to create our own spectral-buddies to interact with. Thats no hologram over there." She said at the floating emerald Spud.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
A world stuffed inside of a locker in an inter-galactic bus station. The thought has some merit! "That could explain the theory of the expanding universe! The bus station keeps getting additions." Fred's expression of thought as her mind whirls through those possibilities is abruptly cut off when she looks down at her boots and pants: very much not tucked into her boots. "Oh! No! I didn't do that!!" She's about to lean over to start tucking things, but then she remembers she has a dangerously high powered thing in her hands and she stops. "The ghost simulator should scare 'em off, though right?" she asks hopefully. Rats can't like ghosts, can they?

At the green blobby mouth, Fred's nose wrinkles. "It looks like a large green booger! With a mouth! And creepy eyes!" she exclaims. Her eyes flick between the ghost simulator and Holtzmann as she waits for instructions.

"Ghost projection technology?" Fred generally knows the idea behind the packs. She aims the stick toward the Slimer. "So, I just kinda shoot at it, right?" However, she doesn't actually pull the trigger yet till she's given the say so.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann turned to her work space again and she picked up one of the containers of snacks and then crouched to set it down in front of her. "The ghost machine won't send the rats away. But once you start blasting that thrower in your hands, they'll run for their tiny little trash-eating lives." She grinned again and stood up once more. Her boot went out and she kicked the container of chips across the floor and it slid all the way over to the edge of the old rail-station platform before it came to a halt.

"The goal here is to grab the ghost with your weapon's beam. It'll wrap around it and start to wear down its ability to hold onto our reality. The longer you ahve the beam around it, the weaker it'll get. And the more beams we put on a spook... the easier it is to control it... herd it around..."

"So, lets do this!" Holtz said that last bit with a 'Wooo!' following it. "Oh, and don't shoot me... I don't wanna get my skin burned off." She added a second later before flipping the switch on her controller and causing the Green Glowing Booger Ghost to come to life!

The Ghostly Booger rushed at the container of chips and started to frantically slap at it trying to get the lid off causing it to fly around on the floor while he shot around after it, floating overtop of it and screaming in a freaky ghost-voice!

"Line up your shot and let loose!" Holtz said to her new co-worker.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
That's not a great thing to hear. The rats aren't scared of ghost machines?! Fred glances down at her boots again with a bit of worry. But, then, Jillian assures her that once they fire the packs, they'll be gone. "Then we should probably get started before I have rat socks!" she smiles.

Facing the green booger, the brunette scientist focuses on the ghost and attempts to follow Holtzmann's lead as best she can. Hold the ghost for as long as she can, don't shoot her coworker. Got it!

Holding up the thrower, she waits a few moments as the Slimer slaps at the container of chips wildly. Her eyes narrow and lines up her shot as ordered. Then, she shoots, but the power of the kickback is quite a lot and the beam shoots first straight forward and then quickly up toward the ceiling. With a surprised cry, she quickly tries to shut it off. "Ahh!"

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann looked over at Fred as she prepped her shot, steeled herself and pressed the activation button... It was the best part, watching people train on this gear. Sure, it was extremely dangerous and her style was more than a little reckless... but she was a smart scientist all in her own right, she knew what the real risks were and she wasn't too concerned about them. "Thatta girl!" She said with a little crazy laugh afterward.

When she saw Fred was seemingly struggling to control the positron beam.

"Dial your stream back if you're having control problems." JIllian said to Fred, reaching over to motion at the thumb-dial near Fred's right thumb. "Draw this to the left to shorten your stream." She said over the sounds of the Proton Pack. "It'll give you more control and let you wrangle up the smaller ones, like Booger here!"

The manifested Slimer ghost was continuing to slap at the chip container and even tried to reach INSIDE it to pull a chip out, but when the chip refused to pass through solid matter the ghost just got angrier and started slapping the container around agaun... UNTIL Fred fired her neutron wand! Thats when Slimer suddenly roared and flew right at Fred and Jillian!

"Watch your head!" Jillian shouted and went to duck to avoid the ghostly manifestation, it may be a simulation but its using the same ectoplasm creation that Ghsots actually use to infiltrate the real world, so unless avoided, one would get a wonderful Slime Bath!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Managing to switch off the beam, Fred takes a deep breath and steadies herself. That was quite a big kick. While she had been expecting it, there's a difference between expecting something and actually experiencing it. She takes a few deep breaths and steadies herself, taking Jillian's advice and starting to fiddle with the dial and settings.

"Dial back stream, message received," Fred calls out over the sound of the packs. She doesn't sound scared, but instead a bit exhilarated and curious. This is like testing out science as well as demon hunting all at the same time. It's amazing.

Trying to dial in the proper power and length that she'll need, she starts to do some calculations: it's remarkably fast, but just not quite fast enough when she hears the 'watch your head!' Just belatedly, she starts to duck, however, that just means that Fred gets a face full of slime even as she continues to move downard. Spluttering, wipes at her head and looks at her fingers in a bit of wonder. "Physical evidence of manifested spiritual matter!" she looks at Jillian and holds out her hand excitedly, even though she knows that the other woman knows what it is.

Dials ready this time, however, she attempts to spin around and fire again once her feet are steady. It's a much more controlled blast, even as she leans back against the power of the blast.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian was ducked down in a crouch as the manifested Slimeball went right on past them and she looked up to see Fred got a facefull of ectoplastic goo. She started laughing, getting quick a kick out of seeing this reaction to it! The veteran ghostbuster stood up then and she reached out to energetically slap hands with Fred's offered one. "I promise you this isn't a hazing into a frat or a sorority. Please don't report us to the New York Times. This is just standard job training, I swear it!" She laughed a little more and reached up to adjust something on the remote-controller that was operating the machine in the center of the room.

"He's hiding from you now. You scared him with that super-charged beam ya shot out." This made Jillian grin ear to ear and she turned back to her desk to grab another handful of Pringles and bite into three of them at once.

Slimer burst from the shadows behind an old stone support pillar and he roared and raced back toward Fred again! She was the one shooting at him, so he was hellbent on charge her AGAIN all while flailing his stubby little ghost arms around and screaming at her with that giant mouth of tongue and gnarly teeth!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
If Fred seems to think this a hazing or some form of punishment to join the team, it certainly doesn't show on her face. Instead, she seems to think this great fun, or at least incredibly enlightening.

The blast stops again and Fred wipes at her face again, slicking more of the ectoplasm from her eyes. She accepts the high five with a laugh and a grin. "This is amaizng!" she tells the other woman with a beam. "Now I can see why you have goggles, though. I'll have to try and rig some out for myself!"

As Slimer bursts out of stone support again, Fred is ready this time. Feet planted, beam calibrated to the exact strength and length that she desires, she fires and attempts to trap the large green booger in the bright stream of supercharged energy.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
"Goggles are a must!" Jillian replied, a look of amusement on her own face. "The others are all buncha giant weirdos for not wearing them!" And of course they all though that Holtzymann was the weird, which... she really is, so thats fine. But on THIS subject, the subject of sweet eye-protection, she was the sane one!

"Oh, here he comes!" Holtzmann shouted right before Fred blasted at the ghostly visage of the team's first capture twenty some years ago! When Fred's beam slammed into the Green Booger it went into its Lasso Formation around him and the manifested-spirited started to flail his arms wildly and angrily while screaming, groaning, moaning and roaring all the same time!

"You got him!" Holtz shouted. "He's a nasty little bugger, huh!" Slimer roared when he heard Jill say this, so she tossed a few Pringles up into the air at the Green Bogger and it stopped pulling on the beam to try and grab them! He managed to catch two of them in his pudgey glowing green hands and he slammed them into his face, chomping on them with his huge nasty teeth, crushing the chips! (which of course fell through his body and back onto the floor beneath him now covered in goo).

"Okay, okay!" Jillian ran around to the other side while looking up at the display. "I got the trap... I'm gonna throw it out and count to three, then open it!" She said to Fred in a loud voice. "When I open it, don't look at it, alright? Esepcially without goggles!" Holtz prepped a Ghost Grenade Trap, unclipping it from her belt... A moment later she tossed it and it rolled underneath the Booger and Jillain started the countdown!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Goggles certainly make sense right about now. Especially as more goo starts to slide back toward her eyes. However, she keeps her eyes focused on Slimer as she wrangles him toward the trap. Fred's eyes widen as the ghost struggles against the stream.

"I got him!" she chimes in happily at the same time as Holtz. Keeping her arms locked, she holds him in place as best she can, shoulders moving in a sway as she attempts to keep him there for Jillian to place the trap.

At the warning, Fred nods her head. The scientist in her really does want to watch to see it happen in front of her eyes. But, she also doesn't want to go blind, which is what she assumes will happen if she does so. "Okay!" as the trap is tossed down, she counts down with Jillian and then turns her head away when the trap is supposed to open.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Little doors on the side of the trap all fly open and the trap itself starts to spin wildly on the ground like a Top! Energy shoots up out of its open doors and arch up toward the Ectoplastic Entity in Fred's capture stream!

Holtz... watches, her goggles make it safe for her to do so. She glanced down at the Ghost Creation Remote and adjusted a few things on the display screen and then grinned.

Fred's Proton Pack would start lighting up and a loud warning alarm would start repetitively blaring in Fred's ears. This caused Jillian to look up from the Remote and across the gap between them at the new recruit. "Purge your Pack's heat!" She said loudly, then pointed at tne neutron wand in Fred's hands. "Flip the blinking red button! It'll vent the steam on the pack!" This all might seem a littley freaky to the average person, wearing a high advanced piece of sciencetific hardware that was suddenly soundingn an overheating alarm!

Meanwhile: Slimer was fighting the stream! Fighting against the pull of the trap! His arms were flailing and he was starting to fling globs of ectoplasm in all direction!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Keeping her eyes away from the trap, Fred tries to continue to keep Slimer steady so that the trap can do its duty. The alarm starts to sound in her ears and she glances over at Jillian. "Is it supposed to do that?!"

It sounds like it's not, as Holtz starts to give her more information on how to vent the heat. Blinking, she quickly moves into serious mode. The blinking red button is quickly flipped as she tries to keep her aim on target. "Okay! Okay! Button is flipped!"

She's not exactly freaking out about this, but there is a bit of worry in her voice. Flying globs of ectoplasm go about and she gets hit in the chest and face again. Spluttering, she looks at Holtz. "This isn't going to blow up, is it?"

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
"Only if you don't vent it!" Holtz shouted back at the other as she took a glob of ghost goo flung out from Slimer right across her left shoulder, but she didn't skip a beat... she was used to that.

But thankfully Fred hit the right switch and the pack's internally lighting on the back stopped flashing at extreme levels and the steam was vented from the rods on the cyclotron on the back, sending a smoking/steam cloud all around Winifred while her pack continued to fire!

With one final monsterous howl from the simulated Slimer-ghost the Green Booger was sucked down into the football-shaped ghost trap and the doors on it all shut up tight and started to spout out steam of their own!

"Hoo-rah." JIllian said triumphantly as she stood back up and walked over to the trap. "You, my dear, are now a Nerd Goddess." She told her new co-worker with a smile and a bow in Fred's direction out of respect, flourishing her right hand out to the side. "And now that you've experienced an ectoplasma bath, I do believe you're officially apart of the team." She showed a grin at the other. "See? We have fun here."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Suddenly steam vents from the pack and the flashing dies down. Coughing, covered in steam and goo, Fred disappears from sight for a moment. Then, waving her hand, she reappears. Seeing the Slimer ghost projection is gone and there's steam out of the football trap.

Beaming, she starts wiping the goo off of her face again, one hand still on the stick, though it's now devoid of energy. "Aw, thanks! This is fun. It's not every day you get to trap a simulated ghost made of actual plasm! //And// to be covered with some of that very same ectoplasam! And to fire one of these!" she holds up the stick.

From there she bounces a little. The pack is too heavy for her to actually jump too high, but she certainly sounds excited. "This is fantastic! I love this place!" Beaming, she raises her hands up. "So much fun! Can we try hitting some cans with these?"

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian put the gear in her hands away on her belt then and she went to kneel beside the trap while Fred tended to the goo on her face. She fiddled with the trap for a moment, adjusting some settings and then stood up holding onto it. "Cans?" She said, looking up at Fred. "Do you mean people's butts, or like actual metal cans?" She asked, looking at Fred with a serious expression like this was a serious situation.

Jillian then turned and walked toward the platform's edge. She twisted the trap and seperated it down the middle, pulled a compartment out on it and poured a long stream of ecto-goo out down into the old abandoned subway rails below. "This was just level one of the training exercises that Doctor Spangler and I have put together." She looked back at Fred and grinned. "It goes up to level twenty, so steel yourself."

Staring at Fred while she emptied the trap into the old rail way, Holtz spoke again. "You meant tin cans, didn't you?" She said in a dry tone of voice. "Butts wouldn't make any sense... So to answer your question, yes we can... But... I've been repeatedly told that these are not 'toys'."

With a few more shakes of the trap to empty it out of whatever once was that Slimer-ghost, Jill turned back toward Fred and walked toward her. "How about wooden boxes? They catch fire and we can roast marsmahllows on those." She flashed a grin. "In the name of science."