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Latest revision as of 18:53, 24 October 2017

Saturday Delivery
Date of Scene: 21 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Corusca, 267

Corusca has posed:
    It's saturday. Most bigwigs are off playing golf or sailing their yacht but some.. some of them are working. It probably helps that Miranda Madsen has a small staff at her Metropolis office because it means when she slips into the building the only person there is security who is very much surprised. Either way, she's there for some time, sitting in her office and looking out the window while only occasionally glancing to the market readouts on her screen. She is waiting. She could say that she's been waiting all of her life. Still, she keeps calm about it and puts on some classical music. She is, after all, a patient being.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley's motorcycle rumbles softly as the engine comes to a halt outside of the Metropolis office building. She lift her gloved hands and frames the office in front of her with them, her bare fingers outlining the building number so tht it seems to stand in stark relief agains t the scenery behind it. She slips down from her vehicle withcare. Reaching into her saddle bag the blue haired 'punk' withdraws a large manilla envelope and a clipboard, then checks over her prize briefly. "Yep, that's the place." She tugs at the ring beneath her lower lip using her upper teeth and then takes a deep breath, heading inside of the old building with the soft report of heavy boots against hard floor greeting the ears. It seems louder this way, walking through a building that is nearly empty. At least the door wasn't locked.
    There's a knock at Miranda's door and a soft, slightly gruff voice calls out. "Delivery!" In her leather jacket, ripped jeans, and blue tresses Paisley isn't a typical delivery man by any means. She waits patiently to be allowed in, bobbing her headlightly as she shifts her weight from left to right.

Corusca has posed:
    Maybe the door is automatic. There's a sound of a buzzer anyway and the door unlocks and cracks open. Simple cantrips in Miranda's world but really she cannot be bothered to move from where she stands looking down at the city. She's gone casual today and is wearing a pair of blue jeans that look like they were painted on. A black blouse that hangs from one shoulder gives her almost the look of Olivia Newton John. Her hair is certainly full enough for it although much more golden than the actresses' and even finishes the look with high heels. Honestly, Miranda couldn't be bothered to pick an outfit today so she just used an ensemble from decades ago. "In the office." She calls out with a voice loud enough to carry into the receptionist's area.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley hesitates. It's a split second but it'svisible. An eyebrow is arched as the door opens and she takes a deep breath before stepping forward. It's obvious by the expression on the blue haired young woman's face that something is striking her as rather odd. But ultimately she continues forward with purposeful strides, barely sparing a glance for the reception area before pressing forward . "Ms. Madsen? I just need you to sign for these..." She reaches up with her left hand to brush a stray lock away from her eyes. They're bright. Too bright, really; enough to be noticeable to anyone with a background in mystical beings, at least. It could be pure happenstance, of course. Coincidence, however, is rare. The girl proceeds toward Miranda's desk, shifting the objects he has in hand in order to offer over the clipboard. Miranda is studied carefullym, from head to toe. Committed to memory, perhaps.

Corusca has posed:
    The lobby lights were off but the exterior light meant Paisley wasn't walking blind. Inside the office, the lights were off as well. Apparently, Miranda wasn't officially in the office. Still, she turns to face the delivery girl and waits while Paisley studies her. Her blue eyes are met with her own though Miranda's presence could be said to be palpable. "Are you sure you wouldn't wish to stay for tea?" Her voice is inviting, kind even and.. compelling. Even as she asks, she's already walking towards a side bar where she fills a teapot with a bottle of water. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of a delivery by you before. Are you new to the route?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Yeah. First time running deliveries to this part of town." Paisley finds herself nodding in spite of herself. There's a brief second where the girl appears uncertain, a hint of anxiety in her brilliant azure gaze. Then she takes a deep breath and nods, stating forward with a couple slow steps. "I... Haven't really drank tea before. Except, like, the Lipton's peach tea? And I don't think that's what you meant somehow." Paisley wrinkles her nose for a split second but then there's a shy smile. SHe takes another deep breath, her chest swelling as it fills with air. Seeing the outline of the girl's form is difficult- but she's definitely a slender thing. Shorter, no doubt, than she appears to be thanks to those boots. "I don't have any more deliveries to make anyway." Well. Maybe one. Paisley briefly bites her bottom lip. "Working on your day off?"

Corusca has posed:
    Perhaps it is a test to see Paisley's reaction but the teapot begins to heat. There's a cord plugging it into the wall but it is most assuredly magic that is warming the water within as Miranda scoops some loose tea into a ball and drops it into the kettle. "Then you're in for a treat. For all that the English have a sordid past, they have donated one thing to the world culture. Tea." She turns and leans against the bar to watch Paisley. "Yes, it may have originated in China, but it was the Tea Company that brought it to the world's attention and created an obsession. Coffee.. is truly a second fiddle." Her words are honeyed and carry a truth. At least, the truth the world would associate with tea. Maybe she knows differently. Maybe, she knows a mystery within tea.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    he young woman's brow arches again. She nods very slowly and then looks between the teapot and Miranda. once, then twice. Her forehead furrowsdelicately for a second and then she frowns. Slowly. "Okay, so. Um. Stop me if I'm wrong. But you're doing- something," she starts, gesturing toward Miranda and the tea."A lto ofsomething, actually. And you're asking me for tea because you know I can tell. Am I getting warm yet?" Ultimately she settles her gaze on Miranda's face. Well, she's pretty. That doesn't help keep the normally intense teenager from fidgeting slightly. "Like... A magical something." She briefly bites her bottom lip, mumbling that last part. Obviously this isn't a conversation she's used to having.

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda stands there without any show of surprise. "Which then begs the question as to how you can tell." She smiles then and turns to pour two cups of tea. A moment of consideration and she drops a single lump of sugar into each then turns to offer a cup to Paisley. "I had my suspicions but thank you for confirming them." Without so much as a glance at the door to the office, it slowly swings closed with a soft click of the latch. Miranda, meanwhile, walks languidly towards her chair and seats herself behind her desk. Once settled, she holds thecup before her chin and its steam wafts up before her face as she is backlit by the daylight outside. The vertical blinds slash at the light creating a somewhat ominous scene.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley takes the cup and shrugs, nodding slowly as she is doing so. "I mean... You're already scoping me out and I have no clue what is going on so I might as well be up front with you. Only way I haveachance of figuring out what's up, right?" She sips at her, tilting her head slightly to the left. Blue hair frmaes the motion, falling acrossthe girl's shoulders as she moves. Steam wafts in front of her eyes and she draws a deep breath of it. Ominous seems to suit the girl. Paisley, really, is made for it. "Thanks," she offers after a couple of seconds, almost as an earnest afterthought. "So... Did you want something or is this just a magic party?" She asks slowly, failing to hide her nerves behind a wall of quiet sarcasm. "I don't know how I can tell. How can you tell?"

Corusca has posed:
    "Because it's magic my dear." Miranda allows cryptically. "Those blessed with the art can sense the power in another. Generally. Sometimes, they are merely gifted by magic and not with magic. That is.. what I am trying to discern with you." She sips her tea. "Mm. But that does remind me." She reaches out and takes the package, opening it by sliding a finger across the seal. She opens the package and gives the paper within a quick glance then slides it back in. "So which is it? Witchcraft or something else? I'm idly curious of course. I think you would do well with a much better employment than as a courier."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Oh, wait. Are you some kind of a witch then?" The tension through Paisley's shoulders is palpable now and she covers it partially by taking a sip of tea. She has a quiet sort of frenetic energy, contained primarily within her slender frame by a slight shaking intensity, like she might burst into action at any moment. "I don't know. I don't really- do anything specific, I guess." Paisley blinks her eyes a couple times before taking a deep breath. She holds it for a long second and then exhales carefully. "Someone said they thought I wasa faerie once. WHat are you?" Despite appearing reticent Paisley is strangely forthcoming. She keepsher gaze firmly affixed to Miranda for now.

Corusca has posed:
    "Witch is such a tired word." Miranda drolls as she sips her tea. "I am a wielder of arcana forces. Knowledgeable in the arts. And no one to be trifled with." Her blue eyes meet Paisley's and a flash of light crosses them. Even in that instant of ferocity, she smiles kindly and leans back into her chair. "But have no fear, I am not going to..." She waves her hand. "turn you to stone or clip your wings or any such nonsense." She laughs. "No, on the contrary, you have me intrigued and, as it happens, I am easily intrigued." Miranda breaks eye contact to look Paisley over again. "So what can I offer you." It's a rhetorical statement. "A job. Answers. Perhaps, protection. For there are many forces at work in the larger world." She sips her tea again. "What would I require? Loyalty and discretion. It would not do for either of us to have our natures broadcast to a larger world. Would you not agree?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "A date," Paisley responds in that sarcastic tone she seems likely to favour outside this sort of company. She nearly deadpans it, meeting those blue eyes as the woman i nfront of her is making her proposal clear. Paisley sips from her cup again, tilting her head very sligthly as she does so. She would probably be drawing her knees closer to her core were she seated and as it is the discomfiture leads to quiet fidgeting. "You're definitely right, though. I'd rather stop broadcasting what I am to literally everyone..." She shakes her head slowly then, taking a deep breath. "Oh, I can add that to the list.. What are you really? Fair's fair. If you want my loyalty then I want your trust." There's some magic in those words, coiled and waiting. Paisley is always somewhat magical but it coils around her and the environmen around her as she speaks. "At least to some extent. You know."

Corusca has posed:
"Then we'll have to work on both, it would seem." Miranda states wanly. "For what you require is, indeed, fair but neither of us are willing to give it so readily. Which is as it should be. I wouldn't trust anyone so quickly as that and neither would you grant loyalty as quickly." She muses over the tea. "How about we keep it to a simple.. personal assistant sort of relationship right now. Something where my business dealings will be kept discrete and in return I will pay you a healthy salary with benefits as well as lodging and a car. Strictly arcana free. If that works out, then, perhaps, we will delve into the greater meaning of our existence. A nonbinding relationship that either of us can sever if we get uncomfortable with it under the understanding that neither shall reveal the other's nature." She sips. "Fair?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
"You're paying attention. Cool. Yeah, that sounds fair..." Paisley responds slowly, tilting her head again as she does. A quick, deep breath and then a sharp exhalation follow in rapid succession. She then twists slightly and glances toward the door behind her. Then her cup is drained and she folds her fingertips over the top edge thereof. Blue eyes dance about the room before returning to Miranda once more. "I'm just going to warn you now I might be a terrible assistant. I will try to fuck anything up though." She shrugs at that.

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda laughs. "I'm not worried about you screwing up my financials. I handle those. I merely need someone who can pretend to be a personal secretary and a chauffeur for those times I need another body. Plus, your talents will come in handy I'm sure. But I will leave those to your personal discretion as they are not a part of our agreement." She dips her chin to the girl. "Now. First thing's first, let me sign for this package and then you should go to .. hmm. You know." She rises from her chair, setting the cup down. "Why don't I just take you." She's pressing buttons on her desk phone and extending a hand towards Paisley as if gesturing for the little sign pad thing.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Just take me?" Paisley asks, arching a brow. She shuffles objects around between her hands to get her clipboard free of everything else she is carrying and then offers it to Miranda in response to the gesture. "Take me where?" Paisley ask s then, tilting her head slightly as she does so. "But yeah, I do kind of need the signature. Good will at least. I like my... Old? Job." SHe frowns at that for a second before shrugging. "Oh, whatever."

Corusca has posed:
    "Saks St. Martin's, dear." Miranda declares as a lady picks up the phone. "Deborah, darling, I have an emergency.. yes one of those.. oh don't tell me you don't enjoy them or your commission.. twenty minutes.. yes.. full treatment.." She signs the pad then hangs up. "You're getting a makeover." It's a declarative. "If you're going to work for me then you will have grace and poise and look the part." Then she laughs. "Not that you have a trouble with that but formal dinners do require more than jeans. And yes, I'll understand if you don't want to be in the limelight. Neither do I. I don't give interviews and rarely go out so I won't need your services that often. Feel free to buy a pair of eyeglasses if you want to give yourself the less desirable look." She's already moving to get her jacket. "We'll stop by your job on the way."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Wait a second. I'm not ditching the studs for anything?" Tongue, below the lip. Paisley shakes her head slowly. "You want me to look and eel the part? Well... Fine." Paisley takes a deep breath and then gestures to herself while staring pointedly at Miranda. In an instant... Everything changes. her hair is a deep violet now, a subtle color that might be mistaken for black, and there's a red rose tucked into the elegant french bun. Jean and jackets are exchanged entirely for a gown in a rich cream colour that highlights the girl's complexion and her eyes. Her shoulders and arms are bare- no tattoos and she seems to be wearing four inch heels. 5'5", now obviously an affectation.

    Paisley frowns for a second, tilting her head. "Not the colour dress I wanted... Oh, whatever. See? How do I like?" She asks. Shrugging. "You can go ahead and touch if you wan. The glamour's good for that. That's- what I call it? Right? A glamour. I can't tell what I am remembering and whatI am making up half the time anymore."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda arches a brow at the sudden shift in Paisley's appearance. "Not bad.. though the biggest problem will be that you don't know branding. Even if it looks nice, if it doesn't have the right tag.. and these.. people.. know." Seems she censored herself a moment there. "But we might be able to sell it as custom." She paces a circle around Paisley, looking her up and down. "Well. Let's get you a few things anyway. Who doesn't like to shop, hmm?" She smiles and takes up her clutch. "Besides, there will be times when we'll not wish to be overtly magical. That and.. having an expensive wardrobe without any bills to account for it? Brings questions." She winks at that point and opens the door more traditionally.. with her hand.