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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/10/23 |Location=In the movie theatre area |Synopsis=Angelica and Vanessa went out for a night. Vanessa got to see a little bit of Angelica's mental/emotional trauma. |Cast of Characters=1014, 8143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Angelica looks a little tired when she meets Vanessa for date night. Vanessa was at the school last night and so she isn't aware of multiple wake ups from vivid ni...")
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Latest revision as of 15:02, 22 November 2023

Scary night outing
Date of Scene: 23 October 2023
Location: In the movie theatre area
Synopsis: Angelica and Vanessa went out for a night. Vanessa got to see a little bit of Angelica's mental/emotional trauma.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Copycat

Firestar has posed:
Angelica looks a little tired when she meets Vanessa for date night. Vanessa was at the school last night and so she isn't aware of multiple wake ups from vivid nightmares.

She stifles a yawn and moves to kiss Vanessa before saying,"This place is supposed to do retro movies. It's almost October so probably plenty of the kinds we can use as an excuse to jump into each other's arms and then go home and keep each other safe.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat smiles and chuckles and nods " Sure that sounds like a plan " she grins " Where do you wanna eat? Or after the movie? " she asks as she walks along moving to grab her loves hand and squeeze with her fingers.. She has her human look on witch isn't as hard as others to keep since it's herself but without the blue skin and white hair.
Firestar has posed:
"There is a Thai place about a block that way." she indicates,"If we don't mind adding to the waistline there is a Chicago style pizzaria back that way." She indicates the opposite direction.

She considers and suggests,"We can do either now if you're hungry or we can over spend on snacks for now and catch dinner after."

Employees of the theatre are dressed as various movie monsters. Angelica looks amused at first, but one costume puts her off her fun and Vanessa doesn't have to read her mind to see she isn't fond of the man in the Dracula outfit nor any other costumed pretenders to the vampire throne.

While not mean per say, she gives them a good distance and doesn't interact with them at all The Mummy got an amused smirk before she noticed Dracula so that is a little telling.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Lifts an eyebrow but says nothing just leans on her for a moment , she will tell her when she's ready so best not to push right now . Just enjoy the night with her while she can. She looks over she enjoys the place and is certainly up for za always
Firestar has posed:
Pizza seems like a good idea. Angelica nods and starts towards the pizzeria. Anxiety washes off as she starts to put some distance between them and the Dracula bunch.

One of the Dracula wanna be guys notices the unease and notices the girls disengage and start for the pizza. What could be more fun that scaring two pretty girls? He might even get their numbers. He starts to creep up behind them, anxious for a scream.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Smiles at angelica softly and kisses her cheek before just stepping back turning around.. and the Advantage of being a shapeshifter.. is you can transform into something even more scary than what they look like.. And she's got the whole reading mind thing going on so it's not hard for her to grab this idiot's greatest fear and turn it into that..

     She puts a hand on her hip " boo " causing the young man to scream fall on his ass and back away super fast.. and his friends blinking.. as Dolores Umbridge turns and walks back over to angelica shifting back into herself to walk with her into the pizza joint.
Firestar has posed:
When Vanessa pauses and goes back, Angelica stops short. She watches the scene and raises a brow thoughtfully. She knows that she loves a mind reader, so she doesn't ask totally outright.

When her love returns to her side they start walking again,"He was up to something stupid or you just felt like messing with him?" she asks and pulls the door open to the pizza place and motions her inside.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Gins brightly. "Stupid," she says softly as she looks around for a place to sit down. " Even I was surprised that was his fear," she chuckles. She smirks as she sits and crosses her legs " I figured you didn't wanna deal so I took care of it " .
Firestar has posed:
Following after, Angelica lets the door close behind. She nods towards a table in the back and mutters,"He was about to do something dumb. Joy of joys." she admits and waits for Vanessa sit and then settles across from her,"It's a long story. You can read it if you want or I can tell you."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat looks over " My power dosn't work that way " she smiles " Well okay it kinda does but it's diffrent " she says softly touching her loves hand.. " I'm still learning to access minds in that way " she sighs " i dunno how to explain it " she sighs in fustration " But look I'm not like scanning your mind.. not like a telepath does.. if that makes sense.. it's more like when I wanna copy your powers then I get like a copy of who you are in my mind.. and I can become you.. I just choose to only grap part of it like the powers.. but it's harder than in sounds "
Firestar has posed:
The waitress arrives with menus and takes the drink order. Away she goes and Angelica nod slightly,"All right." she mutters softly and studies Vanessa's eyes for a long time.

"Back when we were still mostly kids...me, Spidey, and Iceman. We were a team. We didn't walk with anyone else, just the Spider Friends. We saw good and bad. One time, we saw really bad."

She looks at the table a moment and Vanessa might have seen a single tear start at the corner of her eye. She takes a deep breath and exhales,"You'd think by now I would be over this."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Reaches up and starts to wipe that tear away.. she sighs and nods slowly " trauma is Trauma.. you don't get over it.. you just learn to deal with it and process it " She says " I know from experience " she says softly as she looks to her love . " I've heard of spidey and iceman they sound like good people .. I know wade loves spidey almost as much as wolverine "
Firestar has posed:
She nods as she listens,"I know. Doesn't make it easier." Finally she looks back up to talk to Vanessa again,"Spidey and Iceman are both the best of the best. I love them and would do anything for them."

She forces a smile and tells her,"We were close before, but this experience is what put me on the path of standing up to the League in regards to Spider-Man. They were surprised about that. I think that is what got me in the door."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat cocks her head " Oh what do you mean love ? " She grabs her drink and has as sip for the most part she's gonna let her tell her story ..
Firestar has posed:
"Little me standing up to the Kryptionian, the Amazon, and the deadly man of mystery about by best friend. They knew I would stand by those that I love and I think that got me the silver card." she explains.

The waitress asks about an order and Angelica suggests a half and half, giving the waitress her preferred half, a meat and veggie combo.

Once Vanessa makes her selection Angelica tells her,"So there was this night. A dance. A beautifully handsome man. Charming. My God he was charming. The kind of charming that would make a late teens girl run over her mother with a car charming sadly. Supernatural charming."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Lifts an eyebrow " I've met charming.. only once to be honest " she shrugs " he was a mutant but I don't think he was supernatualy chaming.. not sure how that works.. I'm guessing not good "
Firestar has posed:
A shake of her head and she replies,"No. It was like nothing I have ever seen. Unearthly, super natural, and eventually evil." A shudder and she admits,"I was little more than a puppet to this guy's will." she continues,"Followed him like a little lost puppy."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Frowns and thinks for a moment " There was that one girl I met.. jessica " she thinks " she had memories of somebody like that " she shudders " I don't wanna remember that stuff "
Firestar has posed:
"Yeah. Me neither." she replies softly and thanks the waitress when the food arrives. Once the woman has moved on, Angelica takes a slice from her side and puts it on her plate, then promptly starts to pick at it.

She sighs and admits,"So much sway, I got on a plane with him and flew out of the country. Spidey and Iceman followed after me." she comments,"He put me in a coffin to sleep and the cold earth inside shook me out. I was ready to cook him, but he got me again first. More mind mojo."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat sighs " having copied jean.. and well emma " She blinks " Mostly emma .. I can say for sure yeah I know about it " she rubs her cheek " it's scary how tempting and easy it is "
Firestar has posed:
"Copying Emma is playing russian rhoulette with your mind." Angelica mutters. A shake of her head and she continues,"So finally the big show down. The one leading me around was legit Count Dracula. I don't know if he bit me at all, just know he could have. He had his own Frankenstein's monster and a werewolf too. Insanity followed and eventually we won out."

A slight shudder and she admits,"I think he might be the reason I am more resistant to mental powers now. If not totally between him and Emma."
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs " I don't think emma likes me " she grins brightly as she winks " That whole can match her powers thing dosn't sit well with her " She says with a shrug as she reaches out and touche syour hand " Well your with me now.. and we'll make sure he can't touch you again "?
Firestar has posed:
Still picking at her food, Angelica offers,"I am not sure Emma likes anyone other than herself. We have made our peace, but still." She pickes a piece of hamburger up and chews it thoughtfully.

Finally she admits,"Now, I would cook him without a second thought, burn him up like Nagasaki. I wouldn't stop until his damn bones were dust and I'd take them to the Watchtower and jettison them into space."

Her eyes shift to Vanessa and she smiles,"You going to take care of me? Make sure the bad man doesn't get me again?" It isn't a tease, more of a comfort to her.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Smiles and touches your hand softly " Darling.. I can copy just about anybody's powers.. if he so much as looks towards you.. I would bring so much power ontop of him.. he'd be dead dead.. no comming back dead.. and if not I'd launch him so far from this planet by the time he got back we wouldn't have to care "
Firestar has posed:
The touch gets a smile and Angelica finally considers the pizza. She looks at Vanessa and tells her,"I like the way you are thinking." she finally tells her,"I am sorry I let the guys mess up date night mood. I still have nightmares about him sometimes, just bad memories."