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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/21 |Location=Upstate New York |Synopsis=An attempted heist to steal a field generator for his own purposes goes very, very wrong for a certain Citizen Marko. |Cast of Characters=282, 954 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:282|Juggernaut (282)}} has posed:'''<br>THREE DAYS AGO:<br>"Alright fellas. I did that favor for you a few weeks back. Did you come through for me? And there better not be any ninjas this time."<br><br>"Yes sir,...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 09:49, 30 December 2023

Train Spottin'
Date of Scene: 21 December 2023
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: An attempted heist to steal a field generator for his own purposes goes very, very wrong for a certain Citizen Marko.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Mon-El

Juggernaut has posed:
"Alright fellas. I did that favor for you a few weeks back. Did you come through for me? And there better not be any ninjas this time."

"Yes sir, We followed your directions, scoped it all out and verified it just like you said. It's experimental but the output matches all the parameters you were given and--"

"Alright already. Thanks. So where is it?"

"There's a military convoy that'll be passing through these railyards here about thirty miles west of Westche--"



"You gotta be kiddin' me.."


The movement of military equipment by rail is nothing out of the ordinary and usually doesn't garner too much attention from the average citizen. There is the occasional disruption of traffic and annoyance that comes along with it but by and large it's just one of those things that happens. The hyper aware may take note, however. One can never be too careful or cautious after all. But as far as the convoys themselves are concerned, it's business as usual as a particular railyard in Long Island is the current site of one such convoy making its way through on the way to deliver ammunition, tanks, jeeps, and other assorted goods and services to a garrison further into the state.

Though most of the flat beds and cars contain such mundane bits of equipment there is one particular more heavily guarded and armored car that seems to have...a touch more attention to detail. A few ..extra..soldiers riding along with it. An implication of something special within.

Observing this from a nearby bridge that crosses over the rail yard is a..particularly gigantic red haired man. But for his size..which is staggering, make no mistake, he's dressed rather casually with a brown leather jacket stretched across his gargantuan torso, a green tee shirt, brown slacks and a winter skull cap pulled down over top his hair as he lazily pages through the Daily Bugle while the convoy slowly drags its way underneath the bridge.
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar Gand has been away from Earth for quite some time, handling Legion business in other sectors...and...times? Time is such an odd thing, really. Especially for those who have lived the future once already. Or at least, -a- future, anyway.

    At any rate, Lar had made his way back toward the Tri-State area, just to check up on things, and as it happens, spots the familiar hulking figure standing on that bridge.

    Ugh, -that- guy.

    You know, the one who punched him through seven buildings once. Even as casual as he looks, standing there on the bridge not even wearing any armor and paging through the Daily Bugle, Lar just has a feeling that he's up to no good.

    Presently, he walks up to the giant of a man, leaning on the bridge railing just as casually as he glances at the paper in Juggernaut's hands. "So...anything juicy?" he asks, out of the blue.
Juggernaut has posed:
Super Hearing would pick up the giant muttering: "I see it. Yeah it's a bit earlier. Alright. Get ready. Have your teleporter ready on time this time!"

He's mumbling, an ear piece serving as the connection to the mutant mercenaries who he involved in whatever is about to go down.

Though perhaps 'hire' is a bit strong. They owe him a favor for him deigning to work with them on another heist and having 'We did a job for The Juggernaut' is great for the resum--

"Hey what the!"

The giants deep voice booms in surprise as Mon-El just sort of shows up out of nowhere, leans right into his personal space and speaks to him as casual as if he were walking in on a personal friend. The newspaper crumples and then rips apart as his massive arms spasm, boulder like biceps splitting the sleeves of his jacket as his pupils dilate and he just stares at Mon-El in shock.

"....You! What the---" he rumbles before looking at Mon-El an then looking back to the incoming train and then back to Mon-El again. His eyes narrow a touch before he sneers out. "Beat it, kid. I'm busy! I'm on the clock here!"
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar follows the large mutant's gaze as he glances at the train. Yeah, he'd overheard that bit of conversation, and he's guessing it has something to do with what's on that train. Briefly, he switches to X-ray vision, attempting to peer into the cars and figure out what he must be after. Especially that one. You know, the one with the extra guards around it.

    Then he looks back to Juggernaut, arching a brow at him. "Good to see you again too, Jugs." he remarks, chuckling. "I know it's been a while. Crossing lightyears and all, you know."
Juggernaut has posed:
He's no mutant but Lars could be forgiven for thinking that's all he was. His size, even at his most restrained, puts him more inline with a human wrecking ball then a normal man after all.

His expression looks like it would crumple iron but Lars is made of sterner stuff obviously and the casual manner by which he's addressing the giant is not helping matters. However, there is the fact that Cain has not simply attacked him yet. Juggernaut may be brutish but he is savvy.

"Mind yer business chum." he rumbles at Lars while tossing the balled up paper over his shoulder now. "You got a nice punch but you don't wanna get into it with me again.... I got less reason t'hold back." Seven buildings is apparently holding back.

The train, in the meantime, seems rather mundane. Earth based supplies. Gear that doesn't hold a candle to any sort of tech that Mon-El has seen..Except for that one guarded train that seems to be holding some sort of massive generator in it. Hints of a higher understanding of technology lie upon it. Various iconography of S.T.A.R. Labs can be seen about as well. Very much 'not the norm' there.
Mon-El has posed:
    Aha. That must be the target. Lar makes note of that in the back of his mind.

    "Oh, really? Wow, thanks." he replies when Juggernaut tells him he has a 'nice punch.' "Coming from someone like you, especially."

    "Hey, I wasn't nosing. Did I ask you any nosy questions? Just what was in the paper, that's all." He points out, momentarily watching the Bugle get tossed over a shoulder.
Juggernaut has posed:

Cain's grin becomes almost shark like, as he seems to switch moods on a dime as Lars speaks. "Well if that's settled then you won't mind if I get t'work and be on my way. With you having come all these light years and stuff this probably is all sorts of borin' to you. So don't mind me. Sit back and watch and maybe take notes." Cain grins widens abit more, full toothed as crimson energy begins crackling around his body, "I got a train to catch..."

It might be an eye rolling witty remark but the fact that a furious burst of crackling magical energy ripples across his body might do the rest of the work for the purposes of intimidation and how serious this matter may yet become.

As the energy rages, his body enlarges and energies from the distant arcane crimson cosmos crackle like ball lightning around his form. Ballooning up and out in size. Ten feet tall by four or five feet wide, give or take a foot two. His armor wraps about his form, leaving his colossal arms bare save for their arm bands and the enomous knuckle dusters and his domed helmet ripples into being on his head.

The summoning of his armor and the resultant shift of his massive size finishes with him giving Mon-El a salute and then wave as he drops off backwards from the bridge, sundering the rails like twin and falling towards the railyard below. His impact is an immediate thunderous *TWHOOOM* that shakes the area, cracking windows and causing nearby bystanders to stumble and fall as the impact crater from his touchdown widens.

"You just sit tight right there!" he yells up towards Mon-El
Mon-El has posed:
    "Good luck!" Lar shouts as Cain dramatically shifts into his armor and gains...a lot of pounds, then drops off of the bridge and smashes into the railyard below. He watches as the ground craters and people stumble, as expected.

    Then he sighs and sheds his civilian clothes, leaving the Legion uniform underneath exposed before he zooms off toward the oncoming train and aims his thermal vision straight at the couplings between the car with the S.T.A.R labs tech and the rest of the train--at least, the part where the engines were. Then he drops down in front of the railcar and attempts to stop it in its tracks, doing his best not to cause any harm to its occupants or any of the guards.
Juggernaut has posed:
The soldiers are scattering. Civilians up on the streets below are taking videos, pictures, and scattering. The ground is scattering. Everyone and everything just..scattering.

As to the train itself, Mon-El's quick work seperates the cars alright and certainly with his Daxamite gifted power, the oncoming train is no match for him even with the great momentum of the rest of the train behind it. It might take some efffort. It is a full on moving train after all - but - less effort had it been traveling at full speed in the countryside. There's something to be said for that it was moving at a more restrained place here in these yards and in this small town it was passing through.

The ground shakes and there is a loud sound of metal being wrenched and the ground sundering. A huge shadow falls over Mon-El as, some distance away, Juggernaut's voice rumbles,

"See, that's what I get for trusting somebody. I thought we had an understandin'........"

Right before the train engine itself comes hurtling through the air, having been hauled up by the behemoth like so much cardboard, the drivers tumbling out just in time to fall at the legs of the titan.

It's a solid aim as well. It should catch Mon-El as a flanking strike and while it might also crash part way into the car holding the tech, it's coming at Mon El front ways first so the side swiping effect should be minimized.

"What's happening??" shouts a voice into Juggernaut's ear piece.

"Just get the portal ready on my mark! I got a little pest control to do!" the beheomth answers, still recoiling from his throw.
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar expected that looming shadow. The train engine comes flying, and the Daxamite raises an arm in front of himself to swat it away from more vital parts of his body as best he can. It collides with his upper arm, then crashes down to the ground with the loud sound of metal tearing, clanging, and screeching. As if he'd been struck with an oversized cardboard box in the shape of a train engine. Hopefully that company has some really good insurance.

    "What? I just said, I didn't ask any nosy questions. Which, I didn't!" Lar points out again. He floats into the air, then lands on top of the railcar with the generator inside. There is another terrible sound--more metal tearing as he pulls the roof off and lifts the generator out. "This what you're after?" he asks.
Juggernaut has posed:
The lack of damage and ease by which Mon El deals with the train toss does not go unnoticed. A similar tactic would have worked on the likes of Superman, perhaps, if he'd have been a little faster but the Legion's training and readiness proved too much and Juggernaut's teeth begin to grind, especially as Mon-El retrieves the generator, lifting it up from the train and releasing its moorings in the process.

The soldiers continue to scramble, guns training abit on the giant and the Daxamite, with whom they lack familiarity, though some orders are being barked to consider him on their side.

"Hold on the portal." he grunts into his comm link, eyes glaring fury at the Daxamite prince, "We got a flier, strong. Kryptonian maybe. He's got the goods. Wait until my mark..."

Juggernaut's deep voice then raises and he booms loudly, "Alright, fine. What're you gonna do - damage it? Throw it into orbit? Ruin the day of the folk who made it? You think they'll thank you for it? Just set it down and I'll let this slide. Next time I won't be sendin' anything as 'soft' as a freight train engine at you. You already know how that's gonna turn out!"

He frowns now, lifting a massive arm up to point at Mon-El, "Don't make me ask again...." he then shrugs, lifting his arms to the side and raising them up slightly, "Just drop it towards me and we can all go home. Whaddya say, chum?"
Mon-El has posed:
    Even as the soldiers scramble to decide what to do or who is on their side, Lar doesn't pay them much mind, as long as their lives aren't in immediate danger just yet. Instead, his attention is focused on Juggernaut.

    He shrugs. "Okay," he begins. "I'll put it down." Just not here. And he begins to fly off, away from the railyard and the town. Somewhere unpopulated for...miles. However, he is not flying at top speed. No, just fast enough for Cain to actually follow him without losing sight of him.
Juggernaut has posed:
The behemoth sighs as he begins to do this. "Oh you gonna pull that tactic..." He shakes his head, "Just a kid.. I'm gonna have to teach him a lesson..."

The soldiers look on, confused at this and begin chattering in their radios. Is -he- stealing it? What's going on.

One soldier turns towards another..only for the second's face to go sheet white as Juggernaut looms overhead, reaching for him and rumbling. "Sorry buddy. Gotta 'act like a villain' here.."

And an instant later he shouts, "Hey! Think fast!" and with a whirl of his arm, sends the soldier screaming and soaring upwards arcing into the air above Mon-El like a blur.

Gunfire erupts as the men begin to panic and it thuds harmlessly into the giant who is already moving towards the train car that Mon-El had ripped open. There is a groaning sound as metal folds and buckles, bunching up like tinfoil as the goliath balls the car up and then shot puts it upwards with a flick of his fingers. As the main goes sailing, so does the debris, this one tumbling into the air and beginning to arc down towards one of the buildings on teh streets above the railyard. A cafe.

"Time to figure out yer priorities, hero!" Juggernaut shouts while the ground shakes wildly and the air fills with gunfire as he prepares to leap up to the street levels.
Mon-El has posed:
    Single soldier? No problem. Lar keeps hold of the generator with one hand, while he flies to the hapless human and grabs him with the other before setting him gently on the ground.

    But then...but -then-, Juggernaut has to go and throw a wadded up railcar at a cafe on the street. Reflexes kick in, and Lar zooms toward it. However, keeping a grip on the generator and flying that fast don't go together, and the friction causes the handle or indent or whatever he was using to grip the thing to be wrenched off with a terrible groan. The payload falls back down with a loud crash, cracking in many places.

    Meanwhile, Lar continues up and grabs the destroyed railcar in midair before tossing it down onto an empty parking lot.
Juggernaut has posed:
It's not over, oh no no no no. He figured a single soldier wouldn't be enough - and no sooner has he landed in the streets does a rapidly reversing car get stopped by him, the crumpled front end of it squelching with oil spraying and metal wrenching and the woman inside screaming as Juggernaut turns and with a casual toss, sends it spinning into the air away from the cafe.

People are running in all directions now, but the giant seems to not be deliberately aiming for -them- as much as the property around them. A parked car gets kicked over violently, tumbling down the streets towards another storefront as he goes charging ahead ..

Only to see the generator come crashing down from a height well above that of the streets to violently crash into the pavement with a spray of metal, concrete and plastic.

"Oh -hell- no."

Juggernaut was expecting Mon-El to try and set the thing back down. Not just flat out -drop- it. "You idiot!" he thunders, "You busted it all up!" as he leaps and lands right next to it.. Faced with a decision here. He could still take it - or leave it as is with Mon-El to deal with teh rammifications of having so badly damaged it. Either way, S.T.A.R. Labs has a damaged experimental field generator...or just not one at all while Juggernaut would have one he'd have to figure out how to repair. Decisions, decisions.

"Hone in on my signal. Get the portal open!" he yells as his mind races. His knuckles crack as his boulder sized fists clench. Option three is lingering in his mind as well: Attempt to beat Mon-El unconscious...
Mon-El has posed:
    But as soon as Lar had finished dealing with the wrecked railcar, Juggernaut has to go and throw a car with innocent people in it. Again, he zooms off, grabbing the car and setting it down gently somewhere somewhere.

    Still, that wasn't enough. The giant of a man starts tossing things everywhere, without heed to any bystanders. Frustrated, Lar zips in front of the car headed for the storefront now, grabbing it as well and setting down out of the way.

    And then he has the nerve to blame the damaged generator on -him-? "-I- busted it up? Seriously? -You're- the one who tossed a railcar at a cafe. Did you think I was gonna protect a piece of tech over a cafe full of people?"
Juggernaut has posed:
"That doesn't mean you were supposed to just DROP IT! What if it was a bomb!" shouts Juggernaut, "You shouldn't have gotten in my way -anyway-!"

"Portal incoming sir!" yells a cheerful voice into his earpiece as just behind the giant a swhirling field of blue energy begins to form. Juggernaut glares at it and then back at the machine...and then sighs.

His trouble, his money, and all he's got to show for it is a busted up machine. Trying to hire someone to fix it or give out a favor to pull in someone tech savvy to do it seems....more trouble then its worth.

And Mon-El is the source of his ire. So...the final solution is simply: Petty Juggernaut.

His massive hand comes up and grips onto the back of the generator as he yells, "Fine! Here!"

And with that, he sends it slamming through the air like a rocket being launched for space, straight towards Mon-El, this time sparing little force, the object coming thundering in with all the fury of those fists the Daxamite had been introduced to some time back.. It'll hit him, or it'll go barreling through a building or a few blocks, that is unless he attempts to intervene in other ways but either way, it's like a missile.

Hardly has the shotput of the device occured is Juggernaut stepping backwards through the mutant made portal leading back to his hideout in Madripoor.

"Hope yer good at playing goalie! See ya around, hero!".
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar turns and wastes not another fraction of a second in getting after the generator and getting it away from anywhere it could hurt any innocent bystanders. He doesn't dignify Juggernaut with a response, letting the man retreat back to Madripoor, without his prize.