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Latest revision as of 09:37, 30 December 2023

But You Are So Old
Date of Scene: 29 December 2023
Location: Flatlands, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Time for a birthday dinner and new rules are put in place for the future.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Phobos has posed:
    Something akin to Winter had wandered into the city of Manhattan. The cascade of bright lights from on high reflects off the small hints of freshly fallen snow, giving the side street outside the Derby Exhibition center an almost glittery hint of frost. The casual amble of citizens walking along the street, dressed tight in their overcoats and gloves and mittens, seemed to embrace that state of the world. Couples walked close, arm in arm and holding onto each other to share that warmth. Steamy breaths were seen as people strolled. It all had a feeling of a festive start to Winter.
    And Alexander and Natasha were no exception.
    Walking down the street away from the exhibition center, arm in arm with the young man's hand gently resting upon hers in the crook of his arm, he smiled as he looked down the street and then glanced back with those curious eyes of his as they continued their conversation from moments before that had only been interrupted with him pushing the door to the outside open.
    "You realize it's a long-standing tradition with the Greeks that on someone's birthday it's the responsibility of the birthday person to give out presents to their closest allies for their support and nurturing manner." The youth had that deadpan down perfectly, so many people couldn't read his sense of humor. But Natasha...
    He went on and elaborated, "Though I do know that's not your tradition. I suggest meeting in the middle. For my birthday, I receive presents. For yours... then you give them out. Sounds fair."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There was that tiny twitch of her lips, the smirk almost appearing but managing to be controlled as she kept a straight face. Which he would know was a real moment because, if she had chosen, she could've hidden even that.

Yet Alexander had gotten through her barriers. Past the mask she wore and learned about the woman within the enigma of the Black Widow. He knew her. Perhaps moreso than anyone else in the world.

"I must be the worst partner ever. We've been together how long now and I never took into account the customs of your people and gave you the proper attention you deserved on my birthday," she said as though it were the worst offense in the world.

Only to follow it up with a negative shake of the head. "I have a counter offer. We just forget my birthday. You can receive all the presents on yours. Deal?"
Phobos has posed:
    "Allll the presents," He answers with that smile growing as he walks with her, hand gently squeezing hers. Then he shakes his head as his mien shifts slightly, finally rejecting her proposal as he murmurs. "If we never celebrated your birthday we wouldn't have an excuse to get out and do things like this."
    A small nod is given to the side as he says that, the gesture signifying the ballet production they had just enjoyed. "We'd have to come up with excuses to go out, and I couldn't act so put upon."
    Though after he says that he leans into her a little, a hint of an embrace though curated for public consumption in the off chance some might be observing. But the body language between the two is fairly clear.
    "Speaking of which, I do have reservation for Sandrino's, but I didn't know if you'd care to indulge." As he asks his she can read that sub-text, he knew things had been difficult a bit at work of late.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
He hadn't helped in that area. His assistance to R&D ending up with him disappearing into the ether. Which had led to them facing the wrath of Natasha. The thing was, she had been very polite. And quiet. She simply told them to find a way to get him back.


And there were rumors still to this day about what happened the last time he had disappeared on a mission. The Black Widow had taken some extreme steps. Though details were unknown, what was out there involved her going rogue as SHIELD wasn't doing enough in her opinion. And there was something about her raiding the armory and stealing a quinjet. But then she was back--with Alexander. And it was like nothing happened. So it couldn't be real, just rumor and people telling silly tales to make her reputation grow.

Yet, if it was true? R&D didn't want to be the recipients of her anger if they had lost Agent Aaron for good. Thus, they had worked hard even as she just stood there silently watching until they finally managed to reverse whatever had happened. Then she had nodded and simply left the researchers.

"Sandrino's sounds lovely. It's been..." Her voice stopped as she considered then she raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Months? Wow, time flies when you're ancient." A little joke at her own expense because she was really, really old.

"Though you're right. We probably would just stay in the house and watching trains, if not for special ocassions."
Phobos has posed:
    "There is nothing wrong with trains or watching SlowTV." Alexander said sidelong as they strolled, a hint of affected indignity laced into those words. He gives a little nod forward as they walk, indicating a slight change of their strolling path since if they're going to Sandrino's they need to move uptown.
    "Did you know they have a firepit now?" He asks conversationally as they walk, taking the corner and turning onto the avenue as they move through the powdery dusting of snow upon the sidewalk, small wispy hints of it drifting across their path.
    "Might be fun to have drinks outside, though I know you're delicate and sensitive to the cold." Which brought forth his wry smile again, considering well...
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It's cold?" came the immediate quipped question back accompanied by a look of utter confusion. It was only puncuated by the way her breath misted in the air when she spoke. Then that smirk was there, the on he knew so well.

"If they have a firepit, it wouldn't be cold so I think I'd be able to survive," Natasha pointed out, though it was completely unnecessary to do so. "And no, I was not previously aware they'd set up a firepit for customers. It's a good idea. People love that."

A little squeeze of his arm with her hand since they were still linked together. "Very romantic too. Or can be. Unless there are smores involved. I don't think it is possible for smores to be romantic. Too much gooey."
Phobos has posed:
    "I'm..." Alexander laughs slightly under his breath as they walk and she mentions s'mores. They pass by an older couple and exchange some smiles. Then once they're suitably out of earshot of the elders he leans in to whisper softly into Natasha's ear. "I'm sure we'd find a way to make them work."
    And when she meets his eyes his own widen ever so slightly to put the playful emphasis upon it, his smile growing as he looks away.
    "So did you get any other interesting gifts for your birthday?" He asks as they continue on their way. His boot scuffs softly as he kicks at some bits of snow upon the ground. A curiously youthful gesture in that moment before he looks back at her. "Anyone over-stepped their bounds? People I have to kill in a vicious display of territorial dominance?"
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That did it. She couldn't keep a straight face and Natasha's laugh was heard for a moment. She quickly stifled because it was night and some people probably didn't want to hear such things from outside their homes but she just couldn't help it. "Vicious display of territorial dominance?"

Her green eyes were filled with amusement as she negatively shook her head. "I can't say that anyone has. Though if they do, you will be the first to know. If only because I have Got to see one of these displays. It is now on my bucket list." As if he she a bucket list.

"Got a new gun from Steve. Well, an old gun actually. An antique he found somewhere. Some fancy wine from Pepper. I don't really get much from anyone else. We're more say happy birthday and that's it. I mean, what do you get for someone like me otherwise?"
Phobos has posed:
    "Oh you'll know such a display if you see it. Very dramatic." Alexander seems utterly unphased by the laughter, treating it as if it is entirely a real thing as he puffs up with his chest out a little. He crinkles his nose at her in a somewhat Taylor Swiftian way as if she had dared to transgress against something oh so serious.
    "A new gun, that's cool. Should take it to the range." Which means he wants to play with it, or is curious about what sort of weapon Steve Rogers would find interesting. Not to mention he still does have a bit of hero worship for the good Captain.
    They round the corner and there, across the street, is indeed the firepit outside in the public seating area for Sandrino's. It's tastefully done with wrought iron fencing around that outer dining area. People are standing around outside, sharing drinks, looking chilly as they hold their wine glasses. The fire is in a metal pit, artistic and fancy with black metal and a plastic barrier around parts of it in case someone might want to leap into it.
    As they approach the front foyer of the restaurant he murmurs, "Speaking of possible territorial displays of dominance. I got an email from Aliki and Margot."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That has her giving him a little glance, a slight grin on her face. "Are you expecting me to hunt them down and give them a good thrashing for daring to speak to my man?" Even the way she phrased it showed just how silly the concept was to her. Natasha gave a negative shake of the head. "Not going to happen. I don't feel threatened by them. Or anyone, for that matter," she added with a little shrug as they continued toward the building.

"Such things are based in vulnerabilities like self doubt. I have no doubts about myself. Nor about you and your feelings for me. So I'm not worried about them sending you an email."

She paused as he opened the door for her, not because she expected it but she was kind of getting used to it. It just was a thing he did on nights like this especially. "Hope they are well. What'd they have to say?"
Phobos has posed:
    "I mean, that is a little bit hot." Alex answers in way of expectations vis a vis hunting down and thrashing. His half-grin is playful as he pulls open the door and holds it for her, then he steps in with her. For a moment their conversation is put on hold as he deals with the rigamaroll of getting their reservations in order and seated.
    "Aaron, party of two." He tells the hostess who smiles at them both, her eyes brightening upon seeing the handsome couple. She looks at her list and proceeds to make a few marks, then lifts her head. "Follow me, please."
    They're led into the restaurant proper, past the large stone oven area, past a large collection of collectibles from Italy's countryside some two centuries ago. Then it's to a side table where Alexander lightly touches the back of her chair and slightly turning it, waiting for her to get settled before he joins her.
    Once they're left to their own devices he smiles across the way at Natasha. "They intimated that they might indulge in certain activities when their circus comes to town, and were asking if I might be able to use my 'influence' to help them have an easier ride with it."
    Alex unfolds his napkin and sets out his silverware carefully, casually placing them precisely in the same place he always does. Fork near his left hand, knife near his right. "I told them that they are greatly over-estimating that influence."
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It's easy enough to read between the lines since he has filled her in about the sibling acrobats from his past. "Ahhh," was accompanied with a nod of the head from Natasha. "Considering their typical endeavors and your choice of career, I think that yes they have indeed over estimated what might be done to assist them."

He does have his job to think about, after all. Not that they are complete stick-in-the-muds. After all, she supported vigilantism despite it technically being illegal. She also did questionable things, though they were in the performance of her duties for her work. So she didn't judge the theives too harshly.

Yet at the same time, if they were stealing her stuff? She'd be quite upset. Thus she could see that them doing it to others was bad. Officially.

"Or were they meaning the ...other influence?" She sort of glanced toward the ceiling when she said it, insinuating the higher power thing. In other words, did they want the god of fear stacking the deck in their favor or Agent Aaron getting the cops to look the other way?
Phobos has posed:
    "You know..." Alexander pauses for a moment as he opens the menu. "I hadn't thought of that. I mean..." Alex's eyes distance a little as if looking over Natasha's shoulder, seeing some distant possibility. "Maybe they could be asking for my divine intervention. Or to talk to Fortuna?"
    His lips twist and then he takes a brief glance at the menu before folding it back up and setting it on the table, likely already having decided to have his usual of the bolognese with meatballs.
    But then he breaks off that line of conversation as he rests his hands upon the tabletop, leaning forward a little. She'll feel the slight touch of the toe of his shoe against hers as he looks to catch her eye. "Happy Birthday, babe." The first time he's called her that... at least out in public.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I mean, if I was in their shoes, I'd probably want that divine side helping me out," Natasha admitted with another little shrug.

She didn't even look at the menu. She knew what she wanted as she ordered it everytime they came. At least, now she did. The first few trips, she would try something new each time but once she had tasted their mushroom ravioli? That's all she ever got now. Perhaps someday she would continue the tour of Italian cuisine but today was not that day!

At the happy birthday, she wrinkled her nose a little but then relaxed and smiled as she gave his hand a squeeze even as she put her foot more alongside his where she could shift it as needed. Like if she wanted to rub his calf softly with the toe, easy transition to do so.

"Thank you. Though I was being serious, we don't need to celebrate my birthdays. It seems kind of..silly? Considering how many there have been and will be." Which might be odd if one thinks about it because it wasn't until she actually had become part of the Avengers that her birthday even became a thing. It wasn't like they got cake and presents in the Red Room.
Phobos has posed:
    "To be honest, Natasha..." Alexander smiles, "It really is an excuse for the people around you. A reason to do things, to say things." He squeezes her hand gently, running his thumb gently over her knuckles. "I mean, not like we need excuses to say 'I love you'. But..." He looks around at the room, their surroundings, the quiet murmur of the crowd. "It is, I love you, Natasha. I feel very lucky to have you in my life, and to consider that it's the team of us against the world."
    He meets her eyes, then his brow furrows ever so slightly as he murmurs with a hint of playful sharpness to his tone. "So stop being a butt. Sheez."
    And as he says that he leans forward a little to share a small kiss if she's so inclined. Though that is the moment when the waitress comes by with their glasses of water.
Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The first part had the desired effect. Natasha felt those warm fuzzies spreading through her body from the dopamine hit of happiness. Just hearing him say those words. Words that mirrored how she felt. Since it was the pair of them and that's what mattered. Certainly they had friends but their bond to each other seemed to transcend what anyone else might experience. Or maybe she was just silly.

But then before she could get all mushy back, he finished up. And she rolled her eyes while giving his hand a playful little pat/slap. "Thanks for making sure I didn't go all soft there. We wouldn't want that happening!"

Though she did accept the small kiss, even meeting him halfway and smiling at him. "I love you too. More than I ever though was possible." Which was said even though the waitress was there because Nat really didn't care.

They did take that opportunity to give their orders. Each as expected.
Phobos has posed:
    The waitress, an older woman for her part, gets a smile and says, "Aww, cute tweety birds." As she sets the waters down and then takes up her notepad. "What will we be having tonight?"